Time to Correct our Political Aberrations
Posted on 19. Jul, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg in Opinion
By General Mirza Aslam Beg
March 1979, General Ziaul Haque directed his Corps Commanders to ascertain the likely reaction of the officers and the troops, if Bhutto was hanged, as per Supreme Court’s verdict. I was commanding 14 Division at Okara and was called for the meeting at Multan. Giving my views on the subject, I said:
“Hanging of Bhutto would be an unwise act, which could cause very serious “political aberrations”, difficult to correct. He better be sent into exile, to buy his time. As regards the reaction of my troops, I am not sure, because facing the violent mob would be my company and battalion commanders, and it would be difficult for them to shoot at their own kith and kin, as it had happened in 1977, at Lahore. My troops are trained to fight the enemy and not their own people.”
The Corps Commander lost his cool, called-off the meeting, and directed his Chief of Staff, Brigadier (now General) Hamid Gul: “I do not want this officer in my formation. Connect me to the Chief and I will have him removed from command,” Brigadier Hamid Gul pleaded: “Sir, you asked for General Beg’s opinion and he gave his candid views. Removing him from command, may not be appropriate at this moment. You may like to apprise the Chief and let him decide.” The Corps Commander paused for a while and said “OK put up the report.”
I had been wondering why General Zia did not opt for the better choice, i.e., send Bhutto into Exile, to honour the demand of our people and many of the world leaders. Was it due to lack of courage, expediency or some compulsion, was beyond my comprehension. Bhutto was hanged and there followed a trail of political turmoil, muddying the very face of democracy. Had Bhutto not been killed, Benazir Bhutto would have lived the day and the Pakistani nation would not have been suffering the aberrated legacy, as of now. However, my anxiety deepened further, when I read the column by the veteran diplomat, Dr. S.M. Koreshi, in 2009. He wrote “about two years after Bhutto’s hanging, General Zia sent me to Mr. Yasser Arafat, to pacify him because he was very angry on Bhutto’s hanging. I met Mr. Arafat, who told me that, General Zia, while inside Khan-e-Ka’ba, had promised King Khalid and me that he would not hang Bhutto, but he went back on his words and committed an unpardonable sin.”
No doubt General Zia defied God, to earn the curse.
As a result of your evil deeds, “Allah designates leaders on you, your wicked men, to plot (and burrow) there-in, but they only plot against their own souls and they perceive it not”. (Surah Al-Annam 123)
Yet after more than three decades, from the very depth of this very debased political order, is emerging, ‘the corrective process of democracy.’ The two main parties – PPP and PML(N) now are trying to revive the spirit of Charter of Democracy and have succeeded in appointing a non-controversial person as the head of the Election Commission. And the next best step would be to form a care-taker government, as required under the 18th Constitutional amendment. The dividends of the emerging consensus are simply encouraging.
The general elections will be held in time if not earlier. Hopefully the next lot of the elected representatives would prove better in managing the affairs of the state. Thus the system would get a new lease of life and continuity, which are the essential elements of emergence of a robust democratic order, which has put the Evil Nexus, on the back foot, which for the last fifty years, has done much harm to the cause of democracy, depleting our political traditions and values. This Evil Nexus comprising America, Army, Judiciary and the Political Opportunists, now is on the retreat. The Army has affirmed full faith in democracy on 18th February 2008, by saying NO to General Musharraf’s plan and “upholds the Constitution, which embodies the will of the people”. The Judiciary gave the verdict on 31st July 2009, “never again to support a military rule” and stands firm, safeguarding its independence against the onslaught of the aberrators. The Americans find themselves helpless, to play the old game of ‘regime-change.’ Thus the “harmony between the institutions” is the guarantee to uphold the constitution as the “best revenge democracy could offer”.
Out of the depths of sorrow and sacrifice, a new order is emerging to sustain democracy and its ‘self-correcting process.’ That is the revenge of democracy, and the silver-lining on the horizon for the oppressed in Pakistan.
a WordPress rating system
19. Jul, 2012
general sahib, WHY are you surprised by the the text below is not at all surprising
"Mr. Arafat, who told me that, General Zia, while inside Khan-e-Ka’ba, had promised King Khalid and me that he would not hang Bhutto, but he went back on his words and committed an unpardonable sin.”
we have our HOLY LAND occupied by crusader whores
all Islamic history erased and obese food houses of crusader in our and surrounding our most holy sites
but this sacriledgw is nothing when who take into account who has the audacity to call themselves the "custodian of Islams most holy sites"
the cused house of saud slaughtered women, babies + children in Houlah Syria – point blank shooting and than BREAKING THE SKULL WITH HEAVY OBJECT
Syrian regime can no longer stay in power, says Turkish parliament speaker
Our sorrow on the developments in Syria has risen at a time when we are approaching Ramadan, a season of brotherhood, justice and peace, Cicek stated
What would this butcher of Syria and crimes against Islam know about Ramadhan?
You look at Pakistani gov and you wonder what religion do they follow
24 Pakistani soldiers were murdered
Afghan women and children are raped, shot and set on fire and what do the Pakistani women in gov – sherry + khar do?
21. Jul, 2012
Brother, I have to disagree with you. In short I want to make few points.
There was only one problem in the mideast the Palestenian issue, but after 1979 there are two fitna one from Palestine and the other one from this cult which came to power in tehran with the help of the west particularly zionists. The cult has created fitna and has spread lies and disillusionment to the muslims in iran and across the muslim world. Look around how this cult has created violent following all over pakistan, saudia, yemen, bahrain syria. For your information the largest number of iranian spies are concentrated in pakistan and carrying out murder of prominent and noble scholars of islam.
This cult in tehran was cheering the fighters in libya and egypt, but has aided another evil cult in power in damascus to carry out a genocide against muslims in syria (over 50,000 killed in Hama 1982 and almost the same number killed today). These are the same cult of Hashishoun whom Sultan Saludin had to clean up to kick the crusaders out 9 centuries ago, but unfortunately now control muslim lands of damascus and tehran. A piece of history other groups in syria like Druze and Christians helped Saladin through their scouting operations against the crusaders. Saladin rewarded these groups after the crusaders were defeated.
Today the kuffar want us to hate our muslim brothers in the arab world by distorting facts and history. Just find out over half of foreign remitance in pakistan comes from the gulf.
After all what we can expect from a cult that spews hatered against the prophet's family (SAW), sahabi, rashedin (RA) and created story books of lies and disillisionment to control the musguided masses in iran and other places.
Time to wake up brother to this fitna from Tehran, which are no different from the zionists. Find out how zionist hindus have got foothold in Afghanistan, thru chabahar port in tehran. The cult has evil designs with the zionist both in the west and in india to keep pakistan a hostage. The arab world has always helped us to the best they can, but never this imposter cult of tehran.
Brother do not be fooled by this cult's sweet talk on Islam and muslims, for under the garb of good conversation lies the most evil that lives in the muslim world.
19. Jul, 2012
Zia hanged Bhutto because he was told by US that if id not get rid of Bhutto, Bhutto will certainly get rid of him. In practice, both Bhutto and Zia were were American poodles – as were (and are) many Pakistani Generals.
Yasar Arafat was no different than Zia.
Jeffrey Blankfort, an American Jewish writer, author and human-rights activist, sort of agrees with me. “Having been a major “asset” for the Israelis for years, delivering the land of Palestine to Oslo, apparently the reason behind their placing $8 million a month in his personal bank account afterward, they had nothing to gain by killing him. People who didn’t know better believed the charade about him being a “prisoner” in his Ramallah compound when there was not a single Israeli in sight and from which he could have walked out at any time and the same ones have believed that he was a “hero” and “leader of his people” rather than what he was, a traitor and collaborator. Indeed, the Israelis helped to maintain the fiction. Whenever the people of the WB, who had no love for him, began to complain about the undemocratic practices of the PA, the Israelis would come to his aid by “threatening” him and, as anticipated, the Palestinians would put aside their complaints and rally around him,”he wrote.
Nasim Hassan
19. Jul, 2012
Democracy is a slow process and largely depends on educated civil society. Pakistan has masses of poor people and a small middle class. This will take years to put Pakistan on track.
Other possibility is the emergence of a party or a leader who is competent and honest like Mahatar Mohammed of Malaysia or Erdogan of Turkey to speed up the process.
In my opinion I see only Imran Khan of Pakistan to change the course of history. However would he get elected in Pakistan politics is big question.
Nasim Hassan
20. Jul, 2012
Erdogan of Turkey?
The one who slaughtered LIBYANS – 100,000 of them maimed and ethincally cleansed Libya of true african Libyans
the one arming training and funding the slaughter of Syrians
A bloody crusader whore stupid to initiate the break of Turkey?
no wonder than that you think a racist thug like Imran will be a "good leader" for the balkanisation of Pakistan.
Usually humans think they are above the scale and tend to call derrogative names to the ones they want to insult, usually animals
here something to show who is really above the barbaric humans
tn the US the damned idiots go rattle snake "harassment".
the snakes learnt that if they pretend to be dead and not move the stupid moron will go away
Look at all the stupid politicians who do not know the history haven't bothered to study and think that a bully pulling their strings makes them a leader and thus they are even below the smart snake
21. Jul, 2012
no brother you are wrong it was qaddafi who unleashed all these mercenaries in libya and these terrorist in power in damascus have killed more muslims than you can imagine…
20. Jul, 2012
imran Khan is not even worthy of holding a light to great leaders let alone be "change the course of history.".
that stupid brainless Erdogan and that is what you want for Pakistan?
Educate yourself
Africa's new Nasserist leaf
Great leaders have wisdom, GREAT VISION among other qualities
leaders like
," Nasser wrote to Nkrumah. "To face colonialists in the African continent requires of us all continuous efforts and a sustained struggle to liberate it from old colonialism and neo-colonialism. The setback that has occurred in Ghana must act as a driving force for all o us to continue the struggle for the consolidation of the independence of African peoples and their liberation from imperialist forces," Nasser concluded.
By those yardsticks, Nasser cemented bonds with like-minded leaders throughout the African continent. The legendary Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba, the Guinean strongman Ahmed Sekou Toure and others were the most resolute allies of Nasser in Africa. There was a streak of romanticism in Nasser's approach to Africa, but there was also a practical intent.
Erdogan is a crusader whore and a war criminal
20. Jul, 2012
Agree totally.
Great leaders like Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Ahmed Sekou Toure, Nasser, …………
No PAKISTANI on the above list but Pakistan + Erdogan will make it on the top of a list of those helping Muslim slaughter by crusader nato
NATO tied to Muslim slaughter at Srebrenica: Muslim
massacre at Srebrenica in 1995
Tue Jul 3, 2012 .WWW.PRESS tv.Ir: By Gordon Duff:
Documents indicate that NATO misreported combat casualties, in this case numbering up to 6000 as civilian victims and credited their deaths to Scorpion units when, in fact, they were killed in combat with the Bosnian Serb army. However, this still doesn't
Tariq Ali
20. Jul, 2012
I personally think when Zia told our good Gen, Beg about his intentions to hang Bhutto, the good Gen. must have said yes sir good for you, this is what you should do, excellent decision sir I am with you all the way. If Beg disagreed with this decsion then he should have offered to resign, what is the point of saying that he disagreed and protested now?