Islamic Block: Is it Possible?
Posted on 30. Jul, 2012 by Editor in Opinion
Islamic NATO as a new step towards Ottoman Empire revival
The new organization first targets the Arab world, which Turkey is eager to attract under the “democracy protection” cover.
Turkey is trying to become a more active player in the Near East, voicing ideas which then appear to be alarming, if not dangerous. Complete failure of the foreign policy pushes Ankara to seeking new ways of implementing the “neo-Osmanism”. This, first of all, assumes the endorsement of caliphate and restoration of the following title:
This was not just a detailed listing of the sultan titles. Huge army that conquered vast territories in 400 years including Mecca and Medina, now under rule of Al Saudi dynasty, was of major importance for the Ottoman Empire. Establishment of a new caliphate needs an army as well – united Islamic forces, if possible.
Mustafa Kamalak, chairman of the Turkish Saadet (“Felicity”) Party voiced this idea in Morocco last week. Saadet is the hardliner wing of the former Turkish Refah (“Welfare”) Party, the moderate Eurocentric wing of which is now Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Kamalak declared that “Islamic NATO” and Islamic peacekeeping forces need to be established urgently.
“Today’s events in Islamic countries again proved that the former Turkish PM Necmettin Erbakan was right in his urge to create Islamic peacekeeping forces. We heartily welcome the awakening in Islamic states and pray for their success. Still, the Western states are trying to benefit from it. We must first push forward unity and integrity, rather than our conflicts,” Kamalak noted.
Former prime minister of Turkey Necmettin Erbakan is known as author of the “universal caliphate” concept. Ideologically, caliphate bases on Islam, while its martial aspect relies on the independent military-political bloc. Erbakan named this bloc the “Islamic peacekeeping forces” and its supporters – the “Islamic NATO”. The North-Atlantic Alliance is facing hard times now; meanwhile, Turkey is increasingly gaining weight entitling it to come up with such statements. No doubt, Azerbaijan will be the first to join the Islamic NATO in case it does emerge. Baku will definitely attempt to thus settle its issues; otherwise, it will lose the second Karabakh war as well if it relies on its own resources.
It should be noted that the “Islamic NATO” first of all targets the Arab world, which Turkey is eager to attract under the “democracy protection” cover. This “democracy” was quite apparent in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt; tragically, Syria is following the same path.
The “Islamic NATO” will definitely never lack funding: Saudi Arabia and Qatar will gladly undertake the financing of this formation, despite certain theological discrepancy between Sunnis of the Gulf monarchies and Turkey.
However, these obstacles can be overcome: monarchies, particularly Saudi Arabia dominated by Wahhabi branch of Islam will hardly insist on the Sunnism they practice.
The new structure will also try to move away from the West and just ignore Iran. The West may also welcome the new bloc hoping it will help settle the Syrian and Iranian issues. In a word, everybody will be happy.
Just one minor note: is the Arab world willing to see Turkey take the lead of their united forces? The history hints the answer is negative. The thing is that the ideas Ankara is coming with every now and then may once become a reality. So, one has to rely on Saudi Arabia and Qatar in this. Formal support to Erdogan with his sultanic aspirations is one thing, while tolerating, so to say, such a leader of the Islamic world is quite another. Saudi Arabia’s kingdom rightfully believes this to be its prerogative and is not going to step down as yet, “as yet” being the key phrase here…
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31. Jul, 2012
How can Turkey call for a counter-NATO Islamic military organization when Ankara itself is a member of NATO? Erdogan and his AKP party has nothing to do with the foreign policies of the old Ottoman empire. Ottomans did not allow the European Zionist Jews to settle in Palestine while Turkey was the first Muslim nation-state to recognize the occpation of Palestine by the European Jews – And ankara still maintain diplomatic relation with the Zionist entity.
What Turkey is doing – is running a USrael proxy war to weaken emergence of Iran as the most powerful nation in the region. Since Ankara's anti-Assad war, it has been isolated in the Middle East with the exception of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
“Let’s start sledgehammer style. Iran won’t crack. Iran won’t crack. Iran won’t crack,” Pepe Escobar in Asia Times, July 7, 2012.
01. Aug, 2012
OIC= Oh I see
the brits retreated to their not so great home and sold the tribal idiots divide et impera - Arab League
both these orgs HAVE DONE NOTHING TO IMPROVE OR FURTHER THE UMMAH and STUPID Turkey thought they would be better whores for zionist/imperialist have made the biggest mistake
the opposition is against the idiot Erdogan and that stupid FM
the have angered the army
the Kurds think they have gained (for now) by signing OIL contracts with other countries and shipping oil via Turkeys
I do not know how the idiopt got to be FM of Turkey but anyone would have told him that you are playing with fire as the most stupid group – Kurds sleeping with the enemy now think that they can carve up a state for themselves from Irak+Syria & Turkey
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Turkey conned by US to get involved in Syria issue: Author Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley
“Turkey has obviously been conned, they have been manipulated, the ambition and the vanity of [Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan and [Foreign Minister Ahmet] Davutoglu, it seems to me has been played on systematically by [US President Barack] Obama,” said Webster Griffin Tarpley in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday.
and the author thinks another repulsive useless worthless shameful ignorant outfit is needed?
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