Those who benefit from failed Iran talks
Posted on 13. Jun, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari in Iran
By Kourosh Ziabari
With only a week remaining to the sensitive, determining talks between the top negotiators of six world powers and Iran over the latter's nuclear program, some wicked, corrupt forces from here and there are trying their best to deliver a lethal blow to Tehran and weaken the chances of a successful, productive agreement between the two sides which, during the past years, have interacted with each other in a fluctuating atmosphere of trust and mistrust.
Iran and the members of P5+1 consisting of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany held a fresh round of talks in Istanbul earlier on April 14 after a 15-month-long break and agreed upon the preliminary details for further talks to resolve the misunderstandings and come to a comprehensive and thorough conclusion. All sides hailed the talks as constructive and positive and said that there's room for inclusive agreement in spite of some minor differences and disparities.
Subsequently, Iran and the P5+1 held another round of talks hosted by Baghdad on May 23 and May 24 to investigate, in depth, the ways of coming to a mutual understanding and realizing the agenda planned in Istanbul talks. This time, the two parties engaged in more serious and detailed talks and some theoretical differences leaked out; however, they again expressed hopes that the disputes might be settled in a diplomatic and peaceful manner. China and Russia praised the bilateral efforts of the negotiating parties aimed at clearing up the misunderstandings as Iran and P5+1 agreed to hold another set of talks in the Russian capital Moscow on May 18 and 19.
Now, some one week ahead of the decisive talks in Moscow, Iran seems completely resolved and enthusiastic to take part in a full-fledged, serious dialogue with P5+1 and put an end to the artificial, erosive controversy over its nuclear program which has brought with itself several rounds of biting economic sanctions and hard-hitting threats of military strike.
Iranian officials have signaled that they are ready to provide convincing evidence that Tehran's nuclear program is solely designed for peaceful purposes and that contrary to the claims laid by the United States and some of its allies, there's no military dimension in this program. At the same time, high-ranking Iranian officials stated that they are eager to participate in the Moscow talks with goodwill so as to allay the concerns of the other side and demonstrate that they are not after the failure of the negotiations. For example, on June 10 and during a meeting with the former president of the Austrian National Council, Werner Fasslabend, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi expressed hopes that the Moscow talks will yield satisfactory results if the both parties abide by their obligations and adhere to the policy of mutual trust and respect.
Salehi cleared that Iran has always obeyed international rules and regulations and has brought its nuclear program under the IAEA safeguards and should be entitled to the civilian use of nuclear technology.
However, it seems that there are some individuals or certain groups who benefit from the failure of the nuclear talks and prolongation of standoff over Iran's nuclear program.
As reported by Egypt's Ahram Online, the U.S. ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro told a Tel Aviv security conference, "We don't intend on continuing talks for talks' sake. The window (for diplomacy) is closing."
AFP, also, quoted an anonymous P5+1 diplomat who expressed his lack of hope for the success of Moscow talks: "I increasingly struggle to see a way where this doesn't end in tears."
The disappointing scene, however, was unfolded when the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman who represents the U.S. in P5+1 immediately traveled to Israel after the conclusion of Baghdad talks on May 24 to brief the Tel Aviv politicians on the results of talks with Iran. Although the Israeli officials rebuffed the American envoy and refused to meet her and listen to her report on talks with Iran, the very attempt of her visiting Israel just one day after the termination of Baghdad talks was a portentous and ominous gesture which showed that the United States considers as vital the stance of Israel over Tehran's nuclear program.
Another upsetting news was that the U.S. Under Secretary of Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, David Cohen, who is popularly known in his country as Barack Obama's "sanctions czar" for his unrelenting efforts to convince Iran's trading partners to curb their trade with the country, traveled to Israel on June 5 for negotiations with high-ranking Tel Aviv officials over the upcoming Moscow talks with Iran.
"The sanctions are having an impact on Iran, but I also recognize that more needs to be done. And we are intent on doing more," Cohen told Israel's Army Radio upon arriving in Tel Aviv.
"If we don't get a breakthrough in Moscow there is no question we will continue to ratchet up the pressure," Cohen told Haaretz. "The important point for the Israeli public to understand and for the Iranian leadership to understand is that if we are not able to make progress on the diplomatic track there is additional pressure that can be brought to bear on the pressure track," he added.
Interestingly, Cohen is a member of the U.S. negotiating team in the P5+1.
At the same time, the Israeli media which have been long trumpeting for a much-loved war with Iran, reported with utmost hilarity and happiness that the negotiations between representatives of Iran and the UN atomic watchdog in Vienna which were held parallel to the Iran and P5+1 talks have failed and borne no significant results.
On June 12, the Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot claimed that the talks between Iran and IAEA in Vienna have failed to make any progress and caused "disappointment" for the United States and the "international community."
"Lack of progress in talks between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency is disappointing and it shows Tehran's continued failure to abide by its commitment to the UN nuclear watchdog," it wrote.
The Israeli paper also quoted Robert Wood, the acting U.S. envoy to IAEA as saying that "yesterday's outcome highlights Iran's continued failure to abide by its commitment to the IAEA, and further underscores the need for it to work with the IAEA to address international community's real concerns."
Such unpremeditated and reckless statements in only one week to the negotiations in Moscow while Iran has expressed its readiness to engage in talks without any preconditions and on equal footings show that there are some groups or people who take advantage of a possible failure in the talks, and Israeli lobby dominating the U.S. Congress and mainstream media is certainly one of them.
Why should the members of the U.S. negotiating team travel to Israel one after another while Israel has nothing to do with Iran's nuclear program and is itself already accused of depositing an arsenal of some 200 nuclear warheads?
Unquestionably, Israel is the first and foremost entity which will be content with a failure in negotiations between Iran and P5+1 in Moscow. They are afraid of the possibility that the nuclear standoff be resolved diplomatically, the sanctions on Iran be lifted and Tehran get the upper hand in talks and find its position in the region and the world fostered and strengthened.
The best policy for P5+1, if they want a progress in the talks, is to dissociate themselves from the Israeli lobby and take into consideration the mutual benefit of Iran and themselves. Of course a diplomatic and peaceful resolution to Iran's nuclear program will be a win-win game while Israel, without any doubts, will be the only loser.
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13. Jun, 2012
14. Jun, 2012
Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot + U.S. ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro should do a fact check
they have idiots, yes IDIOTS and non-scientists aka propagandists in this very important SCIENTIFIC talks
the idiots like Amano is talking about purification without having any technical knowledge – especially
You need 90% purity – Iran is talking about 20% and they have found 27% which is quite normal but it is a long way off from 90%
Posted: 30 May 2012 09:01 PM PDT
Anti-Iranian Propaganda
On May 26, Reuters headlined "Iran has enough uranium for 5 bombs: expert," saying:
The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) claims "Iran has significantly stepped up its output of low-enriched uranium and total production in the last five years (to provide) enough for at least five nuclear weapons if refined much further."
David Albright heads ISIS. He impersonates a nuclear expert. He's a former pseudo-UN weapons inspector. Former Iraq chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter called him a "nuclear expert who never was."
His "track record (reveals) half-baked analyses derived from questionable sources….He breathes false legitimacy into these factually challenged stories by" claiming fake credentials.
Albright founded ISIS. It's self-serving. It shuns truth. He fronts for power, privilege, and war profiteers. He's part of Washington's anti-Iranian agenda. In Iraq, he played the same role. He's a pro-imperial opportunist.
In June 1996, he appeared once as as a pseudo-Iraq weapons inspector. His role was political, not scientific. He observed and regurgitated what Washington wanted to hear. He's doing it now on Iran. His credibility is sorely lacking. He has none.
14. Jun, 2012
Absolutely Afriq
here the rest of the text from the article
Anti-Iranian Propaganda
IAEA head Yukiya Amano represents Western, not global interests fairly. He serves Washington's anti-Iranian agenda. On May 25, he claimed inspectors found Fordo plant enriched uranium traces up to 27%.
Around 90% is needed for bomb-making. Iran purifies to 20%. Most amounts are around 3.5%. Traces signify nothing. Iran's main stockpile complies with what it claims. No weapons development or production evidence exists.
At times, over-enrichment occurs. It's normal, not unusual or cheating. Technicians adjust accordingly. IAEA inspectors should have left it unmentioned.
Media scoundrels, of course, jump on it in headlines. Many readers don't go beyond a few paragraphs to know it's insignificant.
On May 25, a Washington Post editorial headlined, "Iran's hard bargain," saying:
Iran rejected Western "confidence-building measures." It demanded rights Washington rejects. "(E)xtended negotiations will only benefit Iran."
"What’s most concerning about the Baghdad talks is that they failed to show that the regime of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has made a strategic decision to strike a bargain."
"Instead, Tehran sought something for nothing: acceptance by the West of its uranium enrichment in return for assertions that it is not seeking nuclear weapons and promises to cooperate with international inspectors."
"In fact, no 'right' to process uranium exists under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."
Fact check
Iran wants (and deserves) to be treated like other countries with commercial nuclear operations. It complies fully with NPT provisions. Washington and Israel are nuclear outlaws.
Iran's operations are more intensively monitored than any other nation. Washington and Israel prohibit inspections for good reason. Massive cheating would be found. Imperial powers never tell all or say they're sorry.
NPT permits uranium enrichment as long as countries agree to rigorous monitoring. WP editors better check their sources. They, in turn, need to find another line of work.
Yousaf Butt is a nuclear physicist. He's a Federation of American Scientists consultant. In January, his Foreign Policy article headlined "Stop the Madness," saying:
"Despite all the hype, Iran's nuclear program has yet to violate international law. It's time to calm down, think, and above all halt the rush to war."
"The IAEA considers 20 percent enriched uranium to be low-enriched uranium and 'a fully adequate isotopic barrier' to weaponization."
Iran complies. It does nothing illegal. NPT doesn't prevent a nuclear weapons "capability" or "option." Dozens of nations have it.
Singling out Iran is for political reasons. It's not about legitimate fears of an illegal weapons program in the hands of a country threatening to use them.
The key red line Iran won't cross is "diverting" nuclear material for weapons production. Numerous experts and independent reports "affirmed (for) years that they have no evidence (of) any such program."
Multiple rounds of sanctions "go far beyond anything related to its nuclear program."
The hype about it is political. It has no scientific basis whatever.
Washington Post editorial assertions are false, misleading, and inflammatory. Iran is legally entitled to pursue its nuclear program.
P5+1 proposals were disingenuously one-sided. Unreasonable demands were made. Nothing was offered in return. Western good faith wasn't present in Baghdad. It's an oxymoron. It doesn't exist.
Tehran negotiated responsibly. Not good enough, said Washington. Prove a negative was demanded. Refuse and be blamed for Western obstructionism.
Multiple rounds of discussions won't change things. WP editors think the "slide toward war remains desirable. Iran cannot be granted much more time to build and install centrifuges."
Washington is infested with hotheads. WP editorial and op-ed writers are among them. They have lots of scoundrel media company. Promoting war makes it more likely. Body counts and vast destruction don't matter.
Nor for USA Today. It's post-Baghdad editorial headlined "How the US can win at nuclear poker with Iran," saying:
"There's an old poker saying that if you look around the table and can't figure out who the chump is, it's you. Too often in high-stakes negotiations with rogue states such as North Korea and Iran, the U.S. has looked a lot like the chump as it tried to curtail those nations' nuclear weapons programs."
"(O)nly a sucker could be confident that….Iran really, really means" what it says.
Scoundrel media report this way. Managed news duplicity substitutes for real news, opinion and analysis.
Media liars bear full responsibity. So does Washington for failure, not Iran. Tehran can't succeed without a willing partner. It hasn't had one in decades. It has the worst of all relationships now. Obama itches for more war post-election.
He feigns negotiations while planning it at the same time. Munich and Hitler's Non-Aggression Treaty with Soviet Russia come to mind. Washington and Israel are no different. Hawks in both countries are especially worrisome. They're bent on aggression and won't accept less.
In response on May 22, the Tehran Times headlined "Iran must take firm stance at Baghdad talks, saying:
For years, Iran "bravely resisted" unreasonable demands to halt its peaceful nuclear program. Tehran believes pursuing it is a legitimate right. It's "non-negotiatble."
At the same time, Iranian officials try to build trust and resolve differences. They negotiate in good faith. In return, they're rebuffed, stonewalled, and betrayed.
It's up to Washington to break the deadlock and end sanctions. They're harsh and unfair. Short of capitulation, tug-of-war diplomacy won't end. Hillary Clinton said Tehran must "close the gaps. All of our sanctions will remain in place and continue to move forward" for the duration.
They're about making Iran's economy scream. They're not for its legitimate nuclear program. That's red herring camouflage for bigger fish to fry. At issue is installing puppet leaders Washington controls. War looks likely to try.
Negotiating with America accomplishes nothing. It never did before and won't now. "Therefore, resistance seems to be the only option left for the Iranian side to convey its message to the West and to uphold the inalienable rights of the Iranian nation."
America and Israeli want imperial dominance. Iran wants to live free in peace.
Sovereign states deserve that much and more. Wars won't end until enough of them unite and resist. If not soon, they'll continue and expand dangerously.
Never in history has one nation devoted so much firepower to global death and destruction.
Saving humanity depends on restoring peace and stability before it's too late to matter. There may not be much time left to do it.
– Mathaba Analyst Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at .
His new book is titled "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War"