The Truth Movement-Part 2

Posted on 11. Jun, 2012 by in Opinion

Is it Just Another Psy Op to Confuse Us?

By Julia Mitchell

The alternative media, in spite of whether people want to believe it or not, is fully NWO owned and controlled. If you wish to judge the intention, value, and legitimacy of a thing, you look at the fruit it produces. And if you wish to trace the origin of a thing, you look at who benefits from it, and we are not benefiting, as far as I can tell, from the activities of these alternative media operatives, in spite of any truth we might be getting from them. I’m sure everyone is familiar with the old adage/admonition to judge an individual by the fruits of their labors, and the same can be said of the so called “alternative” media. As a consequence of the machinations of Jones/Hicks, for example, we currently have three million gun totin’ Americans who are essentially convinced that the only way to win this struggle with the dark forces in control of this country and, more importantly, the entire planet, is with the application of violent measures. Then there are the operatives of the Benjamin Ful of shit ford sort, essentially engaging in an overt effort to convince the so called truthers of America that a there is a trustworthy faction of the forces in control of the world, and that faction is going to banish and imprison the now unwanted faction, and that the only discomfort that will befall us as a consequence of this is a few days without electricity and water, a task recently taken up by the faceless character referred to as “Drake.” And then there is RT, most of whose newscasters are in fact members of the Greenberg family, if we are to believe what that new arrival to the cointel scene Ed Chiarini says, faking violent “clashes” between “protesters” and “cops” in an effort to provoke violent protests in this country, and there is more than sufficient video evidence to establish that as fact. And that is just to mention three of the most prominent of them.

Meanwhile, as a result of all this , what you have on your hands is a situation in which the majority of the population is blissfully unaware that any of these things are going on right under their noses, while that segment of the population we generally refer to as “truthers” becomes more and more agitated at their own apparent ineffectiveness, and consequently more and more frightened of the ultimate outcome, as well they should be, because this is neither designed nor intended to end well for them. To prove that contention true all one needs to do is take a close look at the past and current activities and business dealings of one of their most effective and trusted (by the public) operatives,Mike Adams, of, also known as the Health Ranger.

Mike Adams has a long standing reputation as a champion of the people in terms of natural health. Within the online community of truthers, he is without question the most trusted source in those terms. That perception of the Adams persona is very well established, and it has been a long time in the making, as this man appeared upon the scene shortly after the idea of natural health began to gain a foothold, and essentially simultaneous to the explosion of the global natural health market. It is a perception that has been very carefully calculated, and this particular psychological operation has been phenomenally successful. In fact, Adams’ reputation among truthers is so solid I have even had friends refuse to post an article in which I established conclusively and with solid evidence that he was fabricating news based solely on the grounds that they “liked him.” That is disturbing, as any individual skilled enough at deception could conceivably conceal a most horrible and sinister personality and intention behind a façade of “likeability, and the evidence leads inexorably to the conclusion that is exactly the case with Mr. Mike Adams.”

Consider first, for example, that it has been reported by Leuren Moret that is owned by one “General Stubblebind, a former Army Intel/CIA asset. Moret, in her investigations of Stubblebind, concluded that he had definitely been a part of Army Intelligence, although his lies about where exactly he has been makes it hard to pin him down. In addition, Moret was able to ascertain that Stubblebind and his wife very much involved in such things as neurology and parapsychology, which we will soon see is significant in terms of the effects of the harmful products being endorsed, advertised, and sold by However, the intelligence connections of Stubblebind alone should be enough to make every alarm bell there is go off inside the mind of any person familiar with the activities of those entities, no matter how fluoride soaked it may be. But it gets much, much worse than that.

There are two separate but closely related avenues by which one can fully discredit Mike Adams and identify him as a full-fledged counterintelligence operative (cointel pro), one being the health effects of the harmful products he sells and endorses, and the other being his close association with big brother companies and his endorsement of said companies. We will look first at some of the products he is pushing and the harmful effects of those products, in addition to the deception that accompanies his endorsement. The first of those we will assess is the B12 patch for sale at the store, as well as endorsed by Adams on the site for such companies as and, the patch with the Methylcobalamin in it, and the article in which Adam’s specifically encourages his readers to utilize this potentially deadly and definitely toxic patch right behind the ear in such a way that the deadly toxins that result from it are fully absorbed right into the neo-cortex of unsuspecting victims, which is even more significant when one considers the fact that the reported owner of Natural News, General Stubblebind, along with his wife, have what appears to be a rather extensive background in neurology and parapsychology.

When encountered in nature, Methylcobalamin is the equivalent of what we would refer to as B12. In the scientific world it is referred to as a vitamer, and is one of two active coenzymes used by Vitamin B12 dependent enzymes. However, other than being necessary and health inducing in its proper form, and all minerals are either good or bad depending upon what form they are in, Methylcobalamin/B12 serves another extremely important function within the natural biological cycle, in that it is responsible for a process referred to scientifically as methylation, or in nature, as within our bodies, biomethylation. Methylation is a process whereby a substrate is converted from one substance into a completely different substance via the activity of an enzyme, in this case the enzyme in the energy patch being methylcobalamin, or B12. A substrate is a molecule upon which an enzyme acts. For example, everyone is familiar with what spoiled, curdled milk looks and smells like. This happens because the milk contains an enzyme referred to as rennin, and when that rennin (enzyme) acts upon one of the proteins in that milk referred to as casein (substrate), the curdling process occurs, thus converting the milk to a different form. The same happens with hydrogen peroxide when the enzyme catalase is added and it is thus converted to water and oxygen, splitting the one element into two separate elements. All of these things occur as a result of what can be referred to as bio-environmental electrical processes, and human beings, as we well know, are electrical beings.

So what happens with the methylcobalamin that enters one’s system through the skin directly behind one’s ear via the B12 energy patch, as we have already seen it is the enzyme that is responsible for the process of biomethylation in the natural world, and our bodies are definitely part of the “natural world”? What happens when this substance referred to as methylcobalamin enters the electrically functioning human body and is subjected to those functions, those bioenvironmental electrical processes? That’s right, methylation. The B12 enzyme, upon being absorbed into the skin from directly behind the ear, converts the already accumulated mercury that we have in our bodies as a result of the toxicity of our environment and the contamination in the foods we eat into a completely different form known as methylmercury, and that is the most harmful form of mercury to a human being. That problem is only compounded in people with the old accumulated mercury from fillings and vaccines.

You will recall that it was previously mentioned that the individuals purchasing Mike Adams’ B12 energy patch were being encouraged to wear them behind their ears, and that renders this particular product to be even more dangerous to the unsuspecting victims with old mercury fillings still remaining as part of dental work. The close proximity of the patch to the mercury in those fillings almost guarantees the conversion of any mercury that may seep of leak from those old fillings into methylmercury with relative ease, and given the ongoing and long term operation to sicken the population via vaccines containing mercury and viruses, it is logical to conclude that this is just an extension of that particular government psychological operation. Perhaps they have become aware of the recent studies that indicate that the form of mercury that remains behind in the old silver amalgam fillings is unlikely to remain toxic in the body as a result of mercury loss over time. What form the mercury took as it was lost and where it ultimately accumulated in the body is still a concern, but what remains behind as part of the filling is in an altogether different form, and considered to be non-toxic. Perhaps that is the underlying reason behind this particular patch to begin with, to render toxic and debilitating once again something that time had already corrected.

In addition to the toxic B12 patch Adams is peddling, both he and Alex Jones are peddling potassium iodide tablets, a substance that can cause severe illness or even death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As a result of the potentially deadly side effects of this particular substance, the advice is to take it only in times of emergency, and depending upon the time elapsed since possible exposure and the time one becomes aware of the necessity to use it, it is likely not to be wholly effective anyway. Why would Jones and Adams endorse such a product and encourage their followers to have plenty in stock in case of need, when it has been known since the time of the father of holistic medicine, Edgar Cayce, that for iodine to be completely harmless, fully absorbable, and most importantly, effective, it must be electrically transmuted via a process of diluting pure iodine in alcohol? And when used in the form discovered and specified by Cayce, the iodine can be taken on a regular, preventative basis via a drop on the skin that quickly absorbs into the body to serve its purpose. That information is available to anyone willing to do the research, and the ease with which truthers are being misled by individuals of this sort indicates that few are doing any research at all.

Adams is very big in terms of his endorsements of mineral supplements as well, and many of those minerals are mined in the state of Utah, which can be referred to as nothing less than one of the largest dumping grounds for radioactive waste in the world, and there are many links attached to this article to familiarize one with that fact. Radioactive waste from very diverse places in the world is shipped to Nevada for “disposal,” which essentially amounts to storage, because as we all know, one cannot simply “dispose” of radioactive waste. The disposal of radioactive waste in the state of Utah is carried out by Energy Solutions, a company which owns and operates a licensed landfill to dispose of radioactive waste approximately 60 miles west of Salt Lake City in Tooele County, Utah. (sourced) And although they are only licensed for “low-level nuclear waste disposal, as recently as 2011 it was reported that 23 barrels of nuclear waste that was “too hot,” i.e. illegal, for the state of Nevada had found their way in through this company and nonetheless been buried in the Utah desert not far from both the Great Salt Lake and the city of Salt Lake. That, however, really makes little difference as far as I can ascertain, as the nuclear waste that is considered “too hot” for disposal in Utah is now being routed through the state of Tennessee first, where it undergoes a process referred to as blending. This process essentially is nothing more than the dilution of “radioactive waste into lower concentrations,” so the same amount of radioactive waste still winds up being buried in the Utah desert, it just takes up a little more room. And all of this is occurring right there where they mine so many of the minerals they use to make the popular mineral supplements that Adams as well as Jones endorse and their followers subsequently consume.

In addition to that, Utah is right next door to Nevada, and “for more than 12 years beginning in 1951, the U.S. government conducted open air testing of nuclear weapons in the desert of Nevada. Those tests were conducted only when the prevailing winds blew toward Utah, and 126 bombs were exploded during those years of atmospheric testing, releasing huge mushroom clouds of deadly particles that the wind spread across the American West and eastward. The radioactive fallout blanketed Utah and 6 states downwind from the site, an area referred to as ‘virtually uninhabited territory’ by the Atomic Energy Commission. In one document Utah was referred to as a ‘low use segment’ of the population. Survivors talk about playing in fallout that landed like snow, of sand that melted like glass, of hair that fell out in handfuls, of lambs born with hearts outside their bodies, of schoolchildren dying with leukemia, of entire families being stricken – while a government told them not to worry.” (sourced)

There is far, far more evidence out there to convict Mike Adams of very strong Illuminati connections, and in Part 3 of this article we will briefly examine some of the hatchet jobs that Adams has carried out on behalf of his handlers, whoever they may be, against citizen companies, especially one with what is likely the most important product to offer us during these uncertain times, and his subsequent endorsement of what can only be referred to as “big brother companies” to replace them. On a final note for all those familiar with Illuminati symbolism, follow this link,, and take a close look at the cover of Adams’ “out of stock” (which is significantly different from “sold out”) album entitled “Beyond All Reason.” If you can’t make out what the word is painted on the stone upon which he is sitting let me make it easy for you. The word is “shadow,” and you would do well to remember that one of the “rules” of the Illuminati is that they have to publicly demonstrate their allegiance in some way, and since Adam’s immediately changed the logo on once it was recognized that it was representative of the number 666, I suppose this could be interpreted as his new way of getting that message across. Remember, Mike Adams, and Alex Jones as well for that matter, can TELL you all day long what is good for you. That does not necessarily mean the products they sell and endorse are or will be.

To read Part 1 Click Here

Leuren Moret’s information on General Stubblebind and

Mike Adams Natural News article on potassium iodide capsules:

Alternative Medicine report on potassium iodide:…
Mercury in fillings:…

Minerals map of Utah:

Wikipedia entry for Energy Solutions Corporation:

Utah site accepts more nuclear waste:…

A new burial site to have been added in the state of Utah as of 2008:

Mother Earth Minerals. Note the logo, which is symbolic of the eye and the pyramid we are so familiar with

Health Force Nutritionals. Again, take note of the logo

Sun Warrior. Note the logo.

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4 Responses to “The Truth Movement-Part 2”

  1. DogFood

    12. Jun, 2012

    Oh by the way. If everyone on opinion-maker appreciates the work of Alan Hart, which I do, you can listen to a great interview with him on ALEX JONES 2 years ago about 911….

    And their are of course other writers on OM that apparently Julia would rather see that they don't get significant airtime on what she tries to discredit as false "truther" websites.
    Not very clever Julia, you're caught. Now go pick up your paycheck.

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  2. AX

    13. Jun, 2012


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  3. TagMan

    04. Jul, 2012

    Something to think about… the surest way to assassinate someone and get away scot free, is to first become their "friend." Is this what mike has done? Is this what julia is doing? There have been enough "misplaced" articles in natural News to make me cautious about Mike.

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  4. [...] Source Rate this:Share this:Like this:LikeBe the first to like this. This entry was posted in opinion, Illuminati, indoctrination, new world order, health, PSYOPS, big brother, cointelpro, lies and subterfuge, articles and essays, agent provocateurs, commentary, disinformation and misinformation, nutrition, truth movement, mass persuasion, Armed Americans, vitamins and minerals and tagged mercury, alex jones, truth movement, sheep, Mike Adams, gatekeepers, Maj General Albert Stubblebine, Leuren Moret, Julia A. Mitchell, Mormon cannery raid, potassium iodide, ed chiarini, natural health, Army Intelligence, B-12 patch, methylcobalamin, methylation, biomethylation, methylmercury, amalgam fillings, Utah, radioactive waste dumping ground, healthranger by Whitewraithe. Bookmark the permalink. [...]

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