Reopening of NATO supplies
Posted on 19. May, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba in Pak-US Relations
A nation being sold in the name of 'National Interest'
By Raja G Mujtaba
S M Hali conducted his TV Talk on the subject, whatever views the participants may have but they are not seeing the reality, they cannot read the walls. Messages coming from distance are quite different than the official versions. The video link to this talk is placed at the end of this paper.
With Zardari Regime in power, self-esteem and respect that a sovereign nation should have is a farfetched dream. Here the regime is more loyal than the king to reopen the supplies. Soon after its closure, Yousaf Raza Gillani, the Prime Minister and Rahman Malik, the Interior Minister were making statements to soften the Pakistani public mind so that they accept this reopening as a great victory (in fact a sellout) of the PPP regime.
NATO attack on Salala Border Post had killed 24 valiant sons of Pakistan for which the Obama administration is not prepared to tender any apology whereas apology was offered to Afghans for burning of the Quran and then again for night raids killing about 15 people including old, women and children.
The leaders make the history of nation; our history is being made by corrupt, inefficient and shameless lot led by Yousaf Raza Gillani. A Prime Minister who is convicted has lost all moral grounds to hold that high office but like a shameless creature, he is holding firm to his office saying the he is following the party directives. It’s not only him, his two sons are also involved in massive corruptions that have hit the world media in countries around the world. Nothing moves him to resign, he has sent a clear message to the people that he is above the law, and nothing can touch him. Why was he invited to London by David Cameroon knowing it fully well that he no longer represents Pakistan after having been convicted and has no moral right to hold on to his office is a billion dollar question. The convicted Prime Minister of a red economy country went with an entourage of about 100 people who stayed at the most expensive places in town, not giving any impression that Pakistan is in a bad shape and has no financial resources to bail out any of its vital and strategic industries like Steel Mill, Pakistan International Airlines, railways, power shortages and unemployment rising by the hour.
David Cameroon invited him knowing that he was a lame duck and they could extract anything from him to benefit the NATO allies and the US. While Gillani was in the UK, his cronies back home in Pakistan had sounded the green light. Zardari’s dream to attend the Chicago conference was beginning to see light.
Now Zardari would go to Chicago and announce from there the opening of the supplies by selling out the national honour and the blood of not only 24 valiant sons but scores of others both civilians and uniformed personnel who sacrificed their lives through drone attacks and killings through black-water operatives.
In a Punjab TV talk on 15th of May, while opposing the resumption of the supplies, I said it very categorically that Zardari and Co will have to lift the barriers and allow the supplies to pass through. Why? Because almost all sitting in power have their plundered wealth stacked in the US, the UK and other countries of West; they were sounded that if they do not heed to their demands, then their wealth stacked in their countries would be confiscated and never returned to these clowns. Today I stand proved correct and all have arrangements have been made to resume the supplies once Mr. Zardari rings the gong in Chicago. That gong would be a deafening noise to bury the dignity, honour and voice of sanity of a nation that has been constantly highjacked by such goons.
Who is going to ensure the safety and security of the State and the people of Pakistan? Raymond Davises would be back, drones would glide over our skies like hawks and striking any sign of life in FATA or now maybe in Pakistan, Balochistan in particular. Have they agreed to stop drone attacks or US (and her Zionist-Hindutva proxies) sponsored insurgencies in Pakistan? The US has said blatant ‘NO’, no apology and no compensation.
Zardari and Co must remember that the US era is over, its question of a decade or so, the power balance is shifting towards Asia, China would be the next major player, India is also trying to find her place but where are our so called ruling elite trying to take us? They have not got out of their cult culture, their ever expanding pockets are not getting filled, and their eyes never feel contended. They are trying to commit this great country to slavery, slavery of the muggers and inhuman lot. They must remember, people of Pakistan will not accept any slavery, they are committed to the will of their ‘faith’ any deals or agreements that are not accepted by the people will never be allowed to go through.
A heavy onus has fallen on the shoulders of other political parties that are not part of the coalition government to step out and prove their resolve and dedication to feelings of the masses and dignity of the nation. If they fail to rise to the occasion, then they may not find any solace and peace within the hearts of the masses. It would expose them to the hilt where ridicule would become their fate. In such an eventuality, people of Pakistan expect the Army leadership to save the honour and dignity of the state and the people.
Long live Pakistan and the people of Pakistan, may Allah rid us from those who are out to sell us in the name of ‘National Interest’ and husan ‘beauty’ of democracy.
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Tiger Man
20. May, 2012
A very bold and realistic article. well done.
Shakir Qureshi
20. May, 2012
I ve read this very nicely written article, it is powerful, those called authorities must understand it !! here…
20. May, 2012
I can't find words strong enough to express my contempt for this cowardly pack of scabby dogss in control of Pakistan. I'm an Aussie, married to a Pakistani and am here in Pakistan regularly. I am even now in a district of Lahore visiting family and I see first hand the woebegotten state of Pakistan. The load shedding is really something. How the hell can anyone run a business in such conditions? My father in law, once owned a fine printing business, of course it failed due to the ridiculous state of the electricity supply. In just the last twelve months of visits here I can see the further degradation of things. People here are desperate, the economy is crippled and failing by the day and these lowlife satans who rule are just stealing whatever is left with their cronyism. The Gilani delegation to Britain was breathtaking disrespectful, even in this very image conscious country. Who did those cretins think they were trying to impress? Does that vile bit of excrement Gilani think anybody doesn;t know the state of Pakistan? Even the PM of Australia, that rotten bitch Gillard would have been roasted by Aussies if she'd pulled such a stunt yet the convicted criminal leader of Pakistan thought it was OK to put on such an exorbitant show for whom exactly? If it was meant to fool Pakistanis then he's really got rocks in his head, and nobody else sees it as the pathetic preening of a moron overseeing a failing prostituted nation. Pakistanis deserve better. The fact is most people I talk to here want a military takeover. That surely says a lot! Even knowing as they do there are plenty of corrupt generals, they see the army as the only bastion of hope.
These scum leaders who do as you say have their ill gotten wealth stashed in the same countries they are dancing for like the cheap whores they really are, must win the prize for pathos and also short sightedness. Showing they couldn't run a nation even if they cared to, they actually think they are on the winning side. The USA and the West in general is nearing is catastrophic end. There are certainly many sheep minded fools i the West who bleet on cue and truly believe their era of dominance will never end, but many more of us can see the writing on the wall. The USA is no example of anything good, it is a failed model assuming it was ever anything worthy of the hyoe even. Lickspittle nations like my own have chosen the wrong side and our society is entering a terminally bleak stage. We have only the appearance of independence and you can forget about the people, the majority are heavily opposed to the direction our country is going in. We'd prefer to be free of the influence of the USA but like many others our government is as sold out as they come.
Pakistan has one thing still holding it together, which is Islam and Islamic values. However even these are under serious threat from your TV stations and the music industry. Watching TV here is like watching the start of our own societal downfall, which was accurately portrayed on TV before it was reached. Indeed life imitating art, if you can call the immorality and filth of the Jew run programming "art".
For God;s sake people, wake up. The West has NOTHING you need or want, except your wealth. That they have because they own your treasonous scum leaders. It is long past time Pakistanis realised they have nothing left to lose. It is time you march en masse to Islamabad and hang every one of those rotten bastards. You need to hang them, I mean it. They need to be removed and made examples of in such a way no vile criminal will ever dare set foot in Pakistani politics again. if you don't then you have no future to look forward to. This place is held together with rusting wire and duct tape as it is, and there just is not much more left between Pakistan and total collapse. If you can hold out another few years you can expect the US paymasters to go the way of the dodo, but with much more noise and fire I guess. Only Islam is left to get you there. Defend your religion and values, these are yet one thing of value you still own, but lose these at your peril. Unless you remove those parasites in power in Islamabad even that will soon be lost.
As a final note I'd like to tell any pommies or yanks who like to whine about "all that money we give to Pakistan" that "all that money" goes to buying these vile serpents in the puppet government here, and not a dollar goes to improving anything. The money gets siphoned off into businesses owned by the family and cronies of these bastards. Typically things which have no benefit to ordinary people here. I suppose you rotters also whine about Pakistanis migrating to your poxy countries? Well how can you blame them, you screwed their homeland, your filthy whoremaster leaders do that with "your money" as it happens too. SUCKERS! China offered to fix he electric grid I am told but the offer was rejected. Why? Obviously because with this would come improvements in the economy and increased trade with China. Both concepts unpopular with the whoremasters in Washington and Tel Aviv.
When they closed the NATO supply line, which supplies the drug running NATO machine in Afghanistan actually; Pakistan regained a small measure of respect even among the whoremaster nationsof the West. This gave you some leverage, finally. So your pig leaders gave that away to keep their ill gotten gains? WTF! They had some serious leverage when they caught that terrorist Raymond Davis, but that too was given away for a handful of dollars too. HANG THE BASTARDS!
People your leaders are all SKANKY cheap prostitutes, wake up and hang them all or else get used to living like beggars, because that is all you will ever be.
Reopening of NATO supplies–A nation being sold in the name of ‘National Interest’ « The Ugly Truth
20. May, 2012
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Zain I Syed
22. May, 2012
Raja Mujtaba Sahib, I congratulate you on a very incisive analysis. Very few in Pakistan have the moral courage, the knowledge and the ability to do a critical appreciation of all the facts!
Tariq J Qureshi
26. May, 2012
Thought provoking. The Punjabi program was more realistic. Yes as Raja Mujtaba said the public resentment is reaching a peak, the incidence of attacks due to load shedding are desperation of a nation. What is missing is "A revolt Leader" toturn the tables on existing government.
1. The existing parties are impotent bunch who have no solution for anything, economic, foreign-policy or internal. USA support of a stooge government is clear, and the drama being staged in Chicago by Zardari on US direction is clear.
2. Decision to open routes is already taken, and as Raja Mujtaba pointed a bigger chaos will be created to overshadow the announcement of opening the routes.
3. The part hated the most is that our stooge government keeps reinforcing that Pakistan cannot live without USAID, and that's why we have to kiss up to USA.
4. The govt balance 10 months will be passed by creating a new crisis and then killing it to keep attention away from incompetence- which suits USA. If today there is really a peoples governement is Pakistan, it can have a more balanced dialogue with USA.
5. Route will be opened, as Zardari and Gilani and PPP, MQM and ANP's political survival is based on kissing USA ass. Let me inject a new idea.
6. What will happen if after all this route opening drama, USA stops USAID for any pretext? Nothing……
7. Will Pakistan stand on its own feet without USAID? Yes….maybe one leg, but will not fall.
8. Has economic collapse for Greece done any damage for Greece. Yes and NO, but it has send all the countries who are owed scrambling to keep it up and running……
9. Will the money received from ipeining the route change Pakistan's economic condition- NO.
10. What will change Pakistan economic condition?