And why don’t they leave?
Posted on 16. May, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi in World News

"And why don't they leave........"
“…Who is stopping them?”
By Dr. Haider Mehdi
“Our time of awareness is a lightening flash
A blinding interval in which to know and suffer.”
Consider it the ultimate blinding lightening flash or a slap in the face of the nation, or whatever your intellect or political affiliation allows you to believe, the title of this column is a verbatim quote of Pakistan’s convicted Prime Minister, in response to a question asked by a CNN interviewer in London recently. The British interviewer had sought the PM’s opinion on media reports that a sizable number of Pakistanis wanted to leave the country because of rampant corruption, political and fiscal mismanagement, breakdown of law and order, safety and security concerns, and lack of appropriate governance in the country. The convicted Prime Minister, in a matter of fact manner, and with an air of absolute belief in his judgment on the question, quipped “And why don’t they leave…Who is stopping them?”
Let me take you back in time a bit: Marie Antoinette, queen of France, married to Louis XVI, when informed that the people of France had no bread to eat, purportedly said, “Let them eat cake.” This was prior to the French Revolution (1789) when eventually the French people, tired of poverty, deprivations, class society, bad governance, corruption and massive excesses of the nobles and ruling elite, publicly beheaded them.
But that was the 18th century. France was a monarchy. Queen Marie Antionette’s response was rooted in her ignorance and alienation from the people of France. What else could have been expected of a ruling monarch that considered the common French citizens as their “subjects,” entitled to no better treatment or rights than “slaves” and whatever the monarchy willed it to be. Indeed, the king/queen was the embodiment and the law unto themselves – France was king and queen, and king and queen were France – French people existed at their pleasure and perished at their will – and that was that.
In recent times, Reza Shah Pahlavi, the Emperor of Iran, the “darling” of the West and their front “henchman” in the Middle East, prior to the Iranian People’s Revolution in 1979, is reported to have “asked his opponents in Iran to leave HIS country if they did not like him.” This showed the incredible ignorance and preposterous arrogance of a Shahan-shah who, intoxicated with power and wealth, considered himself omnipotent — Reza Pahlavi was Iran and Iran was Reza Pahlavi. The state existed for the emperor, and the emperor was the state. In this mental disposition of alarming political and conceptual “madness,” Reza Shah’s personal view of “state” and its citizens is understandable – that is, if one is inclined to believe that a nation can be governed by a ruling elite and its leadership that is gruesomely insane and grotesquely suffers from a complete and lurid lunacy.
The question is: What is Yousef Raza Gillani’s excuse? This is May 2012. Supposedly, Pakistan is a democratic country. The convicted Prime Minister was elected by a democratically-elected parliament – and the Prime Minister’s conviction came after due process of law in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Understandably, logically and rationally, that is if one believes in democratic norms, the citizens of Pakistan are not the “subjects” of the incumbent PPP ruling regime or its Prime Minister. The “state” of Pakistan is not Yousef Raza Gillani, nor is Yousef Raza Gillani, the Pir from Multan, the state or law unto himself. Citizens of Pakistan are entitled to full civil, political, legal and democratic rights, and no one, not even a sitting Prime Minister, has the moral-ethical-political authority to tell them Well, you don’t like me, then leave the country. Who is stopping you?
This is absolute arrogance, unfathomable ignorance, and an inexcusable assault on the dignity of the nation. But above all, the convicted PM’s emotionally-loaded, ethically-flawed, politically incorrect and sentimental barrage (Why don’t they leave? Who is stopping them?) is a direct consequence of the incumbent PPP regime’s total alienation from the mainstream populous in the streets of Pakistan.
The fact of the matter is that the PPP’s entire political leadership suffers from an incongruity, an incapability and an intellectual-political incapacity to conceptualize a strategic vision of a democratic Pakistan and its democratic-political management. The PPP incumbent regime is entirely focused on maintaining the political status quo in the country and preserving their political power at all cost, no matter what. The Zardari-Gillani junta considers “democracy” as a process of skillful manipulations, a craft of buying and selling loyalties, naming a price and paying it out of the national exchequer, and to hold onto power irrespective of democratic ethical-moral constraints or legitimacy of political power. No wonder then, that today’s Pakistan stands at the verge of a failed state (the CNN interviewer in London insultingly termed Pakistan as a failed society in the face of Yousef Raza Gillani).
The convicted Pakistani Prime Minister’s visit to Britain has raised more questions on the integrity and credibility of the Zardari-Gillani regime than resolved any fundamental or important issues facing Pakistan. In the first place, British hospitality to Gillani does not provide legitimacy to the convicted Pakistani Prime Minister, nor can it overturn the SC’s conviction. If anything, it made a public mockery of fundamental democratic norms and conventions for which Britain (needlessly) prides itself now. Contradictions in British political behavior are becoming vividly visible – so be it.
Then there are some other important questions that still further undermine Gillani’s personal political conduct, political integrity and political credibility. For instance, why did Gillani and Cameron have a lengthy private meeting? Did Gillani once again compromise Pakistan’s national interests and sovereignty on the issue of US-Nato supply routes? Is Pakistan going to open US-Nato supply routes on conditions laid down by the Americans and their allies? Has there been, once again, secret arrangements and commitments between the US-Nato and Zardari-Gillani regime? Has Cameron, on behalf of US-Nato, assured political support to Zardari’s incumbent presidency and covert backing to the PPP in Pakistan’s general election? Are the commercial incentives offered to Pakistan by Cameron subject to conditionalities? What are those conditions? And so on and so forth?
Will Gillani, on his return, publicly share with the nation what was talked about and agreed upon by him and the British Prime Minister? I do not think so. The Pakistani people are being, once again, cheated by their ruling elite: that is what Gillani’s visit to England was all about – secret commitments, secret understandings, and surrendering Pakistan’s national interests to US-Nato dictates – in exchange for the West’s support of the vested interest groups in tomorrow’s Pakistan.
Indeed, the US-Nato would not like to see a nationalist government come to power in Pakistan because they are fearful that a nationalist government would not serve their geo-political interests in the region.
The question is: Can this stop a transformation of political culture in Pakistan? Can they block a process of “Change” that is already underway in this country?
The Pakistani people are at a crossroads of an ultimate battle between what it is now and what it ought to be tomorrow!!
This is our blinding lightening flash of awareness in which to know, suffer, and prevail over our adversaries!!
We will…we will…we will…!
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16. May, 2012
Kick the scums out and let their masters in wall street or brit have them. Brits love collecting their despotic puppets. they can gang up with busharaf and play dictators in that shitty state.
You bet those disgusting brainless thugs have "sold" Pakistan.
17. May, 2012
Well its okay to be angry with the rulers for what they are doing. But, honestly what else should be expected of viceroys. They are doing their duty loyaly. In fact, its the common people who are not loyal to this state either. I bet -come next elections these scumbags will get elected again. and if u have better people to do the job, pl let us know. Unfortunately, this thugery has become a national trait. These people deserve these rulers. Today every other person on the street is a Zardari personified. No honesty, no ethics. If u want to do any service to the nation, please educate the masses rather than wasting your energies on abusing the lot.
17. May, 2012
"If u want to do any service to the nation, please educate the masses rather than wasting your energies on abusing the lot."
Umm, lets see. Educating the "masses" you say. Now what is that saying "you can take an animal to water but you cannot make it drink."
Stop voting in the SCUMS to start with. The best+ EXCELLENT EDUCATION.
Yes you have very good EXCELLENT educated people -
Dr. Mazari, the former director of Islamabad Institute for Strategic Studies, is the Central Vice President for foreign & security policy at Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf political party.
This is what the above named had to say:
Pakistan’s Defense Minister Is Wrong, Blocking NATO Supplies Does Not Violate International Law
Furthermore, on the question of NATO supplies, the state of Afghanistan can request use of transit access through Pakistan for these supplies, a request that Pakistan could consider.
But Afghanistan has not made such a request. NATO wants this transit route restored but it has no locus standi as an entity on this legal question. Equally pertinent, even if Afghanistan was to make a request for transit of NATO supplies through Pakistan and into Afghanistan, Pakistan would be in its legal rights not to grant this permission on grounds that the war material would also be used against it, as happened in the Salala attack.
You asked for education here it is:
Join – the above text from their mail.
What do the stupid idiotic "bollywood bimbos" Sherri Rehman + Hina Khar say????
Us relation is "important…… blah blah blah…."
the f$%king bastards slaughter your people, humilate, ridicule Pakistan and to these scums Mr% the merry widower +gilani goon the US is important?
Good Rockets, Bad Rockets – BBC Bias On India And North Korea – (i have chosen relevant text but read the full article)
India receiving particular support from George W. Bush and Obama. The 2008 India Civilian Nuclear Agreement — an agreement of cooperation between India, the US, and other providers of nuclear technology — is linked with plans to build dozens of nuclear plants in India, a country that exploded five nuclear devices at its Pokhran test site in 1998. Environmental journalist Gar Smith writes:
‘While this scheme will generate a lot of global cash-flow for the nuclear marketers and their government boosters, it could deal a death blow to nonproliferation hopes by allowing India to become the first country to buy nuclear materials without being a party to the NPT. In April 2010, Washington signed off on a deal that permits India to reprocess its own nuclear fuel. The arrangement, however, has raised fears in neighboring Pakistan, which is now expected to embark on a “significant nuclear military buildup.”
No mention was made of the Pakistani view of India’s launch. There was also no word at all on the view from ‘Washington’ or the US more generally.
A total of 24,090 citizens across 22 countries were interviewed face-to-face or by telephone between December 6, 2011 and February 17, 2012. Polling was conducted for BBC World Service by the international polling firm GlobeScan and its research partners in each country, together with the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland. Countries were rated by half samples in all countries polled. In five of the 22 countries, the sample was limited to major urban areas. The margin of error per country ranges from +/- 2.9 to 4.9 per cent, 19 times out of 20.
Iran (55% negative), Pakistan (51% negative), and Israel and North Korea (both 50% negative)
just incase you are not aware of the israhelli toilet paper the bbc propaganda – just subscribe to Media Lens +INEPENDENT ALTERNATIVE MEDIA - best is Mathaba, CLG
and these sadistic scums is where Mr %+gilani goons go to prostitute themselves and sell Pakistani women + men and 8 month old babies to US goons to rape/torture/experiment/jail
Why is Munter leaving?
from ATIMES – read the article i have pasted relevant text
Flip flop and duplicity on Hafiz Saeed by Washington and other unknown unknowns .
Doubts fly as US envoy to Pakistan quits
By Amir Mir
"However, well-placed diplomatic officials in the federal capital claim that Munter's decision has more to do with behind-the-scenes developments that took place in Islamabad following the April 1, 2012, decision of the Barack Obama administration to put a price of US$10 million on information and evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of the JuD's Saeed. Saeed is also the founder of the pro-Kashmir proscribed jihadi organization Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT). The bounty was announced for his alleged role in the Mumbai attacks.
Just hours after the US State Department announced the bounty, Saeed appeared on Pakistan's Geo TV. He said he was a free man – living in Pakistan – and was ready to speak with US officials at any time.
While some high-ups in the Pakistani Foreign Office claim that Munter has taken the decision to quit on his own for not being kept in the loop by the US State Department, there are those in diplomatic circles who maintain that the envoy is being made to resign by his seniors because of his seemingly soft line over Saeed's bounty issue, which has not gone down well with the Obama administration.
According to a report in the Indian Express, Munter had informed Washington that an apology "was in order" after a cross-border North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) air strike killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last year, but his advice was overruled by the Pentagon. "Pakistan's insistence on an apology for the NATO attack has emerged as a key irritant in moves to reset its relationship with the US after a year of crises that took ties to a new low," the paper reported."
17. May, 2012
Thank Sahib Raja Mujtaba + his team for the excellent work they are doing in "educating" support them
Sorry missed the link for:
Good Rockets, Bad Rockets – BBC Bias On India And North Korea
here it is:
17. May, 2012
Khalif you are right regarding the "israhelli toilet channel beeb"
the keep yanking on about Muslim women and oppression – their blinkered view that has nothing to do with facts
Often we are bombarded with varying phrases in the media that claim we as muslim women are oppressed. It is unsettling to think this is the word chosen to describe our lives when we very well know it is far from the truth!
Despite this, research conducted by iERA on the Perception of Islam in the UK (2010) found that 94% of individuals when questioned disagreed that they thought muslim women are opressed.
“Without someone actually taking the time out to explain Islam, people would probably believe what was being portrayed on the television which is sad because Islamic women are much more than this” – Saskia Albers
Inspired by this, iERA set out to help non muslim women to really appreciate a muslimahs way of life.
Project Muslim
Four women volunteered for five days to enter into a self reflective journey discovering what it is like to be a Muslim Woman.
Were we successful in helping to clear misconceptions?
Were we successful in planting seeds in their hearts?
Join us at the Seeds of Change for the World Premier of this documentary to discover the journey for yourselves….
Simply go online and the first 30 sisters who book using the code ProjectMuslimSOC will receive an exclusive 30% discount on their ticket. Hurry though, offer ends midnight on Friday 18th May!
Instead of Pakistan gov thinking about PAKISTAN's security they are busy being US WHORES
IP gasline is played on YES/NO delayed and once again stabbing Muslims in the back and destroying Pakistan.
By ex-Indian Ambassador to Bosphorus:
My views on India's policy on Iran are well known.Instead of succumbing to US pressure , we can exploit it for our benefit , but with Washington's soft diplomacy via IIC, CPL,ICWA etc scholarships , well paid seminars etc and what Communists call comprador allies in Mumbai and Delhi , India's long term interests suffer .
I met a young journalist and when I , with my association with media of five decades moaned how it has generated and in US half a dozen corporate entities control it , extending their sway world wide, he made a telling statement .
Americans are lucky, in India one family controls most of the media directly or indirectly ( he could have added the ruling machinary as well including MPs) So where are we heading.There is much more resistance and agitation against banksetrs and financiers in US or say in Egypt , but in Dharma abiding Bhartavarsha , ille , so would say old Madrasis or Tamils now .
Bhdrakumar's blog piece is more nuanced .
Cheers Gajendra
India dumps Iran squeezes Obama