Pakistan: Be watchful of US moves till 2014

Posted on 10. Apr, 2012 by in Pak-US Relations

Our agencies need to remain extra vigilant till 2014

By Asif Haroon Raja

The US considers it its birthright to lord over the whole world and expects others to accept its ascendency because it is the sole super power and economically and militarily the strongest nation on the earth. However, despite its unchallenged supremacy, it is also a reality that the US remains fearful of Israel and Jewish lobby within USA. The President of USA reputed as the strongest man of the world remains subservient to the wishes of Israel. He can show eyes to anyone less Israel since the Jews help him in getting elected. Economy, Federal Reserve, banks, business, media, think tanks and most corporations in USA are controlled by the American Jews. Jewish influence is so pervasive that the US leadership has to perforce adopt dual-faced foreign policy to protect and defend offensive and illegal acts of Israel and admonish the victims of Israeli aggression. Its unjust and hypocritical approach particularly towards Palestinian dispute has earned the US a very bad name among the Muslim world.

Of late India seems to be competing with Israel in terms of influence over Washington. Indian lobby in USA has become an effective body to prevail upon the decision makers in Washington and implant India-made perceptions. Deep-rooted equation between the two strategic partners can be judged from the behavior of US leaders towards India. When India gets disturbed on any count, the US gets equally disturbed. Whenever India encounters difficulties, the US rushes to its aid and rescues it. When India makes a wish whether legal or legal, it is promptly fulfilled even if the desired item has international repercussions. If India wants to harm or let down any of its neighbor, Washington extends all out support to its evil program. All American officials including the president visiting India ensure that they do not utter a word which may cause heartburn to Indian leadership. They behave obsequiously and humbly and to gladden their hosts they make it a point to hurl an unpleasant remark against Pakistan or subscribe to India’s allegation against its archrival. Announcement of $10 million award money for capture of Jamaat-ud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed and $3 million for Hafiz Rahman Makki by a US official visiting India is a case in point. Anti-Pakistan statements help a great deal in keeping India in good humor and in expediting inking of lucrative defence and economic deals.  

Their behavior is quite the opposite when they visit Islamabad. Here they behave as viceroys visiting a colony. They remain officious, haughty and demanding. Instead of listening to genuine complaints of Pakistani leaders, they put them on the back foot at the very outset by leveling frivolous allegations or showing displeasure over lack of progress made and ask them to do more to deserve next consignment of US aid. They feel offended if on few occasions our leaders pick up courage to meekly utter a muffled protest that the desired demand impinges upon Pakistan’s security.     

It has been a normal practice of Indian leaders to blame Pakistan for any act of terror taking place in India. In almost all cases, it was proven by Indian agencies that Hindu extremists were involved, or the act was engineered by RAW to scandalize Pakistan. This chronic habit of blame game without ascertaining facts was adopted by the West during the ongoing war on terror. Any act of terror taking place anywhere in the world is habitually assumed to have a Pakistani connection. This was purposely done to declare Pakistan as the most dangerous place in the world. Any homegrown terrorist caught in act of terror or a suspect planning to commit an act of terror in USA or any western country would be conveniently linked with FATA. The incident would be blown up and a story woven that the culprit had visited one of the tribal agencies sometime in the past to receive training from Taliban. This was done to project FATA has the most dangerous place within Pakistan. Shooting incident by one Mohamad Maher in France is the most recent example of biased attitudes. His connection was traced to TTP in North Waziristan claiming that he had visited that place sometime back and received training.

This propaganda has been going for years despite the fact that 147000 Pak security forces are relentlessly fighting the militant forces in all seven tribal agencies as well as settled regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa since 2003 and both sides have sustained heavy fatalities. Unlike Pak Army which has achieved laudable successes and has an upper edge over foreign paid terrorists, Afghanistan which was declared as the hub centre of extremism and terrorism in September 2001 is hardly commented upon since 152000 strong ISAF has performed poorly in containing Taliban led insurgency and in sheer frustration has now decided to give it up as a bad job and quit by 2014. India has hardly done anything to combat terrorism except to grieve and blame Pakistan for all acts of terror taking place in India. In fact Indo-US-Israeli nexus has fueled terrorism for their selfish interests rather than curbing terrorism. Afghanistan and Pakistan have suffered immensely on account of their clandestine operations and use of force.      

Dyncorps was used by USA to develop a parallel network of security and intelligence personnel within Pakistan. Inter-Risk Security Company headed by Captain retired Syed Ali Zaidi was opened in Islamabad in 2008 to provide arms and equipment to Blackwater. In February 2009 it was reported that over 70 American military advisers and technical specialists were secretly working in Pakistan to help the Pak Army battle al-Qaeda and Taliban in FATA. They advised how to go about conducting operations against militants. Joint Special Operations Centres (JSOC) were also established in Peshawar, Kohat, Karachi and Quetta.

$1.5 billion annual Kerry Lugar aid bill (KLB) apparently meant to bolster economy of Pakistan was in actuality designed to fund NGOs, and facilitate entry of CIA under cover contractors and US Special Forces operatives to speed up its efforts to disable Pakistan’s nuclear program.  Funds for expansion of the US Embassy in Islamabad were catered for in the KLB. Massive expansion of the Embassy was undertaken in 2010 so as to house additional force of Marines. Nine storey building including five storied basements were in the design to cater for 15000 Marine forces.  Initially it was reported that up to 1000 Marines had got inducted – thanks to all out efforts made by Hussein Haqqani and Rahman Malik, but now unconfirmed reports indicate that the figure may be much higher. China had expressed its serious concerns over the expansion plan and warned Pakistan of the US sinister designs.

In 2011, the US pressed Pakistan to allow posting of security liaison officers (SLO) at every Corps HQ to allow the US to facilitate effective intelligence sharing mechanism and also to launch covert as well as overt operations to hunt al-Qaeda fugitives in Pakistan. The Army rejected the demand and kept resisting strongly worded warnings during several high-profile visits of American senior military and civil officials. When the pressure became insurmountable, the establishment half-heartedly agreed to allow an SLO in Quetta only but not within the premises of 12 Corps HQ, and that too on need basis. This proposal also fizzled out since it was assessed that the SLOs in all probability would be CIA undercover agents.

Series of American interferences in 2011 impelled Pakistan’s security apparatus to take effective measures to roll back US intrusions and safeguard our strategic assets. Although the US and British military trainers as well as CIA’s contractors and undercover agents involved in covert war were sent back, it is still not known whether the Marines have been extradited. Likewise, several CIA cells have been busted and local CIA agents like Dr. Afridi have been nabbed but there may be many unidentified agents still working for CIA. Current status of CIA network duly complemented by RAW and Mossad agents is not known. Our agencies need to remain extra vigilant till the complete withdrawal of ISAF and five intelligence agencies from Afghanistan.

While efforts must continue to cleanse Pakistan of the presence of undesirable foreign elements at the earliest, reopening of NATO supply and that too for non-lethal items must be made conditional to termination of drone war. At no cost the Kashmir cause and minimum nuclear deterrence should be compromised. Grant of MFN status to India should be made conditional to resolution of Kashmir dispute and stoppage of construction of illegal dams over Indus, Chenab and Jhelum Rivers and link canals to divert water from these rivers. Indo-US efforts to make Pakistan a compliant state must be resisted with full force. 

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5 Responses to “Pakistan: Be watchful of US moves till 2014”

  1. [...] Read more… [...]

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  2. Afriq

    10. Apr, 2012

    Asahib I agree with you on US bias and would go so far as to say that this is a WEST aka IMPERIAL control. India has never mentality moved from the shit raj ideology they have continued as the brown englishmen.
    Divide et Impera – Pakistan knows this VERY well – east Pakistan. Bangladesh ruled by a wetern whore and carrying out imperialistic ideology.
    Remove Islamic identity of Bangladesh.
    but what you wrote below (copied & pasted) is ALL PAKISTANI Leaders DOING. They have allowed to trampling, erodi and slaughter. They have shown that they are gutless, corrupt idiots who will sell their women + brave for a fist full of worthless $£€
    Their behavior is quite the opposite when they visit Islamabad. Here they behave as viceroys visiting a colony. They remain officious, haughty and demanding. Instead of listening to genuine complaints of Pakistani leaders, they put them on the back foot at the very outset by leveling frivolous allegations or showing displeasure over lack of progress made and ask them to do more to deserve next consignment of US aid. They feel offended if on few occasions our leaders pick up courage to meekly utter a muffled protest that the desired demand impinges upon Pakistan’s security.   
    Again partial agreement. Strong agreement that India' blwmes Pakistan aka bogeyman
    It has been a normal practice of Indian leaders to blame Pakistan for any act of terror taking place in India. In almost all cases, it was proven by Indian agencies that Hindu extremists were involved, or the act was engineered by RAW to scandalize Pakistan
    thy forgets the insane beast causing havoc in the Ummah Israhellis
    More Dope on Loud Mouth Brajesh Mishra 
    Tel Aviv & Neo-Cons ' Voice in India
    Israeli Drug Network in India
    An extract from my “Corrupt Arms Establishment Resists Cleanup by Gen VK Singh”
    –Decrepit Publicity Hog BC Mishra Spouts Nonsense
    On Mishra’s connection with Zionist lobby and Neo-Cons, who planned and executed US led illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, which strategically and historically can be compared with Nazi Germany‘s invasion of the Soviet Union in WWII .The sacrifice of Israeli resistance and people has destroyed the US army, i.e. its ground forces leading to US hyper power’s decline and likely fall sooner than later
    NOTE: K Gajendra Singh  -ex Indian diplomat to the bosphorus

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  3. Khalif

    11. Apr, 2012

    Why put limit on such an important issue as DEFENCE?
    Till 2014?
    Nay ALWAYS. You are dealing with the scum terrorists- US+UK+ their wanabee thugs naTo+west
    they have included the BROWN english crap to give it "fig leaf" coverage be it India, Arab despotic crass leaders.
    well before 2005 they started their "our friends" India BS.
    we know them well these zionist mafiosi. they hose the "aceptable face or farce" of India – the crass vomit bollywood crap in the dustbin of europe italia. every vile ideology is carried out from Italia where the pro-israhellis have a strangling hold + mafia.
    it is well known the relationship of cia+criminal gangs+vatikan. the false niger documents for the christian terrorism in our Holyland of Iraq. Also well known is the India mafia role in bollywood. No doubt you will remeber the retard show- reality tv brit big brother + indian "bimbos".
    it is laughable that India is compred to China. India will need more than the vast number of half naked starving billion + population to be comparable to China.
    the Islamophobia groups have signaled the showing of bollywood crass stupid production in europe besides Uk (UK for the horrific terrorism that brits goon call imperialism). All vile deals are carried out from Italy – mafia+drug+huma trafficking +near to north africa – ask Libyans they KNOW FULL WELL the role that the mafia state plays and least thee forgets the connection between vatikan + mafia (search enrico de pedis, manuela orladi+St Apolliranis – and NO they will not open the crypt and if they do will remove the incriminating evidence!
    Mafia gangster tomb reopened to solve 30-year-old mystery …
    The alleged mastermind behind the kidnapping of Miss Orlandi was Enrico "Renatino" De Pedis, the leader of the Magliana gang, Rome's most ruthless … central Rome in February 1990 and his body interred in the crypt in the Basilica of Sant' Apollinare (Saint Apollinaris), a Vatican-owned church…
    There is an insiduous campaign against Pakistan. Open any of western shit rags and you will be flooded with RABID anti-Pakistan propaganda.
    SO keep your GUARD ALWAYS and start by banning the terrorist channels bbcnnabc… el liezeera + el lierabiya the false ARAB channels

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  4. Moshe Ben Ze'Ev

    14. Apr, 2012

    I am the Israeli officer of Brigadier rank entrusted with the co-ordination of the infamous RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis that has blighted Pakistan since its birth. It was I, who with a simple telephone call, had Haqqani released and it was I who caused the elevation of Mansur Ijaz to demigod status in the history of Pakistan. It was I who am responsible for the trouble n Balochistan. Behold my latest triumph: again, with a simple phone call, I have re-opened the NATO supply routes into Afghanistan. All the brouhaha was for nought. The situation will be precisely staus quo ante. There will be street protests (which I will organize, rest assured), a few vehicles will be torched, but my supplies will roll through. Hmm. I think I'll now concentrate on stopping gas flows out of Sui,

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  5. Afriq

    14. Apr, 2012

    Lord Nazir the vast majority of 1.6 – 1.8 BILLION MUSLIMS SUPPORT THIS CAUSE
    Muslim Politician Offers Ten Million Dollars For Head of Bush
    Lord Nazir Ahmed also said Pakistan needed evolution instead of revolution.
    Speaking at a seminar "International Scenario, Pakistan and Our Responsibilities," he said the United States had fixed head money on Hafiz Saeed to put Pakistan on defensive. He said, "I announce $10 million reward on George W Bush," in a statement to the press in Pakistan on Tuesday.
    The western media has largely remained silent on the matter for fears that Bush be arrested and face war crimes charges. Next month, the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal convenes again to consider further charges against the former U.S. president George W Bush, U.K. president Tony Blair and others, who were already found guilty of war crimes last year.

    Notice: Mathaba News Agency is again giving exclusive coverage of the trials in May. To ensure you do not miss the coverage, sign up with your Email here to the Mathaba Daily Briefing.


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