Archive for March, 2012
Afghan Saga
Posted on27. Mar, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.
Killing One Innocent Person is killing the Humanity – Man in Search of Humanity By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD In its search for change and progressive future-making, the global mankind is oppressed by systematic ignorance, intransigence and arrogance of the few affluent class of people managing the global institutions, militarization and governance – the perverted [...]
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Indian Military Strategic Thinking and Doctrine
Posted on26. Mar, 2012 by Shafei Moiz Hali.

By Shafei M Hali “India has arrived”[1] is a statement that is bustling in the global arena. India is fast developing into an economic juggernaut that has yet to achieve its maximum speed and looking at the way it is poised on the economic and global front, the predictions are that India will be challenging [...]
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Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy
Posted on25. Mar, 2012 by Tommy Tucci.

Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy Self inflicted morose and despised crumbling US empire ratchets up domestic and global calamity in a race with the 24 hour clock to the dark abyss and bottom of collapse. Party line belligerent [...]
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A Failing US Strategy in Afghanistan
Posted on25. Mar, 2012 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan Western analysts believe that, “Afghanistan was Obama`s war of choice. He picked it in preference to Iraq, ordered up a Petraeus-patented surge, went after the bad guys in Helmand and Kandahar, and now, like George Bush before him, is preparing to declare a victory, whatever the uncomfortable facts of [...]
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The NATO Supply
Posted on25. Mar, 2012 by Asif H Raja.

NATO Containers should carry perishable items only By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Gen Musharraf had accepted the US demands in September 2001 since he suffered from legitimacy bug and country’s economic health was unsatisfactory. He agreed to make Pakistan a frontline state in the global war on terror assuming that it would benefit him as [...]
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Social Sciences in Pakistan—a bright future
Posted on25. Mar, 2012 by Shafei Moiz Hali.

By Shafei Moiz Hali According to a survey based on education conducted by Gallup, the higher education for our youth is divided in to two broad disciplines Arts and Sciences. “Arts” is adopted by 33% while “science” is adopted by 67% of the students pursuing higher education. Now within the smaller segment of 33%, “economics” [...]
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The Killings in Kandahar and the Strategic partnership Agreement
Posted on24. Mar, 2012 by Simbal Khan.

The savage act of a disturbed soldier in Kandahar and the earlier Quran burning riots has thrown in sharp relief the problems inherent in the broader US strategy to wind down the war in Afghanistan. It also opens up a Pandora’s Box of questions regarding the sustainability of the Strategic Partnership Agreement likely to be [...]
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Who Is Normal
Posted on24. Mar, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I – The "Locally Normal" The vast majority of people in any given society are "locally normal." By this I mean that they conform to the accepted outlooks and behaviors of their local society. They fit comfortably with their neighbors who fit comfortably with them. Their opinions are majority [...]
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As You Sow
Posted on24. Mar, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker: By Humayun Gauhar Sorry if I sound disjointed but it’s because my back is disjointed. My back is disjointed because of a landing that was disjointed. Because my back is disjointed my thoughts are disjointed. I cannot think straight. I know: some ‘admirers’ will say, “You could never think straight anyway, so what’s [...]
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On the Brink of Third World War
Posted on24. Mar, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

By Brig Nadir Mir 2012 onwards, the world is on the brink of Third World War. All sane and peace loving men would pray and strive that it is averted. For the horoscope of the times point towards a global catastrophe in the making. The guns of August 1914 – 1st World War paled in [...]