Despite Global Assurances on Balochistan
Posted on 12. Mar, 2012 by Dr Raja M Khan in Hot Topics

Foreign Funded and Sardar loyalists
By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan
In his recent weekly briefing, the spokesman of the Foreign Office, Mr Abdul Basit has said that Pakistan has been assured by some European countries for no more backing the activities of Baloch sub-nationalists. “We have been assured that their respective territories would not be used for anti-Pakistan activities.” Pakistan indeed has “made demarches to the relevant governments.” In this regard, Britain and Switzerland governments have been approached, who responded positively. Unfortunately, the highly civilized governments of the West have been traditionally involved in the destabilization of some of the nation states, which were decolonized by them, after keeping under them for a long time. Pakistan has been the main target for the promotion of these activities.
If the territories of these and so many other western countries are being used for promoting the separatist movement, the real imperialistic designs come from the major global driver, the United States. Did our Foreign Office get any guaranty from this super power, whose law makers have even presented resolution in the US upper House? The immediate response of US State Department was not supportive of this Congressional move and support for Baloch separatists or any of their activities. However, US Government and officials in Islamabad have made many attempts to establish its Consulate in Quetta. After all, there must have been some apprehensions, owing to which, Pakistani Government did not agree to that.
More recently, there was a media report that US Government is massively supporting the activities of the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA). Though, the report has been rejected by US Embassy in Islamabad. The US Embassy statement said that, “We categorically deny this claim as utterly false and lacking any basis in fact.” The report further said that, “It is common practice for diplomats to meet with provincial leaders in order to better understand the local political climate of the country to which they are assigned.” Indeed, the use of soft power at the State level, while apparently denying parallel developments like; use of direct and indirect means including; media, spying network, scholars and law makers is new technique for the implementation of global agenda by the modern day super power. In this regards, its trans-Atlantic allies and their soil become the physical centres for harbouring such elements, while implementation rests with the brains at CIA and Pentagon.
For the moment, let us believe Victoria Nuland and US Embassy in Islamabad, who assure Pakistan that, in no case US supports sub-nationalists in Balochistan. But what about the long history of US official and non official documents, plans, articles and covert activities of its very important scholars, and law makers, who have been promoting separatism in Balochistan? Whereas, Congressman Dana is among the US Lawmakers, who can deny the lengthy article published in US Armed Forces Journal in 2006, entitled as the “Blood Borders.” With Pentagon, as the publishing authority, how can someone deny the mindset of this mighty and unparallel establishment, which spends half of the world’s defence budget per years?
Mr. Ralph Peters, the famous writer of this article, who happens to be a faculty member and think tank of US Defence Establishment. In the current discussion of the Resolution on Balochistan, this retired Marine Colonel has been very active and advised US Government to break its relationship with Pakistan and support for the independent Balochistan. Indeed, in his above mentioned article, he categorically supported the creation of independent Balochistan, with the name of Greater Balochistan; an integration of Baloch areas of Pakistan “with those of Iran and possibly the Southern tip of Afghanistan thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran and Pakistan.” The contents about the future of Pakistan were essentially not of this writer, but very clearly indicating the mindsets of global game changers.
In the same years, Pakistani lawmakers of the Upper House warned Britain spying network of, “abetting the insurgency in the province (Balochistan) bordering Iran.” These covert British activities were of course not in isolation, but part of a network, consisting of CIA, Mossad, RAW etc. Thus, it may be difficult for the Pakistani Government that even after knowing the massive global engagement in Balochistan, it simple believe the statement of US Embassy in Islamabad or Spokespersons of US State Department Victoria Nuland.
After having known the factual position of the global involvement in the destabilization of Balochistan, should we only condemn their acts or move ahead. After all US and EU are not going to address our domestic issues, and if they are involved, the issue is more complex then. Pakistan cannot force these countries to delink from their covert activities, though apparently they promised to do that. However, what Pakistan Government should do to take steps for putting our own house in order. After knowing these conspiracies since last so many years, why we have been closing our eyes? Why cannot we redress the grievances of the Bloch masses? Have they been asked about their real issues? Has the so-called ‘Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package’, passed by Federal parliament in November-2009, implemented. What about the law and order situation there in the province, who would control that.
These very simple, but realistic questions need immediate attention by the Federal Government. It may not be enough to blame security forces, intelligence agencies and Frontier Corps for some of the acts, took place, owing to continuous negligence and repeated failure of all the stake holders. Missing persons is not the one issue. The real problem is the socio-economic uplift of the Baloch masses. Have the provincial and Federal Governments able to do that? People of Pakistan and Baloch masses would like to know the real uses of their allotted budget. Is it only for the MPs, who all are ministers, except one opposition members? Is it for the purchase of loyalties of the MPs and Senators to keep the Provincial and Federal Governments intact or for the welfare of the Baloch masses? Who does not know the sales and purchases took place during the recent Senate selection.
While the country is passing through the most critical juncture of its independent history, its leadership is busy in buying the MPs and senators, totally ignoring the ground realities. Nobody is bothered about the future of this only nuclear Muslim country and masses, who regrettably brought them to the power.
As a patriotic Pakistani national, my sincere advice to the law makers and national leadership would be to please concentrate on the real issues of this country and particularly the deprived class of Baloch masses. The sooner we do that, the better would it be. By taking such a step, we can foil the global conspiracies too. Otherwise, we must remember that, despite global assurances, forces are active to play with the future of Pakistan.
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13. Mar, 2012
Dr Khan since 2006 Pakistan has known about this and no action taken! OMG that means this has going on before and pakistan found out about it in 2006. This reminds of the same, VERY SAME insane sick atrocious vile ideology of the FUKUSA axis in Russia in 2007- the pathetic, ridiculous "colour revolution" a FAILURE in all sense of the word as the states who broke away now want to align with Russia.
See the article by Manon Loizeau – – (the western exported shit faulty ideology or in better words puppet regimes to cater their EVIL VILE masters while playing some ridiculous part of a leader alla the chaiwallaha KARZAI the most hated after saudi + gcc goons in the Ummah -my words) ideology.
Yes indeed what is Pakistan doing and better still what do the Balouch morons calling themselves leaders think they will achieve? Yo thugheads look at LIBYA! You think you will achieve anything? If your idea of statehood is to be the "western hoodies" meaning the cia goon school of Muslim brotherhood than GO TO HELL. All these shitty scum have said is if you support uswe will let you:
use the Gadwar port to scew us
not allow Iran pipeline to scew us
allow you OUR sovereignity to abuse us and screw us
allow your sick sycopaths, rapists, criminal, thugs, pedos + your house of horrors to screw us
Nothing what they will do FOR the people and Pakistan has allowed these mass murdering criminals – FUKUSA axis bed fellows to continue?
Go to hell Pakistani govrernment because WE ARE COMING and WE GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU, your family and your interests
Russia has come back stronger and more powerful. Russia has PUTIN what has Pakistan got?
Farts who go running to the beast. Not for long i assure you.
We know how to neutralise the Balouch goons, theu will need more than the qatari queer and his masters to challenge us because we are the people.