Posted on 12. Mar, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar in Opinion

Even the insects may not survive
Opinion Maker:
By Humayun Gauhar
Anyone who imagines that Israel can attack Iran and not unleash another world war must be mad. Pray pause and think.
I know that if the world weren’t half-full of madcaps we wouldn’t have had the first two world wars in the first place. Both were touted as ‘wars that would end the world’ but they were essentially European, with Japan thrown into the second and most of the rest of the world in bondage to European powers drafted in, not really knowing what they were fighting, killing and dying for who and why. For King and country? Which King? Which country? Not theirs, surely? That was the lot of the Indian. Not so Iran, which was not enslaved and never was. Herein lies the essential difference in mental makeup, not in being Shia or Sunni.
But the next world war could truly bring Armageddon. It would be the end, if not of the world, if not of humankind, then certainly of contemporary civilization. Khatam shud. That includes Israel, which ironically would have started the war to protect itself. It would not be the first time that our brother Jews would have brought destruction down upon themselves. But I’m sure of one thing: the Jews may be anything but they are one people who are not crazy. Going by the record, they are the most intelligent people on earth, so intelligent that they often are too intelligent for their own good.
“Good,” some would say. “I want to get off this ship of fools. Let’s begin all over again.” That’s easy to say in the comfort of your armchair, but not so easy when you see your child’s skin peeling off before your eyes because of heat and radiation.
So what do we do? Give Israel what it wants? Not a bit of it. Think it through. Try and understand why Israel and its supporters (I use the word ‘supporters’ tongue in cheek) are fanning the flames of war and fomenting hysteria. Gauge what they really want, and then, if you can, outsmart them. Beat them at their own game. Not so easy, but if there is any Muslim country capable of doing this, the only one is Iran. The rest are…best not to say it. Or should I? The rest are largely regional general managers in America’s global scheme of things. Those few who are not are despots at the very least. Look at Assad the Tyrant of Syria and what he won’t do, how many of his own brothers, sisters and children he won’t kill just to cling to power. He should visit his despotic father Hafiz the Tyrant’s grave sometimes and see whether the can detect a throne there. He will find it not there but under his own derriere. Soon, someone else’s derriere will be on it. And his derriere will be gone.
It was Netanyahu’s speech in Washington that set the cat amongst the pigeons. It fell just short of a declaration of war. There is still a ‘window of opportunity’ open for an attack, he said, but fast for it would close soon and Iran would have passed the nuclear threshold. Time was of the essence, not to be wasted contemplating one’s navel. Israel didn’t need anyone’s blessings and would go it alone if need be. But as Tuco said, “When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.” With Netanyahu speaking so much, I doubt if he really intends to shoot. Soothing of feathers started in earnest. Kick the can down the road, at least until the US presidential elections and hope that better sense would prevail thereafter.
But then Israeli President Shimon Peres added to the hysteria by letting off in the same vein, that sanctions were only the first option. If they didn’t work all other options were still on the table, including a military strike. Echoes of Osirak, what?
Why don’t I think Iran will be attacked, either by Israel or America? Here are some reasons.
1. My analysis is rationality based. Ruling is ruthless, often bereft of rationality. Look at it objectively and you can only see losers in this conflict, no winners. Not one.
2. Obama is up for re-election this November. Here he is trying to get out of the two brainless wars his predecessor got him into, would he want to get or sucked into a much bigger one?
3. America and Europe’s economies are fragile. Truthfully, the world economy is fragile. Closing the Straits of Hormuz is easy for Iran, despite America’s fabled armada going up and down watery hills in the Arabian Gulf, like the Duke of York. They should recall the even more fabled Spanish Armada. When the price of oil goes up appreciably, which it most certainly will, the world economy will collapse. There’s no two ways about it. Would anyone in his right mind want that? The question is: are rulers in their right minds all the time? Types like us would be done and dusted, which is most of the world. India’s growth, already sputtering, will take a giant leap backward. China’s growth will stall. Humanity will go into wretchedness never before seen, not even in pre-biblical times.
4. Whatever destruction it might cause, Israel too will get destroyed in the process. Attacking Iran would be suicidal. Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas at the very least would jump into the fray. So might other Muslim countries, especially if their people rise in support, forgetting historic Shia and Sunni cleavages for the moment. It certainly would spell the end of many manufactured post-World Wars and post-colonial states.
5. Worse, whether it likes it or not, and regardless of the noises it is making, America would also have to jump into the fray, not just because of the inordinate pressure brought to bear on it by ‘The Jewish Lobby’ and AIPAC, but more because it would be eying who gets control of the oilfields of the Arabian Gulf and the Caspian Basin once the region starts unraveling. There is no gainsaying that Russia and energy starved China would not want a piece of the action. Even energy-starved India might madly imagine that it can also grab some of the booty. In that unlikely event, what adventure do you think Pakistan might get into? Even China might advise us to. Sounds like the Mad Hatter talking right now, I agree, but it won’t sound so mad when history comes to be written.
The foregoing begs the question: then why all this sabre rattling? It’s about applying pressure on:
1. America to side even more with Israel.
2. Russia and China to talk to Iran to make it come under international oversight, just as Pakistan is perennially being asked to. They are the only countries Iran might pay heed to.
3. The threat of the destruction that an attack on Iran would wreak could actually prevent a war and bring Iran to where Israel feels safe.
4. An US president driven by election fever would bend over backwards to placate Israel if he wants to win.
On the other hand, you just don’t know. Madness comes without giving notice. It doesn’t take an appointment. The rationale of rulers is different from the rationale of normal people. Often driven by imaginary demons, the confidence they exude is frequently hubris. They are so certain of their technology, their satellites, their listening and watching devices and their fearsome computer driven gizmos of mass destruction, that logic and rationality often desert them. That is how empires, superpowers and civilizations end and new ones begin. These are social super novae.
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13. Mar, 2012
Well thought out although I do not agree that the Jewish people brought the holocaust upon themselves, as you seem to suggest.
As to your point three, my personal thoughts on this are that this makes the war far more likely to happen, it's the traditional way to get the world out of financial depression and the real decision makers favour whatever well make them more wealthy.
Where point four is concerned, most of the major Muslim powers in the region have been trying to get the US to invade Iran for years. I also do not think anyone but Iran (if they have any yet) are likely to use nuclear weapons as everyone else understands the MAD principle.
I personally think that allot of this problematic is caused by Iran not understanding how its repeated comments of "wiping Israel from the face of the earth" are understood in the west. I find it unlikely that this is any more than to score internal political points but it is a threat of enough magnitude (considering the nuclear efforts in Iran), that it must be taken seriously by the West.
Iran also seems to believe that the West doesn't want them to have civil nuclear power while in fact a correctly regulated nuclear program (subject to the same independent regulatory systems as all other nations nuclear facilities) would not be problematic for the West.
13. Mar, 2012
Reading your comments will really give an insight to what most in US or even Westerner feels …especially the warped logic
1. That Iran is more likely to use the nukes than "saintly" Israel or US. I call this "holier than thou" attitude . The reverse is true. Iran has NOT invaded another country
2. Ahmadnijad did not mention he wanted to wipe Isreal off the map. He was deliberately misquoted by the Israeli lobby… you try to find the truth yourself. He meant "Zionism"
3. Jews are not responsible for all these? Look who is grabbing whose land. Who are the ones parachuted into Palestine. Who are the ones attacking other countries? Who are the ones who continuously creates incidences..the latest of which to kill and bomb leaders and civilians in Gaza when there is no physical attacks on Israeal?
and when the Palestinians retaliated with ineffective fireworks, Clintons tells the Palestinian to stop the rocket attacks WITHOUT A SINGLE word on Israel air strikes into Gaza which created the entire incident.
…. there are many more to fill an encyclopedia…. \
Our word for you is , do not depend or even take for Gospel truth what CNN, Al Ajzeera, or Fox news tell you. Read say "",,…. you will learn what actually is happening in this world.
13. Mar, 2012
Whether or not you agree, Jews did bring the so called Holocaust down on themselves. It is a fact of history not an opin ion you get to accept or discard as such. You need a bit more thorough review of history than that offered by the curriculum or especially Hollywood as a rule but the fact remains Germany and Hitler's problem with the Jews did not sprng from madness or a vaccuum and there were good historicl reasons why Germany acted as they did under Hitler and why over 100 city states and countries have expelled jews in a similar fashion on their benighted history. You will need to research all the way back to WWI and the Versailles treaty and then Bolsheviks and Communists and Judaism to begin to get a drift and don't miss the actual first declaration of the war, by Jews themselves in March, 1936.
13. Mar, 2012
Dear Humayun,
Unfortunately the reasons you give for believing Israel and US will not invade Iran are precisely the ones many believe those countries WILL invade Iran.
The general public in Israel and US desire peace and want Iran to be left alone. However the governments in these countries are in thrall to corporations and lobby groups greedy for influence and profit. An invasion would force Iran to close the Straits of Hormuz and oil prices would rise. This would create more profits for the oil companies since we in the West can't survive without oil.
Also in Israel and the US, there is great fundamentalist Jewish and Christian religious influence respectively. Fundamentalist Christians believe Jesus will return when all Muslims are defeated. Fundamentalist Jews also believe their Messiah will return if they drive all Muslims out of Palestine.
The US desires also to punish the Iranians for overthrowing the Shah in 1979 because the Shah was a US client. The US hopes to get access to oil supplies in the Caspian Sea area. It will stop at nothing to do this.
13. Mar, 2012
Armageddon is over 3 1/2 years away. WWIII is the Gate "Bab" of On, Ilu, El, Allah ie the Tower of Babel. Don't be fooled by this article; Israel is not Jewish in any sense of the word as Amos 5 makes perfectly clear. Antichrist is revealed after WWIII; Jesus Christ arrives after Armageddon.
geoffrey franklin
13. Mar, 2012
How to stop Armegeddon
Wulfrano Ruiz Sainz
13. Mar, 2012
If WWIII starts this year you can be sure demons will be at the controls.
40 years ago I wrote a book in Spanish titled "La Tercera Guerra Mundial" (The Third World War). On page 212, I said that World War III would start with the israeli attack on Syria via Damascus and on Jordan via Amman. And today, what do I see in the night sky? I see the planet Mars which according to Gustav Holtz is the bringer of War! Tonight's perfect alignment of Mars, Earth and Sun, hadn't happened before in thousands of your comment here…
Michael Cecil
13. Mar, 2012
Even under the threat of Armageddon itself…
The "dragon"-media continues to censor the Truth about the Doctrine of "resurrection" as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'…
The "beast" political establishment continues to ignore the Truth about the Doctrine of "resurrection"…
And the "false prophet" Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious 'authorities' continue to deny, pervert and contradict the Doctrine of "resurrection" as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'.
Hence, the Prophecy of Armageddon in Revelations 16:13-16 in the first place.
13. Mar, 2012
Israel was created by the Rothschilds in order to bring about Albert Pike's third world war. It has been planned and carried out to perfection, so why stop now? It is possible that a military coup is formenting in the US, because that is the only way this train wreck is going to stop.
Israhell has great need to steal water, oil and slaves from their surroundings, and the Self Chosen Vampires (SCV) never stop until they get what they want or they die. If you wish to stop the soon to arrive full scale nuclear war, then you must eliminate the SCV.. There really is no other way.
Michael Cecil
13. Mar, 2012
Not one winner?
Are you kidding me?
OF COURSE there will be a 'winner'…
…to the theological mentality.
If, for example, there are two Christians for every Jew and Muslim left alive after Armageddon, the Christians will conclude that they have WON, and that the 'God' they worship is the 'True God'.
Same goes for Jews and Muslims.
In fact, that is WHY they are so BLOOD-thirsty in the first place.
They want EVERYONE to believe that the 'God' that THEY worship is the 'True God'…
In which case they are the 'CHOSEN' of that 'God'…
Even if they are up to their necks in BLOOD and GORE.
13. Mar, 2012
On 20 November 2010 – Imam Mahdi and the son of Bani Tamim into the Earth's natural role is to prepare for REVIVAL OF ISLAMIC WORLD.
Following that, the Jews in the shake and disconnected from the world.
On December 1, 2010:
Letter From the End-Time Prophet
… between citations,
The result of all this, God let this world now belongs to you. Whereas if not to learn from Muhammad, the dish will not happen to you. Not ashamed you studied with your enemy? Then, proud as your right! In fact, O Jews, when you see how the spirit of Muhammad uses the provisions of Allah on their 1000-fold over current technology you use, you will be ashamed to be proud. Yours was broken when all Muslims back into the empire to save the world. You just have to wait just a little while longer, just a few days left, dikeranakan at Jewish center in Saudi Arabia is already happening, such as Tsunami, boom-boom like a volcano, laharnya will surround Israel, means will collapse kezalimanmu in Gaza but throughout the world . God willing, then Muslims will return to glorify God and their Prophet will be a very significant and valuable to them.
Type text or a website address or
Alami Musafir
13. Mar, 2012
During times of quiet reflection I wonder why the Creator, who's handiwork is so vast,
intricate, eternal etc slipped up in informing his human creatures, in incontrovertable
terms, of his true nature. Instead, we have the bickering adherents of the various
faiths, innumerable numbers of which have perished along with their believers. Its
now around ten thousand years since neolithic man and we are none the wiser.
Could we be all wrong ? Is it possible that Armegeddon is a necessary prerequisite
to reset our thinking, to clear out all of the mental baggage before the truth is
revealed, with no room for doubt ? Plus the world's population does need to go down,
the environment repaired, the oceans restocked with fish, the zillions in unstable
derivative trades wiped out, the ghastly armament, Frankenfood & Pharma industries
gotten rid of. Every cloud has a silver lining.
13. Mar, 2012
Go To:
…for an ARMAGEDDON perspective on wars
13. Mar, 2012
Could we be all wrong? Yes, indeed many are. There is no "creator". We created an imaginary being to help us control each other.
It should be obvious to any rational intelligent human that the notion of a creator is actually quite absurd.
When you realize this, and then also realize that a large percentage of the world population still imagines a magical and invisible Sky God, then it is very easy to see how manipulated the world has become.
The people who control us are not 'believers', knowing full well that this is all fabricated, but use it quite effectively to pit us one against the other, driving wars, markets, entire belief systems in the direction that they want to make enormous profits.
The only "creator" that exist is us. We are the "creators", whereas our imaginations have got us in deep, deep trouble.
Wayne Pacific
13. Mar, 2012
Smart Jews ? I dont believe that bull shit. It is Jewish self promotion. I will my macth my IQ and that of my cousins to that of any group of Jews and we will win.
13. Mar, 2012
You are wrong about Israel. Israel is the nuclear problem in the middle east. They have a doomsday defense. They will take down the entire world.