Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy
Posted on 25. Mar, 2012 by Tommy Tucci in World News
Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy

Another Day Another Self Inflicted Calamity By US Empire Delivering Democracy
Self inflicted morose and despised crumbling US empire ratchets up domestic and global calamity in a race with the 24 hour clock to the dark abyss and bottom of collapse. Party line belligerent bureaucratic apparatus parrots neocon domestic and global failures. Instantaneously delivers Democracy 24/7/365 to the world. A despised global empire that refuses to let a single 24 hour day pass without generating great calamity and chaos throughout the world. An extreme psychotic misery that empire’s failure equates to immortality and greatness.
A ticking time bomb of empire from seconds to minutes to hours of despicable narcissistic and self induced calamities. Confirmed by Alan Hart’s article in Veterans today: “Millions at home, tens of millions in Russia, Europe and around the world have been destroyed by the flood of narcotics distributed with deadly efficiency by a combination of rogue military and intelligence operations and the contracting firms we payed to protect us.” Posted by Alan Hart Veterans Today.
Self Induced Calamity 24/7/365 Race to Bottom
Mr. Bush Jr.and Mr. Obama persuading and influencing Americans proclivity to hatred of indigenous Middle Eastern peoples, militarism, illegal wars, and occupations. Continue the hyper militaristic “Bring em On” slogan for war against humanity in Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and daily threats of annihilation against the Iranian peoples.. Conversely, directing focus from exposing radiation poisons encompassing the globe. “Dangerous DU munitions use to rise significantly” Posted by Gordon Duff Veterans Today
The NYT Editorial Opinion advocates doubling down more war on humanity. The party line paper that mirrors bureaucratic failed apparatus parrots neo con calamity daily. A sponsored CIA intelligence communication network of editorial agents promote and demand chaos.
NYT [Now Your Traitors] Opinion: “There is a much better option the American A-10 and AC-130 aircraft used earlier in the Libya fighting and still on standby status. President Obama should authorize these planes to fly again under NATO command. Unlike the high flying supersonic French and British jets now carrying the main burden of the air war, these American planes can fly slow enough and low enough to let them see and target Colonel Qaddafi’s weapons without unduly endangering nearby populations.” NYT Editorial Opinion 7 April 2011.
Ticking Time Bomb Empire Delivers Hypocrisy
Commencing the 21st Century’s second decade of brutal wars and occupations. Delivering hypocrisy death and destruction instead of democracy. Mr. Obama signs a 40 billion dollar budget reduction to US social services. Tells 1.3 million veterans they must share the burden. Simultaneously, welfare bailout calamity increases exponentially for the ‘too big to fail cartels,’ and military satrap war criminals to confiscate and rob the labor assets, and property of the US citizenry.
Sen. Harry Reid deflecting disingenuous banter by explaining “Raising Debt Ceilings damage US financial stability.” Tired and fatigued Mr.Reid attempts to direct focus away from attacking Social Security Medicare and Veterans benefits. Watch, not so clever, lazy, and sleep depraved .
911/CNN Second False Flag Halted
911 [Certainly Not News] second false flag put on hold. Subsequently, using nature’s fury in Japan as a backdrop event rather than the false narrative, 19 Muslims with box cutters ’did it’ alibi. Nonetheless, the second 911/CNN has been shelved temporarily.
Radiation fall out from the crippled Japanese Nuclear reactors is currently being carried in the upper atmosphere and will blanket North and South America with extreme high level Radiation Isotopes, Cesium, and Iodine death toxins. “Japan raises nuclear fallout warnings to Chernobyl level 7 ratings.” Posted by
Instantaneously, GE Electric Corp, CIA, and US corrupt apparatus the advocates for more chaos and calamity claim “no reason to worry.” Read “How Nuclear radiation causes cancer” by Cancer Risk Factors. The EPA will just apply the total radiation toxin harm to humans upward. Thereby allowing the increase of poison toxin and cancer to inflict the entire 320 million US citizenry. GE states verbatim “definitely should not have any concern and continue to go about their daily chores” in despised empire. This is “drop dead” ideological contempt by high officials attempt to suppress calamity, war, death, destruction, and chaos daily.
Conclusion Preparing For Negative Emergency Calamity
All Nuclear radiation results in cancer. So then we can expect to hear singular preparations for future negative events and emergencies to include the primary use of “Duct Tape and Plastic.”While duct tape and plastic for window protection is a joke perpetuated by the despised empire of gangbanksters and warmongers unleashing thousands of tons of DU cancer isotopes. Instead they head directly to their gold lined underground bunkers. Resulting in empire’s trajectory of planned self implosion of the planet with radiation and [DU] depleted uranium. Accomplishment is completed as they scurry for the safety of fortified underground bunker mentality.
Self induced calamity and collapse experts NWO lacking any common sense or simple core fundamental logic dismisses the factual record of 2.5 billion years for the earth to dissipate radiological cancer producing isotopes. Do they have one regret? Not on your irradiated life! Their false superiority shadowing extreme sociopath complexes and narcissistic self induced calamities dictates that they can somehow outsmart and rig the percentages of radiological isotopes and outlive [DU] cancer toxins while continuing to deliver phony democracy to themselves underground. This is their concept of immortality and greatness.
- Alan Hart: Why does Israel have a veto over the peace process
- Keeping ahead of Qaddafi
- Japan raises nuclear alert to level seven
- Gordon Duff: A-10-and AC-130 gunships to libya (videos)
Tiger Man
26. Mar, 2012
Got an article from Tommy Tucci after ages. Tommy need more of your articles, my friend.
Beats By Dre Cheap
26. Mar, 2012
I am very happy to see your article.thanks for sharing.
26. Mar, 2012
Guardian the false "cui bono" rag, nay not interested but the nuclear fallout warnings to Chernobyl + level 7 ratings.”
are very real and one does not need to be a rocket scientist to know that. Ask Why the EU + WHO + all those lofty organisation never mention that there is a VAST thyroid malfunction/problem in the EU population? – 1 in 3 EU white female suffers from thyroid problems (notice there are no studies/research carried out in non-white population!)
the quality of male sperms is 70% of what it used to be
This data is from – after Chernobyl
What will it be now after DU in Libya, Afghanistan, Palestine, IRAQ, Pakistan, Somalia (eu has decided to bomb Somalia and if that is not enough, eu + us + Israhell use Somalia as a dumping ground for radioactivity – search Ilaria Alpi Italian journalist killed in Somalia)
Ilaria Alpi: Italy's unspeakable secret < Enquiries < REPORT …
Bribery, arms trafficking and toxic waste: the last trail of the RAI journalist. Why Ilaria died. Several documents and witnesses state that Alpi was getting to the heart of the dark business connecting Somalia to Italy and Eastern Europe, the source of weapons traded for the right to dump harmful ……
Why brit gov refuses to give data on the air quality above UK
2020 UK will have 70%! obese population
What percentage of the UK population are actually in the healthy …
What percentage of the UK population are actually in the healthy weight range? … They predict 80% of adults will be overweight or obese by 2020 because of this.
How stupid are the "normal" (Lawrence Davidson) population especially the war cheerleaders + reality show holly/bolly/wood brainwashed idol worshippers?
27. Mar, 2012
Imagine what the devastating results will be/are after Fukushima!
You sow you reap