3/11-Afghans will never forget
Posted on 12. Mar, 2012 by Editor in Opinion

American troops killed 16 civilians including 9 women
"This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven," Karzai
By Tabish Qayyum – Editor Fortress Magazine
Here comes the defining moment in Afghanistan’s infamous war ; 11 deadly years of violence that has jeopardized the entire region seems closer to a reverse-tide as US face a deadly situation post recent ‘Massacre’ by its rogue staff sergeant at the pre-dawn of 11th March. Sixteen Afghan Civilians including 9 children and women along with older men were killed being shot in the face at point-blank range; corpses were later burnt allegedly by some highly inflammable chemical. This crater for US forms very close to an already dark abyss where US policies fell last month after the burning of Holy Qur’an, resulting in deadly reprisals and anti-American sentiment taking strong hold in every nook and corner of Afghanistan.
The ‘rogue terrorist’ belonged to Lewis Mc-Chord which is considered as one of the largest American military installation in US with a horrendous reputation of violence, “The most troubled US base ever” as a military site “stars and stripes” calls it. Few of the soldiers deputed by this facility were involved in civilian killings in Afghanistan back in 2010. Four to Five soldiers were convicted of one of the most brutal charges where one of the convicted staff sergeant acknowledged cutting out fingers and tooth of the victim to keep them as war trophies. Suicide rates due to post-traumatic stress disorder are also high at this base which has largely been involved in violence both domestic and in war-theaters outside US. Recently 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division of this base sent about 2,500 soldiers to Afghanistan in December for a yearlong deployment. The brigade had deployed to Iraq three times since 2003; this is its first deployment to Afghanistan.
The alleged assassin was deputed with special-forces in Kandahar along Navy-Seals or Green Beret units for village stability missions for first time after his three ventures in Iraq as revealed by a US official on condition of anonymity to some media outlets. His precision in firing on the fore-heads of children flattens the assertions of ‘being drunk’ or having ‘mental ailments’ as no soldier is recruited after routine medical check-ups. As reported he later returned to the base and is being held by fellow authorities.
This brutality was carried out at the Alokozai village, in the Zangawat area of Panjwayi district near 3:00 AM when an alleged group of US Special force was out for the bloodiest of murders ever in the history of Afghanistan. According to live accounts and eye witnesses multiple weapon sounds were heard, including pistols and machine gun bursts simultaneously. The houses attacked are at least 2 miles apart and it becomes literally impossible for a single gunman to kill and burn people in one house and then run few kilometers to do the same thing again twice. Eleven dead belonged to a same family and nine of the victims were children, including infants found soaked in blood close to the bodies of their mothers. Afghan sources in Pajwayi claim to have photographs of half-burnt bodies of women and children as blood-spattered walls and floors have already been aired in the media.
Some local villagers have reported seeing two groups of soldiers. The Afghan defense ministry also believes in its initial assessment that there is a possibility of one or more soldiers being involved.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai also believes in the possibilities of more than one soldier as he quotes in his statement a 15-year old survivor ‘Rafiullah’ as telling him in a phone call that ‘soldiers’ raided the house and woke up his family members before shooting at them.
"This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven," Karzai said despite calls of condolences and shock from Obama, Pannetta and Jhon Allen.
Everything seems to be falling apart for US strategists as they claimed to have made significant progress in negotiations for a strategic Partnership Agreement allowing US Special Forces and advisers to stay in Afghanistan for an indefinite period in order to protect the region from falling into chaos once the combat foreign forces leave in 2014. The agreement has apparently been delayed after this attack which saw a detention center being handed over to Afghan authorities as its first phase or achievement.
"This could delay the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement," an Afghan government official told Reuters.
The purpose less and unending war has turned the ‘pampered soldiers’ into humiliated zombies fighting for a respectable exit in a lost war which becomes impossible to achieve after this single incident. Each day of Afghan war theater draws near a dramatic and unimaginable end for US and her allies that ransacked an already war-torn country, in fact a nation deliberately left in chaos post soviet war in 80’s by the same ‘Super-power’ that once claimed to be friends of Afghans.
Afghans have rendered enough sacrifices during the past decades, especially this last one. Their land was occupied, marriages were bombed by B-52’s; their men were brutally killed and taken to prisons around the world. Millions of Afghans have already lost their lives and loved ones at the hands of invaders who not only killed them, but disrespected their culture, heritage and values and above all their religion by desecrating the Holy Qur’an. As if death was not satisfying for the ego of the aggressors, there have been incidents where bodies were mutilated, urinated and devil-danced upon by ‘exceptional forces’ as Obama calls them.
Latest, was an episode of unmatched abhorrence and disregard to poor Afghans who have always stood strong at the helm of tyranny. No word in dictionary can define, No word can repent this bloody night imposed on innocent Afghans sleeping peacefully only to be disturbed for few minutes of bloody nightmare; back to eternal sleep. One wonders what’s coming next for US and its forces as the hatred and vengeance has not only infused in ordinary Afghans, but apparently their own stooges in the government and trained army are uttering words of fire, blood and vendetta.
Heart wrenching stories continue to flow out of Kandahar explaining accounts of this gruesome and unforeseen bloody rampage, shaking the core foundations of humanity and leaving no doubts in the mind of world about the psychological condition as a result of legitimate Afghan resistance against occupation forces in Afghanistan.
Presidential statement from Karzai’s office has termed this incident as “unforgivable”, Taliban as expected have vowed for decisive response and termed the US forces as, “Sick Savages” liable to be killed wherever found and the already boiling blood of ordinary Afghan’s on the issue of burning Qur’an has now turned into a volcano whose ashes are easy visible from the balconies of white-house.
A republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said in an interview to the “Fox News” that it was time for U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan. He considered the mission in Afghanistan as “undoable”.
“It’s very likely that we have lost — tragically lost the lives and suffered injuries to a considerable number of young Americans on a mission that we’re going to discover is not doable,” he said, adding in an interview on CBS' “Face the Nation” that the U.S. doesn't have the "willpower" or the "capacity" to "fundamentally change the region.
US along with its coalition entered Afghanistan on the pretext of 9/11; it’s yet to be seen if 3/11 would be a pretext for an immediate evacuation which if delayed will only make the world see an evacuation of flag-wrapped coffins in thousands for an already in-sane, traumatized, humiliated and defeated military of USA.
Analysts, Security Advisers, Governments are now rightly knocking some sense to US for immediate contingency arrangements. The US embassy in Kabul has already seized movement of their servicemen in south Afghanistan as the streets, villages and mountains of Afghanistan grief in pain and agony of the victims and blood-shot eyes of Afghanistan are surely terrifying Obama administration for the drastic consequences.
Tragedy of Kandahar (a city considered as the heart of Taliban) will always be remembered as the most brutal face of oppression and Afghan’s will once again write another gory narrative of prices paid for freedom and sovereignty. US forces have long taken motivation from their ‘9/11 we will never forget’ phrase; it’s time for Afghans to let them know what 3/11 means to them.
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Naumann Malik
12. Mar, 2012
A terrorist, he was a TERRORIST, an AMERICAN TERRORIST.
13. Mar, 2012
The World should understand that this WAR is not over, and this will not over until n unless NATO troops will return to their own countries or hideouts,
13. Mar, 2012
WE IN THE UMMAH WILL NEVER FORGET THE WAR CRIMES COMMITED BY THE christians satanic beasts west uncivilised and uneducated
"…resulting in deadly reprisals and anti-American sentiment taking strong hold in every nook and corner of Afghanistan.
In EVERY CORNER OF THE UMMAH – for the UK/US morons claiming toi be "a dime a dozen experts- who claim Caliphate blah blah – you uneducated, uncivilised jerk heads know "nought"!
Dr Muzzafar Iqbal educate these mass murdering butchers what UMMAH means to Muslims.
Let me get this right – "… Millions of Afghans have already lost their lives and loved ones at the hands of invaders who not only killed them, but disrespected their culture, heritage and values and above all their religion by desecrating the Holy Qur’an.+ millions of Muslims have been SLAUGHTERED in Ummah – egypt, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Bahrain, Somalia, Europe; Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, SYRIA; LIBYA,……
and that fucking bastard Karzai is making deals with these mass murderers?
Really? Karzai watch out for the bullet from the mothers/families of those you and the rest of shitheads like the qatari queer +those despots who have the audacity to call yourselves our leaders.
YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS SCUMS ARE MAKING OUR LIVES DANGEROUS AND WE THE PEOPLE WILL DEAL WITH YOUand we do not associate ourselves with mcmonster or her majesty's war criminals for us your are the same – scum, thugs, mass murdering criminals alla rats of libya
Merkel murderess of Kunduz piss off send your nazi soldiers to Israhell
WE DO NOT WANT NAZIS or zionists. GO TO HELL and take your zionists with you Israhelli bitch
One wonders what’s coming next for US – DECLINE; DEATH everything that comes from insane barbarity
NOT A SINGLE nation of the so called christian civilised blah blah has behaved in a dignified manner. All of them has used the Ummah – Irak, Pakistan, Palestine, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Algeria, Tunisia, Somalia for their insane barbarity ALL BECAUSE THE FAKE MUSLIM -a bunch of despots, thugs, scums, criminals HAVE AGREED TO BE SLAVES TO the sick insane satanic beasts of christian western bastards.
Sukrahan RUSSIA + CHINA for stopping another WAR do not buy the images on abcdefghi…the fake arab sites el liezeera, el aliebia or the zionised mafia lie(rai) news 24.
Images come from queerwood the qatari goons who are "bent" in all sense of the word,+ licking the backside of vilary killton+ their zionists satanic beasts
asif siddiqui
13. Mar, 2012
Type your comment here…
14. Mar, 2012
it gets suspicious when you read the date. and the witnesses that observed more than 1 soldier and the distance between the houses. is MK ultra at work again with mind control? are the zionists at it again? what do they hope to gain out of it?
Michael Cecil
14. Mar, 2012
Sounds to me like he is merely 'developing his resume' and applying for the job of the Chairman of a Department of Theology at a Jewish or Christian university; in which case this should give him 'a leg up' on *every* other applicant.
Or maybe that's what he was in a *previous* life; and, in this life, he has decided to put his theology into action.
Difficult to say
Douglas Gray
15. Mar, 2012
We are trying to implement a society based upon rule of law, rather that tribal loyalties, but if we do not let the local people apprehend, try and punish someone for mass murder, we essentially contradict the principles we are trying to establish…