The BBC censors its own report
Posted on 01. Feb, 2012 by Alan Hart in Opinion
BBC Blocks out Tunisia’s Jews saying “No” to Israel!
By Alan Hart
There was a moment in a report from Tunisia by the BBC’s Wyre Davies when I could not stop myself laughing. I was listening to it on the Corporation’s generally excellent World Service radio. (In my view this particular BBC service is generally excellent because unlike all other BBC news and current affairs outlets, radio and tv, it often reflects some of the truth about what is happening in and over Palestine that became Israel).
Davies was in Tunisia to find out how its remaining 2,000 Jews (down from 300,000 once upon a time) were responding to a call from an Israeli government minister for them to move to Israel. The case the minister made was, apparently, that their security and wellbeing were no longer guaranteed in an Arab country with an Islamist government in place of what Davies called a “sectarian dictatorship”. In other words, Tunisia’s Jews were in danger and would be safe in Israel. (My guess is that the greatest concern of the Israeli minister and his colleagues was less the fate of Jews in Tunisia and more the need for Jews from anywhere to go to Israel to help defuse the ticking demographic time-bomb of occupation).
The story as told by Davies for the BBC’s World (radio) Service was honest reporting at its best. Its explicit message was that Tunisia’s Jews have rejected the Israeli call.
One of those interviewed by Davies said to him and a listening world, “No one here is afraid.”
Another said, “Go to Israel?… I’m not crazy!”
That’s what made me laugh.
A subsequent development wiped the smile from my face.
A friend in Italy sent me a web link for the television version of the Davies report from Tunisia. I opened the link to check that it was the same report I’d heard on the World (radio) Service. It started in exactly the same way so I assumed it was, and I tweeted it as “MUST WATCH: Tunisia’s Jews reject (Israel’s) call to leave,”
An hour or so later I made the time to view the complete television version. The Jewish gentleman who said, “Go to Israel…? I’m not crazy!” had been edited out.
On past BBC form there are four possible explanations.
1. Driven by a personal commitment to Zionism and support for its monster child right or wrong, a senior BBC executive ordered the quote to be dropped on his own initiative,
2. A senior BBC executive received a telephone call from the Israeli Embassy in London, or possibly the prime minister’s office in Jerusalem, telling him or her that Israel would not be pleased if the BBC gave more air time to a Tunisian Jew who was saying “No” to Israel in a way that suggested he had some contempt for the Zionist state and thought that many Israelis were crazy.
3. A senior BBC executive anticipated that giving the Jewish gentleman in Tunisia a wider audience would provoke Zionism’s wrath and decided (as BBC excutives often do) that it was better for the Corporation to censor itself than provoke that wrath.
4. For reasons of limited space in a television news bulletin, the report for the World (radio) Service had to be edited, shortened.
I have to say that I consider the fourth possible explanation as summarized above to be the least likely one. Why? There are many very good journalists in the BBC and they know as well as I do that the single most revealing and therefore newsworthy statement in the original Davies report was that of the Jewish gentleman who said, “Go to Israel…? I’m not crazy!”
The censored (or edited) version of the Davies report can be found here.
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01. Feb, 2012
BBC is a Zionist-controlled network. Many of its top officials are Zionist Jews. BBC was one of the groups which campaigned for banning Iranian Press TV.
BBC Censorship But This Time It’s their Own Report! BBC Blocks out Tunisia’s Jews saying “No” to Israel! | Sovereign Independent UK
02. Feb, 2012
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02. Feb, 2012
Standard Practic – some years ago the Irish republician political party Sinn Fein who have elected members in the UK´s London parliment took a case to the speaker (chairperson) of the parliament over a refusual to allow them to take their seats and participate WITHOUT having to swear an oath of loyality to the UK´s queen. Their case was refused.
Correct decision, I said to myself, you want to play football in your neighbors´ garden, well you have to accept your neighbors rules. So here was the leader of the Irish party crying and complaining that the decision was secterian and racist etc. But my view and certanily the view of most of the British viewers would have been " Who is this guy, he thinks he has special rights and can dictate to parliment? He has to follow the SAME rules as everyone else! " – Good interview with him by BBC et al on steps of parliment.
HOWEVER I saw the exact same interview (were many cameras around him) on CNN, a large middle slice had apperantly be cut from the BBC interview, in that the Party leader stated that his colleagues of Scotish Nationalist (but still British) go into the parliament and mock the oath to the queen, but are allowed to sit in the chamber. So what this party leader was really saying and arguing was, the Scotish can do it but not the Irish. Changed the meaning and reason for his claims of sactairian and racist behaviour of the parliment. This little fact was conveiently omitted from the British public by their wonderful BBC. Typicial example of the soft manuiplation that can be had to change the viewers idea of the truth, and so easy to do and even when caught, easy to explain away with excuses of editorial time constraints etc. Huh!
02. Feb, 2012
for years the brit bullshit chanel was providing the world especially Africa & Asia with false/imperialist/fascist qui bono propaganda, they decide which is the capital of a country, as is the case with the illegal immigrants in Palestine the terrorist stae of Israhell. they decide when history of country started whih is always from the abomination called imperialism. as if this is not enough propaganda they than delete the insane brit barbarity of imperialism.
No mention whatsoever of the use of chemicals by the bloody brits against the kurds.
the biggest joke is blair bush chanel propaganda
just visit media lens
Media Lens -
25 Jan 2012 – MediaLens has grown out of our frustration with the unwillingness, or inability, of the mainstream media to tell the truth about the real causes …
02. Feb, 2012
OMG bbc world service doing a good job? Really? where, when?
as a child we were made to wait in the hot sun from 08.00 – till whatever time -usually this meant till 14.00 /15.00 the unelected bloody brit royal took to drive past, which was usually less than a fraction of a second in their air condition car. along came the the damned bbc. what did the sayschool children waited under the hot sun to welcome the brit royal
WELCOME THEIR UNELECTED LEADER- you have got to be bloody joking! WE GIVE A DAMN about their unelected royals!
Italy is in the HANDS of kosher nostra.
The news regarding Syria is the most insane propaganda- made in rome films with good looking healthy males yaking off in their language -one cannot tell what language they are speaking because you get the italian language and you are not allowed to hear the people. for a country under the so called state terror they are allowed to show the whole film with the actors only NO PEOPLE. and this is the BEST part:
we do not have any ways to confirm but hey look at this report from bbcnnfaux—el liezeera even babies are not spared 100 killed by the butcher of Damascus BUT WE HAVE NO PROOF
if ever there was a BUTCHER OF DAMASCUS it is THE BEER LOUT Camerummy, sarky, the rats viagra ugly barbaric vilary +the rats esctasy ugly child killer ashton
remember the Iranian Neda staged hit by the green monsters of kensington well the rai24 news is outlet.
italian friend said rai – radio audio italiana no not italiana but israhelliana
They have the latest cell phones, communication systems, printing propaganda crap and this is rehased via murdering media outlets.