Pak-US Relations: The 2 May 2011 US Commando Raid
Posted on 25. Feb, 2012 by Tariq Majeed in Pak-US Relations
"Knowledge is power, only when applied"
Summary and Full Analysis
By Tariq Majeed Commodore PN (Retd)
The unlawful US Commando Raid at the so-called Osama compound in Abbotabad on 2 May 2011 was an atrocious act of violation against Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as the international laws of conduct of states. It came as a sudden shock to the people of Pakistan, except to certain top authorities. The people were angry and frustrated and felt extremely humiliated.
Vital questions concerning Pakistan’s security were raised on this highly aggressive and patently hostile military operation by the US, which calls Pakistan its most important ally in its War on Terrorism, and to which every regime in Islamabad, and more so the present one, has been compliant. Under public pressure, the government tasked a Judicial Commission to investigate this malevolent US action.
The US Raid has very dangerous implications as it is an integral part of the 9/11 terror scheme, whose effects had been designed to specifically target Pakistan, and which I had already studied and analyzed. Realizing that these facts may not come to the Commission’s notice, I thought it fit to submit a statement to the Commission consisting of my analysis of the Raid. It was submitted with a covering letter and without its short preamble.
Besides discussing various other important issues, the analysis points to some grave threats to our country and also identifies their source. Being quite comprehensive, it is lengthy. So, its conclusions are reproduced here to serve as a summary. Its real value lies in reading it fully.
Conclusions—of the Analysis
(1) All the pertinent conclusions, actually, are there in the main discussion, especially in the section on Analysis and Appraisal of the Raid. However, some of these are highlighted below for additional emphasis:
(2) The May 2, 2011 Raid by US Commandoes was a make-believe, staged operation designed for political purposes stemming from the purposes for which the 9/11 terror event had been engineered. Like 9/11 and other Sting operations, this Raid was planned to look like a virtual reality.
(3) Osama bin Laden was not present in the Abbotabad house and had never lived there. The whole story was a fabrication. There is strong evidence that he had died many years back, most probably in late September 2001.
(4) President Obama and his close aides sitting in the White House situation room were watching the commando operation live via satellite feed. But when it came to the act of so-called killing of Osama, “the final burst of gunfire,” the transmission was cut off. Neither were they shown a picture of dead Osama— because Osama was not there.
(5) If at all certain persons on the spot were shown a dead body being carried from the house by the departing commando team, it was that of one of the men killed in the operation. As for the dead body for the public show of burial at sea, it would be the work of another CIA team.
(6) This unwarranted, hostile military operation and the other rogue actions and threats against Pakistan by US authorities cannot be understood without comprehending that the US is being ruled by a Zionist Clique. It shapes the American national policies to advance and achieve the specific aims of world Zionism and the state of Israel.
(7) Pakistan is a principal target of the US Zionist Clique which is using a deliberate strategy of pushing Pakistan into a position where it can be labelled as an enemy state so that it can be subjected to high scale US military aggression. To generate in Pakistan anger and hate against America was a built-in aim of the May 2 Raid.
(8) There is clear indication that certain top authorities in Pakistan were told about the operation in advance. It is certain that certain Fifth Columnists actively assisted the CIA in the prolonged process of putting in place the sham arrangements for finally the Raid to take place. The Commission ought to unearth, identify and proceed against the Fifth Columnists as it has done in the case of Dr Shakeel Afridi.
(9) I now submit to the honourable President and the Members of the Inquiry Commission the most important conclusion of my analysis presented in this statement. As emphasized repeatedly in this statement, the US military aggression in Abbotabad is an integral scheme of the overall plot of 9/11 Terror Event, whose malevolent consequences and various schemes are continuing.
(10) The May 2 Raid has to be seen and investigated in light of the 9/11 Event, which has been extensively investigated by American scholars, scientists and engineers and proved to have been “masterminded from within the American State Apparatus.” That Event was never investigated by Pakistan’s authorities, who blindly accepted the phony story propagated by American officials and media, and led our country into the disastrous situation in which it has been for the last 10 years.
(11) In this respect, there is a lot of thought and light for us—the people, and more so, the leaders of Pakistan—in the moving comments of former senior CIA official Bill Christison, quoted (in the statement) and reproduced below for further attention:
“David Ray Griffin's Debunking 9/1I Debunking is a superb compendium of the strong body of evidence showing the official US Government story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monstrous series of lies. Tragically, the entire course of US foreign and domestic policies since that date has grown out of these almost certain falsehoods. This single book could (and should) provide the basis for the United Nations, International Court of Justice, or some specially constituted global body (independent of the US) to investigate with highest priority, and publicly report its findings, about the charge that unknown elements within the US Government, and possibly some individuals elsewhere closely allied to the US, caused or contributed to causing the events of September 11 to happen."
(12) In the second sentence above, substitute Pakistan for US and September 11, 2001 for that date and it would read as: “Tragically, the entire course of Pakistan foreign and domestic policies since September 11, 2001 has grown out of these almost certain falsehoods.” To save our country we have to stop following the course set by the 9/11 falsehoods. This is a recommendation, I submit, that the honourable Commission should itself make.
(13) There is enough authentic material available on 9/11 from which the Commission can quote to make its point. Besides, the Commission can certainly recommend that Pakistan Government or the Supreme Court of Pakistan should, at the earliest, establish a new Commission to bring out the truth in the 9/11 Terror Event. This is the historic role that the President and the Members of this Commission would be fulfilling for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
This unique analysis was submitted in the form of a statement on 13 December 2011 to the Commission of Inquiry on the US Operation in Abbotabad with the request to make it a part of the Commission’s proceedings and to call me for an interview if it so desired. It identifies the dangers to Pakistan’s existence and points out that these must be fully comprehended and countered, starting with an investigation at the government level into the 9/11 Terror Event from which the 2 May Raid emanated, and which according to highly competent American analysts was “masterminded from within the American State Apparatus.” Pakistan government never investigated 9/11 and blindly accepted the phony story and put our country onto a disastrous course.
1. This statement is meant for consideration of the Commission inquiring into the unauthorized clandestine commando raid by the US Military on 2 May 2011 in Abbotabad. It has some singularly important information, comments and leads on the subject. It is, however, unclassified. I request the President and the Members of the Commission to spare some time to go through this statement. It presents certain facts and observations that may not be offered by any other source. If the Commission so desires, I shall present myself before it as and when it requires. It is useful to reproduce here the Commission’s terms of reference, which according to Dawn 21 June, 2011, are:
To ascertain facts about the presence of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan; investigate circumstances and facts regarding the US operation in Abbotabad on 2nd May, 2011;
determine the nature, background and causes of lapses by the authorities concerned,
if any; and make recommendations.
2. To the honourable President and the Members of the Commission my first submission is that the scope of their inquiry actually goes beyond the apparent limits of its terms of reference. The first point in this respect is that the terms seem to indicate the inquiry may proceed taking it for granted that Osama Bin Laden (OBL) was present in the concerned house in Abbotabad, and it was his dead body that the US commandoes took away with them. But, would it be right for the learned Commission to build the inquiry on this questionable premise? Besides, looking into the main issue inevitably brings up a number of vital questions about OBL’s history, his service with CIA and CIA’s practice of keeping a tab on its former employees. These questions need looking into. The Commission may have already encountered such questions.
3. My second submission is that although the threats facing our Country are well known, the situation in reality is far more serious, as all the major threats are directed from a single powerful source and they are aimed at the very existence of our Country. The main threats emanate from the 9/11 Event and the War on Terrorism (WOT) that, besides its other harmful fallout, also created the conditions for the unwarranted US raid in Abbotabad. It would be highly beneficial for our nation if the Commission in exploring all aspects of its subject of inquiry uncovers these threats and their connection with the 9/11 Event.
4. According to The Express Tribune, September 14, 2011, “President of the Commission Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal said that investigation into the May 2 incursion by US Navy SEALs was the second most important in Pakistan’s history after the 1971 debacle entrusted to the Hamoodur Rehman Commission and vowed to disclose its findings.” These were cogent remarks. However,there was another very important commission, Justice Shafiur Rahman Commission, established on 17 August 1992 to investigate the C-130 Crash of 17 August 1988, but its report was not publicly presented, though it leaked out. Besides, it wrapped up the inquiry without taking it to the logical end, and recommended the FIA be asked to investigate the case. The Hamoodur Rehman Commission, whose report also I read, regrettably failed to do justice to its vitally important task, and the reason was not just the limitation of its terms of reference.
5. In my humble opinion, the present Commission, while finding why the US acted on 2 May in such a hostile and humiliating way toward a faithful ally, has a historic role before it of finding out the real reasons as to why Pakistan has been constantly suffering severe damage by the US policies and actions with respect to this country.
6. This statement is really meant to assist the honourable Commission in its probe into the US Commando Raid. It is, in a way, like the document that the Commission’s research staff would have prepared, had they been aware of the things mentioned here. It discusses the main subject under following headings, which also give an idea of the exhaustive coverage of the subject:
· Conduct of Manufactured Events
· A Critical Look at the Abbotabad Raid
· Abbotabad Raid and the 9/11 Terror Event
· Some Facts and Features of the Character Osama
· An Insider’s Disclosures about OBL
· Analysis and Appraisal of the Raid
· Competence and Credibility as an Analyst
· The Zionist Clique Controlling the United States
· Conclusions
7. My antecedents are as follows: Tariq Majeed s/o Mian Abdul Majeed, born in Lahore 22 August 1937, educated in Central Model School and Government College Lahore, joined Pakistan Navy in April 1955, commissioned in the Navy’s Executive/Operations Branch on 1 January 1959 on passing out from British Naval College Dartmouth, held command, staff, operations and teaching assignments during service period, took voluntary retirement on 1 July 1987 as a Commodore with a clean record.
8. Even while in the service, my avid pursuit was reading, writing, research and analysis—on a wide variety of subjects, including naval, military, religious, national and international issues. After retirement this pursuit became full-time engagement. My articles and research studies were published in local papers and national and international magazines. I have written analytical articles (in Urdu and English) on most of the major crises and events that occurred in Pakistan or in the international or regional arena. Every serious analyst is also a forecaster of events. Many of the political forecasts and conclusions of analysis of important happenings presented in my articles and theses over the years have turned out to be remarkably accurate. In the later part of this submission, I have presented some examples.
9. Big powers with imperialistic interests, and even other states engaged in power struggles, indulge in manufacturing events outside or inside their borders in pursuit of their interests. “Sting Operation” is a CIA terminology for a manufactured event, in which undercover agents lure or deceive the victim into doing or saying something unlawful, besides planting incriminating evidence against him, then nabbing him and using the incident for pre-planned purposes. Planning for such events is done far in advance, and if the event is a part of a larger scheme, planning starts as the scheme goes into action. The planning process has several standard ingredients, which should be kept in mind when the aims and effects of any such event are being determined by analysts in the target country. These ingredients are:
a. Shaping of the politico-economic environment in the target country to suite the planned event.
b. Preparing a complete script of the operational plan, including the precise actions to be taken and their timings, and the strategy for putting the blame for the event on the target country itself.
c. Spelling out the political aims to be achieved or advanced.
d. Devising a make-believe cover story to keep secrecy and to deceive and confuse the people and government officials everywhere.
e. Using the Media for instilling the cover story into the minds of the people and for promoting the political aims.
f. Employing previously programmed local human assets, who may be persons lured with money or members of an existing Fifth Column.
g. Wrapping the whole plan in multi-layered, mind boggling deception.
10. The Commission, obviously, has far more access to the details of the Raid than other people have. However, a very brief narration, culled from its media coverage, is given here as reference for analytical comments. Besides, it may be of some use for the Commission in its inquiry.
11. Monday, 2 May 2011: Pakistani papers quoting television reports, said, “A helicopter crashed in the wee hours of Monday following firing and two blasts near a residential area off the PMA Road in Abbotabad. But the account was not confirmed by the civil administration or the military. Rescue services started their operation, eyewitnesses said. They also said they saw from distance huge flames and smoke billowing out of the crash site.” [Nation, 2 May 2011].
12. Details Reported on 3 May. The main part of the lengthy story on 3 May on the Raid consisted of what “Top level official sources told the Nation,” plus what the newspaper’s reporter picked up from the international news agencies and from his inquiries at the site. Its summary is as follows:
13. Pakistani Sources.
a. “ OBL was killed in an early Monday morning operation by 35 US marines. The operation continued till 2:30 am.
b. About 200 Pakistan army men provided ground support within a radius of 1 km of the area of operation.
c. Four Pakistan army helicopters hovered over OBL’s hideout at Thanda Choh in Bilal Town’s posh locality that is barely a kilometer away from Pakistan Military Academy Kakul. Ten minutes later they were replaced by two US helicopters.
d. The US marines opened fire at the outer wall of the house, which was retaliated by inmates with heavy gunfire. Two wives and 4 children of OBL were taken into custody.
e. After about 20 minutes of cross-firing, the US forces directly targeted the house with sophisticated bombs, eventually killing Osama, his 8 bodyguards, 7 close aids and a number of family members, including a young son, children and 2 wives. Two other women were injured in the Raid.
f. Authorities said OBL’s house had no telephone or internet connection.
g. Official sources told Online that between 8:15 to 8:30 pm Sunday night, 1 May, two helicopters carrying 20 to 25 US Marines from Bagram Air base in Afghanistan flew 120kms inside Pakistan. They had jammed Pakistani radar system and were flying low. They were equipped with night vision aids and were guided by satellite to the target.
h. Official sources said OBL house had two floors. On the 2nd floor OBL and his two brothers and a Kuwaiti guard were present, while his Yemeni wife and 8 to 9 children were on the ground floor. The US forces took the dead body of OBL and his brother and left the remaining dead bodies, which were removed by Pakistani security officials.
j. Sources said when one of the helicopters made an attempt to land, it was fired on and rendered dysfunctional. The US forces then themselves destroyed the chopper as they did not want to leave any data. However, it was yet to be ascertained whether the chopper crashed owing to a technical fault or some other reason.
k. According to military sources, nominated CIA chief David Petraeus and Chairman JCS Admiral Mike Mullen on Monday, 2 May, telephoned Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and ISI Chief Lt General Ahmed Shuja Pasha and discussed with
them a host of issues following the killing of OBL. The US dignitaries thanked the military leadership of Pakistan on intelligence sharing and the successful operation.”
14. American Sources.
a. “US officials said the operation lasted for less than 40 minutes. A US helicopter was lost due to a mechanical problem and its crew and assault force safely evacuated. No Americans were harmed in the operation. Bin Laden’s house had no telephone or internet connection. The operation was watched real-time by CIA Director Leon Panetta and other officials at CIA headquarter in Langley, Virginia.
b. American forces were led to the three-storey building after more than four years tracking one of OBL’s most trusted couriers, who was identified by men captured after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks.
c. A source familiar with the operation said OBL was shot in the head.
d. New York Times said OBL’s body was taken to Afghanistan and then buried at sea as a Saudi official refused to take the body.
e. A US official said, [we] conducted DNA testing on slain OBL and used facial recognition techniques to help identify him. Results of the tests should be available in the next few days.”
f. Following are some of the details provided by administration officials.
i. The residence of the courier and his brother was found in Abbotabad in August
ii. The Raid was conducted after months of decision-making and planning. US Navy SEALs were involved in the operation.
iii. The team was in the compound for 40 minutes. It did not encounter any local authorities during the Raid.
iv. Bin Laden resisted the assault force and died in a firefight. Along with him 3 adult males were killed. Two were the couriers and one was a son of OBL. A woman used as a human shield by a male combatant died and two women were injured.
v. A helicopter was lost because of mechanical failure.
vi. Intelligence on OBL was not shared with Pakistan and other countries.
vii. After the Raid the US officials briefed Pakistani and other world leaders.
15. Newspaper Reporter’s own Inquiries.
a. “Top officials at PMA Kakul did not disclose for several hours the name of the locality where the operation had taken place. They maintained an army helicopter had crashed near Bilal Town while on routine exercises. Not before Monday noon it could be confirmed that OBL was killed in the military operation.
b. Sources (in Peshawar) said that some days ago, a prominent AlQaeda member had been arrested from Abbotabad, who during interrogation revealed the presence of OBL and his family in the area.
c. Exact at 1:15 am, (Monday, 2 May) two small blasts followed by a huge blast were heard in the area. Then people saw flames arising from the site. Residents of the area were restricted to their homes. Nobody, not even media teams were allowed to go near the operations area.
d. Nobody, including the neighbours, had the slightest idea that OBL was residing in that house. Its inmates never came out, except two youngsters who occasionally visited a nearby shop.”
16. Details Reported on 4 May. The Nation carried following details:
a. “An ISI official told BBC’s Owen Bennet-Jones in Islamabad that the compound in Abbotabad was raided when under construction in 2003. It was believed an AlQaeda operative, Abu Faraj Al-Libi, was there. But since then ‘The compound was not on our radar; it is an embarrassment for the ISI. We are good, but we are not God.’
b. The official now gave new or differing accounts of some of the events of the Raid:
i. There were 17-18 people in the compound at the time of the attack.
ii. The Americans took away one person still alive, possibly a bin Laden son.
iii. Those who survived the attack included a wife, a daughter and 8 to 9 other children, not apparently Bin Laden’s; all had their hands tied by the Americans.
iv. The surviving Yemeni wife said they had moved to the compound a few months ago.
v. Bin Laden’s daughter, aged 12 or 13, saw her father shot.
c. The official said it was thought the Americans wanted to take away the surviving women and children but had to abandon the plan when one of the helicopters malfunctioned.
d. The US has not commented on anyone it captured, other than saying it had taken Bin Laden’s body. The ISI official said the organisation had recovered some documents from the compound.
e. The CIA is already said to be going through a large number of hard drives and storage devices seized in the raid.
f. White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan said there had been concern Pakistani forces would deploy to counter the US Navy Seal team conducting the raid but it had avoided any confrontation.
g. The ISI official said: ‘We were totally caught by surprise. They were in and out before we could react.”’
17. Time’s Story on the Raid. Time, May 20, 2011, published a special report The End of Bin Laden, most of which was disinformation, hype and spin. What could be useful is as follows:
a. “Four helicopters, flying through the Khyber Pass, took part in the Raid. The pilots knew the three stories tall house in the walled compound well, having trained for their mission using a specially built replica.
b. It was Sunday afternoon. The White House Situation Room was crowded. President Barack Obama was stone-faced as he followed the unfolding drama on silent video screens.
c. As a pair of backup helicopters orbited overhead, an HH-60 Pave Hawk chopper and a CH-47 Chinook dipped toward the compound. A dozen Seals fast roped onto the roof of a building from the HH-60 before it lost its lift and landed hard against a wall. The Chinook landed and its troops clambered out.
d. Over the next 40 minutes, chaos addled the satellite feeds. A hole was blown through the side of the house, gunfire erupted. Seals worked their way through the smaller buildings inside the compound. Others swarmed upward in the main building, floor by floor, until they came to the room where they hoped to find their cornered target.
e. Then they were inside the room for a final burst of gunfire. What happened? The President sat and stared while several of his aides paced. ‘The minutes passed like days,’ one official recalls.
f. Then a voice briskly crackled with the code name: ‘Visual on Geronimo.’ Osama bin Laden, the man who said yes to the 9/11 attacks, was dead.
g. Bin Laden, unarmed, appeared ready to resist, according to a Defense Department account. He was killed by a shot over the left eye. The courier was already dead on the first floor, along with his brother and a woman caught in the crossfire.
h. In 2005, an unknown benefactor built the strange house on a triangle-shaped piece of farmland. ‘It had the appearance of sort of a fortress,’ John Brennan said. OBL took up residence soon after the house was finished in 2006. By the time of the Raid, he had been living there for some 5 years. He apparently slept in a king-size bed with a much younger wife. He had satellite TV.
j. Interrogators grilled Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, and Al-Libbi after his capture in 2005, for details about the courier. Both men were subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques, including the waterboard. Gradually, the courier’s identity was pieced together. The CIA tracked down his family and asked the National Security Agency to put them under electronic surveillance. The National Geospatial-intelligence Agency trained a spy satellite on the triangular fortress.
k. The plan devised by Vice Admiral William McRaven, commander of the Joint pecial Operations Command called for about 80 men aboard four helicopters. Darkness was the cloak and speed essential; the force had to be in and out of Pakistan before the Pakistani military could respond. The orders were capture or kill.”
18. From McClatchy Newspapers. Noted below is some information from the article posted on June 28, 2011, on Facebook.
a. McClatchy discovered that the bin Laden household was buying and selling gold jewelry. We also found that for a household that included at least 9 women and twice that many children, its consumption of electricity and gas was far less than that of neighboring households. In addition to bin Laden's three wives, the compound's residents included bin Laden's adult son Khalid, who probably was married, Arshad and Tariq Khan — the men thought to be the courier and his brother — and their wives, plus, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials, around 18 children. That means 25 to 28 people lived there.
b. The bin Ladens' four Gas bills for March 2011 totaled no more than $18. By comparison, a household of five, of a local journalist, spent about $54 for Gas that month. The four Electric bills for April 2011 combined, all in the name of "Muhammad Arshad," came to about $83, showing quite low consumption.
c. The land for the house was bought by "Muhammad Arshad," a fake identity used by the man who's thought to have been the courier. Using a fake identity card, the man bought the land in four lots, from three owners, starting on June 1, 2004, and ending on May 27, 2005, according to the government's land records. Total cost in local currency was 4.09 million rupees. Altogether, the land was 6 kanals and 13 marla; about 3,325 square yards. The house, which was completed in 2005, had 10 rooms. It was designed as a multifamily residence, with four separate gas connections and four separate hookups for electricity.
19. The Abbotabad Raid is inherently linked to the 9/11 Event. In the 9/11 Event, OBL was publicized as the central figure. As for the Abbotabad Raid, it was centered on the OBL figure. The truth about 9/11 will yield the truth about the Abbotabad Raid. Similarly, determining the reality of OBL’s role in 9/11 will show what the reality behind the Abbotabad Raid was.
Truth about 9/11
20. The Bush regime‘s story, fully endorsed by the Obama regime, was that on September 11, 2001, 19 raw Arab pilots outsmarted the US intelligence agencies, the Defense establishment’s network of warning radars and satellites, airports security systems and air traffic controllers and hijacked four Boeing 757s and, flying freely on paths of their own choice, knocked down the World Trade Centre Towers in New York and smashed a portion of the Pentagon in Washington. The unbelievable story had been challenged right at the beginning.
21. Around 2006, the government’s explanation for 9/11 was demolished with incontrovertible technical and circumstantial proofs produced with painstaking efforts by the challengers, including prominent persons, scientists, structural engineers, veteran pilots, veteran firemen and experts in demolition of high-rise buildings. They proved 9/11 was carried out from within the US government. The challengers’ movement is so strong and widespread now that even the mainstream US media which was aligned with the government’s view is compelled to give some coverage to what the challengers are saying. Given below are just a few examples of the challengers’ views on 9/11.
Prominent Persons’ Remarks—Revealing 9/11’s Reality
22. Francesco Cossiga, Italy’s Prime Minister 1985-1992. Remarks published on 30 November 2007 by Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, and translated into English.
Referring to an Osama Bin Laden video tape, he said: “Palazzo Chigi, nerve center of Italian intelligence, points out that non-authenticity of the video is evidenced by the fact that Osama Bin Laden in it 'confesses' that Al Qaeda was the author of the attacks on 11 September at two Towers in New York, while all democratic institutions of America and Europe, with Italian center at the forefront, now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and carried out by the American CIA and the Mossad with the help of the Zionist world order to accuse the Arab countries and to induce the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan."
23. Andreas von Bulow, formerly State Secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Defence and Member of Parliament where he sat on the intelligence committee, wrote a book in 2003, Die CIA und der 11 September, whose very title, ie, The CIA and the 11 September, indicates the book’s message.
24. French political scientist Thierry Meyssan, after a thorough analysis of the entire episode in his 2002 book, 9/11—The Big Lie, declares (p.48): “The attacks were not ordered by a fanatic who believed he was delivering divine punishment, but by a group present within the American State Apparatus.”
25. Russian General Leonid Ivashov wrote an article in 2006, International Terrorism Does Not Exist, in which he said: “Only secret services…have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude…Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks.” (details in Griffin’s Debunking 9/11 Debunking, p.327)
26. Barrie Zwicker, a Canadian analyst and author of a masterpiece, Towers of Deception—The Media Cover-up of 9/11, after thoroughly inquiring into the subject, writes: “The number and magnitude of anomalies surrounding 9/11 can point to only one conclusion: 9/11 was a completely made-in-the-USA inside job, a manufactured incident planned and run by some among the top leadership.” (p.238).
27. Prof David Ray Griffin, a widely acclaimed analyst, has authored several studies and books on 9/11, including Debunking 9/11 Debunking, published in 2007. It is a most thoroughly researched study that on the one hand disproves one by one all the arguments used for propping up the official story and on the other presents irrefutable evidence to prove that 9/11 was an inside job. His conclusion can be grasped from just two sentences. “All the evidence, therefore, supports the notion that the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job,” (p. 114). “The collapse of WTC 7, (not hit by a plane), is widely thought to provide the strongest evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.” (p. 311).
28. John V. Whitbeck, author of The World According to Whitbeck, commenting on Griffin’s book, wrote: "After reading David Ray Griffin's previous books on the subject, I was over 90 percent convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. Now, after reading Debunking 9/11 Debunking, I am, I regret to say, 100 percent convinced."
29. Bill Christison, former senior CIA official, made these insightful remarks (at the book’s frontispiece): “David Ray Griffin's Debunking 9/1I Debunking is a superb compendium of the strong body of evidence showing the official US Government story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monstrous series of lies. Tragically, the entire course of US foreign and domestic policies since that date has grown out of these almost certain falsehoods. This single book could (and should) provide the basis for the United Nations, International Court of Justice, or some specially constituted global body (independent of the US) to investigate with highest priority, and publicly report its findings about, the charge that unknown elements within the US Government, and possibly some individuals elsewhere closely allied to the US, caused or contributed to causing the events of September 11 to happen."
30. OBL‘s life story needs to be explored rather in detail, in order to be aware of the real role designed for him by the masterminds of 9/11 strikes, the ‘war on terrorism’ and its related incidents, one of which was the Abbotabad Raid. Exploring this aspect would certainly benefit the distinguished Commission in its inquiry. Here, only some important features of his life are given.
Nature of the Character Osama
“Who will ever suspect then that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?”
31. This statement at protocol 13 in the Protocols of the Zionist Elders is the key to understanding OBL’s conduct. A copy of Protocols, dated 1905, is held by the British Library. This amazing document was a blueprint for creation of Israel and for promoting international dominance of Zionism. “Stage-managed people” were highly effective tools in the success of Zionism’s political plans. What was Osama Bin Laden’s role in 9/11? To genuine analysts the question is meaningless. When irrefutable evidence proves it that key officials within the US government were responsible for conducting the 9/11 operation, then OBL and AlQaeda had no role in it except to act as patsies. Nevertheless, we will touch on it, as the OBL character is further exposed.
32. An Early Assessment of Osama. I had analyzed Osama’s service with the CIA, the subsequent acts of terrorism attributed to him and AlQaeda and his behavior in those acts. Viewing all this in light of my knowledge of CIA and Mossad operating together against Muslim countries, I found that AlQaeda was a wing of Mossad, whose core consisted of agents from the local Jewish communities in the Arab and other Muslim States. And Osama was being guided and manipulated by a Handlers’ team of Yemeni, Egyptian and Afghani Jews disguised as Muslims. Two and a half years before 9/11, I wrote about it in an article, Osama and the Return of Osama—the Confounding Web of Cunning, in the daily Khabrain, Lahore, on 26 March 1999.
Foreign Analysts’ Disclosures about OBL
33. According to Thierry Meyssan in 9/11—The Big Lie, in December 1979, CIA, working with Saudi intelligence, employed OBL, then 22, to financially manage its secret operations in Afghanistan. Over a period of 10 years, the Saudi and US secret agencies recruited militants, trained and armed them and manipulated them in a holy war to combat the Soviets. OBL managed the needs of the irregular milieu on a computer file, ‘AlQaeda’ (in Arabic ‘the Base’).
34. Osama was one of 54 children of Sheikh Mohammad bin Laden who founded the Saudi Binladen Group (SBG) in 1931. This company’s businesses include construction, engineering, telecommunications, real estate and publishing. The SBG has important holdings in General Electric, Nortel Networks and Cadbury Schweppes. The Carlyle Group in US manages its financial assets. The SBG is indissolubly linked to the regime in Saudi Arabia. It is the principal contractor for construction and maintenance work at the holy places of Makkah and Madinah. It won the majority of building contracts for US bases in Saudi Arabia. (p.98). According to Meyssan, the CIA provided the funds and the SBG built the [Tora Bora] network of caves and tunnels in the mountains of Afghanistan. He asks, “How can one not see that Bin Laden legend is a cover story fabricated out of whole cloth by the CIA?” (p.106)
35. British analyst David Icke, in his 2002 book, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, writes: “Michael Springman, former head of the US visa section in Jeddah from 1987 to 1989, revealed that recruits rounded up by Osama were being sent to the US for terrorist training by CIA, who then returned to Afghanistan to fight against the then Soviet Union.” (p.73)
CIA’s Control over OBL
36. Osama had been programmed to be a staunch American ally. A few years after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in May 1989, he was indoctrinated to become a foe of America. Starting with an engineered bombing incident at New York’s World Trade Center in 1993, CIA created a series of terror incidents, before 9/11, in the name of Osama the chief of AlQaeda, and made him famous as an ‘Islamist terrorist,’ who was a most wanted culprit on FBI’s list. Yet, it seemed CIA and FBI knew exactly where he was, but made no attempt to apprehend him. This was confirmed later by a report in the Washington Post, October 3, 2001.
“In early 1996, Bin Laden had found refuge in Sudan. In March 1996, Sudan’s Minister for Defence, Major General Elfatih Erwa, offered to extradite him to Saudi Arabia or the United States, but both offers were refused! The US officials told Sudan: ‘Just ask him to leave the country. Just don’t let him go to Somalia.’ According to Major General Erwa, he told the Clinton Administration officials that Bin Laden would go to Afghanistan; the American officials replied, ‘Let him.’”
37. It would be naive to think CIA was just tracking OBL. The fact was CIA was directing all his movements and activities through its “handlers” with OBL. It was in the Tora Bora complex where OBL reportedly died in late September, 2001. Americans bombed it after attacking Afghanistan on 7 October 2001.
38. Quoting media reports, Meyssan writes, “The links between CIA and Bin Laden were not severed in 1998 [even after US had accused OBL of terrorist attacks in Khobar, Nairobi and other places]. Seriously ill, he went for treatment from 4 to 14 July 2001 at the American hospital in Dubai. During his hospitalization, the local CIA bureau chief, a well-known figure in Dubai, visited him…The night before the Sept 11 terrorists attack, OBL was in Pakistan. He was spirited into a military hospital in Rawalpindi for kidney dialysis treatment.” (p.107).
AlQaeda—Creation of CIA
39. Webster Griffin Tarpley, in his analytical work, 9/11 Synthetic Terrorism made in USA, published in Sept 2004, writes:
“We must stress the idea that the vast majority of international terrorism is indeed state-sponsored terrorism. This does not mean that such terrorism is sponsored by the entire government, down to the last clerical worker. It does mean that a faction or network of the government uses its access to the levers of power to promote the terrorist action in various ways. In Europe in the 1960s and 1970s, and in the Arab and Islamic world today, there have been deluded and naïve individuals and institutions who have somehow associated large-scale international terrorism with revolutionary or progressive change. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If the Italian left of the 1970s and the German left of the same period sympathized with the Red Brigades, they only showed their own stupidity, since both of these terrorist operations were created by and controlled by NATO intelligence. Similarly, any Arab who feels sympathy for al Qaeda needs to be forcefully reminded that al Qaeda was created by the CIA and continues to be steered by the CIA, through various cut-outs.” (Page 55-56)
OBL’s Role in 9/11 was an Invented Myth
40. David Ray Griffin in his 2007 book, Debunking 9/11 Debunki , reveals:
“The most damning lack of evidence for bin Laden’s involvement, however, comes from the [FBI] agency. If one looks up “Usama Bin Laden” on the FBI’s web page for Most Wanted Terrorists, one will find that he is wanted for bombings of US embassies in Dar es Salam, Tanzania and Nairobi and that he is “a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.” But one would not find any mention of 9/11. Puzzled by this, Ed Haas, author of the Muckraker Report (June 6, 2006), contacted FBI headquarters to ask why. An FBI official replied: ‘The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.’” (p.128)
It meant the FBI did not find any of the Bin Laden “confession videos” genuine. Indeed these and several other much publicized OBL videos were examined by prominent analysts, some mentioned in this document, and declared fake.
Dr. Pieczenik’s Evidence—that OBL Died in 2001
41. A report titled, Top US Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag Operation, by Paul Joseph Watson in Prison Planet.com dated Wednesday, May 4, 2011, discloses vital facts about OBL, the 9/11 Event and the Abbotabad Raid. Excerpts from it in its own words are placed below.
Top US government insider, Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show on May 3, 2011 that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001. Pieczenik said he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job.
Dr Pieczenik cannot be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist”. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford and Carter, while also working under Reagan and Bush senior, and still works as a consultant for the Department of Defense. A former US Navy Captain, Pieczenik achieved two prestigious Harry C. Solomon Awards at the Harvard Medical School as he simultaneously completed a PhD at MIT. His record underscores the fact that he is one of the most deeply connected men in intelligence circles over the past three decades plus.
Back in April 2002, nine years ago, Dr Pieczenik told the Alex Jones Show that Bin Laden had already been “dead for months,” and that the government was waiting for the most politically expedient time to roll out his corpse. Pieczenik would be in a position to know, having personally met Bin Laden and worked with him during the proxy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan back in the early 1980′s.
Pieczenik said that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001, “Not because special forces had killed him, but because as a physician I had known that the CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that he had marfan syndrome,” adding that the US government knew Bin Laden was dead before they invaded Afghanistan. Marfan syndrome is a degenerative genetic disease for which there is no permanent cure. The illness severely shortens the life span of the sufferer.
“He died of marfan syndrome. President Bush junior knew about it, the intelligence community knew about it,” said Pieczenik, noting how CIA physicians had visited Bin Laden in July 2001 at the American Hospital in Dubai. “He was already very sick and he was already dying, so nobody had to kill him,” added Pieczenik, stating that Bin Laden died shortly after 9/11 in his Tora Bora cave complex.
“Did the CIA doctor up this situation, the answer is yes, categorically yes,” said Pieczenik, referring to [May 1] Sunday’s claim that Bin Laden was killed at his compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan, adding, “This whole scenario where you see a bunch of people sitting there looking at a screen and they look as if they’re intense, that’s nonsense,” referring to the images released by the White House which claim to show Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton watching the operation to kill Bin Laden live on a television screen.
“It’s a total make-up, make-believe. We’re in an American theater of the absurd….Why are we doing this again…[more than] 9 years ago this man was already dead….Why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people,” asked Pieczenik.
Pieczenik said that the decision to launch the hoax now was made because Obama had reached a low with plummeting approval ratings and the fact that the “ birther” issue was blowing up in his face.“He had to prove that he was more than American….he had to be aggressive,” said Pieczenik, adding that the farce was also a way of isolating Pakistan as a retaliation for intense opposition to the Predator drone program, which has killed hundreds of Pakistanis.
“This is orchestrated, I mean when you have people sitting around and watching a sitcom, [at] the operations center of the White House, and you have a president coming out almost zombie-like telling you they just killed Osama Bin Laden, who was already dead nine years ago,” said Pieczenik, calling the episode, “the greatest falsehood I’ve ever heard. I mean it was absurd.”
Dismissing the government’s account of the assassination of Bin Laden as a “sick joke” on the American people, Pieczenik said, “They are so desperate to make Barak Obama viable, to negate the fact that he may not have been born here, any questions about his background, any irregularities about his background, to make him look assertive….to re-elect this president so the American public can be duped once again.” Dr Pieczenik’s assertion that Bin Laden died almost ten years ago is echoed by numerous intelligence professionals as well as heads of state across the world.
Pieczenik’s Disclosure about 9/11
42. Bin Laden, “was used in the same way that 9/11 was used to mobilize the emotions and feelings of the American people in order to go to a war that had to be justified through a narrative that Bush junior created and Cheney created about the world of terrorism,” stated Pieczenik.
During his interview with the Alex Jones Show yesterday [May 3, 2011], Pieczenik also asserted he was directly told by a prominent general on Wolfowitz’ staff that 9/11 was a stand down and a false flag operation. “They ran the attacks,” said Pieczenik, naming Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams, and Condoleezza Rice amongst others as having been directly involved.
“It was called a stand down, a false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretenses. Pieczenik re-iterated that he was perfectly willing to reveal the name of the general who told him 9/11 was an inside job in a federal court, “so that we can unravel this thing legally, not with the stupid 9/11 Commission that was absurd.” Pieczenik explained that he was not a liberal, a conservative or a tea party member, merely an American who is deeply concerned about the direction in which his country is heading.
The Deceit in the News Stories Needs to be Exposed
43. All the standard planning ingredients and techniques were visible in the US Raid. It was also meant to be a sting operation. Its sharp sting badly hurt the people of Pakistan, though the authorities seemed immune to it. Confounding deception was the most prominent element in the Raid’s planning and conduct, and its first proof lies in the various narratives of the operation. Stories of just the initial reports of the Raid are rife with glaring mutual contradictions, misleading statements and plain disinformation. All of these need to be pointed out, discussed and corrected where possible. The motives for the questionable information and actions should also be determined, which the Commission with the resources and the witnesses available to it might have already done. Here, only a few points are submitted.
44. The Americans cannot be blamed for putting out false information and deceiving the public; it is their strategy. But, why the Pakistani sources misled their people or kept them uninformed is not understandable. Was it because of US pressure? They should have, anyway, realized that facts eventually do become known. Deliberate confusion about OBL’s wives was quite obvious. The first story said, “2 wives and 4 children of OBL were taken into custody, and a number of OBL’s family members, including a young son, children and 2 wives were killed.” The next day it was said, “Those who survived the attack included a wife, a daughter and 8 to 9 other children, not apparently Bin Laden’s; all had their hands tied by the Americans. In the months that followed the confusion persisted till a report in the Nation, 8 Dec 2011, revealed that “The repatriation of the 3 wives of Osama bin Laden who were with him at the time of his death is likely to take place (to Saudi Arabia) in a few days.”
45. The various reasons given for the helicopter left behind by the Marines were false. The helicopter was purposely made dysfunctional, to create a fake reason for leaving some of OBL’s wives and a daughter behind. The wives, especially the daughter, were to be a proof that OBL was there in the house. Having questioned them, the Commission would have formed some conclusion. It is, however, certain that all the three females had been programmed to say what the programmers had taught and shown them.
46. The process would have involved a variety of techniques and drugs while they resided in the house and leading them to witness certain mock scenes on the day of the Raid. So, if, in the words of an ISI official as reported in the news narrative of 4 May, “Bin Laden’s daughter, aged 12 or 13, saw her father shot,” it wasn’t surprising. But, what was surprising, and the Commission could not have missed it, was that such an obviously invented and ludicrous incident that a girl was let in to see her father being brutally murdered was accepted and publicized as a proof of OBL’s death.
Creating the Myth of Killing OBL
47. The Raid was enveloped in multi-layered confounding deception, no matter from which angle or aspect it was looked at. How the CIA used local men as a front to purchase the land near Pakistan Military Academy Kakul and build its safe house, the so-called Bin Laden-compound, years in advance, gives an idea of the tricks used. The real depth of deception was, of course, in the make-believe killing part of the operation. OBL was not there, so most elaborate plans of ruses were put in place to give an impression as if he was there. We do not yet know the exact nature and full range of these ruses, but it is interesting to look back to a WW II episode of a “man who never was” to have an idea how false existence of a person is fabricated.
The “Man Who Never Was” and OBL’s Dead Body That Wasn’t There
48. The Man Who Never Was is the title of the story of an operation of military deception in 1943, during World War II, mounted by British Intelligence to deceive the Germans about the location of planned Allied landings. It called for a dead body, dressed as a make-believe British Marine officer, presumably killed in an airplane crash, and that had washed ashore at a place in Spain that was monitored by a Nazi agent. The body concealed false top secret information (but on genuine official paper) about a pending Allied invasion of Greece (whereas the actual place of landings was to be Sicily). The two basic ingredients of that scheme, called “Operation Mincemeat,” were a body with a fake identity and placing it at a selected location. Its most important element was the aim behind the scheme.
49. The deception that was central to the American commando operation has intriguing similarities to the old British model. The American scheme called for a make-believe revival of a dead man, reputedly a master terrorist, placing him in a purpose-built house in Pakistan, carrying out a clandestine attack on the house with heli-borne commandoes, proclaiming to the world he had been killed and his body consigned to deep sea, and then decrying Pakistan for not knowing the terrorist was living there or knowingly sheltering him.
50. How did the British operatives succeed with their totally artificial product? Basically, due to meticulous planning. They made the whole thing look real. Even smallest matters were not ignored: the identity card that the make-believe Marine officer would be carrying was given suitable ageing texture. The book about the operation is actually a record of conceiving and implementing all the requirements for convincing those who picked up the floating body that it really was that of the person whose identity documents were found with the body, and that the vital document he carried was authentic. The document was indeed authentic. It was typed on the personal notepaper of the Vice Chief of the British Imperial General Staff and had his real signatures. The strategic ploy had backing at the highest level. But, another factor also played a key role in assuring success, although the British, understandably, would never admit it. The Nazi agent was a British secret double agent. It was on his certification that the Nazi military authorities in Germany, who never saw the dead body, accepted it as genuine.
51. The American scheme, carried out for make-believe killing of Osama Bin Laden, (who had died several years ago) was also planned very thoroughly, and managed to hoodwink people into thinking it was OBL’s body. American authorities including the president and the entire western media acted as the principal instruments in making this plot succeed. American tools in Pakistan, conscious or unconscious, significantly contributed to it, by their hasty reactions that admitted OBL’s presence in that house. The body of the man said to have been killed was never shown. Even Barack Obama and his coterie who watched the operation live by a special television feed to the White House situation room, did not see it, because there was no body, or if at all there was one, it was not Osama’s.
Concealing the Real Story
52. In the planning and conduct of clandestine malevolent schemes, secrecy and deception are integral to each other. Among the measures that the Raid’s master planners took to ensure that the true story is not leaked out was one that was most atrocious, but in their view most effective. All the 30 Navy SEALS who had taken part in the Abbotabad Raid were dispatched to their death in a helicopter crash near Kabul on 5 August 2011. Although, as reported in Nation, 8 August 2011, the Taliban claimed they had brought down the troop-carrying helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade, it was really the work of CIA which controls the Taliban.
Crafting of Proofs for Supporting the Lie of Killing OBL
53. Proclamation by the US Administration that OBL was killed in the Commando Raid and the hype and spin with which this lie was broadcast as truth by the US media, was rather enough for it to be accepted by the leaders and the elite, if not the common folks, in many countries. However, the Raid’s planners wanted the US claim to be augmented by vocal support and circumstantial evidence from non-American sources. There was no dearth of such sources, but two sources were of special value, and had been quite craftily arranged for. The case of one source, that is OBL’s daughter, is already discussed above.
54. The other source, more authentic and acceptable for the world at large, even if for a short term, was the reaction of Pakistan’s civil and military authorities. Pakistanis, by and large, were aghast and disgusted at the slavish acceptance by their leaders of the illegally carried out US Raid and the questionable US claim of killing of OBL. This acceptance was evident in their comments. Note an ISI official’s comments at paragraph 19 above: “The compound was not on our radar; it is an embarrassment for the ISI…” “We were totally caught by surprise. They were in and out before we could react.”
55. As reported in Nation, 3 May 2011, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said: “I think it is a great victory, it’s a success and I congratulate the success of this operation.” President Asif Ali Zardari expressed his acceptance and appreciation of the unlawful and highly objectionable Raid on Pakistan’s soil in a bizarre way. He had an article published in his own name in the Washington Post as reported in Nation on 4 May and used it “to stress that Pakistan welcomes the killing of bin Laden.” This was done with intriguing orchestration. It was so arranged that Zardari’s article was published on 3 May, the day the shocking Raid was reported in the press in Pakistan. Obviously, Washington Post had received the article at least two days earlier, probably on 1 May, or at the latest early on 2 May, for it to be published on 3 May. It has a number of implications, which the Commission would have identified.
The Question of Foreknowledge of the Unlawful US Raid
56. A key question arising from the Zardari article is: did Pakistan’s top leaders know in advance about the hostile, nasty US Raid? This in fact is a leading issue for inquiry in the Commission’s mandate. It need not be discussed in this statement. However, this much can be said that there are some clear indications in the Zardari article and the top authorities’ statements that they had advance notice of the Raid, even though it was most probably given at the eleventh hour. Recently, Mansoor Ijaz, the crafty American behind the rogue memo scandal, claimed, as reported in Nation, 4 Dec 2011, that “former Pakistan ambassador Husain Haqqani and President Asif Ali Zardari both had advance knowledge of the US operation to kill Osama bin Laden and to use the situation resulting from it to the Zardari regime’s advantage.” It is also known that some rogue elements from within the country had acted as CIA’s tools in this subversive operation. This brings up the question of a Fifth Column in Pakistan.
Fifth Column in Pakistan
57. The dictionary defines a Fifth Columnist “as a spy, traitor, a member of Fifth Column, [which is] an organized body sympathizing with and working for the enemy within a country.” Pakistan’s enemies had created a Fifth Column here as this country came into being. We should recall that Quaid-e-Azam warned the nation of these traitors in at least three of his public addresses in 1948, one in January in Karachi and two in March in Dhaka. He said, “Unfortunately, you have Fifth Columnists—and I am sorry to say they are Muslims, who are financed by outsiders.” “I must warn you to beware of these Fifth Columnists.” These warnings were forgotten, to our misfortune.
58. Remaining unexposed and expanding all along, the Fifth Column has been actively supporting the hostile forces and has greatly harmed Pakistan. Fifth Columnists were involved in the assassination of Liquat Ali Khan, in the setbacks to Pakistan in the 1965 War and the political and military disaster in 1971, in causing the crash of General Zia’s plane in 1988 and in a number of other hurtful crises in the country. In its inquiries, the Commission has found at least one culprit, Dr Shakeel Afridi, who may be a dedicated Fifth Columnist. Under cover of running a phony vaccination programme, Dr Shakeel Afridi assisted CIA’s secret activities in preparation for the designed Raid in Abbotabad. The Nation, 7 Oct 2011, reported, “The Commission investigating the bin Laden affair said it had gathered evidence against Afridi that was strong enough for authorities to register a case of high treason against him.” The Commission would be aware that a few days after the Raid, a CIA source had claimed they were helped by local “assets” in the Abbotabad operation. Investigating these “assets” may reveal that they belonged to the Fifth Column.
Creating Big Rift in US-Pak Relations
59. The planners wanted to change the existing somewhat friendly working relationship between the American and Pakistani officials, especially the senior army and intelligence officials on both sides, into a sour and tense relationship. They initiated the process in 2010 and then deeply dented the US-Pakistan relations in January 2011 with the planned murders committed by the American killer Davis. People found the ruthless crime inexplicable. I explained it in an article, “The Main Aim Behind Davis’ Murderous Act,” on 17 March 2011:
The murder of two innocent Pakistanis by American national Raymond Allen Davis on 27 January 2011 in Lahore was not a rash act, committed in unforeseen circumstances. It was a tasked job that the CIA’s terrorism expert carried out according to its script. Such tasks are never without specific aims that usually cover both the short and long term requirements of the tasking authority. That authority in this killer’s case, as claimed by American officials, was US government, more specifically, the CIA….The main Aim was to generate intense anti-American feelings.
60. That incident was a turning point in the diplomatic environment and also affected the strategic and political situation in the region, to Pakistan’s disadvantage. The US-Pakistan relations continued to nosedive, with the US hardening its attitude and blaming Pakistan for this situation. Pakistani authorities were nonplussed because they had been literally bending backward to please the Americans, and had even let the killer Davis go scot free in the face of public fury. To make matters worse, the US not only enhanced the frequency of the despicable, cruel Drone attacks on Pakistan’s tribal territory but also blatantly turned the attacks onto innocent civilians. Nation, 6 April 2011, reported: “A Drone attack on a peace congregation in North Waziristan Agency on 17 March 2011 left over 39 innocent people dead.” Pakistani people cried out in protest at this cruelty. “The US-Pakistan ties were in tatters,” wrote the newspaper.
61. This environment befitted the US policymakers’ scheme of berating and blaming Pakistan and portraying it as an enemy state. After the Raid, Nation, 4 May 2011, reported: “CIA Director Leon Panetta, casting aspersions about Pakistan’s integrity, told Time that ‘it was decided that any effort to work with the Pakistanis could jeopardize the mission; they might alert the targets.’” The impudence, with which the Americans struck in Abbotabad, and their ensuing offensive behavior and statements, made the environment of hostility and distrust much worse. It was obvious that this was an in-built objective of the secretly prepared Raid. It needs to be noted that this strategy will continue, as it fits the new US moves against Pakistan.
62. The malicious attack by US Special Forces, (wrongly labeled as NATO attack), on 26 November 2011 at Pakistan’s Salalah checkpost in which they destroyed two Pakistani posts and massacred 24 soldiers of Pak army was a brazen demonstration of this US strategy in operation. According to Nation, 9 Dec 2011, “Pakistan Army’s Director General Military Operations during his briefing to Senate Standing Committee on Defence on 8 Dec said that all evidence shows the Nov 26 attack was not only deliberate but the allied military force also tried to mislead Pakistan military regarding the attack.” It is envisaged the future US schemes include installing in Islamabad a regime that should appear to be anti-US but be ignorant of the US game and be pliant to manipulation. Such a regime would provide political justification for US military aggression against Pakistan.
Timing of the Raid
63. The Timing was set to meet both the tactical and strategic requirements. As indicated earlier, the various operations and maneuvers within a big scheme are programmed in terms of time in the overall plans made for the big scheme.
64. Timing at Tactical Level. The time chosen for the operation was well past midnight of May 1 and 2, 2011, corresponding to Jamadiul Awwal 27 and 28, 1432; and it was a moonless night. The news of OBL’s killing by US marines was broken to the world by President Barack Obama in a TV address from the White House, at about 11:35 at night on Sunday, May 1, 2011, as reported in Time, May 20, 2011, (p. 34). It was 8:35 Monday morning, 2 May, in Pakistan, where, in Abbotabad, the 40-minute US military Raid had been carried out about 6 hours earlier.
65. Americans, having already learnt about the Raid, read its details in their newspapers on the morning of 2 May. Pakistanis read them in their papers, 24 hours later, on 3 May! As described earlier, Pakistani papers of Monday, 2 May, had only a story of “a helicopter crash in the wee hours of Monday following firing and two blasts near a residential area off the PMA Road in Abbotabad.” The civil and military officials who already knew about the Raid just kept mum.
66. Trilateral Talks were Synchronized with the Raid. Early morning of 3 May, when papers came out with blaring headlines reporting the outrageous violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and national security by US military forces,Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary and his team were engrossed in finalizing their preparations for a Trilateral Conference being held in Islamabad that very morning! They were not able to respond to the Raid and the allegations of the US officials against Pakistan with firmness and clarity as befitted a sovereign state. It was shameful that they failed to mention even a word of protest about it at the press conference, as was obvious from the news item about it, in the Nation, 4 May 2011 Afghanistan-led reconciliation process remained focus of the trilateral talks held five weeks after Islamabad boycotted a similar meeting due to be held in Brussels over tension with Washington on the Raymond Davis issue. “We had very fruitful talks and have agreed to cooperate and coordinate for Afghan-led reconciliation process to ensure peace, security and development in the region,” said Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir, Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Jaweed Ludin and US Special Representative Marc Grossman while addressing a joint press conference after talks. They said they have discussed the security situation on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
67. Was holding the Trilateral Conference in Islamabad and its synchronization with the US Raid just accidental? No. It was by deliberate planning. And it should be realized that the master planners of the Raid and of rescheduling the Conference belonged to the same clique of US Neocons.
68. Timing in Strategic Terms. The timing also catered for the political and strategic aims of the planners. The 9/11 Event was approaching its 10th year. AlQaeda and OBL had receded into background in relation to it, and more so, because a strong body of challengers with credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job had arisen in America itself. Americans were swaying heavily toward this opinion. It threatened to overwhelm the US government’s story on 9/11. The staged drama of killing OBL’s make-believe killing and the barrage of propaganda that followed it put new life in both the government’s discredited story on 9/11 and the sagging public image of President Obama.
69. The US government and the media claimed it was a great victory in the War on Terrorism and that the backbone of AlQaeda had been broken. The timing served the strategic aims the US had in view. It imparted validity to Obama Administration’s previously announced decision of gradual withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan beginning in the summer of 2011, and a boost to the morale of the US troops who were given the impression it was a measure of success of their deployment in Afghanistan.
70. The timing was in accordance with the strategic shift that the US planners were bringing about in their so-called War on Terrorism. In this new phase, firstly, the main theatre of war is being shifted from Afghanistan to Pakistan and the US is making Pakistan as its main antagonist in the War on Terrorism. Secondly, the US planners have activated the process of a war between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
71. The US leaders, even earlier, had been labeling Pakistan as an adversary, alleging it was not doing enough in combating terrorists and was providing sanctuaries to the terrorists from across the border. After the Commando Raid, they became more bellicose and persistent in their threats to Pakistan. Obama Administration refused to apologize for violating Pakistan’s sovereignty and declared that if need arose it would repeat such an action on Pakistan’s territory. As for the second feature of the strategic change, it can be seen in the recurring raids of carnage on Pakistan’s northwestern border territory by droves of fully trained and organized Afghan militants, since a couple of months ago.
72. I apologize for highlighting the validity and credibility of my analysis, but there are two reasons for it. One, the idea is to let the Commission see for itself that what I write is backed by serious research and analysis and deep reflection. The second reason is mentioned further on. From the considerably large stock of my analytical writing, just a few examples are presented below.
The 9/11 Terror Strikes
73. Instantaneous and accurate views. On 11 Sept 2001, just after 10 pm, while the astounding drama of the airplanes’ strikes in New York was still unfolding, I gave my comments to a news reporter who had telephoned me earlier for this purpose. The next day, 12 September, the daily Pakistan published them in two stories on its back page. The paper’s headlines, mentioned below, are a summary of my views:
“Israel, Mossad and American Zionists are Involved in the Air Attacks in America”…Analyst Israel Aims to Instigate America to Embark upon a War against Muslims. Jews are present in all the Sensitive Institutions in America; without their participation such Attacks could not be carried out. Air Attacks in New York and Washington were mounted in the style of Mossad and CIA. In the history of Terrorism, this is about the most comprehensively planned and coordinated operation. No ordinary group could carry out such attacks.”
74. Comprehensive Assessment that remains Valid. Within a week, I wrote down a comprehensive assessment of 9/11. Nawai Waqt published it on 18 September 2001, with this beginning:
“Giving an analysis of the current developments, Commodore (Retd) Tariq Majeed said it could be stated with certainty that the disaster that has befallen on America is the work of Israel and its secret agency Mossad, which wields powerful influence over all the security and military organizations in the United States. The September 11 terrorism has given a tremendous boost to the worldwide interests of International Zionism and Israel.”
75. Later, I wrote extensively on all aspects of 9/11, including two books, one in Urdu in 2002 and the other in English in 2006, which specifically identify that terror operation’s aims and effects against Islam and the Muslim People. Western analysts and notable personalities, few in the beginning and many in later years, reached the same main conclusion on 9/11that I had pointed at. A few examples are already mentioned above.
Forecast of Nuclear Explosion by Pakistan
76. In May 1996, I wrote a thesis on ‘Islamist’ Army Officers Court Martial—Best Course of Action to Neutralize the Current Crisis and Forestall Future Dangers and sent it to the Chief of Army Staff, General Jehangir Karamat, on 22 May 1996. It was also published separately as a monograph and was also translated in Urdu. In the section Conditioning of the Environment for the Next War, on page 25 of the document, I wrote: “The Zionist Jewry (which controls all policymaking in US) is likely to guide India to conduct a second nuclear explosion, and then guide Pakistan to respond with a nuclear explosion of its own.” It is now history that India carried out its second nuclear explosion on 13 May 1998 and 15 days later, on 28 May, Pakistan responded to it with its first nuclear explosion, exploding 6 devices in reply to 5 devices exploded by India.
Forecast of Deliberate Crippling of Pakistan’s Economy
77. On page 31 of the same paper of May 1996, a warning in the following words was given on the Zionist Jewry’s strategy to cripple Pakistan’s economy and in the process also severely hurt the armed forces; the strategy was:
Keep devaluing Pak Rupee, keep raising prices of petrol, gas, diesel, electricity, medicines, essential food items, fares of transportation by road, rail and air; keep squandering state funds…Under unbearable economic burden, the people would cry out for relief. There is no money they would be told; 40% of the Budget is eaten up by the armed forces, while 50% has to be utilized to repay the foreign loans…People would say, We do not want F-16s or tanks; we want food for our children.’
78. That was written in 1996. Today, in 2011, Pakistan’s economy has been brought to a state of near collapse. No examples are necessary to prove the point. People are screaming with the agony of the crushing burden of the unbearable cost of living. Blame on the armed forces in this respect is rising. In the Nation, 22 October 2011, a female columnist announced “It is a cliché that we need to spend a lot on our defence because we have an enemy next door.” Her message: ‘India is not our enemy; it has never attacked us; we should cut our defence spending.’ On 23 Oct 2011, the Nation, on page1, carried a story, “Debt Servicing, Defence Eat up all Revenue, FBR Chairman says. Out of total Rs 1558 billion revenue collected, Rs 750 billion is used for debt servicing and Rs 441 billion go to Defence.” Public attention was focused on the headline, not the figures.
Forecast of Breakup of Soviet Union.
79. In an article, The Real Causes of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, published in the daily Jang in four installments, 5-8 May1988, I wrote: “The Soviet forces in Afghanistan have been brought to create some specific conditions and effects in several countries and regions. The targets include Pakistan and Afghanistan, West Asia, Middle East and the Soviet Union itself.”
80. In a lecture on The Afghan Crisis in the Global Game at the Quaid-e-Azam Library, Lahore, on 7 February 1990, I stated: “The invasion was meant to achieve, among other aims, the following objectives: (1) To hit at the integrity and interests of several states, specifically, the USSR, Afghanistan and China; (2) To embroil the USSR in a guerrilla war over a prolonged period to generate the conditions for breaking it up.
81. In an article, Gulf Crisis is the Design of the Zionist Jewry, published in the Nation on 2 and 3 February 1991, and in the Pakistan Times on 4 February, I repeated my forecast: “The Soviet Central Asia will be turned into independent cantons. Zionist Jewry employs multi-layered deception in its schemes, and exploits everything in its favour. It will use the spirit of Islam in the Central Asian Republics to separate them from the Soviet Union and then will reshape them into ethnic units.” It is also part of history now that the Soviet Union broke up on 21 December 1991.
Strategic Forecast of US Occupation of the Gulf
82. In 1982, when both the Soviet-Afghan War and the Iraq-Iran War were around two years old, I wrote (under a pen name as I was still in uniform) a monograph Joint Defence of Muslim Ummah. It was partly published in September 1982 in the monthly World Islamic Times, Islamabad, and later formed part of my 1995 book on Global Game. It contained predictions on several strategic issues, some of which (unfortunately) have already come true, while some are in the process. Only one amazing instance is mentioned here. While outlining Zionist Jewry’s Future plans, (p.429 of the book), I wrote:
“When the American capture of the Arab Oil Fields takes place, it should not come as a surprise. From 1975 onwards, starting with Henry Kissinger, every secretary of state, secretary of defense and president of the United States has publicly spoken of the possibility of US military intervention in the Gulf."
· “There is no dearth of scenarios which would facilitate the conditions required by the US policymakers to capture the Oil Fields..(one scenario): A Soviet-backed regime in Iraq which ends the row with Iran but turns against Saudi Arabia would create desirable environment for the US to proceed with its moves.”
83. It is a matter of historical record that Iraq’s ruler Saddam Hussein, after ending the War with Iran and signing a peace agreement in 1989, suddenly attacked and occupied Kuwait on 2 August 1990 and threatened to advance into Saudi Arabia. The US in concert with NATO brought in massive military forces, invaded and mauled Iraq and occupied it, and let it be known that its forces would remain in the Gulf region indefinitely. The US does not have to say that the Arab Oil Fields are in its control.
Forecast of Breakup of the United States
84. This forecast was first made at a lecture at the Quaid-e-Azam Library Lahore on 24 December 1991. It was a coincidence that just three days earlier the breakup of the Soviet Union had been formally announced! My research thesis The Covert Scheme for Disintegration of the United States appeared in weekly Facts, Lahore, on 15 February 1992, and was also published as a monograph. From that document, just a few points are reproduced below; (the “Euro” had not yet been named):
· The united European Community which came into being at the Maastricht Summit in mid-1991is likely to overtake and outshine the United States in international projection of military and economic power. The Dollar would lose its status and role to the European Currency Unit (ECU).
· The Zionist Jewry is likely to ignite a war of terrorism against the US men and women stationed in the Gulf States. If allowed to prolong, its effects on the American Nation would be disastrous.
· The US could be pushed into a regional war or the war front in the Gulf could be reactivated . The Zionist Jewry can then manipulate events to give a set back to the US.
85. The US is not broken up yet. But, what a deplorable state it is in! It could not be imagined even two years back. Its economic and social structure and political and national cohesion is collapsing. Examples are hardly needed. It is in the news every day. American political observers themselves are speaking of intense frustration and divisiveness in their nation. I stand by my 20-year old prediction that the United States of America will be broken up the Neocons.
Key to the Accuracy in Forecasting
86. The amazing accuracy of my forecasts, only a few of which are mentioned above, is not based on astrology or clairvoyance. It is based on my knowledge of the powerful clandestine Clique that through relentless secretive efforts amassed great resources and captured control over the US government and international finance and the major media organs. The Clique acquired the capability to manufacture and manipulate events in any region in the world and even within a country to advance its nefarious interests.
87. This Clique’s members claim to be ethnic Jews (though credible research showed they are converts). Their most important feature is they are dedicated followers of Zionism that is an anti-God, anti-religion and anti-morality creed. With is hold over the Western countries, the Clique is aiming at capturing world control and replacing the traditional religion-based moral and social structure of life with Zionism’s profane systems. The Clique considers Islam both as a religion and a system of life and the major Muslim countries the main obstacle in its path to global supremacy. And, in this regard it considers the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as the biggest obstacle not just because it is a nuclear power but mainly because Pakistan is most capable and most likely of all the Muslim countries to genuinely adopt the Islamic economic, political, social and military systems and turn itself into a great power. Thus, the Zionist Clique has all along been subjecting Pakistan to an unending series of debilitating crises.
88. Through systematic study I was able to discover its global goals and the code or the terminology that it uses for implementing the Zionist creed. This is the secret of foreseeing certain events that it is likely to engineer and to correctly identifying the aims behind those events it had already brought about. This is how I wrote in my above-quoted article on Raymond Davis that the specific aim of his murderous act was to generate intense anti-American feelings in Pakistanis. I had also written: “It is US strategy, in progress for a few years now, to deliberately generate strong, and rising, anti-American sentiment in Pakistan. This cunning strategy serves the terror schemes of AlQaeda and the Taliban as well as the wider US interests of keeping the war on terrorism and its poisonous anti-Islam propaganda going.”
Americans’ Belated Awareness of the Treacherous Clique
89. Industrialist Henry Ford I was perhaps the first prominent American to warn his countrymen through his writings in 1920s that their country was being taken over by organized Zionist Jewry. But the Zionists were already powerful enough in the government and the media to suppress those warnings. Professor Alfred Lilienthal wrote on the subject in 1960s with equal candor. In 1983, US Congressman Paul Findley uncovered the alarming extent to which the Zionist-Israeli lobby was exercising control over US Government, Presidency and Congress. His landmark book, They Dare to Speak Out—People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby, is fit to be a textbook for the policymakers in Pakistan and other countries where national policies are made in pursuance of US policies, in ignorance of the fact that US policies are designed exclusively for the interests of Zionism and Israel and not America.
90. In recent years in America a lot of literature has appeared that exposes and denounces the alarming clout and authority being exercised by American Zionists— with the deceptive name of Neocons used for them. An excellent new work of research on the Zionist Clique and the great harm it has done to the American people, especially in deliberately dragging the US to invade Iraq, is the book The Transparent Cabal by Stephen J. Sniegoski. A “cabal” is usually a secret group with its own agenda, but the author says the cabal ruling the US is transparent. In other words it is openly carrying out its anti-US agenda. Its numerous members are easily identifiable.
91. The book names them and informs that they may be known as Neocons or Neo-liberals, but they are devoted to Zionism and Israel and as a rule are Jewish. Again, this is a book to be studied by Pakistani elite in key institutions such as the civil administration, parliament, judiciary, armed forces, and centres of higher education, and the senior members of the media. Without being aware of the real nature of the cabal controlling the US, no one can understand why the United States has been, and would be, behaving as a rogue state.
92. All the pertinent conclusions, actually, are there in the preceding part of this statement, especially in the section on Analysis and Appraisal of the Raid. However, some of these are highlighted below for additional emphasis:
a. The May 2, 2011 Raid by US Commandoes was a make-believe, staged operation designed for political purposes stemming from the purposes for which the 9/11 terror event had been engineered. Like 9/11 and other Sting operations, this Raid was planned to look like a virtual reality.
b. Osama bin Laden was not present in the Abbotabad house and had never lived there. The whole story was a fabrication. There is strong evidence that he had died many years back, most probably in late September 2001.
c. President Obama and his close aides sitting in the White House situation room were watching the commando operation live via satellite feed. But when it came to the act of so-called killing of Osama, “the final burst of gunfire,” the transmission was cut off. Neither were they shown a picture of dead Osama— because Osama was not there.
d. If at all certain persons on the spot were shown a dead body being carried from the house by the departing commando team, it was that of one of the men killed in the operation. As for the dead body for the public show of burial at sea, it would be the work of another CIA team.
e. This unwarranted, hostile military operation and the other rogue actions and threats against Pakistan by US authorities cannot be understood without comprehending that the US is being ruled by a Zionist Clique. It shapes the American national policies to advance and achieve the specific aims of world Zionism and the state of Israel.
f. Pakistan is a principal target of the US Zionist Clique which is using a deliberate strategy of pushing Pakistan into a position where it can be labelled as an enemy state so that it can be subjected to high scale US military aggression. To generate in Pakistan anger and hate against America was a built-in aim of the May 2 Raid.
g. There is clear indication that certain top authorities in Pakistan were told about the operation in advance. It is certain that certain Fifth Columnists actively assisted the CIA in the prolonged process of putting in place the sham arrangements for finally the Raid to take place. The Commission ought to unearth, identify and proceed against the Fifth Columnists as it has done in the case of Dr Shakeel Afridi.
93. I now submit to the honourable President and the Members of the Inquiry Commission the most important conclusion of my analysis presented in this statement. As emphasized repeatedly in this statement, the US military aggression in Abbotabad is an integral scheme of the overall plot of 9/11 Terror Event, whose malevolent consequences and various schemes are continuing.
94. The May 2 Raid has to be seen and investigated in light of the 9/11 Event, which has been extensively investigated by American scholars, scientists and engineers and proved to have been “masterminded from within the American State Apparatus.” That Event was never investigated by Pakistan’s authorities, who blindly accepted the phony story propagated by American officials and media, and led our country into the disastrous situation in which it has been for the last 10 years.
95. In this respect, there is a lot of thought and light for us—the people, and more so, the leaders of Pakistan—in the moving comments of former senior CIA official Bill Christison, quoted above and reproduced below for further attention:
“David Ray Griffin's Debunking 9/1I Debunking is a superb compendium of the strong body of evidence showing the official US Government story of what happened on September 11, 2001 to be almost certainly a monstrous series of lies. Tragically, the entire course of US foreign and domestic policies since that date has grown out of these almost certain falsehoods. This single book could (and should) provide the basis for the United Nations, International Court of Justice, or some specially constituted global body (independent of the US) to investigate with highest priority, and publicly report its findings, about the charge that unknown elements within the US Government, and possibly some individuals elsewhere closely allied to the US, caused or contributed to causing the events of September 11 to happen."
96. In the second sentence above, substitute Pakistan for US and September 11, 2001 for that date and it would read as: “Tragically, the entire course of Pakistan foreign and domestic policies since September 11, 2001 has grown out of these almost certain falsehoods.” To save our country we have to stop following the course set by the 9/11 falsehoods. This is a recommendation, I submit, that the honourable Commission should itself make.
97. There is enough authentic material available on 9/11 from which the Commission can quote to make its point. Besides, the Commission can certainly recommend that Pakistan Government or the Supreme Court of Pakistan should, at the earliest, establish a new Commission to bring out the truth in the 9/11 Terror Event. This is the historic role that the President and the Members of this Commission would be fulfilling for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Mr Justice Javed Iqbal
Inquiry Commission on Abbotabad Operation
Copy to:
Members of the Commission:
Lieutenantt General (Retd) Nadeem Ahmed
Former Ambassador Jahangir Ashraf Qazi
Former IG Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Abbas Khan
Secretary to the Commission
Cabinet Secretary Madam Nargis Sethi
Thomas Aquinas
29. Feb, 2012
The sheltering of Osama Bin Laden, the man responsible for the death of at least 3000 Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and people of all faiths and from all continents was an atrocious act of violation against the sovereignty of the US as well as the international laws of conduct of states. It came as a sudden shock to the people of the world, except to certain top authorities in the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Govt., who had trained and sheltered these murderers in Pakistan. The continuous parroting of ludicrous "conspiracy theories" by certain authors on this forum fools no one.