Archive for February, 2012

Pak-US Relations: The 2 May 2011 US Commando Raid
Posted on25. Feb, 2012 by Tariq Majeed.

"Knowledge is power, only when applied" Summary and Full Analysis By Tariq Majeed Commodore PN (Retd) The unlawful US Commando Raid at the so-called Osama compound in Abbotabad on 2 May 2011 was an atrocious act of violation against Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as the international laws of conduct [...]
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Arab Leadership: Rationality Questions Insanity
Posted on24. Feb, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD Logic means truth – the principles and strategy of correct THINKING. If the contemporary Arab leaders had the faculties of mind and vision and leadership intellect, they would have established people’s-based system of governance, public institutions to deal with issues of peace and conflict management, be open to listening and [...]
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Is Holocaust II inevitable?
Posted on24. Feb, 2012 by Alan Hart.

(shorthand for another great turning against the Jews) Henry Kissinger, then national security adviser, warned President Nixon that the Israelis “are probably more likely than any other country to actually use their nuclear weapons.” By Alan Hart The Gentile me believes this question needs to be addressed because there is a very real danger that [...]
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Quantum Note: Disenchantment with Islam
Posted on24. Feb, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

Those who call themselves Muslims while simultaneously disowning political aspects of Islam are in a strange dilemma: they do not want to leave the fold of Islam and they do not want to fulfill its rights. Instead, they choose to talk around the matter and find a way out of their collective obligations as Muslims [...]
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Pakistan: The Asghar Khan Case
Posted on24. Feb, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali The curious case of the Mehran Bank scandal, which is now commonly known as the Asghar Khan case has taken an important position in Pakistan’s judicial history. Air Marshal Asghar Khan, in 1996, had written a letter to then Chief Justice Nasim Hasan Shah against former army chief, General Mirza Aslam [...]
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A 75th Anniversary for the American Dream
Posted on23. Feb, 2012 by Michael Moore.

A 25-Year Anniversary for Me …a letter from Michael Moore Friends, On this day 25 years ago, in 1987, I became a filmmaker. It was around ten in the morning and the first-ever roll of Kodak 16mm film for my first-ever movie was loaded into my friend's camera to shoot the very first scene of [...]
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Pakistan: Flogging a dead horse
Posted on22. Feb, 2012 by S M Hali.

One did not need to wait four hundred and twenty three days and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars from the cash starved national exchequer to reach this conclusion, since the TTP had laid claim to the assassination on day one. What is preposterous is the vow by the Interior Minister to bring back former [...]
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Balochistan In Historical Perspective
Posted on22. Feb, 2012 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal Now a days, the basic problem is that people are not aware of history, everyone goes by what the media feeds them and media is Zionist dominated. What the media is telling are what the Zionists want to achieve therefore they engineer the facts; in most cases the facts are removed or [...]
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Pakistan: The Imran Khan Syndrome
Posted on22. Feb, 2012 by Nosherwan Shahid Shaikh.

By Nosherwan Shahid Shaikh The people of Pakistan have the talent of following one another, be it in the quest of choosing a career or choosing a leader. Pakistan has successfully created doctors, engineers and MBA’s all in one lineage. And have now embarked on following the one and only Imran Khan, whom no one [...]
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A Word of Warning to the COAS!
Posted on22. Feb, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi A wise adversary’s intrusiveness is better than a foolish friend’s counsel. (adapted from an old proverb) Three fundamentally vital points in this proposal need to be clearly stated at the very outset: One: The COAS is the most important actor in the conceptualization, making and the [...]