Balochistan: The Next Pro-Israel ‘Humanitarian’ Project?

Posted on 16. Feb, 2012 by in Hot Topics, Pakistan

By Maidhc Ó Cathail

With the House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations having a hearing on human rights abuses in Balochistan, could Pakistan’s strategically located, resource-rich largest province be the next target of “humanitarian intervention”?

On the website “Big Government,” Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) recently suggested:

“Perhaps we should even consider support for a Balochistan carved out of Pakistan to diminish radical power there also.”

Last June, Andrew Breitbart, the self-described “biased journalist” who runs Big Government, spoke about his passionate attachment to a foreign country at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s Summer Bash:

“I just don’t understand how an inherently decent and free people could be ‘the bad guy.’ I’m glad I’ve become a journalist, because I want to fight on behalf of the Israeli people.”

Those genuinely concerned with the interests of the United States and Pakistan need to be asking whether publishing calls for the secession of Balochistan is part of that “fight on behalf of the Israeli people.”

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2 Responses to “Balochistan: The Next Pro-Israel ‘Humanitarian’ Project?”

  1. S Balu

    16. Feb, 2012

    Recent Indian External Affairs Minister's visit to Zionist entity confirms that USA/Zionist/the west and India are out to destroy Pakistan via pincer drive Iran will be destroyed via the west byusa/Zionist/gulf Arabs /NATO Pakistan must give notice USA that at end their balls are in Pakistani hands and israel must then become a target with India

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  2. azhar

    20. Feb, 2012

    I think Iran is under no threat of destruction, because Iranians are a nation and you cannot destroy a nation by miliatry force. Its Pakistan, being led by US stooges, that needs to worry humiliation and destruction. But unfortunately, our elite are still mesmerised by the smell of the dollar…………..

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