Balochistan In Historical Perspective
Posted on 22. Feb, 2012 by Naveed Tajammal in Pakistan
By Naveed Tajammal

Nawab Akbar Bugti receiving M A Jinnah, founding father of Pakistan
Now a days, the basic problem is that people are not aware of history, everyone goes by what the media feeds them and media is Zionist dominated. What the media is telling are what the Zionists want to achieve therefore they engineer the facts; in most cases the facts are removed or replaced by the people in between so that no linkages can be established.
Since past sometime, United States, the United Kingdom and one silent participant Australia are busy distorting the facts and presenting stories out of context. In this game, as admitted by Manmohan Singh, the Indian Prime Minister in a meeting with Yousaf Raza Gillani at Sharmal Shaikh that India has linkages with Baloch insurgency and dissidents. The role of Zionist Israel cannot be ruled out since it’s behind everything that’s happening in the world but more so in the Muslim World. In case of Pakistan Zino-Hindutwa axis are very strong.
Our educationists and sociologists have failed to impart the education of history in its true perspective that is precisely the reason that today we are a lost nation. Everyone tends to believe what the West says and they go by it. Politicians are not aware of the history as most people in the assemblies consists of those who either are not aware of their own history or are in the process of taking new identities to delink from their past. With this sort of people in the parliaments, one can never expect anything good but what suits them the best.
In 1910, a Scottish-American, Andrew Carnegie, who had made, his fortune in 'Steel Industry', left a $10 million Endowment for international peace-which is the fore-runner of other Carnegie related ventures, however, what his intentions had been, and what the endowment has created are two different aspects. The Carnegie Journalist program, was launched in 1974, though with an outward image to anticipate, 'Near-Horizon' problems, in reality it was to induct journalists from world over, to create a hype, to keep a check on, the soviets (USSR) global moves. The journalists went for superficial, which an average reader could co-relate with. So, started the 'Awareness of the Baluchistan issue.'
An insurgency was very much so on ground, however no one bothered to find the reason why? The British legacy had left their created Sardars, who while retaining their feudalistic powers, wanted to gain, the political legitimacy as well. They followed the policy of what is mine is mine, and what is yours (of the people of their tribes) is also mine!
The royalties taken on concessions, were technically for the welfare of the people, within the tribal setups, but spent by the Sardars as their own bounty, while the poor people, had no recourse but move in an exodus, from the regions, as is seen, in the last over 100 years, to seek a living elsewhere.
The tribes of the Sindh valley over the past 1600 years or so have been constantly on the move; as one studies and discovers, natural calamities, plagues, and wars all took their toll. The transformation from one major tribal setup to another, had been a question of survival or escape from the domination of the strong and the cruel. Our Social mores, are based on an egalitarian society, and people of the area have always hated the feudal system to the core of their hearts, and hence the refuge in the wilderness or the remote valleys, But the intruders have from time to time imposed on us their lackeys or the willing amongst us who sold their souls, for a gain.
The geographic boundaries, which Pakistan was thrust with were legacy of our past rulers, though with reference to region under study its bulk area came, affiliated with either old Alor or Multan, Administrative, boundaries, Even in the Jam Nizam ud din Nandah period, (1461-1508) In the west, Till Bolan, inclusive of the Kaachi plains, was the part of, throne of Sindh. As were the Tal-chotiali, chacha, and barkhan regions, regions, wherein comes the present Mari and Bugti areas. It was in Akbar's time that Kandahar provinces, limits were extended till Duki. Rest being part of Multan Suba, as was Bolan and Kaachi areas, too.
The areas were well populated, and fertile, with Saraiki speaking people, when Naseer khan Barrohi, was given these areas,1740, for the services rendered, he pushed out the old people and transplanted them, with people of his own confederacy, the Eastern passes, of the Rohe Suleiman Range had been gateways of Trade, since Ancient Times, In the Mughal era with opening of Khyber pass, majority of Trade routes suffered, the cause, being the Movements, of Bayazids Ansari, heretics, and expansion of Safavid's in the east.
Now coming to the most pertinent question, which being, is the present head of Bugti tribe and its Sept's (clans), Actually Balochi???
For that a study of the Notes on the Balochi, Barrohi, and the Sindhi tribes, should suffice.
Immediately after the creation of Baluchistan entity by the British, the Government ordered,
that the data be made of the Ethnic composition of various tribes of the region and inter-related ones, all the Mukhtiars and Mahaska’s, in the revenue departments, in the districts concerned were ordered, The reports compiled, from, communications, histories, manuscripts and the popular oral accounts, which also covered, profession of, various, tribes, matrimonial, and other related customs, were submitted to Drum. Daudpota, member, Sindh public service commission, and published in 1901.
The excerpts of the report state (p-26/27), covering the Bugti tribe, In January 1890,on the recommendation of Robert Sandmen, Shahbaz khan, was conferred with the tittle of a Nawab, he was also later given a large tract of land on the Jamrau canal, for rendering assistance, during the outbreak of the ,HUR, in 1896/1897.Here without going in the details of the 24 Sept or clans of Bugti Confederacy, the report states, that, The chief of the tribe is Nawab Shahbaz Khan, Rahejo Bugti, son of Ghulam Murtaza Khan rahejo Bugti, A popular account says that Rahejo or more commonly called, Rahuja, are from the Major Sindhi tribal set up of the 'Samma', to which the great ancestor of the present Bugti chief belonged, and that by Association with the Balochi's and settlement in the old Bugti hills and streams, his descendants became Bugti Baloch, and if we study the Samma, tribal Sept's/clans which number in all 766,we find Raheja, very much so part of their entity (pages-44 to 53,and for more details in minor off shoots, pages 89 to 97)
If one follows the Baloch population, one would more Baloch living in the Punjab alone than what are living in Balochistan; then there is a strong Baloch population in Sindh as well. All these Baloch shifted out from Balochistan for various reasons and one of them was the treatment meted out to these people by the Sardars therefore they took a refuge away from their ancestral places.
These Sardars have always demanded money for their loyalties but never spent a penny on the welfare of their people. When one meets the tribesmen, they show resentment and unhappiness with these Sardars and their system.
Makran Coast is a different ethnic and cultural background. It was under the occupation of Sultanate of Oman. In 1956, Feroze Khan Noon, then the Prime Minister of Pakistan had bought it by paying cash to Oman. Therefore it does not form part of Balochistan, also the Pathan population of Balochistan is over 50% and then there are settlers and Brohis also. Thus the entire land does not belong to the Baloch.
Have people and media men in particular forgotten that on the 1973 constitution even the Baloch Sardars had their signatures to approve it unanimously now how can they claim that Pakistan has occupied their lands forcefully.
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J. Chaudry
22. Feb, 2012
The Sardars and the Nawabs are the main cause of all the troubles in Balochistan. The titles like ‘Nawabs’ were given by the British Raj to recognize the individuals service to the Empire, not to the public. This is how the colonial system works. Pakistan has no reason or obligation to recognize the British Imperial handed out titles or Jageers to those who served the Empire against the interests of the local people. The Sardari system needs to booted out of Balochistan. Most of them are and have been part of the ruling elite of the province. They have never served the public but only ransacked the public coffer to support personal interests.
These days, a handful of the rotten, self proclaimed Sardars/Nawabs are trying to sell 43% of Pakistan to the bidders who can put more money in their deep and bottomless pockets. Along with the Sardari system, the Sardars and Nawabs must be booted out. Treason cases must be initiated against those who are responsible for insurgencies using private armies of riff raffs.
Pakistan and Pakistanis must stop apologizing for the conditions in Balochistan. It’s the Sardars who are responsible for these conditions – they are the ones who must be apologizing.
23. Feb, 2012
sardars, baronessa (warsi)……….
ARE ALL HOUSE Mozlems they are so scared + ashamed to be themselves that they rather be"housies"
send the damned rebels to britshit afterall it is their crap
23. Feb, 2012
western journalism is nothing but kosher nostra propaganda.this will explain
How To Become a Media Expert – Mathaba -
1 Dec 2006 – We have all become familiar with the media proclaimed experts. But are … What makes them the experts? … –Harris Brio is a Mathaba author.
the worst -crass absurd with no facts thruth the italian mafia trash
LIE (rai) news 24 especially Corradino Mineo
but this creep is even more sleazier. he will present the print news
why? so that he can hover over the publicity WHICH is not allowed but he can earn even more from this sbuse !
For these creeps it is never enough!
re: the 2 Indian fishermen killed by the sick mafia goons =italian military what has he to say?
Not even FAKE/FALSE concern for the two killed but "why does Italy have the armed forces why don't they HIRE THE sick insane – (my input) mercenaries
For these uneducatedignorant propagandist death, slaughter, destruction thruth facts history IS OF NO IMPORTANCE if it is thoes we want to destroy
It would be rather interesting if someone asked dana rebelrouster if the jerk knew anything about Balouchistan
Understanding the Baloch « Area 14/8
24. Feb, 2012
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