America’s Pacific Century!!
Posted on 03. Feb, 2012 by Gen Aslam Beg in US

Hillary: America's Pacific Century
By General Mirza Aslam Beg
During the 1970’s, Brzezinski, the US strategist, forecasting the break-up of the Soviet Union, expounded the concept of US Unipolarity: “How America manages Eurasia is critical, Eurasia is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would almost automatically gain Africa’s subordination, rendering the western Hemisphere and Ocean, geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. Pre-eminence in Eurasia – and America’s Global Primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained,” and suggested the use of military power in the Euro-Asian region to establish the “Western Front” in Europe, and the “Southern Front” in Asia. The Western Front was established, by assimilating the Eastern European countries into the European Union. NATO was retained, to maintain the integrity of the Western Front, and to support the establishment of the Southern Front – Iraq, Afghanistan.
The 2001, 9/11 episode provided the excuse to occupy Afghanistan, followed by Iraq in 2003. The ‘Southern Front,” thus was established supported by NATO and India also ventured beyond their borders to join the Great Game of Global Primacy. For the consolidation of the Southern Front, a “scorched earth policy, rather a scorched soul policy” was followed which, now has recoiled back and Iraq is falling apart. In Afghanistan, America went full-circle seeking different options but failed to obtain guarantee for a safe exit. The Afghan front is also collapsing while ‘the American economy is suffering $16 trillion in debt and $ 14 trillion wiped-out in household wealth. There is mass unemployment, foreclosures and increasing poverty, causing a ‘criminal culture.’ The ambitions of unipolarity now have turned into the decline of the American empire. “The emperor and the empire have no clothes.” – Kirkpatric Sole.
The collapse of the Southern Front, has forced the US to shift the Strategic Pivot to the South East, as conceptualized by Henry Kissinger: “Tectonic international upheavals mark our period. The center of gravity of world affairs is moving to the Pacific and almost all major actors on the international stage are defining new roles for themselves. That transformation is about concept as much as about power.” Therefore, Obama defined the need for this shift in his Defense Strategic Guidance intending to establish the “Strategic Pivot” in the Asia Pacific region, because “US economic and security interests are inextricably linked to developments in the arc extending from the Western Pacific and East Asia into the Indian Ocean region and South Asia, creating a mix of evolving challenges and opportunities.” It is not difficult to draw the inference from this concept, that, Asia-Pacific is the main theatre and the US military is going to equip itself for an Ocean war over there. The United States thus has decided to strengthen its naval presence over the long term by “building towards a 346-ship fleet rather than retreating to 250-ship mark that the US faces due to budget cuts and the decommissioning of aging warships in the next decade. Diplomatic and economic engagement with China and others will work better when backed by a credible military posture.” Hillary Clinton calls this major shift as triumph of US diplomacy – “American Pacific Century”, as the best bet, after “disengaging from two futile, polarizing and massively expensive land wars.” Obama, therefore is busy forming the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ – India, Japan, South Korea and Australia, to herald the onset of the “American Pacific Century”, against rising China.
Obama’s Defence Strategic Guidance, envisages about 15% cut in the defense budget, and a two track mode of employment of the military power. One. There will be no direct intervention, like Iraq and Afghanistan. Allies and coalition partners will do the needful, as in Somalia, Libya, Bahrain, Syria and elsewhere. The regional surrogates, like Israel and India, would help project American power and interests. Two. A number of Combat Groups comprising heliborne Special Forces, supported by strike aircrafts, will be deployed around the world to carryout surgical operations, similar to the one launched in Abbottabad in May 2011. Drones will be used extensively for intelligence gathering and engagement of opportunity targets.
The strategic shift from Euro-Asia to the Asia-Pacific is very significant for Pakistan and the countries in the region. Afghanistan would be the main beneficiary, as the “mother of all evil – foreign aggression was vacated.” Now, US has no choice, but to knock on Taliban doorsteps, seeking help for a safe exit, which is also a challenge for Barack Obama “to concede for the Afghan people the very minimum privileges of an Arab Spring, so that Islamism could reconcile with democracy – quintessentially, expecting the US to be on the right side of history.” M.K. Bhadra Kumar. “Islamism, there, is winning out because, it is the deepest and widest channel into which discontent can flow.” John M. Oven. The world has to reconcile with Taliban rule in Afghanistan, and their broad-based government, to ensure peace and stability. There is no other viable option.
Iran’s Strategic Defiance since 1979 has added new dimensions of resilience and self-reliance to the nation. Iranians have developed “an asymmetric hybrid strategy, supported by advanced technology weapons.” Iran also “has levers, exploiting their interior lines of operation. Their anti-access and anti-denial capabilities are proven. We (America) would have a difficult time” Cronin. Therefore, war is not the option any more. The recent sanctions imposed on Iran, restricting sale of oil has been blown into the faces of the European importers. China, India and Pakistan would benefit and continue to trade with Iran, at a premium, while Saudi Arabia and Russia will sell oil to the European buyers at $ 130-150 a barrel, putting greater burden on the fledging European economy. Geo-strategically, “Iran lies between Mesopotamia, Anatolia, the Caucasus the Caspian Sea, Central and South Asia, the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea, a broader network of trade is nearly impossible without it.” In particular it has the potential to reshape Afghanistan’s strategic future. It’s not possible to build a new security and economic structure in South and Central Asia, without Iran. Sanctions would serve no purpose.
Pakistan has suffered immensely since 1979, due to foreign invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Now its woes and sufferings would gradually wane, with the departure of the occupation forces from Afghanistan. Geo-strategically, Pakistan is as important if not more, than Iran, for a broader network of trade and commerce, between South and Central Asia, East and West Asia. Pakistan can contribute significantly, reshaping lives in a free and independent Afghanistan and build a new security paradigm in the region. However, it carries the burden of “American bear hug” – demanding a foot-hold in Pakistan after exit from Afghanistan. Therefore, Pakistan has to adopt skillful diplomacy to shake-off this burden without jeopardizing national security interests.
The shifting of the ‘Strategic Pivot’ to the Asia-Pacific is of special interest to Pakistan, as the geo-political play begins between the Emerging Regional Centres of Power. China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran, constitute the first regional power base. The second is Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan triangle, emerging as the power base of the Muslim world, meeting the much needed ‘Strategic Depth’ of security. And the third is China – India – Japan, Korea and Australia, to ensure balance, under the American umbrella, in the Asia Pacific region. In this complex geo-political game, America’s role would be important, as the dominating power and would become more meaningful if it draws on the interests and wisdom of ascending Asia and engages constructively with them.
This is a period of great opportunity for Pakistan, as the geo-strategic shift is taking place, defining new contours of balance between the Emerging Centres of Power, from Euro-Asia to Asia-Pacific. Pakistan has to find its rightful place, playing the role of a ‘facilitator, i.e., consolidating a regional cooperative relationship regime, based on the Chinese principles of Peace, Cooperation and Engagement.
04. Feb, 2012
An expanse of developing scenario. . Our concern is ensuring benefitting space in that vista. That requires statesmen of calibre, patriotism and integrity. In that field we are at a great disadvantage. Practical proof is what goes on TV channels in the garb of intellectual discussions.
A group of learned people are required to evolve a policy for projecting forward our broad policy. The mechanism thereof be drawn for implementing it quietly but courageously.
America’s Pacific Century | TaJnB | TheAverageJoeNewsBlogg
04. Feb, 2012
[...] Mirza Aslam BegOpinion Maker February 4, [...]
America's Pacific Century!! | Opinion Maker | MN News Hound |
05. Feb, 2012
[...] – Today, 9:10 PM [...]
America’s Pacific Century –
06. Feb, 2012
[...] Mirza Aslam Beg Opinion Maker February 4, [...]
06. Feb, 2012
Very interesting, Thank you.
It is encouraging to think of the U.S. as removing itself
from its failed operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan
to stir up trouble for these countries and Iran
and making a more enlightened start somewhere else –
out of the sphere of Southwest Asia !
Good news – the first I have heard in MANY YEARS
regarding the sad situation of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran
under phenomenal US pressure / threats / underhanded, cruel actions to undermine their morale.
The U.S. will fare much better in the Pacific theater, anyway.
It never understood Islam or any of the ancient cultures of the countries involved, such as Iraq's rich heritage which was
steamrollered over ; likewise the rest of the countries.
Whereas, there are tons of East Asia experts, including Japanologists,
Sinologists, etc. in America. These can be tapped to contribute to a more appropriate and polite approach to these peoples.
There simply AREN'T ANY experts on Islam in America. A lot
of self-proclaimed ones but not authentic ones who speak the truth.
You are right to state so clearly that there is NO
OTHER option but a return to Taliban rule of Afghanistan
but this time with a better consensus and
maybe more sensitive behavior on their part
vis a vis the other ethnic groups, such as Hazaras.