Pakistan: Politicizing Memogate
Posted on 06. Jan, 2012 by S M Hali in Opinion
By S. M. Hali
The memogate scandal is being politicized by vested interests, only to save the skin of the alleged perpetrators of the crime. The fact that the Supreme Court has appointed a high level commission headed by Chief Justice of the Balochistan High Court Qazi Faez Isa and comprising Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Iqbal Hameed and Sindh High Court Chief Justice Musheer Alam, to look into the memo-gate scandal, speaks volumes for the independence of Pakistan’s judiciary. However, certain elements involved or associated with the scandal are bent upon criticizing the judicial proceedings, finding faults with it or issuing statements, which are tantamount to

The true face of Asma, who washed her hands off Memogate
contempt of court.
The counsel for the accused former ambassador Hussain Haqqani has washed her hands off the case after issuing vitriolic political statements against the army, ISI and the judiciary. Chairman Judicial Commission has directed the authorities to arrange a counsel for Hussain Haqqani if he was unable to appear before the commission in person. The commission has further directed to the government and all other concerned authorities to cooperate for collection of forensic evidences. The Commission has directed to approach to the country director of Black Berry Company through Secretary Interior, adding that a letter should be written to Black Berry Company of Canada according to the law. Commission deciding open hearing of the memogate scandal probe has directed to the Attorney General for Pakistan Maulvi Anwar-ul-Haq for taking into custody the cell phones of Hussain Haqqani and Mansoor Aijaz. Justice Isa also directed the interior ministry to issue summons to Hussain Haqqani in this regard. He also said that Mansoor Ijaz would be provided security if he wanted to appear in person before the commission.
The former Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs, Dr. Babar Awan, in a Press Conference, had appeared critical of the Judiciary, causing the Supreme Court to take notice. The Prime Minister submitted his explanation, which was not found adequate by the judiciary; hence a second explanatory reply regarding the press conference that criticized the judiciary was submitted by the PM. Resultantly, Dr. Babar Awan has been issued with a formal notice by the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the political dispensation in power at Islamabad has expressed its exasperation regarding the memogate scandal through its factotums in the media. The co-conspirators are trying to turn the tables on those who caught the perpetrators and put them into bad light using social media as well as through some likeminded TV anchors and columnists. This is a simple case of National Security being politicized.
Mian Nawaz Sharif, opposition leader, has taken the matter in the Supreme Court so as to ascertain who the real culprit behind all this mess is. Neither the Army nor the ISI approached the judiciary to take notice of the attack on Pakistan’s national security, hence the ire and direct assault on the army or ISI is misplaced. The ire of the political dispensation should be curbed but an impression is being projected by the vested interest that DG ISI had personally investigated the Memogate whereas DG ISI is requesting for an honest investigation so that real perpetrators of the ‘memo’ be brought to justice.
In the face of such broadsides being fired on the National Army and its national department ISI, rumour mongers are propagating that the media persons including the TV anchors fighting the government case are being bribed by the government. Meanwhile conspiracy theorists are also hinting that Asma Jahangir is being tipped for a seat in Senate as a reward of her services to prove the non-existence of the memo in question.
The need of the hour is to give the judicial commission appointed by the Supreme Court to continue with the detailed investigation of the memo gate issue unimpeded. This would remove the doubts by finding who actually is behind this plot. If in actuality the memogate does not exist or no one from Pakistan is behind this plot as claimed by the Prime Minister, the government need not be afraid as the judicial commission will be able to get to the root of the problem. However if the independent inquiry is likely to unearth the actual perpetrators of the heinous plot to bring about a clash between the institutions, and they happen to be occupying the seat of power, then they have everything to fear. The provocative statements being issued in public places and with national/international as well as social media must come to an end. The rhetoric being fashioned and hurled against the state institutions should cease. Pakistan Army and ISI are the subordinate national institutions of the Government, thus targeting these would tantamount to playing in the hands of enemies. Pakistan Army and ISI are the main impediments of the enemies of state, who are machinating to destabilize Pakistan. The last bastion for defending Pakistan rests with the Pakistan Army and its subordinate ISI. Destroying them for serving others’ agenda is in fact conspiring against Pakistan. Weakening state institutions is equivalent to working against the state itself. Destabilizing the state institutions will subvert the state itself. This is what our enemies’ desire. Government must value its own officials and heads of institutions, rather than valuing the other’s viewpoint. Giving importance to the statement of US former General James Jones and relegating views of Pakistani Army Chief means amounts to sowing unreasonable doubt in ones custodian of security. The nation, which has already sunk into the deep morass of hopelessness owing to the lack of security, absence of energy, transportation, food items and other essentials of life will be badly shaken up by the conspiracy against the state. The current political dispensation at the helm of affairs must rise above their petty politics and stop trying to present itself as martyrs or the aggrieved party. It must let judiciary, an important pillar of the state to function unconstrained and reach to the truth. As responsible citizens, let us work for Pakistani state and for securing its national interests, rather than strengthening enemies of Pakistan through our acts.
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Moshe Ben Ze'Ev
06. Jan, 2012
I am an officer of the rank of Brigadier in the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) and I concur with all of Pakistani politician's statements that Israel (and Hindus and Christians) are responsible for all of Pakistan's woes. In a short while, I shall call Justice Chauduri, Kayani and Shuja Pasha and advise them to let go of Haqqani quietly. They will want money, and I will give them 500K each. Haqqani shall be allowed to go and the CJ will suddenly find no evidence in the memogate scandal. Haqqani will leave. By the way, at least 50 brigadiers and 18 generals, including Kayani and Pasha, are in the pay of the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis. They know that there is no hope left in the idea of Pakistan, and are gallantly fighting a reargaurd action to delay the inevitable breakup of Pakistan into more pieces. With the murder of Saleem Shahzad and Dr Baqir Shah, it is evident that the top rungs of the ISI and the Army have lost control of the lower ranks. Luckily, we have all the missile codes and the nuclear codes, and all your nukes and aircraft are now under our control. At the flick of a button, I can switch off all power supply to Karachi, make the Taliban bomb you in Quetta, ground all PIA flights across Iran, and jam all drains and sewers in Lahore. I can make your president visit his chateaux in France while Sindh slips under flood waters. I can also cause dengue fever in Sindh. I also control the drones attacking you in FATA. I am controlling every activity of Hussein Haqqani and even General Kayani & Pasha. There is nothing you can do about it. All your F-16s, JF-17s etc are useles in the face of the drones I am controlling from Tel-Aviv. All your Ghauris and Abdalis are dummies … I control the gangs in Karachi. Tell me, what can you Pakistanis do about it? You are under total control of the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis. .
Basharat Khan
06. Jan, 2012
The picture only shows ?Asma Jahangir? namaste-ing a photo of Gandhi. What about Jinah's descendants, all of whom now live in India? Should we call Jinnah a traitor too?
12. Jan, 2012
Type your comment here…While Hussain Haqqani was well known in political and academic circles nobody knew of Mansoor Ijaz. Even if some have known him he was the most anti-Pakistan and demanded ISI be labeled a terrorist organization. While the media and establishment spitting venom against Hussain Haqqani, the born US citizen is believed beyond any question to his past. Once again the people who have broken the country, started Kargil, and hosted OBL and other terrorists got away with their crimes against humanity and high treason. Hussain Haqqani can be ditched but the Americans are not that foolish to see what is going on and who was in bed with the worst terrorists of the world. Pakistan’s loss. Mr. Haqqani performance as Ambassador has been exceptional under extremely difficult circumstances both abroad and at home. By coming to Pakistan, offering his resignation and putting himself for investigation shows his patriotism and integrity, tell me how many Generals both serving and retired along with political leaders have shown the same grace? Shame on our media and establishment for running a media trial.