Jundallah and Israel
Posted on 14. Jan, 2012 by Editor in Opinion

Americans can never be trusted; they maybe Israelis undercover
False Flag
A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran
Buried deep in the archives of America's intelligence services are a series of memos, written during the last years of President George W. Bush's administration, that describe how Israeli Mossad officers recruited operatives belonging to the terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as American agents. According to two U.S. intelligence officials, the Israelis, flush with American dollars and toting U.S. passports, posed as CIA officers in recruiting Jundallah operatives — what is commonly referred to as a "false flag" operation.
The memos, as described by the sources, one of whom has read them and another who is intimately familiar with the case, investigated and debunked reports from 2007 and 2008 accusing the CIA, at the direction of the White House, of covertly supporting Jundallah — a Pakistan-based Sunni extremist organization. Jundallah, according to the U.S. government and published reports, is responsible for assassinating Iranian government officials and killing Iranian women and children.
But while the memos show that the United States had barred even the most incidental contact with Jundallah, according to both intelligence officers, the same was not true for Israel's Mossad. The memos also detail CIA field reports saying that Israel's recruiting activities occurred under the nose of U.S. intelligence officers, most notably in London, the capital of one of Israel's ostensible allies, where Mossad officers posing as CIA operatives met with Jundallah officials.
The officials did not know whether the Israeli program to recruit and use Jundallah is ongoing. Nevertheless, they were stunned by the brazenness of the Mossad's efforts.
"It's amazing what the Israelis thought they could get away with," the intelligence officer said. "Their recruitment activities were nearly in the open. They apparently didn't give a damn what we thought."
Interviews with six currently serving or recently retired intelligence officers over the last 18 months have helped to fill in the blanks of the Israeli false-flag operation. In addition to the two currently serving U.S. intelligence officers, the existence of the Israeli false-flag operation was confirmed to me by four retired intelligence officers who have served in the CIA or have monitored Israeli intelligence operations from senior positions inside the U.S. government.
The CIA and the White House were both asked for comment on this story. By the time this story went to press, they had not responded. The Israeli intelligence services — the Mossad — were also contacted, in writing and by telephone, but failed to respond. As a policy, Israel does not confirm or deny its involvement in intelligence operations.
There is no denying that there is a covert, bloody, and ongoing campaign aimed at stopping Iran's nuclear program, though no evidence has emerged connecting recent acts of sabotage and killings inside Iran to Jundallah. Many reports have cited Israel as the architect of this covert campaign, which claimed its latest victim on Jan. 11 when a motorcyclist in Tehran slipped a magnetic explosive device under the car of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a young Iranian nuclear scientist. The explosion killed Roshan, making him the fourth scientist assassinated in the past two years. The United States adamantly denies it is behind these killings.
According to one retired CIA officer, information about the false-flag operation was reported up the U.S. intelligence chain of command. It reached CIA Director of Operations Stephen Kappes, his deputy Michael Sulick, and the head of the Counterintelligence Center. All three of these officials are now retired. The Counterintelligence Center, according to its website, is tasked with investigating "threats posed by foreign intelligence services."
The report then made its way to the White House, according to the currently serving U.S. intelligence officer. The officer said that Bush "went absolutely ballistic" when briefed on its contents.
"The report sparked White House concerns that Israel's program was putting Americans at risk," the intelligence officer told me. "There's no question that the U.S. has cooperated with Israel in intelligence-gathering operations against the Iranians, but this was different. No matter what anyone thinks, we're not in the business of assassinating Iranian officials or killing Iranian civilians."
Israel's relationship with Jundallah continued to roil the Bush administration until the day it left office, this same intelligence officer noted. Israel's activities jeopardized the administration's fragile relationship with Pakistan, which was coming under intense pressure from Iran to crack down on Jundallah. It also undermined U.S. claims that it would never fight terror with terror, and invited attacks in kind on U.S. personnel.
"It's easy to understand why Bush was so angry," a former intelligence officer said. "After all, it's hard to engage with a foreign government if they're convinced you're killing their people. Once you start doing that, they feel they can do the same."
A senior administration official vowed to "take the gloves off" with Israel, according to a U.S. intelligence officer. But the United States did nothing — a result that the officer attributed to "political and bureaucratic inertia."
"In the end," the officer noted, "it was just easier to do nothing than to, you know, rock the boat." Even so, at least for a short time, this same officer noted, the Mossad operation sparked a divisive debate among Bush's national security team, pitting those who wondered "just whose side these guys [in Israel] are on" against those who argued that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
The debate over Jundallah was resolved only after Bush left office when, within his first weeks as president, Barack Obama drastically scaled back joint U.S.-Israel intelligence programs targeting Iran, according to multiple serving and retired officers.
The decision was controversial inside the CIA, where officials were forced to shut down "some key intelligence-gathering operations," a recently retired CIA officer confirmed. This action was followed in November 2010 by the State Department's addition of Jundallah to its list of foreign terrorist organizations — a decision that one former CIA officer called "an absolute no-brainer."
Since Obama's initial order, U.S. intelligence services have received clearance to cooperate with Israel on a number of classified intelligence-gathering operations focused on Iran's nuclear program, according to a currently serving officer. These operations are highly technical in nature and do not involve covert actions targeting Iran's infrastructure or political or military leadership.
"We don't do bang and boom," a recently retired intelligence officer said. "And we don't do political assassinations."
Israel regularly proposes conducting covert operations targeting Iranians, but is just as regularly shut down, according to retired and current intelligence officers. "They come into the room and spread out their plans, and we just shake our heads," one highly placed intelligence source said, "and we say to them — 'Don't even go there. The answer is no.'"
Unlike the Mujahedin-e Khalq, the controversial exiled Iranian terrorist group that seeks the overthrow of the Tehran regime and is supported by former leading U.S. policymakers, Jundallah is relatively unknown — but just as violent. In May 2009, a Jundallah suicide bomber blew himself up inside a mosque in Zahedan, the capital of Iran's southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan province bordering Pakistan, during a Shiite religious festival. The bombing killed 25 Iranians and wounded scores of others.
The attack enraged Tehran, which traced the perpetrators to a cell operating in Pakistan. The Iranian government notified the Pakistanis of the Jundallah threat and urged them to break up the movement's bases along the Iranian-Pakistani border. The Pakistanis reacted sluggishly in the border areas, feeding Tehran's suspicions that Jundallah was protected by Pakistan's intelligence services.
The 2009 attack was just one in a long line of terrorist attacks attributed to the organization. In August 2007, Jundallah kidnapped 21 Iranian truck drivers. In December 2008, it captured and executed 16 Iranian border guards — the gruesome killings were filmed, in a stark echo of the decapitation of American businessman Nick Berg in Iraq at the hands of al Qaeda's Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. In July 2010, Jundallah conducted a twin suicide bombing in Zahedan outside a mosque, killing dozens of people, including members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The State Department aggressively denies that the U.S. government had or has any ties to Jundallah. "We have repeatedly stated, and reiterate again that the United States has not provided support to Jundallah," a spokesman wrote in an email to the Wall Street Journal, following Jundallah's designation as a terrorist organization. "The United States does not sponsor any form of terrorism. We will continue to work with the international community to curtail support for terrorist organizations and prevent violence against innocent civilians. We have also encouraged other governments to take comparable actions against Jundallah."
A spate of stories in 2007 and 2008, including a report by ABC News and a New Yorker article, suggested that the United States was offering covert support to Jundallah. The issue has now returned to the spotlight with the string of assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists and has outraged serving and retired intelligence officers who fear that Israeli operations are endangering American lives.
"This certainly isn't the first time this has happened, though it's the worst case I've heard of," former Centcom chief and retired Gen. Joe Hoar said of the Israeli operation upon being informed of it. "But while false-flag operations are hardly new, they're extremely dangerous. You're basically using your friendship with an ally for your own purposes. Israel is playing with fire. It gets us involved in their covert war, whether we want to be involved or not."
The Israeli operation left a number of recently retired CIA officers sputtering in frustration. "It's going to be pretty hard for the U.S. to distance itself from an Israeli attack on Iran with this kind of thing going on," one of them told me.
Jundallah head Abdolmalek Rigi was captured by Iran in February 2010. Although initial reports claimed that he was captured by the Iranians after taking a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan, a retired intelligence officer with knowledge of the incident told me that Rigi was detained by Pakistani intelligence officers in Pakistan. The officer said that Rigi was turned over to the Iranians after the Pakistani government informed the United States that it planned to do so. The United States, this officer said, did not raise objections to the Pakistani decision.
Iran, meanwhile, has consistently claimed that Rigi was snatched from under the eyes of the CIA, which it alleges supported him. "It doesn't matter," the former intelligence officer said of Iran's charges. "It doesn't matter what they say. They know the truth."
Rigi was interrogated, tried, and convicted by the Iranians and hanged on June 20, 2010. Prior to his execution, Rigi claimed in an interview with Iranian media — which has to be assumed was under duress — that he had doubts about U.S. sponsorship of Jundallah. He recounted an alleged meeting with "NATO officials" in Morocco in 2007 that raised his suspicions. "When we thought about it we came to the conclusion that they are either Americans acting under NATO cover or Israelis," he said.
While many of the details of Israel's involvement with Jundallah are now known, many others still remain a mystery — and are likely to remain so. The CIA memos of the incident have been "blue bordered," meaning that they were circulated to senior levels of the broader U.S. intelligence community as well as senior State Department officials.
What has become crystal clear, however, is the level of anger among senior intelligence officials about Israel's actions. "This was stupid and dangerous," the intelligence official who first told me about the operation said. "Israel is supposed to be working with us, not against us. If they want to shed blood, it would help a lot if it was their blood and not ours. You know, they're supposed to be a strategic asset. Well, guess what? There are a lot of people now, important people, who just don't think that's true."
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S Balu
14. Jan, 2012
Sorry, I DO NOT buy this BS Game plan is make CIA look good but reality they are LYING!
Only STUPID PAKISTANI LEADERSHIP WILL buy this BS thus give them excuse to open SUPPLY ROUTE!
Pakistan and Pakistani Leadership SHOULD UNDERSTAND that CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/RAW has decided to DESTROY Muslim Countries! Also remember that CANADA ISSUE PASSPORTS to CIA operatives to escape from Tehran so here CIA OUTRIGHT LYING!
15. Jan, 2012
It just goes to prove that even the CIA has rogue elements in its ranks who are more loyal to Israel than they are to the US! They could even instigate a war with Iran even if the US did not want it! The US would just get sucked into it.
Pakistan could also have been exposed to the same dangers when its servile US appeasing Govt alowed thousands of US officials – CIA agents, contractors, security and efence personnel – in the garb of diplomats to enter Pakistan without any visa formalities. These visas were issue en masse in NY, London and Abu Dhabi. How many of them were Mossad agents/sympathisers and what were they upto thereafter? The dangers of this stupidity (or under orders fom the Masters) were horeendous. The ISI had to put in strenuous efforts to get them out of the country.
Juan Villareal
15. Jan, 2012
Brothers and sisters of Pakistan, fear not! I am a freedom-fighter from Mexico, and I am in command of thousands of freedom-fighters from South America ready to wage war against the decadent sinful West. The gringo sinners call me and my kind drug lords, but we are actually fighting the enemies of humanity by drugging them on the streets of their motherland. Thanks to you, my Pakistani brothers, we are now equipped with back-pack nuclear devices, submarines, rockets and tunneling equipment, and our forces, along with your brave mujahideen, have already slipped across the border. We await, ready to strike. Fear not, we are with you!
Bad Santa
16. Jan, 2012
Hey loco, lay off that tequila, will ya?
15. Jan, 2012
In a televised confession on Press TV, Rigi said that in Dubai – he was promised unlimited Washington’s military support and bases in Iran’s bordering countries to wage terrorist attack against Islamic Iran as the Obama administration doesn’t believe in the success of a military action to bring in a pro-US regime-change in Tehran. The Sunday Telegraph in 2007 reported that CIA was providing funding and arms to Jundallah terrorist group to destablize both Iran and Pakistan.
Last October 2009, Jundallah (Soldiers of Allah) claimed responsiblity for the Mossad-style suicide bombing attack in Pisheen killing 40 Iranian including 15 senior officials of Revolutionary Guards, the part of Iran’s Army declared as a terrorist group by Washington. Jundallah also took the responsiblity for the bombing of a bus carrying IRGC soldiers in February 2007, killing eleven soldiers. The group has carried several other terrorist attacks on security and police stations. CIA and Jewish drug-mafia is unhappy with Tehran which is using iron-fist against the heroin smugglers entering Iran from neighboring Afghanistan. Since 1980s, over 3,000 Iranian policemen have been killed by the drug smugglers. Jundallah has also acted as a proxy during street protests against the re-election of Dr. Ahmadinejad for his second term with a huge majority over his main opponent Moussavi, who was supported by the and the other ZOGs in the West.
Pakistan’s former C-in-C, Gen. Aslam Beg also confirmed in July 2008 that the US has been funding and training Jundallah and MEK terrorist groups since 2003 in its effort to destablize Islamic Iran…….
15. Jan, 2012
Rehamt, the funniest thing in this article is the complete negation of the saudi/ wahhabbi role in this drama.
The financial life line to jhund-dalla is from Riyadh via UAE to these terrorists and drug dealers operating along Pakistan/ Afghanistan Iran border.
Saudi's are the biggest zionist agents appointed by the terrorists sitting in the White House and TelAviv.
Also the ISI has links with these anti Iran elements, because the U.S. mandates that Pakistan maintain bad relations with Iran, and god forbid if Iran and Pakistan can together tell these hillbilly's to fukk off from our region.
Thats what it's all about yaar. Keep these bewaqoof muslims divided so these guys can keep screwing us over.
16. Jan, 2012
Pakistan has just as much right to exist as everyone else. The US is no better and sometimes far worse.
Watching the dramas with the US and Israel I had a thought about Obama.
He is so prone to switching loyalties that what if this another betrayal?
If Obama betrayed Israel and let them get destroyed it would automatically put America back in everyone's good graces because they would no longer have to serve Israel's endless financial and military needs.
Money would flow back into the US immediately and in unprecedented amounts.Obama would have the money to rebuild the entire country. The American people wouldn't just re-elect him, they would make him a king and change the law to let him serve indefinitely.
Israel would be but a pesky memory, a theme park, complete with a sea of glass.
16. Jan, 2012
Hi mark i have question .since Iranian said we pull down malek regi from Kazakhstani flight .
Did you investigate with those passenger that news was real or not?
Would Iran Actually Nuke Israel? - Page 4 - Religious Education Forum
13. Feb, 2012
[...] Things are often new until you use a search engine. Just when some veteran Middle East peace processers and critics of Israel were making some progress trying to persuade the world Hamas was changing its stripes, the terrorist organization torpedoed talk about its new moderation with a gesture of friendship with Iran. Ismail Haniya, the prime minister of Hamas’s Gaza terror state, arrived in Tehran on Friday for a visit that should disillusion those who assumed there had been a break between the two. The warm welcome given Haniya by the Islamist regime is an indication that the alliance between Iran and one of its terrorist auxiliaries is still very much in place. It also ought to be a reminder that Hamas participation in the Palestinian Authority’s government in the wake of its unity pact with Fatah will provide Iran with an influential ally that will render the prospects for peace with Israel moot. I have more news for you, Sunnis in the area often don't like Israel, but Israel is working with Sunni exiles with Jundallah, (though they apparently posed initially as CIA) so I doubt there'd be a problem with Israel getting Persian Christians to shuck the trend of the anti-Israel-Christian Arabs and fight for the freedom of their fellow Persians. And there's the Secular and Marxist exiles to figure in as well. Jundallah and Israel | Opinion Maker [...]
19. Jun, 2012
Video mossad