Endgame Afghanistan & Pakistan’s Rope
Posted on 20. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion
Defence and Diplomacy-
By Raja G Mujtaba
Before we discuss endgame in Afghanistan, we must know what the American objectives were, have those objectives been achieved and if not would America really walk out of Afghanistan. If we do not discuss American objectives, we really cannot understand the endgame.
The US created conditions through 9/11 to justify its attack on Afghanistan; today not only the world but most Americans also believe that 9/11 was a false flag staged by CIA and Mossad for their greater agenda.
They arrived in Afghanistan not that there was any linkage between Al-Qaeda and Taliban to attack the twin towers but for the following:
- To control the Caspian Sea Basin and Central Asia to control its oil resources.
- Contain China.
- De Nuclearize Pakistan.
- De Islamize Pakistan.
- De link Pakistan from China.
Moral degeneration of the society to increae drugs, prostitution and other social evils under some cover activity continues through various NGOs that are the latest weapons for destruction moral fabric of Muslim societies.
One has to asses that has the US achieved its objectives and if not then would it be prepared to leave after suffering so heavy losses of sorts. Apparently America is giving time frame to withdraw but in reality, its manipulating to extend its stay here to the maximum. There are reports that now the deadline has being extended to 2024, a jump of 10 years from 2014, the first announced deadline. Even if it does depart, it would hold five permanent bases in Afghanistan and outsource most of the military operations to private contractors.
According to Henry Kissinger, "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." Now this is a complete thinking on which America is working. Keeping in view the oil reserves of Central Asia, why would the US leave Afghanistan? If we analyze the situation in Pakistan, every need of the country is being manipulated through the party in power. Oil is being denied to power companies that has created crisis of such magnitude that was never witnessed before.
What America is doing is only gaining time, the opening of Taliban offices in Qatar is a decoy, it would yield no results because the conditions that the US is laying down would never be acceptable to Taliban and America is no position to enforce them unilaterally therefore it would be a stalemate.
To know the objectives read what Henry Kissinger has said in his latest interview; "We told the military that we would have to take over seven Middle Eastern countries for their resources and they have nearly completed their job. We all know what I think of the military, but I have to say they have obeyed orders superfluously this time. It is just that last stepping stone, i.e. Iran which will really tip the balance.”
What Kissinger says is taken as the last word, he belongs to the inner circle of the Zionists; he belongs to the illuminati where all plans are made. The whole thinking here revolves around Israel that all the Zionists are committed to help.
Today not just seven but almost entire Muslim World is in the clutches of the US. Mid East in particular is under their spotlight.
Now the regional countries, irrespective of their differences will have to rise above their national interests and work for a collective objectives and threats.
Afghanistan although an independent sovereign state, has lot of common interests with Pakistan. Today the US and her allies may work as much as they wish to drive some deep wedges between the countries, the people of the countries are have deep roots that always keep them tied to common heritage and collective future.
No matter how much the US may try to establish India or other such countries that are hostile to Pakistan, after the departure of the US such grafts will not have any place in Afghanistan. But Pakistan must also exert to reduce Zino-Hindutwa presence in Afghanistan.
The most alarming situation is how Henry Kissinger spells out the Zionist objectives in the region. The US does not have any objectives for herself other than the Zionist goals therefore one needs to study Zino-Hindutwa regional and global objectives. Without studying these, no student of International Relations, Strategic studies, conflict management etc. would be in any position to forecast or see into future with any accuracy. Most professors of International Studies etc. either have no clue of the Zino-Hindutwa linkages and objectives or they do not want to make it known to the world at large.
NATO attack on Salala Border Post was no error or mistake; it was a deliberate action to test the reaction of Pakistan, had there been any weakness, today the US would have been attacking Pakistan to capture the nuclear weapons of Pakistan.
Pakistan must refuse the MFN status to India as this would provide additional leverage to destabilize Pakistan politically and economically.
In order to achieve permanent peace in the region, Pakistan must also get active support of China, Russia, Iran and Turkey. For future, no foreign troops should be allowed in the region, all conflicts must be resolved through regional cooperation. Maybe some countries show the desire to station troops in FATA or Northern Areas of Pakistan, that is likely to create more problems rather than solving any.
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K4Kashmir » Endgame Afghanistan & Pakistan’s Rope, by Raja Mujtaba
20. Jan, 2012
[...] Endgame Afghanistan & Pakistan’s Rope, by Raja Mujtaba [...]
20. Jan, 2012
your analysis is right but you forget to mention an important. It is vital that Pakistan clears the filth that is the government.
we will not let in the Ummah . Kissinger can rant yak all he wants and by the way "illumanati"? nay these are scumbag thugs bullies, vicious vile barbarians.
what army/military is he yaking about? Vilary's vicious thugs? Hated EVERYWHERE
vilary's pedophiles, inhuman savages showing american values by killing young barefooted boys going to field with a wheelbarrow or are you refering to vilary's finest goons the immoral hated by ALL who are decent
On the Dark Side in Al Doura – A Soldier in the Shadows
to give India MFN would be fatal.
S Balu
20. Jan, 2012
I say very BIG THANK YOU to AUTHOR! You are SPOT on with your ANALYSIS! One has to look at CULTIVATION of Poppy under Taliban had REDUCED it to near ZERO but SKY ROCKETED under usa/nato OCCUPATION why?-Answer to destroy Muslims,Russians,China! Then Look at Schools why they were blown up by usa/mossad/raw proxies and who took the ADVANTAGES-christain churches by offering immediate places and CONVERSION was the ULTIMATE AIM
With CIA/MOSSAD/RAW/MI6 have teamed and their sole objective is ROLL back TECHNOLOGICAL base of Pakistan via Number PLANS and destruction of Pakistan as NUCLEAR STATE!
Industry was targeted via number RESTRICTIONS and India has been give a TASK to to BEFRIEND Pakistanis via their movie industry,music industry and then using MFN status!
WAKE UP PAKISTAN! TIME close down usa/british emabassies and cut DIPLOMATIC LINKS as these SPYING HUBS AND COMMAND AND CONTROL CENTRES for their NGO networks
michael mazur
20. Jan, 2012
India is a indispensable partner to USrael objectives, which as said, are really Zionist. And as stated, Zionist objectives are control of the oil resources of the region.
But what is in it for India ? Enlargement of her borders to again encompass Pakistan once Islam as a powerful organising principle has been polluted, weakened, and then destroyed.
Once that is achieved Bangladesh in the east will also be absorbed to complete the process of returning to India the borders she had pre partition in 1947.
Afghanistan will have by then thrown off yet another foreign occupier, who had chosen to disregard the lessons learnt by earlier occupiers in modern history, namely Russia, and Britain in the century before them.
India won't be making that mistake, nor has such amibitions.
But India will serve as a base of immense future importance for USrael operations in Central Asia whenever the locals there, using Russian supplied arms, decide to try and expell these Zionist occupiers.
Kashmir won't have been forgotten, and will be absorbed into India, and the last remaining legacy of British misrule will have come to an end.
21. Jan, 2012
Superb article.
If only this could be the FRONT PAGE news of Dawn, Frontier Post,
all those newspapers, every day til the Pakistani public
and outside observers get the message that Pakistan is not yielding,
and is not a stupid pawn of the evil forces detailed in the article
and the comments by Afriq and S Balu.
Also Pakistan needs to put huge pressure on China to get tough
with the idiots in Washington and other power hubs of the new
evil empire – sad to say but true ! – and tell them to get out of
Afghanistan, cease all the cruel tricks against Iran, and
vacate Pakistan 100% like S Balu said.
However, none of us should trust Russia, because I was just
reading over again about the history of the Bolsheviks
taking over the Muslims of Central Asia.
Their political plots were unbelievably wicked, and even
a little known famine in the wake of Russian Communist
machinations killed a shocking 900,000 Muslims of Turkestan.
The Bolsheviks could not hide their pleasure at that.
Remember that the Tsarist Russians were pretty bad too.
A bit more human, but not ever acting in the interests of
Turkestan's Muslim population — or any other Muslim power.
Think of all the Russian-Turkish wars, and how Russia
grabbed huge chunks of Iranian territory during the weak reign
of Qajar Dynasty.
They aren't friends of Muslims. If you can line them up temporarily,
good, but China has the real economic leverage over financial circles
in North America. Be careful about trusting the "Bear" ….
he is friendly for a moment for strategic reasons, but cannot
be ever imagined to be on the side of any Muslim country.
The Russian Orthodox cannot stand Muslims -
never forget that.
Many of today's ruler of Russia are not particularly religious,
but they at least put up appearances of going to church for the sake
of creating unity in Russia.
Underneath, they are still warmed-over Communists…
Jonathan Azaziah
21. Jan, 2012
Brother Raja, subhan'ALLAH, it doesn't even to be said, but I will say it anyway: a superb, brilliant analysis and succinct also! I agree wholeheartedly that the ongoing "Taliban-US-Qatar talks" are nothing more than a show; the Zionist-run US wants the Taliban to lay down their arms, wants them to be de-fanged. They are fighting a war of liberation against foreign occupation, they will never agree to such things. I think that it should also be noted, being that Kissinger is indeed one of the highest-ranking "illumined" Zionists in the world, that his comment regarding "control the food and you control the people" wasn't about food for the body, but food for the mind. The most nourishing food for the mind in our lands of course, is Islam. Hence, the war not only on Pakistan's sovereignty, but its Islamic character. My solidarity is with the Pakistan army, intelligence services and people against the corrupt secular leadership and the Zionist-Hindutvadi axis pulling the string. Salaams, ~ Ziah
Ghazi Muhammad Sherif Lokhande
21. Jan, 2012
As a non-Pakistani muslim external observer, events in the "Middle East" cannot be a GameChanger as far as the Muslim world is concerned, Iran and Pakistan ARE the gamechangers – At least Iran alreadly is.Pakistan (potentially immensely more capable of huge destructive potenial) is being castrated by it's Western-fawning,zionist butt creeping political leadership.
Pakistan needs to rapidly rid itself of these western stoodges, expel alls western embassies and staffers,"security contractors", galvanise it's support with Iran and Taliban and then force USA out. India will not dare think about touching such an axis.
The US needs to know that long range nuclear retaliation on it's own soil is not the USA's sole perogative, that the Islamic nations it has been relentlessly invading and massacreing is capable of doing the same.Pakistan has that capability in one way or another.
The coming days will tell whether we see the end of our enemies (USA NATO Israel and India).No-one is to be relied on (neither China nor Russia) as allies.Iran has started to tip the balance.Will Pakistan come to the party?
S Balu
21. Jan, 2012
Yes, this WRITE SHOULD APPEAR IN EVERY NEWSPAPER,TV in Pkaistan for Many Months-Thank you Cristina!
Ghazi Mohammed Sheriff Lokhande- yes, Iran and Pakistan are GAMECHANGE and As Iran has TIPPED the balance TIME for Pakistan Leadership to SHOW COURAGE and OPENLY FORM LLIANCE with Iran
Pakistan MusT DOWN GRADE all DIPLOMATIC ties with usa/britain/france as their EMASSIES are USED AS SPY HUBS
Steve (Abbass)
21. Jan, 2012
An excellent and thorough analysis. I also think the NATO attack and murder of pakistani border troops was no mistake and that thw strong response we have seen was critical in at least delaying the planned attempt on pakistani nukes. The Zionist/Indian allegiance is a pact between two devils, or a big devil and Shaitan's right hand the nasty kike state. In the end though nations rarely act in anything but their own interests (with the eception of the USA which is oblivious to its own interests so is being led around by the demon state squatting on Palestine, so use Russian, Chinese and Iranian help by all means but do not become over reliant upon them either. Pakistan needs to be strong and independent, and at this stage as an involved and interested observer, I wish to see nothing less than the complete downfall of the whore government and a takeover by the army which does seem to be the last outpost of national pride. My wife and I expect to be visiting later this year and have expectations of a military government by then anyway. Inshallah Pakistan will withstand the wickedness headed their way and be triumphant in the end.
22. Jan, 2012
A lot of really astute comments !
Regarding the last one, I always think to myself if I were a Pakistani
military officer I would be so tempted to peacefully send these
people into permanent exile. [After all, why did Musharraf let Benazir back?
Obviously American pressure, I assume] If she hadn't returned
there would be NO Zardari today, right ?
So once gone, they should find a desert island to build a mansion on – and never return.
Going back to the Supply route question, S Balu is really right to
insist on this.
My question is, though : why did Russia agree to let "nato" = U.S.
use their southern territories to supply this war ?
I doubt they "forgave and forgot" so easily the American help for
the Afghan mujahideen fighting their Red Army for a decade !
I assumed it was greed for American money, and finding something
to occupy restless, unemployed former Soviet military officers
and personnel.
But still, why would the Russian leaders agree for this?
If they would shut that down, it would help the entire strategic situation
because suddenly US planners – the way they calculate -
would start toning down their vitriol toward Teheran and imagine
that maybe the Islamic Republic will secretly allow them to
have some supply routes through eastern Iran to Herat, Shindand, etc.
So a Russian pullout from the Supply Route Agreement would
force Washington to revise its chronic bellicose attitude toward Teheran.
Meanwhile I think that there should be concrete barriers put up
along the routes previously used by Nato, so that even if worst came
to worst, America's hidden army probably being built up in Pakistan
during this moment could not still get through. It would send
a very strong discouraging message about any American
partial takeovers of Pakistan's centers of authority to commandeer
and secure these routes.
Perhaps there is plan like that on the drawing board.
Just an idea that popped into my mind !
S Balu
22. Jan, 2012
Time has come for Pakistan and Iran to EXERT pressure on India and Russia to CLOSE SUPPLY ROUTE for usa/nato invaders in Afghanistan! If Russia and india were SINCERE then they would ENSURE supply Remained closed but if they were zionist/nato invaders this wouls SHOW by keeping supplies flowing to the INVADERS
23. Jan, 2012
Really good idea above –
Iran is probably too busy right now to even think about the Supply Route
Maybe Pakistani sources could bring this idea to their attention ?
I just don't care for the way Russia has played all sides.
President Medvedev met with obama on his visit to the U.S.
where some of this was perhaps agreed upon –
guess where ?
Out of the entire Greater Washington area,
a hamburger place named The Devil's Cafe or something similar was selected.
A a big sign about both of these two leaders.
So perhaps there may not be too much progress getting Moscow
to close that route at least for the time being.
Probably too many people on the Russian side are cashing in
on easy big profits, for Americans will pay ANYTHING for
any projects they decide they want.