Who will watch the watchdog?

Posted on 11. Dec, 2011 by in Mid East

The pro-Israel NGO behind NATO’s war on Libya is targeting Syria

By Maidhc Ó Cathail

On December 2, the Geneva-based UN Watch welcomed that day’s “strong condemnation” of Syria by a UN Human Rights Council emergency session, and its establishment of a special rapporteur to monitor the situation there following what it called “a global campaign to create the post by a coalition of prominent democracy dissidents and human rights groups” led by UN Watch itself. The non-governmental organization, whose self-appointed mandate is “to monitor the performance of the United Nations by the yardstick of its own Charter,” expressed regret, however, that the UNHRC resolution “paid special deference” to Syria’s “territorial integrity” and “political independence,” decrying the provision as “a clear jab at NATO’s intervention in Libya, and a pre-emptive strike against the principle of the international community’s responsibility to protect civilians under assault.”

On the same day, UN Watch delivered a speech to the Human Rights Council plenary session in which it denounced the UN Security Council’s “shocking silence on Syria’s atrocities,” calling on it to take “urgent action to protect the civilian population before thousands more are beaten, tortured and killed.” It also urged UNESCO to reverse its recent decision to elect Syria to two human rights committees. Submitting that day’s UNHRC resolution to UNESCO’s Executive Board, the NGO demanded that they “expel the Assad government from those panels immediately.” The statement went on to berate the UNHRC for its “longtime policy, and that of the old Commission, of turning a blind eye to Syria’s gross and systematic violations.” Also “wrong and harmful,” in UN Watch’s view, was the UN body’s “policy of supporting Syria’s cynical and transparent ploy each year to condemn Israel for alleged violations of human rights, which should not be repeated this March.”

For those familiar with the NGO’s unmistakable governmental ties, it will come as no surprise that UN Watch could downplay Israel’s extensively documented human rights abuses as “alleged” while at the same time confidently asserting that “the facts are clear” regarding Syria’s “gross and systematic violations of human rights.” As Ian Williams, a former president of the United Nations Correspondents Association, wrote in a 2007 Guardian opinion piece, “UN Watch is an organization whose main purpose is to attack the United Nations in general, and its human rights council in particular, for alleged bias against Israel.”

Founded in 1993 under the chairmanship of Ambassador Morris B. Abram, the former US permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva, UN Watch is affiliated with the American Jewish Committee. Described by one expert on US-Israeli relations as “the foreign policy arm of the Israel lobby,” the AJC also takes a keen interest in the UN’s alleged bias against Israel. According to a 2003 article in the Jewish Daily Forward, a “sustained effort” by the lobby’s foreign policy arm resulted in the United States “embarking on the most comprehensive campaign in years to reduce the number of anti-Israel resolutions routinely passed by the United Nations General Assembly.”

In February, UN Watch organized 70 “rights groups” to send a letter to President Obama, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, and UN Secretary-General Ban-ki Moon demanding international action against Libya by invoking the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine. Speaking to the Jerusalem Post at the time, the NGO’s executive director, Hillel Neuer, said that “the muted response of the US and the EU to the Libyan atrocities is not only a let-down to the many Libyans risking their lives for freedom, but a shirking of their obligations, as members of the Security Council and the Human Rights Council, to protect peace and human rights and to prevent war crimes.” Despite the nature of its allegations,” UN Watch’s “Urgent Appeal to Stop Atrocities in Libya to get Libya suspended from the Human Rights Council before being referred to the Security Council, and ultimately provided the spurious justification for NATO’s eight-month “humanitarian” bombing of the country.  

Undoubtedly the most significant of the UN Watch-sponsored letter was Carl Gershman, president of the “misnamed National Endowment for Democracy. Funded by American taxpayers but outside Congressional oversight, the Endowment has been meddling in other countries’ internal politics since its inception in 1983. As Allen Weinstein, NED’s architect and first acting president, famously told the Washington Post in 1991, “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” A lot of what NED does today can also be understood by observing its longtime president’s career path. A former head of the neo-Trotskyite Social Democrats-USA who steadily evolved into neoconservatives, Gershman is no stranger to pro-Israel lobbying, having worked in the research department of the Anti-Defamation League in 1968 and served on the governing council of the American Jewish Committee in the early 1970s.

Although UN Watch purports to believe in the United Nations’ mission to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,” the pro-Israel NGO bears significant responsibility for inducing a devastating war on the current generation in one Arab country already this year and is clearly determined to repeat the carnage in another. As long as UN Watch’s motto of “Monitoring the United Nations, Promoting Human Rights” continues to obscure its real mission of “Manipulating the United Nations, Promoting Israel’s Interests,” the warning of a Roman poet becomes increasingly pertinent: “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

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3 Responses to “Who will watch the watchdog?”

  1. Afriq

    13. Dec, 2011

    When I heard on the news that the Nation- Pakistani presstitute, (even said that Pakistan is questioning)
    What is in for Russia in Syria?
    By: Hassan Barari | Published: December 13, 2011
    Strange but Pakistan has a "problems of its own. No different to Syria – the thugs behind the destabilisation  – US/UK/EU + the sick eye+rab whores vilary's harem of sword dancing eunuch, why would Pakistan point a finger at Syria?
    they couldn't say that this piece of garbage was from the stinking saudis, because everyone knows that the saudis ARE A BUNCH OF UNEDUCATED COWARD COLLABORATORS, they got the Hussain Haqqanis in the Pakistani media to run their shit.
    The thugs doing the killing are:
    Snipers – funded by the house of saud, the insane savage terrorists Xe/blackwater/UK/EU + sick insane eye+rab bastards
    Go the capitals of eu – London, Rome, Paris,………
    You will find these house eye+rabs in the centre and they have the PROPAGANDA printed to hand.

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  2. Afriq

    13. Dec, 2011

    What is in for Russia in Syria?
    By: Hassan Barari | Published: December 13, 2011

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  3. Kahlif

    13. Dec, 2011

    It is no secret that the ONES DOING THE KILLING ARE US/UK/EU+ the USUAL sprinkling of arab despots.
    Just go to the EU capitals – london, rome, paris – the usual house arabs (they have funds +immunity for heir crimes. The eu is VERY ACCOMMODATING where their goals can be achieved –gives them visas, sends them on training courses “on how to be a thug/terrorist for her majesty” the usual- prostituting and who better to pick up the tab than the disgusting eunuchs – vilary's harem of sword dancers the disgusting arabs. They will even tell you WHO THEY WORK FOR. There is no  more the undercover. Ask the Russians what the thugs/criminals will do for a bottle of vodka!
    It was Friday evening when i saw this individual. I asked if they would like to say prayers before dinner.
    No, I haven’t prayed today. I will say all my prayers later (22:00!). I was in front of the mosque handing out paper print out (propaganda against Syrian government). BUT HE DID NOT GO IN AND SAY THE IMPORTANT FRIDAY PRAYERS. Since yesterday we have the bulldogs msm barking about Syria.
    Who do they look for – IT experts, diplomats, thugs, criminals, insane savages
    Draw your own conclusion.
    This person lost the job, has a partner + kids and has funds to buy/rent a 2nd house €900.00/month + bought a used car and was inquiring about a trip to UK+ has a 1st house for which mortgage has not paid for over 2 years they cannot repossess the house as there are small children involved.
    Wake up Muslims the Saudis are using your mosques to DESTROY THE UMMAH:
    A womens’ group returned from fact finding mission – they went EVERYWHERE late at night-
    They are men dressed in black – snipers shooting and killing. The so called “Free Syrian Army” thugs provided by Hariri who wear the Syrian army uniforms.
    Yes they have grivences but NOT WHAT THE US/EU infested Zionist claim.

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