Unjustified stoppage of US-aid
Posted on 30. Dec, 2011 by S M Hali in Pak-US Relations

US House Blocking the Aid
By S. M. Hali
A US Congressional panel has frozen $700 million in aid to Pakistan until it gives assurances it is helping fight the spread of homemade bombs in the region. The move has been termed by Pakistan as unwise and likely to strain ties further. Homemade bombs, or improvised explosive devices (IEDs), are among the militants’ most effective weapons against US and coalition troops in Afghanistan as they struggle to fight a resurgent Taliban insurgency. Many are made using calcium ammonium nitrate, a common fertilizer allegedly smuggled across the border from Pakistan.
The freeze on US aid was agreed as part of a defence bill since the US is seeking assurances that Pakistan is countering improvised explosive devices in their country that are targeting our coalition forces. The United States has reportedly allocated some $20 billion in security and economic aid to Pakistan since 2001, much of it in the form of Coalition Support Fund as reimbursements for assistance in fighting militants.
The unjust decision to freeze aid is likely to prompt Pakistan to harden its stance towards Washington. Relations between the erstwhile allies are already at their lowest ebb. The United States has urged Pakistan to regulate the distribution of ammonium nitrate to Afghanistan strictly. So far, Pakistan has only produced draft legislation on the issue. Analysts say US demands will be tough to meet because of rampant corruption on both sides of the porous border that makes smuggling easy. The provision freezing $700 million in aid was agreed upon by leaders of the armed services committees from both parties in the House and Senate, including Senator John McCain.
Pakistan has expressed disappointment over US plans to freeze $700 million in aid. The stoppage of US aid 700 m related with the control of fertilizer is not justified, since it will affect poor farmers/families badly. Secondly, there is no surety that only Pakistani fertilizers are being used since it is being made in Iran & Uzbekistan and smuggled in Afghanistan. Pakistan, which is an agro-based country, will have negative impact on its own economy. It will affect Pakistani people and small business.
It is unwarranted since the US took 15 years for legislation on the subject. It is unreasonable to expect such a prompt action from Pakistan, which requires thorough deliberation and discussion before legislation is evolved. Linking aid to performance in curtailing the production and sale of the chemical is not a solution to the problem, since the terrorists can resort to other forms of IEDs.
The chemical has been produced in Pakistan for the last 40 years and in the world for 60-70 years. Pakistan has produced approximately 600,000 metric tons per year (Fatima Group comprising Pak Arab Fertilizers and Fatima Fertilizers, the main manufacturers produce 300,000 metric tons each), which is less than 0.1% of total world production. On the other hand, the total world production is 3.7 million ton. Europe produces 2.89, Pakistan (0.6). India and China have also produced while in Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries; Iran, Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries also produce the chemical in question.
The product normally used in IEDs is made with 68% of nitric acid called ammonium nitrate. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate is made with 60% Nitric Acid. It is used in arid regions and sandy soil and where there is scarcity of water. The chemical is the lifeline of subsistence farming in regions where land holdings are either very small or unproductive due scarcity of water. Being economical, it is used by low income farmers.
Pakistan is amongst the countries having acutest shortage of water; per capita water availability ranks dead last in the list of 26 Asian countries and is likely to become water scarce (below 1000 m3) by 2035 which was 5000 m3 in 1950.
In response to the US queries, Fatima Group has taken a number of actions, which include changing the identification of bags by using different color; handing over samples of fertilizer for experimenting color change. The dye, in which color change was successful, is pending approval of US Government. The company has cut down dealer ship in the northern region and reduced supplies.
Given the porous nature of Afghan Pakistan border, the complete stoppage of smuggling is impossible. The Joint IED defeat organization (JIEDDO) was created in 2005, provided US$ 21 billion during last six years (US$ 3-4 billion per year). JIEDDO failed to produce results despite it invested in more than 1000 counter IED initiatives.
Capitol Hill has become frustrated with JIEDDO work and House Armed Committee threatened to halve its budget last year unless JIEDDO provided detailed visibility about budget utilization. Congress is of the view; threat has been overstated and considers JIEDDO as liability.
There have been numerous proposals to make US aid to Pakistan conditional on more cooperation in fighting militants such as the Haqqani network Washington believes operate out of Pakistan and battle US troops in Afghanistan. Given the trust deficit and bad blood that has been created between the US and Pakistan, there is need for examining the areas of mistrust with sane elements pondering over the issues. The media in the US has also been active in creating bad blood, which was heightened by the Raymond Davis affair, the elimination of Osama bin Laden and latest, the attack on the Salala Check post by NATO forces. CENTCOM has examined the attack and come up with its own findings, which have been rejected by Pakistan, which believes the attack was premeditated and not an error as claimed by CENTCOM. Pakistani military were not part of the inquiry hence no relevant cross-examination could take place.
Whereas, it was expected that the US would see reason and render an apology to the people and government of Pakistan, instead insult has been added to injury through the unreasonable linking of $700m in US aid to Pakistan until it gives assurances it is helping fight the spread of improvised explosive devices in the region and curtailing the production and sale of ammonium nitrate.
Tariq Shah
30. Dec, 2011
Pakistan is standing firm and strong against the evil axis. We have got rid of the most dangerous agents of the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis: Mukhtaran Mai, Dr Shazia Khalid of Balochistan, Aasia Bibi, Salman Taseer (and his son), Saleem Shahazad, and now Dr. Baqir Shah. We shall pursue and cut down these Jew-Hindu-Christian agents wherever they hide in our Land of the Pure.
Qader Khan
31. Dec, 2011
Fear not, O brothers! Operation Al-Boraq is in progress, the hour of Pakistan's glory, and the utter defeat of the USA-ISRAEL-INDIA axis is near! Our engineers have been tirelessly working in extreme heat deep beneath the Mexican-American Sonoran desert border to construct tunnels through which we have supplied suitcase-sized nuclear bombs to the faithful mujahedeen. Our faithful mujahideen in India, Israel and the USA have also been issued scores of suitcase-sized nuclear bombs to lie in wait for a signal from Islamabad. In phase 1 of Operation Al-Boraq, at the appointed sunset hour, upon a signal from Islamabad, scores of suitcase nuclear bombs will be detonated simultaneously in India, destroying for ever that den of infidels. In phase 2 of Opearation Al-Boraq, exactly 6 hours later, when night falls upon Israel, our mujahedeen shall detonate the nuclear charges in Haifa, Tel-Aviv and other cities, destroying for ever that country of sinners. 6 more hours later, Phase 3 of Operation Al-Boraq shall involve detonation of the suitcase nukes simultaneously throughout the major cities in the USA. Thus, within 18 hours, the world shall be rid forever of the 3 major centers of anti-Islamic thought, and Islam shall rule the world, with Pakistan as its leader! Nobody will know where the bombs came from, so there will be no fear of reprisal in any shape or form. Yes, no doubt a few good Mussalmans shall die in the process, but they are guaranteed heaven unlike the infidels. For the true believers there is never death; only heaven & its rewards.
02. Jan, 2012
"…. sane elements pondering over the issues"
Sane? bloody insane savage US and their F UK goons.
I am sure they the insane bastards would dream up another reason to hold on to the funds they OWE Pakistan. What do they think that the brave resistance will just stop IED because these naTo goons are cowards?
Nobody will agree to occupation, slaughter, drones they will find ways. Why don't the digusting revolting bastards go to hell and stop bitching, will save the resistance time & effort.
03. Jan, 2012
Would the Western world’s responsible legal authorities take the necessary action to implement the verdict of the international tribunal?
Start with Isra Hell
The Western world’s responsible legal authorities are bastards, scumbag thugs, criminals satans whores and above all they INSANE SAVAGES. My first experience in britshit school – an activity for relaxation of group activity: you are stranded in a tropical island –
The first thing that the britshits would do is slaughter the natives!
Why? You are the fucking barbaric intruders and you are in our islands
Aid, Aid, Aid the mantra of the imperialists, colonialists – they come with their deMockery mantra and destroy, kill population and than ask the people to pay them for the death & destruction – GO TO HELL.
Just read their insane history whicjh they try to glorify as Steve (Abbass) 01. Jan, 2012 has so succinctly summarised the grotesque
After 5 year: In 'Afghanistan after democracy' Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki , an Afghan says that ,5 years on, the Afghan population is still devastated by relentless poverty ,one in four children born in Afghanistan cannot expect to live to age 5, close to 50% of the population cannot expect to live to age 40 with the lowest life expectancy in the world. More than 70% of the population is chronically malnourished, less than a quarter of the population has access to safe drinking water, the electricity supply is accessible by only 10% of the people. Fifty to seventy mothers die every day from birth complications
Ann Jones is the author of "Kabul in Winter," a memoir of Afghanistan, where she lived for several years.
They wonder where the promised aid money went and what the puppet government can do.
Much of the money is thrown away on "overpriced and ineffective technical assistance," such as those hot-shot American experts, the report said. And big chunks are tied to the donor, which means that the recipient is obliged to use the money to buy products from the donor country, even when — especially when — the same goods are available cheaper at home.
To no one's surprise, the United States easily outstrips other nations at most of these scams, making it second only to France as the world's biggest purveyor of phantom aid. Fully 47 percent of U.S. development aid is lavished on overpriced technical assistance. By comparison, only 4 percent of Sweden's aid budget goes to technical assistance, while Luxembourg and Ireland lay out only 2 percent.
As for tying aid to the purchase of donor-made products, Sweden and Norway don't do it at all. Neither do Ireland and the United Kingdom. But 70 percent of U.S. aid is contingent upon the recipient spending it on American stuff, including especially American-made armaments. The upshot is that 86 cents of every dollar of U.S. aid is phantom aid.