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Take You’re Money and Shove it
Posted on 27. Dec, 2011 by gordon in Opinion
Imran Khan on BBC Hardtalk
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
I feel sorry for anyone forced to go on BBC Hardtalk.
Pakistan’s Imran Khan had to listen to endless blithering, worst of all about Osama bin Laden, the former CIA operative that died over a decade ago, almost immediately after suggesting that Israel should be looked at as one of the suspects in 9/11.
Now we must damn Pakistan for failing to kill an innocent man, another American ally as I have confirmed with his CIA handlers.
In order to sound “reasonable,” one can’t discuss American and British complicity in $80 billion in drug trade or how Prime Minister David Cameron has been exposed to the world as the puppet of Rupert Murdoch.
Heaven forbid, were anyone to talk about the murder of Dr. David Kelly or the exposure of the terror attacks on 7/7 as more than “homegrown” but something much more sinister.
No worries about anyone talking, though you can hear it in every pub, hear it on local radio, the national news, owned and operated by no one loyal to Britain, you can be assured of that, will keep things quiet.
I would have loved to have heard Imran Khan announce that bin Laden had been dead for a decade, something easily proven or that he has never been proven to have had anything to do with 9/11 or terrorism of any kind.
If you aren’t aware of such things, this is why Veterans Today maintains an archive with over 20,000 articles.
I just think of this, having to answer to 3rd hand criticism from David Cameron.
I know a bit about David Cameron. He, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney and others are not in prison.
That, in itself, tells me as much as I want to know.
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Ali Akbar Khan
27. Dec, 2011
Sheikh Osama Bin Laden is alive and well. I have the supreme pleasure of being husband to his youngest daughter, and we are living happily as a family in Abbottabad. He is at this moment cooking an excellent Biryani for the family in our kitchen downstairs.
27. Dec, 2011
What's for dessert?
S Balu
27. Dec, 2011
What was Imran Khan proving by going to BBC HARDTALK i.e.approval from his zionist handler? What I FIND AMAZING WHY DO ANY POLITICAL LEADER from Pakistan has to prove his/her CREDITIALS with western mass media?
Would Any Politican give similar INTERVIEW ON PTV? So far I NEVER SEEN IT! TIME POLITICIANS IN PAKISTAN GREW UP!…THEY NEED TO FOCUS ON PAKISTAN not outside!!!!! Shows Imran Khan suffers from INFERIORITY COMPLEX! and if elected he will serve the master in the west!
27. Dec, 2011
I think all these shameless viceroys of the west have only one agenda; endorse the statements of the US led west. He failed to plead Pakistan's case to an ordinary moron. How can he plead Pakistan's case being in govt. He seems just another side of the same coin
27. Dec, 2011
that britshit idiot of hardtalk thinks he is gestapo kick the nastard where it hurts. I am no fan of Khan but he should have done his research and told the moron to piss off.
OMG Send him to shitty cesspit of west Dubai where all morons, sleazy, cut throat american kosher nostra go.(Later, in a hotel bar, I start chatting to a dyspeptic expat American who works in the cosmetics industry and is desperate to get away from these people. She says: "All the people who couldn't succeed in their own countries end up here, and suddenly they're rich and promoted way above their abilities and bragging about how great they are. I've never met so many incompetent people in such senior positions anywhere in the world." She adds: "It's absolutely racist. I had Filipino girls working for me doing the same job as a European girl, and she's paid a quarter of the wages. The people who do the real work are paid next to nothing, while these incompetent managers pay themselves £40,000 a month." Dark side of Dubai – http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/the-dark-side-of-dubai-1664368.html)Iman Khan IS A WESTERN LACKEY JUST LIKE THE BUTCHERS OF in Middle East the morons =Arab Spring.
Here they are killing themselves and handing their countries to the bloody parasitic west=luxury spoilt westerner. Everyone in Pakistan should read: Read the entire article – one of the BEST
2011 – Year of the Dupe
Posted: 2011/12/26
From: Source
"Image: The "String of Pearls:" China's oil lifeline is to be cut by the destabilization and regimes changes being made throughout Africa and the Middle East. Along the "String" the US has been destabilizing nations from Pakistan to Myanmar, from Malaysia to Thailand, to disrupt and contain China's emergence as a regional power."
In late December it would be confirmed that the same Al Qaeda militants that ravaged Libya with NATO's aid, were on their way to Syria to help overthrow the Assad government. LIFG leader Abdel Hakim Belhaj was confirmed to be on the Syrian border preparing troops of the so-called "Free Syrian Army."
27. Dec, 2011
Imran Khan why did you not bring
Aafia Siddiqui
Terrorist attack especially by the fucking britSHIT
Raymond the terrorist Davis
premeditated MURDER of 24 BRAVE Pakistani soldiers
It is AmeriKa that has worked for anti Americanism
and WHO SAYS WE WANT FUKING rapists, serial killers pedophiles and the most insane savages + corrupt thugs in the world in our UMMMAH.
Take Karzai we give a damn but get the hell out of our lands and take your brit shit with you
Moshe Ben Ze'Ev
27. Dec, 2011
You have only very briefly mentioned the role of the RAW-MOSSAD-CIA / HINDU-JEW-CHRISTIAN / axis (which I proudly represent) in destabilising Pakistan. We paid Jinnah's descendants soon after he died very handsomely to leave Pakistan and settle in India as big businessmen (Bombay Dyeing). So there is no Jinnah bloodline in Pakistan any more, all have left the Pure Country to settle in Infidel India. All your talk about Iran-Pakistan gas pipelines are useless because I control the freedom struggle in Balochistan through which the pipe must pass. I concur with all of Pakistani politician's statements that Israel (and Hindus and Christians) are responsible for all of Pakistan's woes. We personally paid each of the tens of thousands of visitors to Imran's rally at Karachi Rs100 each to shout for his TPI party. Pakistan has come crawling back to the US after Salala because I flicked a button in Tel Aviv. RAW-MOSSAD-CIA was responsible for the birth of Bangladesh, and very shortly, soon to come, the emergence of Balochistan as a separate country. At the flick of a button, I can switch off all power supply to Karachi, make the Taliban bomb you in Quetta, ground all PIA flights across Iran, and jam all drains and sewers in Lahore. I can make your president visit his chateaux in France while Sindh slips under flood waters. I can also cause dengue fever in Sindh. I also control the drones attacking you in FATA. There is nothing you can do about it. All your Ghauris and Abdalis are dummies … I control the gangs in Karachi. We have been responsible for all of Pakistan's defeats in all the wars against India; but we will allow you to shoot & kill your own countrymen. Tell me, what can you Pakistanis do about it? You are under total control of the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis.
28. Dec, 2011
mossy goons are getting nervous. So they send in the pathetic BS above with his zionist mantra.
. the anti- Imran comments is something they do not want so they send their goon Moshe Ben Ze'Ev with his rabid BS to counter it.
Two articles pro Imran from the same author
The thug above with his action trying to show that Imran is a “genuine” real McCoy.
Do not believe the goons.
Chaim Herzog
29. Dec, 2011
I'm another Zionist Jew rogue, and I enjoy reading about the power the Jew-Hindu-Christian axis wields over Pakistan. From the acne on your teenagers' faces to the collapse of the Pakistan Railway system, we (Jew-Hindu-Chritian) are responsible for everything. We are also responsible for the weather variations over Pakistan. We control your every breath. We control your every dream; we control you from the firast breath of your babies to the number of mourners at your funerals. We control everything in Pakistan.