Pakistan-America Developments: Radio Talk With Jeff Rense
Posted on 01. Dec, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba in Pak-US Relations
American public is the main suffering lot but are as helpless as it possibly could be. Now to bring peace to the world, a movement is needed to ‘Liberate America’. If it’s not forthcoming, not only the world peace would be a delusion but America would cease to be America.
By Raja G Mujtaba
To cover the latest NATO attack on Pakistan, Jeff Rense a worldwide name with millions of listeners hosted a talk show where I had Brig Imran Malik on the panel with me. This attack was not just something out of the blue or as the Americans claim to be an error but a well thought out extension of the events since 9/11.
The steps taken by Pakistan Army have galvanized the nation into one unity; this also reflects the emotions and the psyche of the Pakistani people who against all odds stand as one.
America is not fighting her own war but that of the Zionists and now the new partner to join is the Hidutva. Now US stands sandwiched between two evils, Zionism and Hindutva.
9/11 has changed the course of the world; prior to 9/11, the world was much more peaceful and livable. The Zionists over a period of time have not only penetrated the American policy making and decision making hierarchy at every level but have become much more vocal and visible in and around White House.
American public is the main suffering lot but are as helpless as it possibly could be. Now to bring peace to the world, a movement is needed to ‘Liberate America’. If it’s not forthcoming, not only the world peace would be a delusion but America would cease to be America.
Zionists only speak the language of force, violence, war and killings. What they want is total control of world in its complete sense. To attain their objectives, Zionists could not find a better tool than the US therefore they are fully entrenched in the American administration.
The only threat that the Zionists see is a divine religion, they have been able to eliminate the Christian threat since long. Today one can see many Christians who have turned atheist, non believers in The God. Now the only threat that remains is Islam; for the last many decades they are busy weakening Islam but they have not been able to convert Muslims into non believers but the only they had was when they were able to politically divide the Muslim world into smaller nation states and breakup Ottoman Empire.
Creation of Pakistan, the only ideological state of the world based on Islam came into being in 1947. David Ben-Gurion,

Raja Mujtaba
the first Israeli Prime Minister declared Pakistan to be a greater enemy than the Arabs. Pakistan has never recognized the state of Israel although in between Benazir and Parvez Musharraf tried to establish diplomatic relations but the public backlash was very severe that they could not take any further step.
Now Pakistan is the only Muslim nuclear country proving to be a stumbling block for the Zionists to make any headway in the Muslim world. Earlier any Muslim country like Iraq etc that ventured into acquiring nuclear capability were knocked out either through direct air raids or political isolation. Pakistan, not only survived but it succeeded in achieving its nuclear capability whose foundations were laid by Muhammad Ayub then followed by Z A Bhutto. Eventually maximum thrust in this direction was provided by General Ziaul Haq in whose time the bomb saw its completion.
9/11 was staged to attack Afghanistan to be used as a launching a pad to denuclearize, de-Islamize and delink it from China. Pakistan was gradually taken over through political regimes, Parvez Musharraf did the maximum damage to Pakistan’s ideology through his ‘enlightened moderation’ and removing the Quranic verses from the curriculum of the schools and colleges.

Brig Imran Malik
His departure saw the installation of Zardari regime when Benazir had been assassinated through a conspiracy of sorts. Zardari has Rahman Malik as his interior minister who is blamed for ‘Blackwater’ menace that operates as a CIA contractor.
Starting Raymond Davis, the Pakistan-US relations saw a worsening turn. Blackwater was primarily launched to:
• Create internal ethnic rifts to destabilize Pakistan.
• To organize and launch terrorists attacks.
• Work to take over Pakistan’s nuclear installations.
OBL operation in Abbottabad was a complete embarrassment for Pakistan military, this humiliated Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force that it became the talk of the town. Thereafter there was no letup; PNS Mehran, Frontier Constabulary and attack on other defence and security installations came in quick succession.
In attaining its objectives, US also gave lot of space to India in Afghanistan that is operating in tandem with Israel through Mossad and MI6. What the world is not realizing that Hindutwa is an equally threatening ideology like Zionism; world will have to fight both simultaneously to attain peace.
What America is working at is to place Pakistan under Indian hegemony for the greater benefit of Zionism and Zionist Israel. This would be strongly resented by every Pakistani of every shade and colour. America can bend backwards but the Pakistani people would never accept this but in the process America would further enhance anti-American sentiment.
America’s open all out support to Zionists has made America into a Zionist state. Now, it longer represent the either the
vision of its founding fathers or the aspirations of the American people. This is a widening gulf between the American public and the Administration at all levels. All wars are launched for or on behest of the Zionist dominated corporate world.
NATO attack on Salala border post by all means was a probe to see Pakistan’s reaction. Had this attack been taken lightly, America would have come with a much bigger attack to silent Pakistan. But, this attack has come as a blessing in disguise that has united the nation irrespective of any political thinking.
For the first time in words and deeds, the political government and the Army are on the same page. America has worked her own destruction; now if the US does not quit Afghanistan in a hurry, its logistic support would get expensive beyond proportions. Pakistan has not only blocked all supply lines to Afghanistan but has also asked to vacate ‘Shamsi Base’ as well. December 11 is the deadline. This base was of a very vital strategic advantage to the US. From here she could look into Iran, cover Gawadar port or even influence strait of Hormuz. This must have given a great relief to Iran as well. With the closure of NATO supplies, the US will not be able to survive for more than a few weeks. Taking advantage of this choke the Russian Ambassador to the NATO has also sounded a clear warning to draw their advantage on the NATO Shield that its deploying in EU. Therefore if all supply routes are blocked what would happen to the US/NATO troops is anyone’s guess.
The link of the radio talk with Jeff Rense on his show is here. To listen to the entire talk please click the link below.
Play Recording Of The Radio Interview
a WordPress rating system
01. Dec, 2011
"What America is working at is to place Pakistan under Indian hegemony for the greater benefit of Zionism and Zionist Israel. This would be strongly resented by every Pakistani of every shade and colour. America can bend backwards but the Pakistani people would never accept this but in the process America would further enhance anti-American sentiment."
Sir, the Us has alienated it own nationals never mind the rest of the decent world who despise their insane barbarity.
Pakistans finest 24+ have done how did one of your other auothors put it "have managed to do something that Pakistan hasn't been able to do in 60 years"!
Please Pakistan destroy the butchers of Ummah do it for the 1 million Iraqi babies that the insane perfidious jew Albright said " a price worth paying"
do it for the 100,000 slaughtered in Libya
do it for the 100, 1000s slaughtered in middle east destabilisation by the collaborating eye+rabs
Abovw all do it for the PAKISTANIS WHO ARE PAYING A HEAVY PRICE for FUKUSA terrorism in Ummah
Our heartfelt condolence to the families of the brave soldiers, Pakistan and especially ISI
01. Dec, 2011
the number of Pakistans finest is 28
Brave resistance we salute you and our paryers for you.
01. Dec, 2011
02. Dec, 2011
TRUE for observations but with due respect I dnt agree that our Government could ever think for Pakistan National Interest ….. I am afraid in coming days , Mr Kiani ll b made silent and NATO supply route ll b open again.
Let see, what time brings for us, but its very hard to believe Zardari and his Government …. along with Mr Kiani as well !
Pakistan-America Developments: Radio Talk With Jeff Rense « Free Speech Zone
02. Dec, 2011
[...] Source GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_bg", "111111"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_border", "515151"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_text", "eeeeee"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_link", "428ce7"); GA_googleAddAttr("theme_url", "428ce7"); GA_googleAddAttr("LangId", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Autotag", "politics"); GA_googleAddAttr("Autotag", "religion"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "food-for-thought"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "war-on-terror"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "wwiii"); GA_googleAddAttr("Tag", "pakistanisrealindianatousa"); GA_googleFillSlot("wpcom_sharethrough"); Share this:ShareFacebookEmailDiggTwitterPrintStumbleUponRedditLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. [...]
02. Dec, 2011
Pakistan is a nuclear power and should act in accordance to that status, nothing can threaten a nuclear nation from the outside, but from the inside its another story, never ever trust America for its under Zionist control much like Britain and France, or their intelligence services, Zionist Israel claim to be a democracy while at the same perverting our democracies by buying or blackmailing our elected officials that no longer represent us but the Zionist kabbala for world domination
Qader Khan
02. Dec, 2011
Fear not, O brothers! Operation Al-Boraq is in progress, the hour of Pakistan’s glory, and the utter defeat of the USA-ISRAEL-INDIA axis is near! Our engineers have been tirelessly working in extreme heat deep beneath the Mexican-American Sonoran desert border to construct tunnels through which we have supplied suitcase-sized nuclear bombs to the faithful mujahedeen. Our faithful mujahideen in India, Israel and the USA have also been issued scores of suitcase-sized nuclear bombs to lie in wait for a signal from Islamabad. In phase 1 of Operation Al-Boraq, at the appointed sunset hour, upon a signal from Islamabad, scores of suitcase nuclear bombs will be detonated simultaneously in India, destroying for ever that den of infidels. In phase 2 of Opearation Al-Boraq, exactly 6 hours later, when night falls upon Israel, our mujahedeen shall detonate the nuclear charges in Haifa, Tel-Aviv and other cities, destroying for ever that country of sinners. 6 more hours later, Phase 3 of Operation Al-Boraq shall involve detonation of the suitcase nukes simultaneously throughout the major cities in the USA. Thus, within 18 hours, the world shall be rid forever of the 3 major centers of anti-Islamic thought, and Islam shall rule the world, with Pakistan as its leader! Nobody will know where the bombs came from, so there will be no fear of reprisal in any shape or form. Yes, no doubt a few good Mussalmans shall die in the process, but they are guaranteed heaven unlike the infidels. For the true believers there is never death; only heaven & its rewards.
Mohsin Kidwai
02. Dec, 2011
We have kidnapped the CIA agent American Jew called Warren Weinstein and shall soon tear him limb to limb and record it on video — and the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis shall be unable to prevent it. This is revenge for the murder of 24 of our brave soldiers by the NATO forces.
02. Dec, 2011
Mohsin Kdwai, What is your real name. In Pakistan everyone is very displeased with the kidnapping of Mr. Weinstein an elderly man. You must be an Indian trying to dirty the pond. Mind your Hinduvata business within your own country. Every Pakistani hates Al-Qiada as muc they hate Zionists. God Bless Mr. Wweinstein and Pakistan
Ahmad Sheikh
04. Dec, 2011
Congratulations for demonstrating the true feelings on behalf of all Pakistanis at International podium.
Raja Mujtaba on Jeff Rense Radio | SHOAH
13. Dec, 2011
[...] Pakistan-America Developments: Radio Talk With Jeff Rense [...]