ISAF Aggression Against Pakistan
Posted on 02. Dec, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg in Pak-US Relations
A retaliatory action, ‘to draw blood for blood’, is the best option, but the enemy is on high alert now. ‘Retorsion’ would be the next best policy i.e., “to return upon the assailants with sharp punitive moves.” In this regard some of the actions have already been initiated by the government such as: rejection of the expression of regrets; the ISAF supplies through Pakistan have been stopped; no more drone attacks; Shamsi Air Base to be vacated;
By General Mirza Aslam Beg
On the night 25/26 November, the American and NATO aircrafts and gunships attacked the two Pakistani border posts in Salala area of Mehmand Agency and killed twenty eight Pakistani soldiers, including two officers – a blatant violation of Pakistan’s territorial sovereignty and the terms of cooperation, with the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF). In fact, this incident is part of a conspiracy, against Pakistan, growing from frustration of the ISAF, who having lost the war, have begun to leave from Afghanistan without guarantee for a safe exit. Salala incident explains their desperation and the sinister design.
The Pakistani troops operating in Salala area, on the night 25/26 Nov, had trapped the Tehrik-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan (TPP) militants, about fifty strong, belonging to Waliur Rahman/Fazalullah group, engaged in anti-Pakistan activities. The militants gave the SOS to ISAF and NATO and American air crafts and gunships rushed, to rescue the trapped militants. The two Pakistani posts, which came under intense fire. The Pakistani officer commanding the posts, immediately contacted the ISAF and warned them that, it were the Pakistani posts, under attack, and fire must stop, but the message was ignored and the attack continued for over two hours, till the militants were rescued to the safety of Afghan territory. This brutal act of the ISAF was not the only incident, because earlier on our border posts had been attacked by the militants, supported by ISAF, killing many of our troops. This was the third time that ISAF violated Pakistan’s territory. Last year in September 2010 a similar incident had occurred on our border, killing a number of our soldiers. The second time, they intruded deep inside Pakistan, to kill Osama near Abbottabad and got away with it.
A few months back, in a meeting of senior officers in GHQ, I had warned that ISAF would ‘again test our nerves’ and we better be prepared to retaliate against such intrusions, and recommended that they should have a look at the “Selective Punishment Concept” of 10 Corps, implemented by Major General Safdar, SJ, GOC 12 Division in 1990, who silenced the Indian guns along the Line of Control, through bold and “prompt retaliatory actions.” But in this case, at Salala, such a ‘prompt retaliatory action’ could not be taken, therefore, we now have to consider choosing the next best option to ensure that such incidents do not occur again.
A retaliatory action, ‘to draw blood for blood’, is the best option, but the enemy is on high alert now. ‘Retorsion’ would be the next best policy i.e., “to return upon the assailants with sharp punitive moves.” In this regard some of the actions have already been initiated by the government such as: rejection of the expression of regrets; the ISAF supplies through Pakistan have been stopped; no more drone attacks; Shamsi Air Base to be vacated; Pakistan not to participate in the Bonn Conference on 5 December; cancellation of all visits, tours, sports events etc involving USA and EU; diplomatic engagement with friendly countries to solicit support; no more business as usual and the need to re-evaluate ties with USA. Since the occupation forces are operating under the UN mandate, therefore, Pakistan has taken-up the matter with the UN to investigate and punish the perpetrators of this crime.
Despite ten years long struggle by the occupation forces, they find themselves, trapped in a ‘nut-cracker situation’ of having lost the war, and unable to retain control over Afghanistan, with no guarantee for a safe exit. And yet ISAF want to have their way, forcing Pakistan to eliminate the support bases of the Taliban on Pakistan territory and force Mullah Umar to negotiate peace, “on the loosers (ISAF) terms.” This illogical demand is not achievable either, therefore, the ISAF may decide to leave Afghanistan in a state of panic. In 1990 the Americans induced a civil war, which led to the rise of the Taliban, who were attacked in 2001 and the country was occupied on the flimsy charge of sheltering Osama and his gang of Al-Qaeda. Afghanistan, once again will be in a state of turmoil, with no peace in the region.
The Salala incident has provided the opportunity to correct the course of Pak-US relations and indemnify the past losses. Pakistan’s priority therefore could be:
· Re-evaluate ties with USA and establish relations based on equality and mutual respect.
· USA must not be allowed to establish Indian hegemony over Pakistan and Afghanistan, because that would amount to changing the geo-historical reality, confirmed by Quaid-e-Azam, to guard Pakistan’s security interests.
· Pakistan must bring to an end the running battle with its own tribals and establish peace on the borders and eliminate the ingress made in these areas, by foreign agencies.
· The ISAF is likely to leave Afghanistan in a state of disorder. It is therefore our bounded responsibility to help our brotherly neighbor, to eliminate the traces of deceit, intrigues and divisions created during the last thirty years of foreign occupation.
· In 2001, we joined ISAF, in their war against Afghanistan and committed the greatest sin. We must correct this mistake, by establishing our relations with the people of Afghanistan and engage with them whole-heartedly to rebuild the country and its traditional way of life.
Pakistan is passing through very difficult times, which demand the best, from the nation. The nation will not be wanting in resilience and response, to face these challenges. Pakistani nation’s geo-historical heritage is drawn from the Indus Civilization, and also imbibes the élan and ethos of the great civilizations with whom it shares the borders. Let nobody take Pakistan lightly and let there be no doubt in any body’s mind that out of such depths of sorrow and sacrifice, Pakistan will rise into a vibrant and progressive country, to claim its rightful place in the comity of nations.
03. Dec, 2011
Well done General! I think this is the only way ahead. We have to stand up for our dignity and honour or ………………
03. Dec, 2011
i agree with mr azhar has written, well done mr begg. i like to ask a question!
where was the paksitani airforce when the soldiers were under attack for 2 hours??
Where was any other support to save them under fire?
why is it all muslims countrys armys, air forces, navys are only good for subjugation of they own people and not able to fight the common enemy of zionist led international terrorists?
why are the gazan muslims starving when the muslim countrys are able to provide food and medicine under international law by enabling they navies to escort freedom flotilla,s in international law and waters?
why are you afraid of the zionist jews instead of Allah ?
how many more innocents should die in pakistan and afghanistan before muslim leaders wake up to the atrocitys being committed by they help on muslims totally forbidden by Allah in the koran?
i fear the muslim leadership does not exist which can alleviate the tyranny, oppression and dictatotships on muslims today, the brainless leaders currently charge should be hanged for treason and human rights violations based on the koran and not some western gibberish which they do not follow in anyway!
what is the future of our people and children mr general begg? is it perpetual slavery which the zionist jew has plotted which your adherents are following to implement in all muslim countrys?
Allah has made hell a dwelling place for all munafiqs, and this world is transitory not eternal, so you in power in muslim lands beware and wake up to the true reality of what you are earning!
03. Dec, 2011
US-RAEL-IND INC forcing us into WW3?
911 PSYOPS for achieveing "1984"?
Therefore the AXIS of US-RAEL-IND INC is being balanced by IRAN-CHINA-RUSSIA-PAKISTAN and will muslim brotherhood form a United Front?
The WAR that is being created by US-RAEL-IND inc against muslims?
Lundi Kotal
03. Dec, 2011
Abu Baqar……..Sunni muslims take money from the Zionist western countries and subjugate and terrorise their own countrymen. Thats why Sunni muslims have no respect left on this planet. All Sunni muslim countries are under the control of the U.S./ UK/ Israeli axis.
Pakistani military and its civilian leadership are happy to have brokered this deal of mass killing and genocide of its own people with the United States more than 10 years ago now!
Back in 1980, Gen Zia also brokered another deal with the same people for a fake Jihad in Afghanistan.
It never ends, Abu Baqar…….
'If Pakistan didn't broker this deal with the U.S. than Pakistan would have come under attack & starved'……as Musharraf used to say.
Gen Kiyani pretty much says the same thing……..He's no different.
04. Dec, 2011
Farasat Saeed
05. Dec, 2011
I am very happy on pakistan's taking strict actions against NATO and American Terrorists. All people who live in pakistan should be priority and supporting the ill causes of NATO/American Terrorists is itself a terrorism. We should also promote that UN declares these NATO and American as Terrorist Operators and Terrorists.We should foucs our media to shift from attacks to Terrorism of these operatives.
Pakistan is united on this issue. Armed Forces must push Govt. no flexibility. I can see now clearly that time has come when ownership of supremacy of the world is going to see new hands.