How US can improve its image in Pakistan?
Posted on 16. Dec, 2011 by Nadir Mir in Pak-US Relations
Geopolitics of Peace
By Brig Nadir Mir
Regardless of US, Pakistan remaining allies or not, they were never destined to be enemies. Yet anti Americanism grows in Pakistan and frustration with Pakistan increases in America. Even though 'disenchanted allies' for long, the last decade, post 9/11 has resulted in a growing animosity. This is a result of American geopolitical naiveté, Pakistani wishfulness and Indians deceit creating an explosive brew. Yet there is a clear distinction between US and Pakistani global perceptions. US being a global albeit sole super power has to worry about a long list of geopolitical rivals, allies, surrogates and fence sitters.
Washington has to relate to Putin’s Russia, China's rise, the Middle East Arab Spring, Turkish growth and independence, keeping Israel on a tight leash, Iran’s defiance, North Korean wild card antics, European economic gloom and doom (of EU), India unreliable both as friend or foe etc. Besides the mess American Neo Con policy resulted in at home and abroad (bankrupt at home and over stretched abroad).
Pakistan's case is much simpler. Its geopolitical world is limited. Indian threat, Afghanistan issues and American relations are key subjects for now. Afghanistan the geopolitical square on the global chessboard for testing both! American stock in Pakistan has plunged to the lowest depth. America needs Pakistan, while it is in Afghanistan. But Washington will need Islamabad even more later. Pakistan's geography is globally pivotal. (This scribe’s book 'Gwadar on the Global Chessboard' makes it quite evident). Pakistan’s demography will be the most numerous in the Muslim world (3 billion Muslims by 2030). Pakistan may be the world's 3rd or 4th most populous state decades from now. According to Mr. Bruce Riedel (former CIA and advisor to President Obama) Pakistan will possess the world's 4th or 5th biggest nuclear arsenal in the next decade. The key question Americans should address – how to improve its image in Pakistan?
A few cardinal points to ponder are presented here:
The only people who are duped by Fox TV, Neo Con plus Globalists Media etc are some gullible Americans. The rest of the world including Pakistanis are quite clear about these issues. Even if the majority of Pakistanis lack high end education, there is ample rustic wisdom in the Pakistani Nation. America’s constant reference to Pakhtoons, Baloch, Punjabis, Sindhis, Sunni, Shia etc, are seen as attempts to divide the Pakistani people. As is US patronage of dictator dispensation and elite, viewed as corrupt plus treacherous by many in Pakistan. Washington's investment in Pakistani liberals is also a complete waste as far as containing extremism is concerned. Pakistani Nationalists with moderate views are the best recipe for dealing with extremists of various hues. Pakistan's liberals are frequently and often correctly seen as puppets with self aggrandizing agendas. Many NGOS have been discredited due to American links. Even European or other western NGOS, organization have fallen in disrepute (for no fault of theirs) as being fronts and full filling US agenda.
Bottom line: ‘Befriend the people of Pakistan'.
Pakistani nukes though guarded by its military are the pride of the nation. In a country of corrupt elite, hungry and angry people, internal and external threats, the nukes are seen as deterrents, equalizers and symbols of national pride.
Relentless American inspired propaganda against Pakistani nukes – missiles (even if contributed by India and others) is threatening, shocking and pride snatching for Pakistanis. Indo – US nuclear deal is nuclear apartheid for Pakistan. (Regardless of what Americans say about AQ khan’s affairs). Pakistani Nation would prefer nukes to be used if it ever faces – ‘use them or lose them scenario’.
The average Pakistani knows that India does not have the capability or courage to attempt nuclear defanging of Pakistan. But the Gungho – cow boys might attempt it, resulting in a regional – global catastrophe.
Bottom line: US should accept 'Nuclear Pakistan' or at least stop its tirade against it.
Centre of Gravity
Geopolitically speaking ISI – Pakistan military is the centre of gravity. Though over all historically speaking, it is the freedom spirit of the Pakistani Nation. A concerted campaign against ISI and Pakistan military, amounts to degrading its centre of gravity. (After ten years of Pakistanis sacrifices in blood, treasury, infrastructure, national emotions in the so called global war on terror).
Bottom line: US should abandon attempts to divide Pakistani Nation from ISI – Armed Forces and forgo demonizing them.
Genocide in Kashmir by Indian Army has resulted in hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris killed besides thousands of Kashmiri women raped. US intervention in Bosnia, Libya and numerous other places was for much less. Unresolved Kashmir is the core issue preventing peace in South Asia. By condoning Indian war crimes (2000 plus in unmarked graves recently identified in Indian held Kashmir), US is aggravating the problem.
Bottom line: Help resolve the Kashmir issue.
The majority of Pakistanis want peace in Afghanistan. Peace cannot prevail until foreign forces leave Afghanistan, whether by agreement or other quick exodus. As long as foreign forces remain, the Afghans will resist. It is not a question of Haqqanis involvement or anyone else for that matter but of US departure.
Bottom line: US should relent and withdrawal its forces from Afghanistan. A negotiated peace agreement in Afghanistan involving Pakistan is the solution.
National Emotions
A history of US betrayal haunts Pakistani minds. The current issue is not only US walking away from Kabul but installing Indians before departure. As American drone strikes killing many innocents and attacks on Pakistani Soldiers signify US hubris, entrenching Indians in Kabul would once again prove American betrayal. If Washington does this, it will lose the Pakistani nation’s confidence. Any US or US sponsored attempt, be it diplomatic or military against Pakistan’s nukes, would end Pakistani nation’s relations with USA forever. (Lead to a conflagration and create a sea of radioactive hostility).
So far the PERCEPTION of American strategy towards Pakistan has been:
§ Patronize liberal puppet elite
§ Divide Pakistani nation
§ Demonize ISI, nuclear, military in Pakistan.
§ Support the enemies of Pakistan to destabilize and encircle it.
§ Aim to denuclearize and balkanize it.
Obviously this has resulted in the lowest level of US – Pakistan relations in history. Going further down can best be summed up by the German philosopher’s famous quote.
“When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you”
Friedrich Nietzsche
a WordPress rating system
18. Dec, 2011
Remember how America forced Musharraf to resign over his controversial statements regarding zionism?
That's about the time when the Defense Secretary Gates and his buddies within the inner neo conservative circle began calling for the United States to attack Pakistans nuclear facilities. Gates even suggested the US bring along Canadian soldiers for the ride. The US never crossed that line. Going to war with Pakistan was simply a bridge too far.
Nowadays, PM Harper of Canada is regarded as an American firster which is why the majority of Canadians see the Canadian Government as just another puppet state and it's leader, an American installed dictator who will do anything America&Israel demands from him and his gay gestapo croonies.
No wonder harpers wife can't stand being around him.
18. Dec, 2011
Some good analysis General Mir.
A couple of points though…
The reason Americans refer to all the ethnic subgroups in your country is not because they are trying to divide you. Americans have a fetish picking out ethnicities, other than European ones, and extolling them. They think it makes them look educated, hip and wise.
Always remember that as Americans we have been subjected since birth to the oppressive ideology of multiculturalism which tells us that white (European decent) people are bad, and other people are wonderful.
It may seem odd to you, and it is, but there it is.
Also, the American elites don't really get that "nationalism" thing. It's so 19th century as far as they are concerned. They are mostly globalist, so they don't really take your patriotism any more seriously than they take mine.
One other thing: We don't "control" Israel, they control us.
18. Dec, 2011
Question is- how can the US improve it's image with the world!
18. Dec, 2011
Come on now Brigadeer I thought you miltitary men had “balls”.
Amerika treats Pakistan with contempt. I guess that’s better than utter contempt. Time for talking is over. You’ve all got brown tongues in the interest of “Zion” dollars. Of course there is no real commitment to Zion in Israel, as the intelligent ones know Zion doesn’t exist. In reality it is “atheist” or faithless versus the faithful. So far every Pakistani I have met has been a greedy, manipulating, self serving c*nt….simillar to the average American. But I have not met every Pakastani.
Are you saying there is hope for truth, reason and integrity Brigadeer? Are you saying there is some faith in Pakistan? Because all I see in your article is more of the same brown tongue – the toothless foul breathed poodle pretending to yap at its master.
18. Dec, 2011
Who gives a fuck about those sand niggers?!? They need to destroy the country and make it like the Balkans so they aren't a threat to anyone but themselves! Take the nukes by force if they have to!
18. Dec, 2011
How US can improve its image in Pakistan?
Stop slaughtering people?
Ulugh Beg
18. Dec, 2011
The only way the US can improve its image in Pakistan is by (1) giving Pakistan access to all its military technology and hardware, (2) converting totally to Islam as practised in Saudi Arabia and (3) by giving Kashmir in totatlity to Pakistan. It is only then that we should even consder the USA to be our friend.
Choo Hader
19. Dec, 2011
Here's the ANSWER: Remove all bankster warmonger Zionist fascists from power. The make America the number 1 exporter of goods, with lampshades and candles leading the way. Unemployment drops, and the USSA becomes USA again. And the rest of the world benefits too from peace and economic prosperity.
19. Dec, 2011
very simple – Yankee, go home!
old grandma
21. Dec, 2011
Teleprompter Reader Risks Thermonuclear War, Scuttles Empire
Zafar Iqbal
11. Jan, 2012
US have had a history of good relationship with the Muslim World especially during the cold war era with the communism. There after US has unleashed reign of masacre on the Muslims. Killing some 1.5 million did seve nothing to US other than generate hatred amongst the people. American general public does not want this to go onm any further. So better mend all damages asap.