48 hours at NATO HQs
Posted on 12. Dec, 2011 by S M Hali in Opinion
By S. M. Hali

Author with the hosts
Following the Bonn Conference, we were invited to visit the NATO Headquarters at Brussels to cover the NATO Foreign Ministers’ Conference on Afghanistan. This was a follow up action since our hosts, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs was keen that we get acquainted with the working of NATO and cover the Foreign Ministers’ meet on Afghanistan. I entered the NATO Headquarters with mixed feelings; on the one hand was the anger and angst at the NATO attack on the Pakistani military check-post taking a toll of 24 lives from the Pakistan military; simultaneously I thought it was a good opportunity to put across Pakistan’s viewpoint to NATO.
Departing Bonn by road, we enjoyed the scenic and picturesque beauty of the German countryside. With the advent of the European Union, crossing from one country to the other is hassle-free. On arrival at Brussels, we directly went to the NATO Headquarters, where Oana Lungescu, the NATO Spokesperson and Ambassador Dirk Brengelmann, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy delivered a pre-ministerial briefing and responded to our questions candidly. We inquired that apart from the customary condolence expressed by US Secretary of State and NATO Commanding General, why NATO had not rendered a formal apology for the grave incident of unprovoked NATO air strikes against Salala border outpost at Mohmand Agency, since it is a matter of great concern that US/NATO and Western media have shamelessly attributed the whole episode to “mistaken identity” and or reaction to Pakistan’s fire. NATO’s response was that since the matter was still being investigated, it would be too early to attribute blame on any agency, hence apology and compensation if merited, would be rendered once the findings of the investigation are complete. On querying regarding the effects of decision of Pakistan’s Defence Committee of the Cabinet to block NATO supplies into Afghanistan, NATO replied that it would have a telling effect on the operations in Afghanistan. It opined that strategic dumping would take care of immediate logistic needs but in the long run, NATO would feel the pinch. It stated that negotiations were taking place regarding Pakistan permitting some items of dire necessity like “the supply of fuel” for heating and transportation.
The next morning, we had separate briefings with the NATO Spokesperson, Mr. Nick Williams of the Operations Division of the Afghanistan Section of NATO, Brigadier General Josef Blotz, of the German Delegation to NATO and spokesperson of International Security Forces (ISAF) from April 2010-July 2011 and Mr. Gille Vander Ghinst, representative of Political Affairs and Security Policy Division. Each contributor knew his subject well but was reluctant to dwell upon the NATO incident in Pakistan apart from the conciliatory comments. On inquiry, whether a joint investigation between Pakistan and NATO was taking place, NATO informed that each side was conducting its own inquiry. Mr. Gille Vander Ghinst appeared to be a specialist on Pakistan and also opined that without the active participation of Pakistan in the reconciliation process in Afghanistan, little or no progress could be made.
Next morning, following a Ministerial on NATO Russian Council, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated that NATO’s missile defence was not directed against Russia but Russia's threats to withdraw from the START treaty and deploy ballistic missiles on its southern border to counter the missile shield were reminiscent of a confrontation of the cold-war era. Libyan and Tunisian journalists present in NATO Headquarters were keen to present their versions of the Arab Spring, which was a welcome input. The Libbies heaved a sigh of relief that there was no truth in the rumours that NATO would be charging them for the costs incurred in its operations in Libya. After a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of ISAF to discuss Afghanistan and plans to gradually transfer security control to Afghan forces before foreign combat troops plan to withdraw by the end of 2014, NATO Secretary General and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton jointly unveiled the logo for the NATO conference in Chicago May 2012. Hillary Clinton found it opportune to cite the alleged attack by the Lashkar-e-Jhangwi on Shiah mourners in Kabul and warned Pakistan to reign in the terrorists.
Thus ended a highly instructive trip, which broadened my vision of the Afghan problem and through interaction with the Afghan media, helped quell some of the misunderstandings we have with Afghanistan. Peace is still a mirage in the distant future but there is light at the end of the tunnel
a WordPress rating system
14. Dec, 2011
"Departing Bonn by road, we enjoyed the scenic and picturesque beauty of the German countryside. With the advent of the European Union, crossing from one country to the other is hassle-free"
Sir, Yes and a BIG NO.
the picturesque beauty of the German countryside holds a very vile, evil and sinister mentality of the people inside the countryside.
The Croosing of one state to other must have seemed so because YOU were wisked by naTo thugs. If you really want to know what it is like, hire a car and take a dark skinned eu national with you. I say an eu national because you as Pakistani national will be treated as non eu and as a Pakistani the usual "demonisation" label. the fact is that non white eu a treated as 2nd class nationals.
Libyan and Tunisian journalists present in NATO Headquarters were keen to present their versions of the Arab Spring – is that what they call the naTo+eu+arab despots
Please DO NOT CALL THESE SICK INSANE BASTARDS LIBYANS: If you have met these savages you will know THAT THEY ARE THUGS CRIMINALS In the pockets of Arab despots who have hired Xe to train and arm them. Do not give these US savages any rights or else you will find yourself in SERIOUS trouble as Pan African groups will be holding these slaughters for CRIMES against Humanity for slaughtering over 30,000 African Libyans. They will be hunted down especially the so called presstitutes WHO played a big part in destruction of LIBYA
Allah Maummar Wa Libya wa Bas
AL,Trojan horse in anti-Syria scenario
He addressed the group that claims to be “Syrian revolutionaries” and asked how they can call themselves
revolutionaries when they have killed pilots who were their fellow compatriots? He further urged those who consider themselves
Al-Kuwari censured the silence of the Arab League on Washington calling armed
Syrian groups to continue military confrontation with Damascus. Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March, with
demonstrations being held both against and in favor of President Assad. Hundreds of people, including members of the security
forces, have been killed in the turmoil. While the opposition and Western countries accuse Syrian security forces of being behind the
killings, Damascus blames outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups for the deadly violence, stressing that the unrest is being
orchestrated from abroad. Syrian opposition groups have also been interviewing Israeli news outlets over the past few months. The
interviews clearly show the opposition's vision for the future of Syria, and indicate their interest in developing relations with Tel Aviv.
Meanwhile, the confession of Syrian rebels to carry out armed activities and killing people as well as security forces proves that
recent developments in the country are to be seen as parts of an attempt to start a revolt in order to overthrow the current
government and replace it with a US-backed regime. However, the resolution adopted by the Arab League against Syria has
increased the unity of Syrian people.
members of the Army of Free Syria to remember the story of the formation of the Army of Free Lebanon by Israelis. Al-Kuwari went
on to query why Syria was suspended from the Arab League without a unanimous vote?