The Memo of Treachery
Posted on 25. Nov, 2011 by Nadir Mir in Hot Topics
By Brig Nadir Mir

The approver, The Drafter and The Courier
The ‘Memo of Treachery’ has been considerably unveiled. Actually it is no great mystery. This is in fact the corruption, transfer wealth abroad – get foreign support – stay in power or acquire more power – money complex in action. Pakistani liberals (puppets) living abroad, posing as the ‘face of Pakistan’ the linchpin for this Faustian bargain. (Between Pakistani traitors and alien supporters).
It is certainly not about civilian control over the military establishment (which is a good thing). It is about corrupt, self serving elite, who seek foreign support to keep robbing the people of Pakistan. (Betraying Pakistanis is not an issue, but part of the agenda).
Without confusing the issue, the ‘Memo’ sent by some Pakistanis (with bank accounts, assets and residence abroad) sought foreign (Uncle Sam’s) support which by simple connotation meant:
§ Weaken Pakistan’s National Security by cutting ISI – Army down to size.
§ Invite US military forces in Pakistan for partial occupation (as if drones were not enough)
§ Exposing, denuding and ultimately compromising Pakistan’s nuclear projects. (Depriving Pakistan of its deterrent)
§ Handing over Pakistanis demanded by India. (Today militants, tomorrow hijab wearing women! Any one Delhi considers not friendly or not in love with Indian’s inequality based Brahman Order)
§ Practically advocating steps leading to Pakistani Nation’s eventual and complete enslavement to US Geopolitical diktat and Indian over lordship plus much worse. . . .
All that was asked by the authors of the treacherous memo was to be in power in Pakistan. (Along with their foreign based stolen wealth and to continue duping the innocent people of Pakistan forever).
Now even Admiral Mike Mullen (recipient of the memo) has recollected, after initial denial (a memory loss, apparently from too much work!) And confirmed the memo was sent by Pakistanis (friends of USA)
Hussain Haqqani the Pakistan Ambassador has obviously rejected Ijaz Mansoor, a Pakistani businessman, making this claim about

The smart head Mansoor Ijaz
the ‘Memo’. In any event Hussain Haqqani is better known as ‘America’s Ambassador for Pakistan in Washington’.
Reportedly and predictably Hussain Haqqani initially refused to return to Pakistan (gaining time to lobby in USA) and threatened to seek asylum in USA but later retraced. With an Ambassador like this who needs enemies!
In essence the ‘Memo’ is a clear case of treachery to the state of Pakistan. Articles in The News by Shaheen Sehbai and Muhammad Malick — ‘The Treasonous Memo’ and from Ansar Abbasi – HH resignation alone will not be enough’ are timely, eye opening and riveting.
A complete, impartial inquiry by the Supreme Court would be in order. Hussain Haqqani’s resignation is not enough. He should be tried for treason in a fair trial. If found guilty he should be dealt under the law. (It was Hussain Haqqani who reportedly told the Americans, Pakistanis were like carpet merchants on price haggling issues!)
Not carpet merchants but Pakistanis are a proud, patriotic, peace loving, independence minded nation. (Except for a tiny, mini minority of self serving, thieving, foreign supported elite).
The nefarious characters involved in the plot to weaken ISI, dilute the army, invite American troops into Pakistani homes, compromise nuclear arsenal, accept every Indian demand and the long list of crimes of infamy are traitors of the worst order.
If they are not traitors then what is treachery to Pakistan? This is not about a clash between liberal puppets, pro western in outlook or radical extremists, fundamentalists. (That narrative is old – obsolete and boring). It is about the right of Pakistani Nation to live in peace and freedom, with security, prosperity and honour. An unfettered Nation – master of its own destiny!
Without being sold to the first bidder, invaded by America, threatened by India and betrayed by its own corrupt and treacherous elite. The time has come to squeeze the space on traitors of all hues. If Islamabad – Rawalpindi cannot deal with a ‘Rogue Ambassador’, what can it do?
A fair trial but heads must roll (literally). If those who betray Pakistan are not dealt today, it would be tragic.
But they will inevitably face justice tomorrow by the Pakistan Revolution!
Khalid Rahim
25. Nov, 2011
This is about saving your ill-gotten wealth abroad and not landing in a cell next to the former Panamian President in Tampa Fl. The choice of choosing the right Character for yourself rests with you and not with anybody else. Such is the dilemma for many of our highest Elites in power.They have choice do not cut the string and let your assets grow and let us realize you when the need comes? Or if you are in a hurry to get away be aware severe accidents can take place.Many a such Presidents and Others have tripped down the 39 Steps never to stand again. Some powerful personalities here will continue to make statements to a gullible public while wearing diapers.
Arshad Khokhar
25. Nov, 2011
"An excellent appreciation and analysis of the situation by my platoon mate, I am really proud of. Nadir please also have a look in to the hypothesis that USA is now probably running out of time for the grand game she is playing for last 118 years with the entire humanity. The game of Oil & Minerals especially of this region, Central Asians, Afghanistan & Pakistan. In case of Pakistan the secondary objective is its nuclear capabilit, and as a soldier you understand that Primary & Secondary Objectives are interchangeable keeping in view the ground situation. In the light of your Book on Gwader, my apprehension is that probably the time to venture in Baluchistan by US Forces is not too far – The Start of 3rd WW, which will be fought to fulfill the desires & dreams of Zionist Elders as per their protocols. If some one survive there after, will fight 4th WW with stones & clubs".
Well done & Keep it Up,
My Blood & Honor For PAKISTAN,
Yours Brother in Arms,
Aftab Khan
25. Nov, 2011
There is simple formula to exercise authority, not merely legal authority but the moral authority which stems from honesty, sincerity, competence and exemplary leadership, which they seems to lack …..
When Caliph Omar sacked celebrated war hero General Khalid bin Walid, Henry Truman sacked war hero General Dogulas Mac Arthur, they had great moral authority. Civilian rulers of Pakistan have to develop such character if they want to exercise full authority.
26. Nov, 2011
Again and over Pakistan is at war with itself, how can you face your true enemies or the zionist-indo alliance when you are too busy destroying yourselves, China cant do everything for you
ps : BTW the captcha thingy is horrible remove it pls
Col Naeem A Butt
26. Nov, 2011
One feels highly encouraged to read your bold , unflinching and true patriotic views for the motherland.
Nadir I wonder……., can it ever happen in our lives time , that some 1 unassailable at the helm of affairs picks up the MORAL courage ,that may be in uniform or aichkan and selflessly stands for Pakistan. Unfortunately , There has been WORTHLESS and SHAMELESS characters to rule and sell.
Certainly you deserve the credit for your part. May Almighty reward you and give more strength to write, ameen.
Best Regards.
Ikram Bhatti
26. Nov, 2011
In my views, Americans dissuasion strategy is behind all this " memo drama". And you better know, dissuasion is mainly regarding " channelling enemy's force in less threatening way". In the leadership of Gen.Keyani , army has improved its image globally, as army has been able to keep away itself from dirty politics of Pakistan from last, 3 years. Army being an institute showed it resolve to perform its constitutional role, this thing established comparatively stable civil-military relations in Pakistan.
. It provides strength to Pakistan against USA and better position to settle its issues with Taliban according to its own national needs / interests. That's the reason, USA never has been comfortable with stable civil-military relations in Pakistan.
Mr.Haqani might have its own version of Political views but as seems this time , he is going to become the victim of " dirty Realpolitik".
The Memo of Treachery | United States & Pakistan. An Undeclared War ? | Scoop.it
26. Nov, 2011
[...] The Memo of Treachery By Brig Nadir Mir The ‘Memo of Treachery’ has been considerably unveiled. Actually it is no great mystery.It is certainly not about civilian control over the military establishment (which is a good thing). It is about corrupt, self serving elite, who seek foreign support to keep robbing the people of Pakistan. (Betraying Pakistanis is not an issue, but part of the agenda).Without confusing the issue, the ‘Memo’ sent by some Pakistanis (with bank accounts, assets and residence abroad) sought foreign (Uncle Sam’s) support which by simple connotation meant:Weaken Pakistan’s National Security by cutting ISI – Army down to size. Source: https://opinion-maker.org [...]