The Emerging Islamic Order and Pakistan
Posted on 05. Nov, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg in Opinion
The Afghan Taliban, now are the winners and enjoy the right to lay down the conditions for peace, yet the same old game of 1990 is being played to deny power to them. The Muslim world has suffered immensely during the last thirty years, but has stood firm, inflicting defeat on the Soviet Union, USA, European Union, Israel and India. The struggle thus, has created the ‘Global Islamic Resistance’ and ‘New Centres of Power’ have emerged, which have a vital role in determining the geo-political and social order, in the region.
By General Mirza Aslam Beg
In the scheme of things, many a wrong have been corrected through Divine Interventions, to maintain social balance on earth. In the recent past, there are two such examples of corrective measures. Germany under Hitler, drunk with the notion of “superiority of the German race”, tried to conquer the world and disturbed world peace, yet within a period of fifteen years, the disorder so created, was corrected, through ‘Divine Intervention, i.e., the coalition of nations. Similarly in 1990, encouraged by the break-up of the Soviet Union, Bush, launched ‘The Crusade’ against the Muslim heartland to establish American supremacy over the world, claiming that “the 21st century belonged to America,” but through Divine intervention, balance was restored, within a period of fifteen years, at the hands of the rag-tag Afghans. The American ambitions and pride now lie buried, in the stony sands of Afghanistan, while the “Islamic Surge” is sweeping the region, soothing our bleeding hearts and wounded bodies.
The Afghan Taliban, now are the winners and enjoy the right to lay down the conditions for peace, yet the same old game of 1990 is being played to deny power to them. The Muslim world has suffered immensely during the last thirty years, but has stood firm, inflicting defeat on the Soviet Union, USA, European Union, Israel and India. The struggle thus, has created the ‘Global Islamic Resistance’ and ‘New Centres of Power’ have emerged, which have a vital role in determining the geo-political and social order, in the region.
The Islamic Resistance grew from the Afghan soil, under the Divine mandate, against the occupation forces, with a message, which is explicit and finite:
“Why should you not fight in the way of Allah for those men, women and children, who, being weak, are being oppressed and are crying: “Our Lord! Rescue us and send redeemers to protect us from the oppressors.” Al-Nisa, Ayah 75.
In response to ‘the call’, “over sixty thousand believers from over seventy countries of the world converged, in support of the Afghan freedom fighters” – CIA Report, and defeated the Soviets. Ostensibly they were supported by USA, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and others, but a decade later, between 2001 to 2011, without any outside support, they have humbled the mightiest of the mighty. The Afghan resistance calls itself ‘The Shadow Army’, and like a shadow, it extends itself, withdraws and appears again and remains elusive. It is a non-state-force, mission oriented and not concerned with the domestic matters of the country, where it operates. Poses no threat to others. It melt-away, when occupation is vacated, as it did in 1990 when Soviets retreated from Afghanistan.
The ‘Unity of Pakhtuns’, against foreign aggression, provided the bed-rock of resistance, extending from Karachi to the Hindukush Mountains. It enjoys the support of 24 million Pakhtuns of Pakistan and 17 million Pakhtuns of Afghanistan. Their resistance draws strength from their traditions, faith and belief and love for freedom. They remain undefeated and defiant and a source of strength, both for Pakistan and Afghanistan. Their will to resist and defeat, thus is considered “a great threat to American strategic interests in the region” – David Kilkullen, former US National Security Advisor President.
The ‘Shia Crescent’ extends from Iran to Iraq and Bahrain, including the sizeable minorities in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and is a force to be reckoned with. The Americans and the allies are frightened of the rising power of Iran and have tried to suppress it through sanctions, embargoes and threat of war, but have failed. Iran has since been demonized as a threat to the neighbouring Sunni countries, such as, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Gulf countries, who, out of fear have purchased, US military hardware, worth over one hundred fifty billion dollars, to face the Iranian threat. And no wonder that the Saudi and GCC troops recently entered Bahrain, under UN mandate to quell the revolt against the Sunni ruler, initiating war between Shia and Sunni countries, so that, “both bleed each other to death” – Henry Kissinger.
In reaction to the atrocities committed on the Muslims, particularly during the last thirty years and killing of over six million innocent men, women and children, the Muslims have sought protection under their Faith, resulting into a strong surge of Islamic thought sweeping the entire region. For example, the moderate Naqshbandi Silsila, which had remained suppressed since World War I, now is sweeping the entire region, from Turkey to Damascus and Turkmenistan. Similarly the moderate Qadria Silsila is sweeping the region from Egypt to Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia and the Middle Eastern countries. This “surge is shaping the so-called Arab Spring into Islamic movements”, in Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Morocco and Yemen. A more orthodox Islamic culture has emerged in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. Such is the emerging reality determining the contours of the Islamic Order, against the forces of oppression and state sponsored terrorism.
Pakistan has suffered immensely due to the war between the Global Islamic Resistance and the occupation forces in Afghanistan. Apart from death and destruction, Pakistan’s economy is shattered; law and order has deteriorated and its armed forces are engaged in a running battle with its own tribals, which have a deep impact on domestic politics, turning it into “an aberration of a civilized society.”
There are dozens of religious parties in Pakistan, divided on the basis of sect, ethnicity and varying schools of thought, and have failed to give “a clean and decent way of life, Islam promises”. And out of this disorderliness, has emerged, robot like, the class of the so called “emancipated majority” – almost seventy percent of the population, bereft of Islamic teachings and its values and are demanding a secular order. Yet, the oppressed Pakistani nation carries the burden of the commitment it made to its national purpose in 1947: “To strive for a democratic order, based on the principles of Quran and Sunnah.” Time and again the nation has affirmed its commitment to its national purpose and has voted mainly for the moderate parties, rejecting the fundamentalists and the extremists, because its objective is in sight and the fundamental direction is correct.
While the domestic politics is warming up “there s a brutal race for power and money, by the business stake holders, which spells disaster” Ibne-Khaldun. This precarious situation thus places greater responsibility on the people of Pakistan, our courts of justice and the armed forces, to act and redeem the situation.
The Emerging Islamic Order and Pakistan « PakDefenceUnit
06. Nov, 2011
[...] the scheme of things, many a wrong have been corrected through Divine Interventions, to maintain social balance on earth. In the recent past, there are two such examples of corrective measures. [...]
Steve (Abbass)
06. Nov, 2011
On the whole I agree with the basic premise of the article, and despite being a Western Australian my loyalty is to Islam and Pakistan. I am married to a Pakistani and am a Muslim convert as it happens. However I disagree with the examples at the start.
Germany did not seek to dominate the world, a look at the true history of WWII will show that Germany was actually the victim of Jewish plans to dominate the world and as such the aggressors, won. World Jewry declare war first, against germany in March of 1933, at which time Hitler had just come to power and was rightly decrying the damage done to Germany since WWII (also started by Jews) via the Jewish banker written Versailles treaty and subsequent takeover of German industry, media, banking and entertainment; much like the USA of today. The only action taken against Jews at the time was some talk of boycotts and a brief boycott of Jewish owned businesses. The Jews declared their intention to bring the world to war against Germany and their desire to utterly destroy and enslave the German people, by using their influence among the very nations which did eventually do just this. There is no evidence that Hitler sought to rule the world or that he wanted war and nor is the story of the so called Holocaust anything but a massively propagandised version of the truth. Chruchill was a gofer for the Jewish bankers, Roosevelt was a creature of the Jews also and in the end the Zionists were directly responsible for what there was of a Holocaust as they deliberately sacrificed the lower strata Jews with the aim of driving as many as possible to run to Palestine and occupy it as they intended all along. WWI was started by Jewish elite to stop a peaceful solution in Palestine and WWII was started by elite Jewry to create the parasitic state of Israel over the land of Palestine.
Sadly the truth is that elite Jewry has sought and attained domination of the world through successive world wars and other conflicts, most of which can be traced back to their doorstep. The divine intervention in their case is yet to be seen, although Inshallah it is coming.
Other than that I applaud the idea that there is an awakening Islamic order although I am not seeing a lot of it yet, I think the Islamic world is deeply divided and barely able to muster a combined front in any single nation let along the world. I pray for the day to come soon however because the hour of darkness seems to be at hand.
07. Nov, 2011
Islamic order? What? It is unislamic to keep things in order as they are.
Ask women about Islamic Order who lost their genitals to apease Allah. Have checked many Pakistani women with kids never felt when men jump on them until belly start growing rarely brests get hit during jumping. What a shame full order.
Have checked duzzens of Pakistani mutilated genitels wondering how any one can admire women with grossly disorderly legs as hers?
You crazy convert wait till reality hit….
Must be
07. Nov, 2011
This article shows the delusions of some Pakistani generals who live an easy life on wealth stolen from the masses. They halucinate about a unreal world based on their imagination & then pick and choose stories to bloat their fantasies. Sensible Pakistanis know the real situation.
The fact remains that there is not one powerful or feared islamic nation on earth because there are no great leaders in these countries. 1.6 billion people with immense natural resources and yet so powerless. That is the reality.
The future as is revealed by higher forces of nature is as follows. Islamic nations will be liberated from autocrartic rulers in the next 10 yrs. Most will have a Islamic govt. Decline of west and rise of China & India will continue till 2022. A charismatic Islamic leader will emerge from central asia or near afghanistan, unite the Ummah, forge an alliance with China between 2023-2035. World War 3 starts with Islamic Ummah and China versus the West & its allies India, Europe etc. Islamic forces will see spectacular victories, invade deep into Europe in west and India on east. Pakistan will play a key role.
But an equally charismatic leader will emerge from South India and after a long hard fought battle the Allies will defeat the Sino-Islamic forces by 2050. Huge devastation of China & Europe will take place. USA will no longer be a super power.Mssive death toll in Islamic countries from this voilence. From 2050 to 2075 as the per the predictions of Prophet Muhammed Islam will decline i.e after the war the end of the Ummah will come around @ 2075 (1500 Hijri or One day (1000) and half (500) of Allah). Universal religion will be estabilsed and mankind will progress towards very high realms of conciousness. People will leave the semitic religions in droves and forskae voilence. There is more but cannot be revealed at this time.
Joe Jussac, Jr.
07. Nov, 2011
U missed Shi'a in Indonesia. They have STRONG (Ans Kicking -:) ) presence here; they have among other important "tools" a book publishing house the MIZAN and the other one I forgot. One of the famous Shia guys in Jakarta was the former Publisher of the Daily REPUBLIKA.
Re the above Indian guy dude (?) re female genital "mutilation," I NEVER read anything about it in the Al-Qur'an (Correct me please if I am mistaken); it perhaps from a DHA'IF/weak/unsound, even Maudu/fabricated "hadith" which are many. A Muslum scholar (on-line) has discovered such rubbish ahadith, FIVE thousand of them! The so-called four "great" 'founders" of the many ahadith SPOKE no Arabic at all as the were PERSIANS!
Kindly take a peek at my just s0-so Page at
Salaam General, may Allah SWT Bless u and ur family. Amiin.
Regards, Yusuf
07. Nov, 2011
Yusuf it is all rubbish to me. What you or anyother one can't understand is rubbish. Who is right Purshian, Arabic, Afghanistani or Pakistani, the bottom line is Humans are suffering because of interpretation, belifs and lies – that too for 14 centuries.
Religions insulted God. STOP THIS….all lies.