The Actual Victims Toll of 9/11

Posted on 18. Nov, 2011 by in Opinion

“Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction but nevertheless, with the American invasion of Iraq, the Iraqis were destined to experience what it really meant to be bombarded with such weapons.”

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

New Yorkers dumbstruck by the mysterious collapse of the towers on 9/11

It is still one of my most vivid memories ever, as I’m sure it is for many others. …The planes crashing into the towers, the hysteria and the blunders of the mainstream media, the initial silence and ineptness of the white house, and people all over the world glued to their TVs as they watched in amazement the towers of the world trade center collapse like a house of cards on September, 9, 2001.

9/11, … I knew that day that what I had just witnessed was going to haunt not only the United States but the whole world for years and years to come.

Nearly 3000 innocent people were killed in the terrorist operation most of them were Americans and as voices on the American street began to call for a swift action on part of the white house to retaliate the horrific attacks, the Bush/Chiney administration wasted no time and spared no expense, as if they had it all preplanned in advance, and before we knew it the American planes were bombing Afghanistan& Iraq- two countries that never posed any threat to the US.

But what did it matter, and why should anyone care that American boots were once again on foreign grounds as long as we were told that the boys were after Bin laden and his gang and hunting down Saddam to rid the world of the threat of his weapons of mass destruction. 

Surely this whole war was a set up, for Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction but nevertheless, with the American invasion of Iraq, the Iraqis were destined to experience what it really meant to be bombarded with such weapons.

Depleted uranium

American Depleted Uranium ammunition.

It was no secret, though may be still unknown to a lot of people, that the American and the so called coalition forces used Depleted Uranium ammunition in their air bombardment and on ground combat operations in Iraq.

For you who are not familiar with Depleted Uranium (DU) I would say that it is a carcinogenic heavy metal material that also emits alpha and gamma radiation. Once a particulate of DU has found its way into an organ such as the bone, the lungs, etc, it will be like having a tiny x-ray machine inside you, No way to get rid of it and moreover Cancer and birth defects are likely to be coming your way. It can never be cured and DU will last in the environment for eternity. Cool hey.

It is a waste material of the Nuke industry and in the battlefield it becomes aerosolized and thus its deadly dust particles become a permanent part of the world's environment. It cannot be cleaned from the environment–ever! Its use is immoral and a crime against all humanity. The U.S. is a world major producer and the American army in Iraq has used tons of it.

The official estimates say that 9/11 victims were close to 3000. but if we bear in mind that the war in Iraq was an inseparable consequence to the New York attacks, and considering the hundreds of thousands Iraqis who actually lost their lives and the thousands who are born every day with congenital deformities, mental retardation and cancer due to their exposure to the radioactivity emitted from the abundant use of Depleted Uranium ammunition throughout the years of the war on Iraq, we could so easily add a couple of more zeros to the official New York estimate and still, we would be far from the actual victims toll of 9/11.

Families of September 11

Since May of last year, there has been a ferocious debate over the building of some Islamic cultural center near ground zero, or what was known as ground zero mosque. The American public opinion had been galvanized against this idea of a Muslim community center near the place where the 9/11 attacks happened. The main argument, including the president’s, was that choosing a spot near ground zero for the Islamic community center was totally lacking in wisdom as it hurt the feelings of the families who lost their loved ones in 9/11.

A nonprofit organization was founded in October 2001 by families of those who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks (FOS11). Its mission is to raise awareness about the effect of terrorism and public trauma and to champion domestic and international policies that prevent, protect against, and respond to terrorist acts.

Great mission indeed, but where FOS11 stand on the devastating and utterly futile Iraqi war, which has supposedly been waged on their behalf. I mean if they have been tremendously hurt by the building of a cultural community center aimed at bridging the gap between different creeds and cultures, then it would be fair to assume that the indiscriminate killing of more than one million innocent Iraqis must have been devastating news for them- putting in mind how they defined who they are and what their mission is.

I know that every human life counts and that FOS11 have been through a lot, but for that same reason I think they should have taken a firm stand against the military vendetta following 9/11 that has been tragically playing out for almost ten years.

The deaths of Iraqi children should have affected them in the same way losing their loved ones did. They, besides remembering 9/11 and participating in conferences and media events, should have explicitly said no to the post-9/11 wars on innocent people.

The families of September 11 should have made it clear that targeting innocent people with highly toxic and carcinogenic DU ammunition is not their idea of feeling vindicated or serving justice. 

Their tragic loss shouldn’t have been the White House’s pretext for bombarding and shelling innocent people – who had nothing to do with 9/11 in the first place- with DU ammunition that turned their life into a nightmare that keeps recurring every time a child gets born in Fallujah or Baghdad.

Warning: The following video contains some very disturbing scenes. But we urge you to stick with it to the very end as the award winning Dateline reporter, Fouad Hady travels to Baghdad & Fallujah to investigate the devastating effects DU ammunition had on the new generation of Iraq's newly born infants.

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Tags: 9/11 mystery, Depleted Uranium, Fallujah, Iraq war,

7 Responses to “The Actual Victims Toll of 9/11”

  1. TROLL

    19. Nov, 2011

    -Did you know that the Patriot Act was already written before 9/11?  Think about that for a minute.
    -Did you know that Donald Rumsfeld went on TV on 9/10 and told America that the Pentagon had been unable to account for $1 trillion?  Then by coincidence the very next day, the building World Trade Center 7, where the Pentagons accounting records were stored, miraculously went down without a plane even hitting it? 
    I love 9/11 conspriacy theories.  And for those of you who don't believe in conspiracy theories, why did we create the Sherman Anti-Trust act if conspiracies don't exist?  Why do the worlds most powerful people meet and not publicize their agena? Why does President Obama pay $2 million to sela his identity, then release a forged birth certificate?  The answer is to the last one is easy.  He is not the sharpest tool in the shed, that's why.  Same with W. Bush.  Gotta love how stupid we are collectively as Americans.  Homer Simpson would be a better president than the two we have had last. 

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  2. Adam

    19. Nov, 2011

    I agree with the author 100%, plus, I have some of my own I could add that would dwarf the author's own volume. For one thing, the doctor is too nice. He is not angry enough. If I add any more, I'm sure it would not post here, right?

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  3. Howard T. Lewis III

    19. Nov, 2011

      The dogs are being allowed to run free. Most recently, USA Today publishes radical weather events being caused by 'climate change'. This is irresponsible and just plain stupid. The History Channel with 'Weather Wars? That's Impossible', the videos 'Angels Don't Play These Harps' and 'Angels Still Don't Play These Harps' and make it plain that the Alaska and Nebraska based HAARP facilities are causing catastrophic damage to farmlands and other areas in the U.S.. Earthquake precipitation also may be accomplished by targetting certain highly stressed underground formations to find vulnerabilities to subterrainian subsonic propagations, using amped up oil reservoir detection equipment.
      This is not available for arguement. If people insist on acting stupid, they deserve their reward. How most of America considers itself breeders, I will never appreciate. But there are exceptions.

    Reply to this comment
  4. Howard T. Lewis III

    19. Nov, 2011

      Two motives exist for the above conduct. #1) destroyed crops and distressed farms are being bought up by certain corporate interests at pennies on the dollar. And 2) Fortunes are being made in the 'weather derivative' market. Insiders bet crops will fail in a certain area of the U.S. by selling short, and then their pig in charge arranges for chemtrail>HAARP circle>radical weather event, custom designed, to wreck farms in that area. Simple. My friend working at Boeing showed me how they used HAARP technologies to project UFOs as lit discs in the sky. Stationary or moving at any chosen speed like you would move a flashlight image. Some spoiled brat S.O.B. is doing this destructing and rapine and pillage and Obummer was chosen and conditioned to be the perfect dummy. This also is not up for arguement.

    Reply to this comment
    • Rick

      19. Nov, 2011

      Type your comment here…Howard, I am moved by the fact that YOU UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE THING. GOD BLESS YA.

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  5. abubaqar

    19. Nov, 2011

    the brain dead americans who can be fooled into anything by the zionist jews should waterboard cheney, rumsfeld,bush junior and all that trashy gang in the white house and i am sure truth will become evident how the 9-11 attacks occured, especially knowing that the jews did it for making islam and christianity war on each other and they rule by proxy!
    if that does not work, bush said he talks to god ask him to ask god if  osama (who was innocent of all charges agianst him) died in 2001 or 2011?
    and who did 9-11, i would love to know the answers on camera for all the world to see this human devil and his lies which have become evident!

    Reply to this comment
  6. Vick Simm

    20. Nov, 2011

    Fake TV show on 911 for WTC tear-down & NWO
    SeptemberClues . info  –  The VicSim report

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