Archive for November, 2011

Husain Haqqani: Raymond Davis the 2nd
Posted on28. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

"The traitors should never be spared no matter how mighty they maybe; the ones who spare them become one of them" Raja Mujtaba By Raja G Mujtaba Since long Husain Haqqani has been under shadows for his dubious activities in Washington DC. He was first noted for his undesired activities when he issued visas to [...]
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Iraqi Kurdistan: In support of Hawzheen Omar Kareem
Posted on28. Nov, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen An Iraqi journalist, Hawzheen Omar Kareem, is on trial in Iraqi Kurdistan for translating and publishing into Arabic a WMR article. The article in question is from January 28, 2008, and titled: “Israel Hopes to Colonize parts of Iraq as Greater Israel." Kareem was taken to court as a result of complaints [...]
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Memo Circus: Winners And Losers!
Posted on28. Nov, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

Now as far as Pakistani government is concerned, after sacking Ambassador Haqqani, it has pushed the matter under the carpet. Moving of the matter to the apex court through political channel would thoroughly politicize it; whereby the real culprit may escape the justice. By Air Commodore ® Khalid Iqbal Sporadic fireworks have always been [...]
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The Quest Continues
Posted on27. Nov, 2011 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker Most certainly genius can use scientific methods to understand, like Michelangelo did by secretly doing autopsies on human cadavers to understand form and movement. But scientific methodology cannot test, measure or recreate the art, much less the genius, of a Michelangelo. By Humayun Gauhar Some would have Hamlet a schizophrenic – “To be [...]
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The Troubling Case of Saif Gadhafi
Posted on26. Nov, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

ICC Prosecutor’s Career Move Switches Horses and Legal Theories in Libya By Franklin Lamb Zintan, Libya Despite the claims of the National Transitional Council of Libya (NTC) that Saif al Islam Gadhafi, the apprehended subject of an International Criminal Court arrest warrant that ordered his transport to The Hague, is in a secure hidden location [...]
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British-Turkish role in the New Economic Order
Posted on26. Nov, 2011 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

In the past few years Turkey is again playing an important and crucial role in the Arab world due to strong historical, religious and cultural ties. It is emerging as an honest peace broker among the disputing parties. The future of Middle East lies in local solutions of local problems but honesty is the crucial [...]
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Operation Gibraltar: An Unmitigated Disaster? Part 4
Posted on26. Nov, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali SMH: Where did you go from Cherat? CM: “I was posted out of the Command of the SSG on 30 August 1965 for telling the GHQ that in permitting to launch the half-cooked ‘Operation Gibraltar’, Pakistan was repeating its ‘Bay of Pigs’. I was moved to Sialkot to take over as [...]
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Farewell to Mashallah Shakri: The Iranian Ambassador
Posted on25. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

"We will cooperate with Pakistan in development of security and security of development." Mashallah Shakri By Raja G Mujtaba Mashallah Shakri spent five years in Pakistan where he developed lots of personal contacts and made numerous friends. Normally the diplomats keep a very selective group where they mix around but Mashallah was quite outgoing. He [...]
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The Memo of Treachery
Posted on25. Nov, 2011 by Nadir Mir.

By Brig Nadir Mir The ‘Memo of Treachery’ has been considerably unveiled. Actually it is no great mystery. This is in fact the corruption, transfer wealth abroad – get foreign support – stay in power or acquire more power – money complex in action. Pakistani liberals (puppets) living abroad, posing as the ‘face of Pakistan’ [...]
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Pakistan: Leaders who stabbed the Nation
Posted on25. Nov, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. Dean Nelson of the UK Telegraph (October 07, 2009), offered a pinching observation and asked: “Has Pakistan lost its honour?” Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan also wondered if the ruling elite have any “ghairat” (honor) in its policy and practices. Strangely, nobody from the ruling elite ever attempted to answer the [...]