Imran Khan: The New Option
Posted on 03. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba in Pakistan
Now many failed parties or those that are being threatened to be sidelined would be coming forward to form some alliance or some traditional turncoats would rush to get the party nominations; this Imran will have to see very carefully and not damage the spirit of PTI followers and supporters. Imran listen to your supporters they will guide you and you will never lose them otherwise it could be a one way ticket.
By Raja G Mujtaba
In Lahore on Sunday, 30th of October was day of new hope for people of Pakistan. Meenar-e-Pakistan ground in the shadow of Badshai Masjid was filled beyond its capacity. Imran Khan silenced all his critiques, took the wind out of the sails of the political parties and got them into gloom like mourning. The crowd estimates are just estimates but those who were there put it around 300,000 people. All came at their own will showing their solidarity with Imran Khan wanting a change. People have shown complete distrust in the 2 party gang of PPP and PMLs. Nawaz Sharif has been outclassed in his own bastion, Lahore.
There were many new scenes witnessed in this mammoth flood of human sea that many are calling as a political tsunami that has frozen the spines of the power club of the political parties. The stage was decorated with a very simple backdrop but with a strong message. It was Pakistan flag with the portraits of Allama Iqbal and M A Jinnah; the founding fathers of Pakistan that the other parties had faded out from the Pakistan’s political thinking. This was a message appreciated by the civil society of Pakistan throughout the length and the breadth of the country. When Imran Khan made his speech, he made it amply clear that he believes in the ideology of Pakistan. Telling the crowd why he chose Lahore as his starting venue, he quoted Dr Allama Iqbal who said anyone who wins Lahore shall win Pakistan and then said that it was here in Lahore in March 1940 that Pakistan resolution was passed under the leadership of Quaide Azam and not forgetting that Usman Ali Hajveri popularly known as Data Sahib was also ordered to move to Lahore therefore it was thought proper to launch the movement from Lahore.
Many factors have emerged that would drive Imran khan to be a real challenge and threat to status quo forces. Major factor being complete disillusionment of the masses with the existing political forces that are completely disconnected from the people and the realities. The leadership of both the major parties i.e. PPP and PMLs have developed a highly feudalistic attitude even towards their members of the parliament what to talk of a common man. All are busy making money and at very fast pace.
People are suffering, economy has collapsed, law and order is being deteriorated as a design to keep the people focused elsewhere while these parties in power can make a kill and eat the Caracas to the bones. All state run corporations like Pakistan Railways, Steel Mill, Pakistan International Airlines etc. are being strangulated to loss so that these can be sold out at peanuts.
Even at this moment, Pakistan’s generation capacity is 19000 MWs while demand is 15000 MWs then why only 11000 MWs are being produced? A shortage is being created to drive the industry away and convert Pakistan from an agrarian and industrial economy to consumer economy so that Pakistan is made a market for outside industries. This in turn is creating joblessness where people have resorted to self immolation etc.
These are some of the factors but not all that has made Imran an obvious choice for a change. Imran must concentrate on these issues to put a reversal and turn around the country from a disaster to a master of her own destiny.
Imran Khan was speaking like a mature politicians where he addressed all segments of society. Here is charismatic pull over the youth and the educated alike was very visible. The crowd was in a festive mood and chanting slogans willing to stay the whole night if the party rally was continued that long. It was the light and hope of change that pulled all over to the rally ground.
Imran’s speech can broadly be broken up in three parts. One was purely focused on the internal situation where eradication of corruption and injustice from the society was his fundamental responsibility. He said there would be major reforms in Police structure and Revenue Collectors. Imran wants the Station House Officers to be elected like the American Sheriff. All the practices of the West cannot work in Pakistan, we need to study it in our context. The British system of Zaildar and Numberdar proved its merit, it would be in the better interest to bring the system back to its original pedestal and let it function with full government support. While it was in vogue, law and order situation was close to 100%.
When an election is held, stakes go very high; each contestant spends huge amounts of money that not only has to be recovered after the election but many times more are to ensure the future elections to be held. To reduce corruption, the role of money has to be reduced or eliminated completely, without doing so, corruption cannot be eliminated.
Then talking on economic recovery he said he would curtail reliance on foreign aid and loans. Indigenous resources would be exploited, agriculture and industrial economy needs to be strengthened and expanded. He mentioned about the abundance of coal reserves, gold, silver and other mineral resources that can turn around Pakistan’s economy. He said that Pakistan has the potential to produce 60,000 MW of hydel power.
His third major area was the focus of his foreign policy. He wants friendship with all but with honour and dignity. A clear message was sent to the US on this issue. He told them that no more army operations and drone attacks. Pakistan cannot take any more beating on his account. Pakistan can help America for an honourable exit but would never support her expansionist and hegemonic designs in the area. This message has made some heads spin in the American Corridors of power.
After a longtime, a message was sent to India over Kashmir issue, he reiterated that after coming into power, he would extend all moral and political support to the freedom fighters of Jammu and Kashmir. India must remove her close to a million troops from Kashmir and the people of Kashmir must be given their fundamental rights.
Imran also emphasized to further the relations with China to a new height for the mutual benefit of both the countries. While talking about China he also announced that after this rally, he is leaving for China at the invitation of the Chinese government. Now with American and NATO ingress in Africa and their designs to move into Central Asia to contain China, it has become imperative for the Chinese also to further strengthen her ties with Pakistan so as not to concede her interests to US and NATO.
When Imran is talking of transforming relationships in a transforming world why he did not mention Russia is best known to him but seeing some emerging realities, Russia is getting back into the seat of influence.
Having said all this, now Imran needs to announce his shadow cabinet of experts who should form sub groups to develop and focus on all emerging issues. To begin with he should announce groups on Judiciary, Foreign Relations, Defence, Finance, Trade and Commerce.
During his rally, it would have been much in line to have afforded some non-Muslim Pakistanis of standing to come on the stage and address the crowd. He has some highly qualified and dedicated Pakistanis amongst non-Muslims also. This would have been a silencer for all such forces that project Pakistan as a non tolerant country. This would have also reflected a true Jinnah’s Pakistan.
Now many failed parties or those that are being threatened to be sidelined would be coming forward to form some alliance or some traditional turncoats would rush to get the party nominations; this Imran will have to see very carefully and not damage the spirit of PTI followers and supporters. Imran listen to your supporters they will guide you and you will never lose them otherwise it could be a one way ticket.
The Third Option… Finally « Area 14/8
03. Nov, 2011
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Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui
03. Nov, 2011
HE HE HE AND HE….and THERE IS ABS NOTHING BEYOND HE…that praise and worship following like of a Greek god of romance and that self centeredness would'nt let him evolve to fetch more than what He actually needs. But who knows waht those who actually matter are really upto.
03. Nov, 2011
I think you are right. There was something about him that I just did not like – narcisismo
03. Nov, 2011
This not how most of us felt when we saw thousands and thousands of young fearless Pakistanis, stretching as far as the eye could see, waving and singing and dancing along with Shehzad Roy and Strings in PTI’s rally in Lahore? You may not like to admit it but let me admit: this is how I felt; tantalising, tingling sensations of love and joy travelled along my spine; there were moments when I uncontrollably laughed and there were moments when I helplessly cried. But these tears rolling down my cheeks were tears of happiness and relief for the whole of my life from pre-school days till now was flashing and dancing in front of me. And for the first time in many many years — I have lost count how many — I felt that we in Pakistan are neither idiots nor zombies and nor some forgotten children of a lesser God with limited imagination but part of the living humanity of this beautiful blue planet and we have HOPE! [Dr Moeed Pirzada, spoke out my heart>> ]
03. Nov, 2011
@ AftabKhan -
You have put it so well and i am so pleased for Pakistanis that they finally have someone who CARES about Pakistan. Most people do not know how BEAUTIFUL Pakistan is because they get their info from acbbcnndefghi……. EL Jewzionist =al jaz BS
Support Raja G Mujtaba because he has done a lot. I have felt so sorry for Pakistanis – the much hammered by US/EU and especially UK.
So I pray that Allah will give Imran Khan the wisdom to think of his people first and not foresake – the Islamic teaching of UNITY. I have been told that national interest comes first but i have never understood how the teaching of Islam which encourages solidarity, unity, …. contradicts national interest.
Pakistan is surrounded by states that have Muslims, surely a unity with them will only ENRICH Pakistan, bring PEACE; SECURITY & A FLOW OF INVESTMENT: there is no such thing as an Islamic danger – look at Libya/Iraq/Palestine/Yemen/Egypt/Bahrain/Somalia/….. and Pakistan the danger came from US/UK/France
from reading your comment.- one of my prayers for Haj has been answered-
Nisar Asif Chaudry
03. Nov, 2011
A very well written piece of opinion, the writer is right when he says that Imran Khan should listen to his followers and supporters and not the opportunists when it comes to planning for a prosperous Pakistan. Being an individual who takes keen interest in the energy sector, I would love to see what PTI has in its arsenal when it comes at tackling energy crisis of Pakistan. Pakistan is currently facing a shortfall of 5500MW of electricity. According to a report published by World Bank, 11 major hydel power projects are still under going appraisals and would be producing 9000MW but it would require an amount of US$ 16 billion to make such power plants running. I feel that the biggest challenge for PTI is to convince people of Pakistan that it would be able to overcome energy crisis in mimimal period of time so we could attract foreign investment.
03. Nov, 2011
I hope Imran IS ABLE to KNOW HOW the britshit got their power – slaughter, rape, steal, pillage from around the world. How can anyone with a grain of decency claim that this bastard nation has anything worth copying.
Because the Ummah – especially the sick uneducated tribal idiots self elected scumbag thugs cooperate, actively participate to destroy the Ummah the case in hand Libya – leaves the population with nothing hence the migration. Imran will have OUR support if he puts
Pakistan First
Ummah second
I applaud
He told them that no more army operations and drone attack. My input: Pakistan has paid a very high price for American savagery in ALL sense of the WORD.
After a longtime, a message was sent to India over Kashmir issue, he reiterated that after coming into power, he would extend all moral and political support to the freedom fighters of Jammu and Kashmir. India must remove her close to a million troops from Kashmir and the people of Kashmir must be given their fundamental rights
I am sorry but I think the non-Muslim inclusion is BS.
FP – ah not a place to discuss such a *hot topic* but he knows where to go to have a solid ground and it is not the occupied Arabia
A piece of GREAT wisdom from the children of EGYPT. these kids have formed a human chain around their town and do not allow anyone – MESSAGE: we DO NOT WANT ANY INTERFERENCE FROM ANYONE. WE DO NOT MIND BEING FACE BOOK FRIENDS
I would make a correction: do you really want to be FART book friend?
04. Nov, 2011
western mantra of tollerance BS. How many other stories like this and the brit genocide are not reported?
Distribute widely
KNOW YOUR friends
Discrimination and retalition for corporate interest: the story of a young black American
This company has a history of discrimination and they try to hide it by buying off people and the local law enforcement community to make sure that their schemes never make it to light. They have no problem with letting a select few African Americans make it to low level and midlevel management but they will not allow African Americans to achieve executive, director, or senior management levels. The community needs to be aware of what TD Ameritrade practices and come together to show them that we will not allow them to continue to function in our community while they mistreat and abuse African American employees. They are using their influence to try and frame me in a Tarrant county case #1199866 & 1235705.
My CID number was 771166 I was locked up from April 6th 2011 till about May 19th 2011. All one has to do is check the video surveillance for when I was locked up and you will see what transpired. The correction officers buzzed prisoners into my cell at least 10 times. In fact I had to manually hold my door close to prevent prisoners from coming in. I was pepper sprayed twice for no reason in an attempt to make me lose my cool so I can assault an officer and get more prison time.
03. Nov, 2011
For all those sceptics out there what is the alternative? Vote for the status quo? Or don't vote and wait for yet another military strongman? These two alternatives have been tested and retested and we know for sure that it hasn’t worked. With IK at least we know that he is not as corrupt as the other two alternatives. They had their time more than once and the result had been a total disappointment. Let’s think outside of the box and vote for a change. What could be the downside? That he will be a disappointment just like the others? For those who think he can’t win, I say; shouldn’t we make an effort and try? To those who say it’s a “one man show”, I say, wasn’t Z.A. Bhutto a ‘one man show’ as well? Bhutto’s ‘one man show’ was so powerful that people are still voting for the promises made by dead Bhutto. So my friends lets close our ranks and vote for Imran Khan. It’s our opportunity to vote for a change. In order for IK to succeed he’ll have to organize many such rallies throughout Pakistan. We’ll need to carry this message to Karachi where people are still hanging in with Altaf Hussain who has abandoned Pakistan and is controlling through his telephone. And to Multan and Sindh where people are still basically voting for the promises made by a dead man. Let’s help him get elected in whatever way we can; through participation in his rallies, by donating money to his campaign, or by simply writing on blogs to inspire people. YES WE CAN!!!!!
04. Nov, 2011
I think before you decide to take this rally nationwide get some sniffer dogs.
Lets do this right.
No planes allowed in Pakistani AIRSPACE
NO foreigners allowed to travel
No cars/bikes/trucks/buses where rallies planned
Pakistanis ARE intelligent people – stewards organise and the slogan should be Pakistani not that slimy, perfidious, frankenstein one
Jonathan Azaziah
04. Nov, 2011
"A message was sent to India over Kashmir issue, he reiterated that after coming into power, he would extend all moral and political support to the freedom fighters of Jammu and Kashmir. India must remove her close to a million troops from Kashmir and the people of Kashmir must be given their fundamental rights." Let us hope that his words can manifest as reality when or rather, if, he gets into office. I know that he has a lot of support in occupied Kashmir so we shall soon see if he is the real deal that he appears to be, insha'ALLAH khair. Fine work as always brother Raja!
~ Ziah
Saeed A Malik
11. Nov, 2011
Thank you Mujtaba, for a very well reasoned article. Many years ago I used to write. I was firmly convinced that corruption in high places will be the death of Pakistan. Corruption among the top leadership, is the mother of all evils. It ensures non implementation of all policies, no matter how good these policies are. It frays the moral fibre of a people. It destroys everything of intrinsic value. It starts from from destroying justice, and ends up destroying hope.When Musharraf decided to ride to glory on the puny shoulders of the Choudhrys of Gujrat, I stopped writing. It was for me the end of hope.
God willing, in Imran we will have the first leader in 55 years, free from the taint of ' haraam khori'. That in itself should bring multiple blessings in its wake. And perhaps national rejuvination will be one of these blessings.
Imran will now be relentlessly attacked by those whose castles he poses a threat to. They will try and destroy him. People like you will be his vanguard to ensure that this will not happen, and that our endlessly betrayed people will have another chance to live with dignity and with hope.