Generals warn Obama on Iran attack by Israel
Posted on 30. Nov, 2011 by Wayne Madsen in Mid East
By Wayne Madsen
Sources close to the White House have told WMR that the Obama administration has decided to embark on a neo-Cold War policy aimed at toppling the government of Iran while remaining ambivalent on an Israeli first strike on Iranian nuclear and military facilities. President Obama's reluctance to tell Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has resulted in a "generals' revolt" among senior Pentagon officers, according to our sources.
Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Marine Corps General James N. Mattis, the chief of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), have told Obama personally that he should tell Netanyahu that there absolutely cannot be an Israeli attack on Iran or it will put the lives of U.S. military personnel in the Gulf region and Afghanistan in great jeopardy. The generals argue that they need between 45 to 90 days to ramp up U.S. force protection measures in the Gulf region. WMR has also been told by knowledgeable sources that U.S. diplomats have told Iran via back channels that if Israel attacks Iran, it will not be with the approval or backing of the United States.
Obama's response to Dempsey and Mattis was not what they expected to hear. Obama said, "I have no say over Israel, it is a sovereign nation." As far as an Israeli surprise attack on Iran, Obama said he would not attempt to convince Israel beforehand to stop such a move, simply saying, "I'd like to be surprised."
Dempsey, Mattis, and other senior military commanders believe that Obama is derelict in his duty to protect U.S. military forces and is placing domestic presidential politics, vis a vis Jewish political support, ahead of the security of U.S. military personnel.
Obama has reportedly settled on a middle ground on two proposed policies on Iran: all-out support for an Israeli attack and a negotiated agreement with Iran. While withholding support for an Israeli attack on Iran, Obama has authorized stepped-up destabilization efforts against Iran's government.
WMR has also been informed that Obama's nominee as ambassador to Moscow, non-career diplomat and Democratic Party foreign policy wonk Michael McFaul, has the support of leading Zionist neo-conservatives from the George W. Bush administration and John McCain presidential campaign, including Eric Edelman, Randy Scheunemann, and Robert Kagan. Kagan is married to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Zionist press spokesperson Victoria Nuland, who also served as U.S. ambassador to NATO.
McFaul, whose nomination has been placed on hold by Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), over some Tennessee-specific issues, is seen as someone who will push a neo-con agenda on Russia that includes the ouster of Vladimir Putin and a return to political and financial power of Russian Jewish oligarchs like Mikhail Khodorkovsky, now jailed for tax evasion and fraud in Siberia. The anti-Russia NATO missile shield and Russia's threat to scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with the United States if construction on the shield continues is part of the neo-con agenda against Russia being carried out by Obama. In addition, a possible showdown between NATO and the Russian Navy over its Latakia, Syria naval base, is also designed to limit Russia's influence in the Mediterranean and Middle East.
Meanwhile, Obama has become increasingly isolated from the policy-making suties of the presidency, with more control over the White House being exercised by three women called the "3 Bs" by ex-White House chief of staff and current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel. The "3 Bs" refer to First Lady Michelle Obama, her mother Mary Robinson, and presidential counselor Valerie Jarrett — the "three bitches."
WMR has also learned that President Obama's policy toward Israel and Iran, Syria, and Russia is heavily influenced by four foreign unofficial "advisers" to the president: British Prime Minister David Cameron and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (on the Middle East), Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (on Syria and the "Arab Spring"), and former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev — through ambassador-designate McFaul — on relations with Russia.