US In “Bermuda Triangle”

Posted on 12. Oct, 2011 by in Afghanistan

A Way Out for You Uncle Sam

By Jawad Raza Khan

We have recently finished 10 years of US intervention in Afghanistan, in connection to a man hunt, and for chaining a socio-political ideology against the western world. Without wasting time on conspiracy theories and going into the details of gains and losses of Afghan occupation, it’s time to precisely evaluate situation in hand, especially on the eve of American planned withdrawal from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Strategic military philosophers will indeed agree to this point that withdrawal of troops from a lawless piece of land requires more deliberate planning then its occupation. If the required weightage is not given to this strategic move, the results coming up will resemble the troubled African lands and previous Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is quoted by a senior intelligence officer from Pakistan that even General Zia ul Haq the architect of Soviet defeat was was not in favour of immediate Soviet withdrawal after tough Afghan resistance, in fact, he was sensing anarchy in Afghanistan in the wake of immediate Soviet withdrawal and was foreseeing very serious implications on Pakistan. He opposed the Geneva accord without the participation of Afghan Mujahideen.

The situation, region and players are identical with US replacing Soviet Union in troubled Afghanistan now. US exit scenarios are recently discussed in high profile forum under a German Policy Research Institute Hanns Siedel Foundation in Islamabad. The most disturbing portion of the seminar was its conclusion, as it ended in more confusing state, then it was, before the start of the said activity. One thing which was appreciated, discussed and deduced very comprehensively was that Afghans alone must be given a chance to decide their future after the US exit from their homeland and that is certainly a very positive sign. On the other hand it is more than evident that in this global village, chain reactions of the international and regional powers cannot be ruled out in totality, especially in the presence of active, effective and importantly effected regional powers in the disturbed zone.

A Senior Taliban leader just after US invasion in 2001 addressed the west “yes! You have the clock but we have time”. The past 10 years have indeed shown the qualification of the said statement, as now US in complete confusion, has now planned its phased withdrawal in 2014. Correct assessment of situation right at the start of WOT launched by US forces, made Taliban to defend Mazar Sharif for more than three months but after the planned withdrawal  of Taliban it took only three days for Northern Alliance to reach Kabul.  Taliban withdrew in the face of sophisticated technology and supreme air power of US, as they were not capable to hold their troops together in a pitched battle scenario. Playing on their own strength, the guerilla warfare, Taliban withdrawn intact and has once again made the world realize that conflicts in Afghanistan are required to be seen with different goggles on.

Using ethnic divide of Afghanistan has not ever brought results for any military power as far as the dynamics of Afghanistan is concerned, US has certainly gave it yet another try by weaponing Northern Alliance with Tajiks given the lead role. On the other hand, critically observing the Afghans societal make up; these people have been living together since ages and it was only after Soviet Intervention which militarized the ethnic texture of the Afghan society.

Coming over to the US situation in the Quagmire; US forces are in control of 10% of Afghanistan with completely fragile situation in the red zone of Capital Kabul; The most important pillar of any insurgency operation “The security” has been outsourced to all war lords including Taliban; US is paying heavy amount to Afghan warlords including Taliban for the safety passage of their military supplies for their sustainability in Kabul; US has been forced to talk about negotiating with Taliban; Karzai has lost faith of his countrymen nearly in totality; US is on the verge of losing yet another strategic partner by involving in blame throwing against its top spy agency; Perception management is getting more and more difficult; Taliban gaining strength day by day; Elections in Afghanistan are recorded as more rigged than the previous one, no faith of Afghans on own institutions. The situation is even bleaker, if we keep the downward trend of US economy into perspective, with military failing to achieve some sort of control in the capital (Kabul) alone.

Every problem has the solution however, the right intent and correct mindset to pursue that intent is the pre-requisite to pass the bog. US administration needs to ask question within their selves to grow the appropriate catharsis. Is Taliban a political entity? If no why the most powerful Army in the world couldn’t do its job in 10 years? If yes, than why US wants to engage in a political dialogue with Taliban covertly, why not to declare a whole some unilateral cease fire in Afghanistan and then come on the negotiating table? Why not call for elections after getting the desired peace in the wake of the said cease fire? Why not to get UN support in getting Armies from Muslim world to monitor the fairness of the said elections? And why not to announce immediate withdrawal of US troops after handing over the power to the legal government of Afghanistan?

The only problem I see in this course of action is that US will be confessing its defeat in Afghanistan officially and that’s the only impediment troubling the self-esteem of world’s super power. While I was writing these lines I was updated by a news channel that Ms Hillary Clinton is ready to talk with all Afghan including Haqqanis. This statement is an endorsement on Pakistan’s correct perspective of Afghan turmoil, if this is right for US, how it can be fatal for Pakistan.

Truth has to be faced one day or the other, but, the problem here is very intelligently highlighted by ex-British Prime minister.  

Winston Churchill said "In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies". 

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9 Responses to “US In “Bermuda Triangle””


    13. Oct, 2011

    Well done! somebody has written something with thinking cap on. So many Americans visiting this article but not commenting vry strange. Is there any problem of freedom of speech!

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  2. Tiger Man

    13. Oct, 2011

    A balanced article showing a true pic. Not commenting or commenting is the preogative of th reader, but it does not mean that its not being read.

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    • sumbul

      13. Oct, 2011

      thanxs for the correction!….:)

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  3. J.C.

    13. Oct, 2011

    As you know as too well by now, America is a deeply sick and craven country. Sanctions against South Africa but MFN for China. China is our de facto banker. 20 million illegal aliens (many who work hard, are Catholic and decent people), and then there is the way America is busy exporting porn, war and debt.
    Then the fake Monopoly money they print up as if no one would notice. I would add Goldman Sachs taking over as the Fourth Branch of the government.
    Predator Drones. Police out control … stamping your forehead with a barcode everytime you want to use the toilet … the "home of the brave" is home to sheep who are afraid of the "terrorism boogeyman …"
    Add to that soldiers who rape and murder as they did to poor Abeer Hamza … who are these sick animals?
    As for the lost and unwinnable wars — no one believes the lies anymore.
    We want to be warriors for our culture, but really what is there to fight for? Abortion rights? Things that would make the people of Sodom blush? Easy divorce? Charlie Sheen? MTV? NFL and NBA and Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton?
    America is dying because our leaders are insane, have abandoned faith in the US and our youth has been raised by the 1960's Woodstock Generation who are pretty much into themselves. God has been cast out of society. Men worship themselves as God, even trying to clone humans and control the food chain through Monsanto of St. Louis fame …
    Fathers are no longer tough. Men are wimps. Women are scary. Look at all the fat people, the piercings and tattoos and the gang clothes …
    And what kind of men send women into combat?
    America has fallen … it is like a zombie stumbling around. Yes we have many decent people but we have lost control of the culture, the army, the government, the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank and all of the other important institutions. The Gramsci Strategy of Marxist control over the culture is now complete.
    Paul Craig Roberts, formerly of the Treasury Dept. and the Wall St Journal recently penned a column saying America's future is a nightmare and that all Americans who can leave the country must do so …
    What we have done to Iraq and Afghanistan, to the Afrikaners, to Rhodesia and so forth will return to US Soil in the form of race riots, the loss of our Dollar as the reserve currency, Aids, plagues, perhaps nuclear attack or terror and even worse things.
    It makes me sad to say all of this … but our nation is deeply, deeply sick and I am ashamed of what America has decayed into.
    I weep for our nation and apologize to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan for the insane delusions of our leaders. I am so, so sorry … May God forgive us.

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  4. J.C.

    13. Oct, 2011

    Sorry … I meant to start with … "As you know all too well by now …"

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  5. lee

    14. Oct, 2011

    you popups suck and ran me off your website….

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  6. Lyndle Gharst

    14. Oct, 2011

    The bear trap has become the eagle trap. Our Cryptacracy never learns from history. The Russians must be laughing their butts off at our stupidity. The Brits are twice as stupid as this is their second go around in Afghanistan. The costs of fighting for & defending IsraHELL can be very high, in blood, money, & humiliation.Type your comment here…

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  7. Labiba

    14. Oct, 2011

    A really good suggestion and a point to ponder upon for US but time is essence. The only observation is to study this hypothesis a little more than what it looks like on its face. With present state of OIC and existing brand of Muslim leaders, it may be difficult like fetching stars from the sky to sew them in a bead but yet not impossible. Dollars and threat can produce wonderful results. Those hungry for money would do anything for dollars and those with filled pockets do not have s….. in them. Both things can be done by USA, threat – no problem and dollars too, after all one has to just print few trillion more fake dollars. Core point is that Taliban (Afghans to be more precise) are akin to a lion in the cage that only recognize their poor slim master (The Muslim brotherhood) with a lash in his hand (The Quran being the only force and reason powerful enough to control their lives). Anybody with interests in Afghanistan like Pakistan, Iran and Iraq may be excluded in such a Muslim Force.
    USA is like last Mughal king waiting only for ultimate to happen. I hope its citizens don’t have to run around in disguise and to hide their nationality, to avoid shame and persecution in future. After all killings of millions human lives are on their hands. The only country to use atom bomb on humans, killer of millions of  humans throughout the world. A true hypocrite.

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  8. Laz

    14. Oct, 2011

    I'm American,
    Let's be honest, it isn't just my country involved in this global mess. European politicians want a one-world government and their banking elite have been forcing it down the United State's throat for over six decades. America and it's people have been used and abused for decades. Unfortunately everyone has to take a share of the blame, both Americans and Europeans. Isn't it true that Europeans (white peoples in general) rule the world? What about NATO? And the majority of western people are completely ignorant and believe almost anything their governments tell them.
    If we really wanted to help Afghani people then we would be building schools, roads and creating jobs for them. But that isn't our job to begin with, it's their job. We never should have invaded Afghanistan in the first place. The September 11th attacks were carried out by people who infiltrated the United States government and have been in control of the U.S. for a very long time. The same evil men are in control in Great Britain and other western nations. They finance both sides in a conflict, own pretty much every politician there is and want to destroy nationalism and bring us into their "global village" which will be nothing more then despotic, worldwide slave plantation.
    We need a New World Order, just not "their" New World Order. We need real freedom and to get it we're going to have to fight for it.

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