Quantum Note: Under the Shadow of a Deadly State

Posted on 27. Oct, 2011 by in Hot Topics

There is now only one conclusion which can be drawn: the United States of America is the epic center of global terror; its “democracy” is an illusion, a sham. Most of its citizens are not even concerned about what their government does elsewhere in the world,

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal

When the United States of American killed Anwar Awlaki, an American citizen living in Yemen, using a drone which found him far from any battlefield, no one was concerned about justice or even any process of justice. Now the greatest military power on earth has done the same to Abdul Rahman al-Awlaki, the 16-year-old son of Anwar Awlaki. When death came, he was at a barbecue, preparing to eat. Not many in America or elsewhere have shown interest in these two cases of illegal murder of its citizens by a state gone mad. Awlaki’s cousin and several other young people at the barbecue were also killed in the attack.

The Obama administration has not even called this loss of life a “collateral damage”; it has simply swept the entire episode under the carpet. It now seems that the US administration has unilaterally decided that it has authority to kill anyone anywhere in the world, without any due process, and without informing anyone, unless the news is leaked. This is not only the continuation of the worst strategies used during the Bush era; it is a much darker version of those policies.

One cannot even denounce these policies because there is no point left in doing so. There is now only one conclusion which can be drawn: the United States of America is the epic center of global terror; its “democracy” is an illusion, a sham. Most of its citizens are not even concerned about what their government does elsewhere in the world, and there is no hope left of any change in the present situation, because no matter which of the two parties wins the next election, the same darkness will continue to spread.

The U.S. government is literally on a rampage, continuously killing people in multiple countries around the world. What’s most striking about this is how America’s political and media elites have acquiesced to these illegal actions of their government. The government only needs to say, so and so is an al-Qaeda fighter or a terrorist and no one is bothered about what happens next. There may still be some Americans who find it abhorrent, but they do not count. If the American media announces similar stories from other countries, most Americans would feel outrageously self-righteous and condemn those governments, but when it comes to their own government routinely zapping innocent teenagers, children, women and men out of existence, using sky robots, one never hears a public outcry. The U.S. has done this so often and for so long that most of the citizenry has learned to pretend that this does not happen or is justified.

Thus, we now live under the shadow of a deadly state which has technological capability to extinguish any life anywhere in the world. It has no qualms about legality of such killings and there is not a single state, organization, or institution that can stop this state from committing these crimes against humanity. Such is the global horror and darkness of the shadow that extends from Washington DC all the way to the deserts of Yemen. This is the real heart of darkness, the ultimate horror, the complete descent of humanity into inhumanity—a unipolar world in which the distinction between justice and injustice has disappeared.

The descent of this deadly state has been gradual. Of course, 9/11 remains a watershed, but one must not forget the long history of this terror prior to this date: the banana republics of South America, the economic strangulation of communities by the American corporations, and the well-documented war crimes in Vietnam. All of this is a testimony to the growth of a deadly state that has now turned its attention toward Muslims around the world. What lies ahead is not difficult to predict: the law of jungle dictates that wolfs will remain wolfs and the goats will never find a respite. The laws of history, however, foretell a different future.

There is always a day of reckoning for terrorists, whether they are individuals or states. Human beings can descent into inhumanity, but they cannot extinguish the light of truth and justice, no matter how dark their crimes become. This law of history has been operational ever since the dawn of humanity and there is no reason to believe that American technological power has any way to alter it. There has been no individual or state on earth which has been allowed to transgress against the sanctity of life for an indefinite period.

In the short term, however, there is no respite from the terrors of this deadly state which has taken on the habit of killing its own teenage citizens in distant lands. Seen from this short-term perspective, there is no reason to believe that Pakistan’s northwest will remain immune to this terror for long. All signs point to a long-term presence of drones over Pakistan’s skies. The United States of America has no way out of the Afghan quagmire and as long as its soldiers remain on rampage on the Afghan soil, it will have drones in the area and as long as these deadly weapons are present, lives of teen age boys, innocent babies and old women will remain under the shadow of death.

There might not be any solace for those whose beloved sons and grandsons have been killed by drones except in the grand scheme of things. In the long run, however, there is no doubt that justice will prevail, here and in the Hereafter. One can at least draw solace in this pitch darkness from this time-tested, ever-present decree of the One who gives life and Who takes it away.

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12 Responses to “Quantum Note: Under the Shadow of a Deadly State”

  1. K H Malik

    27. Oct, 2011

    Why complain, because it was by the world and especially by the Moslims world, that it was coming, and it will continue, the 3rd WWW has begun in real after 1989, because they did not have any other target to work on it, Only the Moslims were easy subject, China and Russia, can put their feet on the tail, but Moslims, oh..oh…, they cannot even move their bodies from the comfort of their luxury lives, sure easy , very easy target. Now don't complain, think ahead, get some knowledge about the future and work on it, because this time the chain of slavery is going to be very long and heavy, under the shadow of so-called DEMO CRAZY.

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  2. [...] Muzaffar Iqbal Opinion Maker October 28, [...]

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  3. Joe

    28. Oct, 2011

    1. Americans don't care because of the strategic operation of the education system, the mainstream media and more importantly, the entertainment industry.  Americans are dumbed down, kept stupid and distracted by these systems in order to allow the US government to do what it wants and get away with what it does.
    2. Yemen? They allowed it.  They are complicit as well.  All of these Arab nations have been and are being divided and conquered.  The Westerns are doing in these semitic lands what they have done in the Americans to to pit one tribe against the other.
    Educate yourselves and your fellow man.  Wake up and stop participating.

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  4. Joe

    28. Oct, 2011

    Let's not forget to note that Anwar Awlaki was a guest for dinner at the Pentagon.  He was a stooge for the CIA in their propped up war on terror. AL-CIA-DA is a function of the US Government.  This is all a part of their inside job.  Don't forget that.
    No statements about Anwar Awlaki should be devoid of this.  False flag terror. State sponsored terror.  The Islamic/Muslim population needs to stop allowing itself to be used as lackies for the Anglo-Western Military/Intelligence establishment.

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  5. [...] Muzaffar IqbalOpinion Maker October 28, [...]

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  7. [...] https://opinion-maker.org/2011/10/quantum-note-under-the-shadow-of-a-deadly-state/ Advertise with SwamySez Posted in Recent Post SHARE THIS Twitter Facebook Delicious StumbleUpon E-mail Similar posts [...]

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  8. mountainHome

    29. Oct, 2011

    "…we have acquired the face of our adversary…." is what my old college professor  once said.  We are as bad and ugly and mean as our enemy to the point there is no difference between the two.

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  9. [...] Muzaffar Iqbal Opinion Maker October 28, [...]

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  10. JediMobius

    30. Oct, 2011

    As an American citizen, I'm still upset that our government did not even attempt to CAPTURE Osama Bin Ladin and try him. Our democracy IS and illusion, our government IS a sham, and our citizens are asleep while their country has been at war around the world for decades.

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  11. [...] Muzaffar Iqbal Opinion Maker October 28, [...]

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  12. old grandma

    03. Nov, 2011

    The majority of Americans want peace, Obama was elected because he promised to end the wars & close Guntanamo. 911 was an inside job & the US needs to get out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan & every other country they are occupying. The Israel controlled pentagon is controlling the politicians, who act like they are drugged. Our major TV news stations spew out the most ridicules lies. Most people here know fox news is hate & lies & is considered a joke. Our US leaders are criminal psychopaths & most are guilty of war crimes. The military & ex military veterans are leading the peace protests here because they know more than anybody that war is wrong. I am so sorry what our war criminal leaders are doing to your country & every other country they are invading. Their day of judgement is coming soon. 

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