OBL’s Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash
Posted on 30. Oct, 2011 by Ghayur Ayub in War On Terror
The helicopter crash at Abbottabad is akin to the fall of building 7 at New York.
By Dr Ghayur Ayub

The tail of US helicopter at Osama compound
The death of OBL added another scepticism about the man whose whole life spiraled around skeptic stories. Someone rightly said 'all information about bin Laden should be treated with a healthy dose of scepticism'. Even President Obama gave it a sceptic touch when he used the term 'remains' instead of 'body' in his news breaking announcement when he said 'the military took custody of his remains'. Scepticism reached its peak on the night he was supposedly killed in a compound in Abbottabad. Enough is written on the subject in a short span of time. But in the whole episode, the crash of the helicopter was not given its due importance. All we heard was that one helicopter had crashed giving no details except that there were no casualties.
Its relevance is as important in the incidence as the relevance of Building 7 in the collapse of the Twin Towers. As the answer to the collapse of the Twin Towers lies in the answer to the collapse of Building 7; similarly, the crux of May 2nd episode is in the crash of the helicopter. Before coming to this point, let us see what the Americans didn't find in the compound where OBL supposedly lived.
We are told that he suffered from the following infirmities;
1), Chronic Renal disease; there have been CIA reports along with other identical reports that bin Laden required dialysis because of kidney disease. It was corroborated by President Pervez Musharraf in 2002.
2), Marfan Syndrome; reports also mention that he suffered from Marfan Syndrome which affects the heart valves.
3), Cardiomegaly (Enlarged heart); this condition was mentioned in a CIA report. It was most probably caused by the torn or diseased heart valves.
4), Diabetes, Hypotension (low blood pressure); A biography, published in Egypt in 1991 reported that OBL suffered from low blood pressure and diabetes. The report also mentioned he received insulin shots for diabetes.
5), Injuries; all his life he received injuries from toes to back onto chest and neck. A video tape released in December 2001 showed intelligence officers saying “he had suffered a severe chest wound”. According to Katzman, “he wasn't able to move his arm much” because of a shrapnel wound. Time Magazine (July 1, 2002) mentioned “he probably suffers from secondary osteoporosis” There had been other reports confirming the injuries. That could have been the reason he used walking stick.
With this track record he had to keep the relevant medicines and dialyzing machine at home especially the latter to avoid risking been tracked down. On May 2, 2011, he was ambushed and supposedly killed at his home. A few days later, we were shown blood stained floors, furniture and one or two dead bodies. Mary Anne Weaver, the author of “Pakistan: Deep Inside the World's Most Frightening State” stated,' according to the intelligence people I've talked to in Washington, there was no evidence of a dialysis machine in the compound' The exclusive video obtained by ABC News inside the compound also did not show any evidence of dialysis equipment. All the video showed was the medication bottles containing petroleum jelly, eye drops, olive oil, sunflower oil, an antiseptic and a nasal spray. There were no pain killers or medicines for kidney disease, low blood pressure, diabetes or the other conditions he suffered from.
Does it mean that the Navy Seals did not do their job properly and failed to search all the rooms? That is unlikely for the training they have for such jobs. Not finding the medicines and dialyzing machine opens up a big question of validity. Secondly, the whole episode was shown live in the White House to President Obama and his team. We were told OBL's dead body was not shown because of the disfigurement. But they could have shown him just before he was shot to confirm that they got him in the compound. Not showing 'a dead or alive' Osama in the compound created yet another scepticism and raising a genuine question whether OBL was in the compound. If he wasn't there; then where was he?
In February, 2004, Iranian state radio claimed, “Osama bin Laden was arrested a long time ago, but Bush is intending to use it for propaganda maneuvering in the presidential election,” According to another report Osama bin Laden died of kidney failure soon after the September 11, 2001 attacks. In 2002, the FBI’s top counter terrorism official, Dale Watson said, “I personally think he is probably not with us any more.” A Taliban leader told the Pakistan Observer on December 21, 2002, that Bin Laden died in mid-December in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honourably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief. Similar news was reported by Fox News. Alex Jones was told live on the radio in 2002 by high-level Council on Foreign Relations members that Osama Bin Laden had died of kidney failure in early 2002. According to, Benazir Bhutto Osama bin Laden had been killed by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh. Another report stated that he died in an area so remote near Tora Bora that the best intelligence could not find him. Hundreds of reports from all over the world pointed towards his death. Had he been living, it would have been impossible not to track him because of his chronic diseases and dialysing procedures. This point was rightly raised by Adil Najam, professor of international relations at Boston University who stated that 'the need for medical treatment could have made it easier for the Americans to track him down'.
With this background, the crash of the American helicopter becomes important for the following reasons;
- The wreckage became a proof or a signature that it was an American operation confirming the death of already dead OBL.
- Without the wreckage the operation could have been taken as Pak army's.
- The wreckage distanced Pak army/ISI from the operation to degrade army/ISI and upgrade Navy Seals.
- The wreckage brought down the image of army/ISI (one of the objectives of CIA) in the eyes of the public.
- The wreckage must have had blood from injuries of the pilots and other occupants if it was a real crash.
The army experts who took away the wreckage must have found the cause of the crash and the evidence of blood etc using forensic techniques.
They must have found the evidence whether the helicopter was brought down deliberately by the Americans, as we know that except for it's tail section the rest was destroyed by the Seals.
Finally, each of the two UH-60 Black Hawks used for the attack can carry 11 troops with equipment and lift 2,600 lb (1,170 kg) of cargo internally. How were the occupants of two helicopters evacuated by one helicopter unless the crashed helicopter was empty and the crash landing was part of the plan.
We saw that the Americans moved fast to collect the wreckage 'fearing' that Pakistan might let Chinese examine it and expose its stealth technology. But there could be other reason than technology falling in wrong hands. To me the helicopter crash at Abbottabad is akin to the fall of building 7 at New York.
30. Oct, 2011
"Secondly, the whole episode was shown live in the White House to President Obama and his team. " Actually, the White House quickly admitted that the feed was cut off for over 20 minutes shortly after the landing of the helicopter, and that nobody in the White House saw anything but a blank, black screen. See http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/al-qaeda/8493391/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-Blackout-during-raid-on-bin-Laden-compound.html
OBL's Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash | Opinion Maker | Where Is Osama Bin Laden's Dead Body
30. Oct, 2011
[...] Home: OBL's Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash | Opinion Maker Posted under: Osma Death New Comment (RSS) [...]
31. Oct, 2011
you are a very amusing person vierotchka, you have a video on your blog titled Pamela Meyers: how to spot a liar. may i respectfully suggest you watch and read your own blog. man dont you feel bad when people hang themselves with their own keyboard?
31. Oct, 2011
9/11 was an inside job. The guy to blame it on is enjoying life somewhere in Texas. The rest is just Myth.
31. Oct, 2011
I have heard that the helicopter that crashed was deliberately destroyed so that there would be no witnesses to OBL's supposed death in Abbottabad. The house actually belonged to someone else and neighbours who were interviewed by Pakistani journalists reported that they never heard any Arabic spoken in the building.
jaime bondoc
31. Oct, 2011
Type your comment here…All the navy seals in that crash died, their bodies retrieved by the Americans, later to be scattered in Afghanistan to make it appear they died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
OBL died a long time ago, and his capture in Pakistan was a fake.
31. Oct, 2011
As you are amedical person no doubt you will find it interesting
msm presstitude in my part f the world claim:
He recovered from kidney problems, diabetes, health problems……
He never suffered from ANY health problems. the pesky mozlem like to lie about everything – this I find absolutely amazing because the information is from THEIR "bible" of atrocity al-cia.doh
I am very much interested in the first – "RECOVERED" how? I am sure that the lord carey characters would be on the internet yaking about how THEY cured All the health problems of the WORLD
because diabetes is none as a silent killer and this is on a steep rise……
But you as medical person knows only too WELL that one health problem especially of one of the most important vital organ brings many complicationsand life expetancy is harshly reduced
Let them fool their insane barbarians who are fed perfidy we can walk away with what a lot of "revolting, disgusting, insane, butcher, thugs, evil, vile scum …….
31. Oct, 2011
No body, no videos , no pictures, no witnesses that can speak. Oh sure, we believe the "mainstream" media liars. Does anyone think the military would not parade the body around like they did Saddams? They love their trophies and will NOT be denied the victory parade if real.
This is another US/Israel hoax.
OBL's Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash | United States & Pakistan. An Undeclared War ? | Scoop.it
31. Oct, 2011
[...] OBL's Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash The helicopter crash at Abbottabad is akin to the fall of building 7 at New York. [...]
31. Oct, 2011
I knew before the Seals crashed that something tragic would happen. When you realize how things really are you can almost pridict the next step. These men??? in all governments should be profoundly ashamed of themselves and quit their positions. THEY are the useless eaters!!!!
31. Oct, 2011
Timeline of events….Trump calls Obama a Kenyan, Jerome Corsi releases birther book exposing Obama as a fraud…Obama releases birth certificate to press, posts on whitehouse.gov…..Expert to amatuer Adobe software users prove the birth certificate has been transposed and doctored up, fraud status confirmed….Whitehouse.gov removes birth certificate…Obama plays his "ace" card to distract media/public etc. by killing a ghost who died 9 years earlier (he probably would have done that about a month before the 2012 election had Corsi's book not come out)….Navy Seals are praised in media, still people skeptical about lack of proof….All Navy Seals responsible for OBL's death are sent on a mission in the same helicopter which gets shot down, there are no loose ends.
I think that sums up the months of Arpil, May and June 2011. Any questions? Class dismissed.
01. Nov, 2011
I think most thinking men that both, the 9/11 and the 2nd May incident were stage-managed. but what can we do when our viceroys like Musharaf and Gillani (and a host of others) are bent upon vindicating the US story
01. Nov, 2011
It is not a helicopter at all. It was a remote "suicide" drone. There is no "rest of the helicopter" it was merely a propellor driven pilotless spy craft with two wings, called an Aerobat. Similar to cruise missle technology, except it can remain motionless, this suicide drone was used to kill the outside guards, and to cause a major noise disturbance drawing the rest of security to see what happened. These rushing security guards were sitting ducks for our elite forces at that point. Supressors were used on the seals weapons to further ensure stealth protection. The Aerobat technology is a like a scalpel. Very surgical, and precisely flown into targets. It was not detonated because it would of caused friendly casualties.
Government Lies and Coverups - PECAN Group | PECAN Group
01. Nov, 2011
[...] SOURCE Send to FacebookPlease Link to PECAN!Spread the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you free!http://pecangroup.org/archives/5050" >Government Lies and Coverups Posts Related to Government Lies and Coverups [Translate] Tagged with: coverup • helicopter crash • navy seals • Obama • obl • osama bin laden • terror • war on terror [...]
01. Nov, 2011
Bin Laden who had nothing to do with the Neocon/Zionist inside job of 9/11, died in late 2001, a fairly well reported fact in the following few years, and the string of laughable phony tapes which emerged thereafter made it even more obvious. I noticed the complete absence of a dialysis machine at the Abbatobad compound and the burial at sea was a transparent ruse to hide the proof it was not OBL.
Howard T. Lewis III
02. Nov, 2011
This BO bit of wanker foreign policy was the lowest and most psychopathic in the annuls of our country's history. OBL died of kidney failure 10 years ago and this relative or clone was murdered so Hillary could get up in front of the cameras and lie about it for 14 minutes straight. Shame. It took the lives of a dozen American soldiers and destroyed ANY credibility with anyone older than 12 years old.
Choo Hader
02. Nov, 2011
WHO CARES?!?!?!? We all know the whole 911 myth is a LIE. A criminal false flag hoax. So spending one second on OBL is just spltiing hairs and jerking yourself off.
Howard T. Lewis III
07. Nov, 2011
Seeing the photo of 'the white House concerned staff' watching a blank TV screen and watching and listening to Hillary lie for 14 minutes straight about rekilling a man who had been dead for ten years was a bit much. TV has got Americans willing to accept the vision of their dead grandmother climbing up their leg with a knife clenched in her teeth. The sheeple are too far gone to consider their own mortality and vulnerability in bad times.