Max Puts the Boot into Pakistan
Posted on 07. Oct, 2011 by Maidhc O Cathail in Af-Pak
Pro-Israeli hawk urges U.S. to “get tough” with sole Islamic nuclear power
By Maidhc Ó Cathail

Kabul bombing
While much attention has been paid to Admiral Mike Mullen’s allegations that Pakistan’s ISI was behind recent attacks on American targets in Afghanistan attributed to the Haqqani network, the subsequent call by an influential neoconservative pundit for the United States to “get tough with Pakistan” seems to have gone unnoticed.
Writing this week in two of the neoconservative flagship outlets, Commentary and The Weekly Standard, Max Boot argues for a more aggressive U.S. approach to Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency. “I suggest we start treating Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency the way we treated Iran’s Quds Force in Iraq,” Boot opines in Commentary, an influential magazine founded by the American Jewish Committee, a key component of the pro-Israel lobby. “That is to say, apply the full range of our power–everything from diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, to kinetic military action–to curb the menace posed by this group.”
Currently a senior fellow in national security studies at the influential Council on Foreign Relations, Max Boot clearly has the kind of influence that could turn his not-so-humble suggestion into American policy. In March 2010, General David Petraeus, then head of U.S. Central Command, turned to Boot for help when some articles appeared in the American media noting that Petraeus’s testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee implied that Washington’s uncritical support of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians was hurting U.S. interests in the region.
Petraeus forwarded one of the articles to Boot, with a note saying, “As you know, I didn’t say that. It’s in a written submission for the record….” In his reply, Boot dismissed the source’s credibility, but promised Petraeus that he would write “another short item pointing people to what you actually said as opposed to what’s in the posture statement.” Appreciative, but clearly still concerned to ingratiate himself with Israel’s powerful supporters, six minutes later Petraeus wrote back: “Thx, Max. (Does it help if folks know that I hosted Elie Wiesel and his wife at our quarters last Sun night?! And that I will be the speaker at the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps in mid-Apr at the Capitol Dome…).” When the Russian-born Jewish writer assured the four-star general that this wasn’t relevant since he wasn’t being accused of being anti-Semitic, a relieved Petraeus signed off with a “Roger!” followed by a smiley emoticon.
The embarrassing spectacle of one of America’s most eminent military commanders seeing fit to grovel in such a demeaning way before a young pro-Israeli hack would surely have ended General Petraeus’s career in Washington before it began if the American public had been made aware of the incident. The Israel-centric U.S. media, however, chose to studiously ignore the revealing Petraeus-Boot correspondence. As a consequence of the media’s silence, the servile Petraeus is currently director of the CIA, overseeing the murderous drone strikes which are predictably enraging the Pakistani people; while his self-assured confidant is goading American policy-makers from his safe perch at the neocons’ primary warmongering media outlets to escalate such provocative policies against the world’s sole Islamic nuclear power–a country which, not insignificantly, has been designated as Israel’s greatest strategic threat by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.
While most Americans remain oblivious to the crimes being committed in their names around the world, those concerned about Pakistan’s security would do well to remember that what’s on the pages of Commentary and The Weekly Standard one day will most likely be on the lips of the Israel lobby’s compliant Congressmen and Pentagon and White House officials the next.
07. Oct, 2011
It has always been about Israel's aggression and its use of USA/Nato power to eliminate its perceived future threats. Since Israel has plans to start a big war to expand its boundaries (greater Isreal), it is trying its best to have its proxies pave the way for the future war of aggression in the middle East. All the wars are being fought for the benefit of Israel while it is not contributing a penny or soldier instead getting billions in aid, very very clever indeed!
07. Oct, 2011
Its nothing about Israel. Its just about pitting modern progress against 7th Century ideology. Which will triumph? Its a battle between a culture that will put all its women behind veils and call it "chastity" versus a culture that wears utilitarian workday clothes. Its a clash between freedom of thought and expression versus emphasis on a utopian "Caliphate".
08. Oct, 2011
Afghanistan’s intelligent agency Khadamat-e-Etelaat (KHAD) is trained and armed by CIA-Mossad-RAW. Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI has become a stumbling block to CIA-Mossad-RAW-KHAD terrorist activities and thus is being demonized by ZOGs and western press. On December 14, 2008, Senator John Kerry told Indian Express in New Delhi that ISI must be tightly controlled and not allowed to act independently…….