Dengue, Pakistan and CIA
Posted on 15. Oct, 2011 by Syed Haroon Haider Gilani in Pak-US Relations
A Conspiracy Theory of Biological Attack on Pakistan
By Syed Haroon Haider Gilani
On September 27, 2011 Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) have asked the security agencies to probe into the deliberate spread of Dengue virus into Pakistan (Pakistan Observer, 2011). The demand of doctors has spread across the globe immediately and in Pakistan it has been creating massive anti-American sentiments because the public perception that dengue is being used as an agent of Biological warfare to kill or threaten the Nation besides Drone attacks and other deadly covert operations. By the end of September 2011, about 12,000 people were affected of the disease. Due to the sudden and rapid spread of the disease, “In less than a month, 126 people have died and more than 12,000 have been diagnosed with the virus, which has spread rapidly among both rich and poor in Pakistan's cultural capital Lahore” (Gilani, 2011) while as of today, total number of dengue patients is 16,288 with 201 deaths so far in Punjab province of Pakistan.
During the 19th century, dengue outbreaks were common in port cities of the Caribbean, and in North, Central, and South America. The etiology of these outbreaks is unknown. The public health history of the 20th century is one of mounting pressure against A. aegypti, beginning with the campaigns in Cuba during the Spanish American war, in Panama during construction of the Canal, in Brazil with the work of Oswaldo Cruz, and the key city strategy of the Rockefeller Foundation. These efforts culminated in the 1950s with eradication campaigns mounted by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
Possibly as a result of these efforts, only a single dengue virus seems to have remained in circulation by the middle of the 20th century. This virus, American genotype DENV-2 (genotype V), was recovered in 1953 in Trinidad and Tobago from a patient with DF. Despite the absence of Dengue Fever outbreak at the time, DENV-2-neutralizing antibodies were highly prevalent in sera obtained from residents born before World War II. DENV-2-neutralizing antibodies have also been found in this same age group in residents of Cuba and Panama. This widespread prevalence of DENV-2 antibodies correlates with the large number of Dengue Fever outbreaks reported early in the 20th century (Halstead, 2006).
In spring 1963, with the relaxation of intensive vector control, the Western Hemisphere experienced its first dengue importation, in Jamaica. This epidemic was caused by DENV-3 genotype V, a virus of Asian origin. By August 1963, cases were observed in Puerto Rico, and over the subsequent six months the disease spread throughout the Caribbean islands and to Venezuela. Both DENV-2 and -3 were transmitted in much of that area for at least the following 15 years. For example, there was a sharp outbreak of classical DF due to DENV-2 in Puerto Rico in 1969. Many cases were accompanied by a secondary-type dengue antibody response. There was endemic DENV-2 transmission in Puerto Rico from 1970 to 1977, and the same virus produced large outbreaks of DF in Colombia in 1968–1969 and 1975–1976, and in Venezuela in 1969, all producing disease in adults.
In all these countries during this period, infections must have occurred in the sequence of American genotype DENV-2 followed by DENV-3, and vice versa (Halstead, 2006). The majority of the areas, the ground zero for dengue was in Japanese control and was targeted by the Allied forces, particularly by US with Biological warfare. Spread of Dengue was the objective to infect the enemy on large scale and for longer periods.
In 1967, Science Magazine reported that at the US government center in Fort Detrick, Maryland, dengue fever was among those diseases that are at least the object of considerable research and that appears to be among those regarded as potential BW (biological warfare) agents (Blum, 2003, p. 189). Before discussing the reasons for dengue as choice for CIA as biological warfare agent, we see the intellectual opinion and potential of dengue as being a biological warfare agent.
Dengue fever is a potentially fatal, mosquito borne viral disease. Although dengue, with its severe, flu like symptoms, rarely caused death before twentieth century, dengue hemorrhagic fever, a potentially lethal complication, has become a leading cause of admission to hospital and death among children in several tropical and subtropical countries. Vaccine development for dengue has been difficult because this disease can be caused by one of four related viruses and unless a vaccine can protect against all four, the vaccine could possibly the risk of the more serious variant, dengue hemorrhagic fever (World Health Organization (WHO), 2009). It makes dengue a potential agent because of dengue being practically incurable in advance and complicated to treat, highly deadly, devastating and rapidly spreading.
US Biological Warfare Programs and Dengue
In 1942, The War Research Service is created to find a US biological warfare program in response to the rumors of German and Japanese biological warfare programs during World Wars. The war spread dengue viruses among combatants and civilians alike throughout Asia and the Pacific Basin. The destruction of cities, the need to house refugees, and the abandonment of the colonial system resulted in enormously increased populations of A. aegypti. Population growth in cities resulted in increased numbers of human hosts for dengue infection, with the outcome that all four dengue viruses became endemic. The onset of the modern pandemic of DHF/DSS was documented as early as 1950 in Bangkok, Thailand, but was first reported in print in the Philippines in 1954 (Halstead, 2006).
Soon the terms “Philippine” and “Thai hemorrhagic fever” were in use. By 1958, dengue viruses were established as the etiology of this severe disease. In the 1960s in Thailand, the modal age of children with DHF admitted to the hospital was 5 years, and cases in adults were unknown. At that time, the average annual dengue infection rate was estimated at 15% per year, with 50% of children experiencing one or more dengue infections by age 5 years, while nearly all 20-year-olds had antibodies to all four dengue viruses (Halstead, 2006).
Dengue and Cuba and Nicaragua
In 1984, it was testified by a Cuban exile in New York that in 1980, a ship travelled from Florida to Cuba with “a mission to carry some germs to introduce them in Cuba to be used against the Soviets and against Cuban Economy, to begin what was called chemical war, which later on produced that was not what we had expected, because we thought that it was going to be used against the Soviet Forces, and it was used against our own people, and with that we did not agree” (Blum, 2003, p. 189). Between May-to-October 1981, some 158 people were dead of which 101 were children with age less than 15 (Blum, 2003), while number of affected people was 350,000 to 500,000 (The News and Courier, 1983). “Fidel Castro, the Cuban leader, publicly suggested that the Central Intelligence Agency had deliberately introduced a new strain of dengue fever, known to medical authorities as dengue 2, into Cuba” (The New York Times, 1982). The impacts of the warfare were catastrophic for the economy of Cuba that was flourishing from its Sugar export and surplus in budgets (Barry S. Levy, 2000). Since then 2 million cases were reported in the region, with countries such as El Salvador and Ecuador in 2000 and Venezuela in 2001 declaring national state of emergency (Joseph R Biden, 2003, p. 57). On August 2001, Venezuela’s president (A top US opposition and enemy) declared a National emergency after the dengue’s lethal form attacking the nation’s 24,000 citizen (Joseph R Biden, 2003, p. 74).
On May 1981, at the Boyeros municipality in the Cuban capital, reports began of people sick with fever, ocular, abdominal and muscular pains, rashes, cephalalgia and asthenia frequently accompanied by multiple bleeding with different degrees of severity. A few days later, there was an outbreak of similar cases in the provinces of Cienfuegos, Holguin and Villa Clara, by then rapidly extending to the rest of the country.
The initial studies demonstrated that the first cases had appeared simultaneously in three places on the island at a distance of more than 300 kilometers one from the other. There was no epidemiological explanation that would allow interpreting these incidents as a natural infection. Laboratory studies confirmed that the etiological agent was the dengue type 2 virus. The fact that the virus showed up unexpectedly, when no dengue-2 epidemic activity had been reported in the American continent or in any country with which Cuba had a significant exchange of personnel, as well as, its simultaneous appearance in different regions of the country are elements that back up the studies carried out by Cuban scientists of acknowledged prestige, with the co-operation of foreign scientists highly specialized in detecting and fighting biological aggression.
The exhaustive research and studies carried out led to the evidence that agents at the service of the U.S. government deliberately introduced the epidemic in the national territory. American experts in biological warfare had been the only ones who had obtained a variety of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, very much associated with the transmission of the type 2 dengue virus, according to a statement by Colonel Phillip Russell in the 14th International Congress on the Pacific Ocean, held in 1979, only two years before the outbreak of the brutal epidemic in Cuba.
It is significant that, in 1975 American scientist Charles Henry Calisher, on a visit to Cuba took an interest in, and obtained information on, the existence of antibodies to dengue in the Cuban population and the non-existence in the population, in at least 45 years, of antibodies for the type 2 dengue virus. In the trial held in the United States in 1984 against Eduardo Arocena, a ringleader of the terrorist organization Omega-7, he publicly confessed to having introduced germs into Cuba and admitted that hemorrhagic dengue fever had been introduced in the island through related groups of Cuban origin, based in the United States.
Whether or not the confession is true made by the leader of the well-known terrorist organization Omega 7 about the groups used to introduce hemorrhagic dengue fever in Cuba, we have exhaustively explained and demonstrated here who those groups were, who organized them and in whose service they were acting. Furthermore, the U.S. army had reported the existence of a vaccine that included protection against dengue-2, which was applied to the population inside Guantanamo Naval Base. Of course, not a single case affected by the disease was recorded in that military enclave while the epidemic hit the rest of the island's territory without exception.
From November 18 to 20 and on December 2, 9, 18 and 19, 1969, during the 91st U.S. Congress, a hearing was held to analyze alleged plans concerning the use of biological warfare against Cuba. The following dialogue took place in that session:
"Mr. Fraser: It has been said the United States was prepared to use biological agents with regard to the invasion of Cuba. Can you tell us whether that is true?
"Mr. Pickering: I just have no knowledge of that.
"Mr. Fraser: Has anyone here any information on that question? (No response.)
"Mr. Pickering: I have seen the discussions of this subject in the press.
"Mr. McCarthy: I would say the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is familiar with the incidents alluded to and there are people in the Government who know what the record is, present and past. I know the information is available in your records."
The use of insects to transmit diseases has been carefully studied in Fort Detrick. A journalist reported that the insect inventory at Fort Detrick in 1959 included mosquitoes infected with yellow fever, malaria and dengue; fleas infected with plague; ticks with tularemia, relapsing fever and Colorado fever; and houseflies infected with cholera, anthrax and dysentery.
According to data released by the United States army some 20 years ago, on July 1958, the Center for Bacteriological Weapons of the US Ground Forces conducted experiments with Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which carried yellow fever. These experiments were carried out on a landing ground in the state of Florida. The swarm of mosquitoes –not infected, of course– and made up of approximately 600,000 specimens was dispersed over the landing ground from a plane. The results of the research showed that, in one day, the mosquitoes could reach distances of 1.6 to 3.2 kilometers and bit many people and that the Aedes aegypti had great potential to carry yellow fever over long distances.
On October 29, 1980, a press dispatch from Washington reported that:
"…The US government seriously considered using yellow-fever mosquitoes against the Soviet Union in 1956. "Declassified military documents released today state that the US Army considered using Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to spread yellow fever inside the USSR. …
"At Fort Detrick, Maryland, experiments are being carried out with millions of yellow-fever mosquitoes. These laboratories can produce half a million mosquitoes every month, and work on a new plant designed by the Army, with a capacity for 130 million mosquitoes a month, is about to begin…."
"The declassified documents assert that the possible aggression against the USSR is based on the Soviet Union's inability to implement a program of massive immunization against such a mosquito attack."
This was the case with a great power, located at a great distance and in a vast territory, with which the United States was not at war. However, it toyed with the idea of silent biological sabotage. The following may serve as a background to explain what happened in Cuba. The Miami Herald newspaper, which cannot be suspected of friendliness toward Cuba, published on September 1st, 1981 an article, which read:
"WASHINGTON. The pompous statement by Fidel Castro that the 'harmful plagues' that are destroying crops and animals in Cuba and the dengue fever epidemic that has brought about the death of over 100 people in the island are the doings of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) does not seem inconceivable to the authors of a new book that shall be put out this autumn.
"William W. Turner, former agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and journalist Warren Hinckle, state that the United States used biological warfare against Cuba during the Nixon administration.
"The authors argue that the CIA has committed the United States to a secret, undeclared and illegal war against Cuba for more than twenty years. The so-called Cuban Project is the largest and least known operated by the CIA outside the legal limits of its statutes, they say.
"The history of the Cuban Project is the history of an important US war not declared by Congress, not acknowledged by Washington, and not reported in the press."
Before that, a UPI cable dated in Washington on January 9, 1977 reported the following:
"Newsday, a Long Island (New York) newspaper said that at least with the tacit support of the CIA, agents related to anti-Castro terrorists introduced the African swine fever virus in Cuba in 1971.
"Six weeks later, an outbreak of the disease forced Cuban sanitary authorities to sacrifice 500,000 pigs in order to avoid an animal epidemic of national proportions.
"An unidentified source of the CIA revealed to Newsday that at the beginning of 1971 he was given a container with virus at Fort Gulick, a US Army base situated in the Panama Canal Zone also used by the CIA, and that the container had been taken on a fishing boat by underground agents in Cuba.
"It was the first time the disease appeared in the Western Hemisphere.
"It is known, through their own admission, that when the African swine fever broke out in Cuba, the CIA and the US Army were experimenting with poisons, deadly toxins, products to destroy crops and other techniques of bacteriological warfare."
There is a mountain of evidence, background information and facts that cannot possibly be ignored. What is beyond question is that, in just a few weeks, the hemorrhagic dengue epidemic in Cuba –where it had never existed– had affected a total of 344,203 people, a figure with no known precedent in any other country of the world. There was another truly record case when 11,400 new patients were reported in a single day on July 6, 1981. A total of 116,143 cases were hospitalized. About 24,000 patients suffered from hemorrhaging and 10,224 suffered some degree of dengue-induced shock.
One hundred and fifty-eight people died as a result of the epidemic, including 101 children. The whole country and all its resources were mobilized to fight the epidemic. The vector's presence was strongly and simultaneously controlled in all of Cuba's towns and cities, using all possible means and with products and equipment urgently bought from anywhere, including the United States. A request was made to the United States through the Pan-American Health Organization and finally, in the month of August, an important larvicide could be bought. Chemicals and equipment were brought in, often by plane and sometimes from countries as far away as Japan, whose factories sold Cuba thousands of individual motor fumigators. Malathion had to be brought from Europe at a transportation fee of 5,000 dollars a ton, that is, three and a half times the cost of the product.
In addition to the existing hospital network, dozens of boarding schools were turned into hospitals in order to isolate every new patient reported, without exception. At the same time, intensive-care units were built and equipped in all of the country's children hospitals. This is how the last infected case was reported on October 10, 1981. If it had not been for this enormous effort, tens of thousands of people, the vast majority of them children, would have died. An epidemic that many experts had forecast would take years to eradicate was defeated in little more than four months. The adverse economic impact was also considerable (THE PEOPLE OF CUBA VS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR HUMAN DAMAGES, 1999).
The New York Times reported that CIA has experimented biological warfare in Nicaragua, by releasing swarms of mosquitos, carrying dengue virus in 1985. Consequently thousands of people fell ill within days. The campaign against dengue became the most pressing issue of Nicaragua (Lancaster, 1992, p. 256).
CIA and Dengue in Pakistan
Pakistan has been being experimented by CIA since massive expansion of CIA operations during Russia-Afghanistan war of 80s and Western agencies has been breeding Mosquitos in Pakistan and intellectuals has been reporting it periodically ever since. Russian intelligence reported that in 1982, American efforts to control malaria by releasing sterilized male mosquitoes in Pakistan were really germ warfare (McDermott, 1987). These mosquitoes, known as OX513A, necessarily have to be of the Aedes aegypti type in order to achieve the goals publicly stated by the developers. Therefore, the millions of male mosquitoes that were released into the open-air environment in 2009, and again in 2010, were all of the dengue fever carrying type (Turbeville, 2010). A British biotechnology company named Oxitec developed the OX513A mosquitoes and the Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) in the Cayman Islands, a British overseas territory, oversaw their subsequent release (Cheng, 2010). British government was exposed for deliberately granting licenses to certain British firms to export such material usable for biological weapons till 1996 at least (Chomsky, 2000, p. 25)
Although Oxitec Limited (Cheng, 2010) was the developer who engaged in most of the groundwork for the GM insects, the project was not theirs alone. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, The PEW Charitable Trusts, and government agencies in the United States, England, Malaysia, and others were all involved in the development and promotion of the GM mosquitoes (Turbeville, 2010).
In 1953, CIA commenced a secret project, named Project MKULTRA, an eleven-year program to produce and test drugs and biological warfare. 1967, CIA and US Department of Defence (DOD) have entered into a secret joint project, named, MKNAOMI to maintain stocks and test biological and chemical weapons (Donald G. Lett, 2008, p. 250). On November 1969, US President Richard Nixon has banned biological and chemical warfare development programs and to destroy the stockpiles of such weapons but a congressional committee’s investigation found the evidences that although the programs were officially shutdown but CIA covertly continued all the operations in full scale (Time Magazine, 1975).
CIA undercover, Dr. David R. Nalin and Dengue mosquito breeding in Lahore
Dr. David Nalin, a Jewish American has joined, along with many other medical student, the Epidemiological Intelligence Service, where they were shipped overseas undercover to do research or offer medical care. In July 1967, Dr. Nalin arrived in East Pakistan’s capital Decca along with others (Cash, 1987). He was also active into the anti-Pakistan activities during 1970 war where he was involved into the refugee camps in Calcutta to look after the war-refugees (Prince Mahidol Award Foundation, 2006). USAID for Ministry of Health and Population Planning of Pakistan established malarial Research Centre, Lahore in 1962 under the supervision of University of Maryland. It is important to note that University of Maryland is main institute being used by CIA to study and experiment the biological warfare (Buncher, 1976, p. 30). Dr. David Nalin was its director in 1980. This was world’s largest center of its kind and Pakistani law enforcement agencies were suspicious about the activities of the center for biological warfare development (MICHAEL T. KAUFMAN, 1982).
Dr. David Nalin was accused of inviting Jewish agents (Israeli Involvement is suspected) into the Centre by the intelligence agencies

Dr David Nalin
and maintaining a guesthouse for clandestine activities in Lahore. Most important is the revelation of Dr. David Nalin that, “ as the discovery that only a tiny fraction of mosquitoes carry malaria and that they do not breed in fetid water as previously thought but prefer clean water”. It should be noted here that dengue-virus-carrying-mosquito is the one that resides into clean water. This was not discovery, rather the specially developed and Genetically Modified breed of mosquitos was given this particular characteristic to reside into the residential areas and indoors to find the victims easily, potentially and in plenty. In order to avoid suspiciousness, diversions were being established by publishing medical research reports about the research being carried on in the center on Malaria. Interestingly, Dr. David Nalin was later known as the founder of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) (Ingram, 1987), a jack of all trade.
The center was established to eradicate Malaria but it, instead caused its growth in the areas of Punjab, Pakistan. The center was not however discovered how to control Malaria mosquitos as announced but how to cultivate even deadlier forms (Dengue Virus Carriers) of it (Bonosky, 2001). In 1981, Tens of citizens of Lahore living near this research center were attacked by swarms of mosquitos of a species unusual for the area. People stung by them fell ill with Yellow Fever, hepatitis, jaundice and went mad. Those doomed were not saved by any remedies and antidotes (Ziauddin Sardar, 1982). Reports in the magazines say, "Doctors in Lahore are investigating the tragic effects of a drug administered to some poor patients of Green Town. Four of such patients have developed serious psychiatric disorders. It is alleged that they have been given an anti-malaria drug, which is still in the experimental stage. Until those responsible for the experiment are made to disclose the nature of the drug, it is not possible to say as exactly what has happened to the four unfortunate patients – aged between 15 and 25 years (Haq, 2011)." In 1981, Government of Pakistan expelled Dr. David Nalin as persona non grata for the involvement into the mosquito breeding (MICHAEL T. KAUFMAN, 1982). The whole operation of CIA was blown and forced to close by law enforcement agencies of Pakistan.
These mosquitos are aggressive and bigger, “capable to carry viruses of dengue, yellow fever, LaCrosse encephalitis, and other diseases, and able to breed in any container large enough to hold water” (Joseph R Biden, 2003, p. 74).
Vaccinations, Merck & Co. Inc., and Dengue Virus in Pakistan
David Nalin joined global pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co as Director of Vaccines from 1983 till 2002 (Prince Mahidol Award Foundation, 2006). Time magazine on November 18, 1957 published that Merck directed the US government’s wartime research on biological warfare. George W Merck, the founder of Merck & Co was recruited by the Roosevelt administration to head the US biological warfare program, created in March 1942 (Stephen Lyon Endicott, 1998). He headed the US biological warfare programs for decades (Eisen, 2001, p. 64). Merck & Co is allegedly responsible for the development and transmission of AID/HIV into Africa (Eisen, 2001). It has collaborated with CIA in development and testing of HIV and many other lethal and horrible modern diseases. “Bionetics’ links to the CIA, the cancer industry, and the Merck & Co.’s vaccine division, were investigated and documented” (Veritas, 2007, p. 1505). It is one of those pharmaceutical giants that forced US govt. to threaten South Africa when the later was trying to produce a cheaper and indigenous HIV / AIDS vaccine. On July 22, 2010, a vaccine newswire published that Merck & Co has purchased dengue fever vaccine research unit of Hawaii Biotech (Dulnier, 2010).
Merck & Co. has a history of playing with human lives and massive killings. In 2008, Merck has started selling its new medicine, called Vioxx, under the brand name of rofecoxib. 50,000 people has filed cases against Merck & Co, claiming that they or their beloved ones suffered hearth attacks, strokes and deaths after taking Vioxx (BERENSON, 2008).
Merck & Co is a Jewish company and a major CIA and DOD partner in biological warfare, particularly Vaccine supplier and developer (Report on Biological Warfare Defense Vaccine Research & Development Program, 2001). Current President and CEO, Kenneth Frazier is member of notorious Council of Foreign Relations, a pro-Israeli organization, responsible for shaping the anti-Americanism in the world as well as global turmoil and terrorism.
CIA’s service has won dramatic “recognitions” for him from American govt. funded organizations and Institutions. He was being treated by phony institutions are the inventor of the history for his “invention of Oral Rehydration Therapy” but the fact is that Oral Rehydration treatment has been subject of many researchers and medical practitioners since 19th century (Daly, 2008).
David Nalin and his friend Richard A Cash together landed in East Pakistan and continued their clandestine activities for CIA together in many parts of the world. Both became joint recipients of Prince Mahidol Award by the King of Thailand, presented at a ceremony at the Chakri Throne Hall in Bangkok while Richard A Cash has spent considerable time in “research” job in Thailand and David Nalin is reported to be visiting Thailand and helping Richard A Cash periodically. One of the theories about the arrival of Dengue virus in Pakistan suggests its roots in Thailand (Pakistan Today, 2011). Medical researchers found that the “co-circulation of DEN-2 and DEN-3 was responsible for the 2006 out-break in Karachi. Primary and secondary cases were seen in both groups. Cases with DHF showed marginal association with DEN-2. Introduction of a new serotype (DEN-3) and or a genotypic shift of endemic serotype (DEN-2) are the probable factors for the recent out-break of DHF in this region” (Jahan, 2011).
Andreas Moritz On March 01, 2011 published his book “Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time” discussed the “ Merck’s dirty secret” of poisoning several nations through its lethal vaccines (Moritz, 2011). Merck has been using mercury 87% more than permissible levels for its vaccines for children. A recent study by KiGGS – The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents with 17461 children between 0-17 years of age showed that 4.7% of these children suffer from asthma, 10.7% of these children from hay fever and 13.2% from neurodermatitis. These numbers differ in western countries, i.e. the prevalence of asthma among children in the US is 6% whereas it is 14-16% in Australia (Australia’s Health 2004, AIHW).
The prevalence of asthma among unvaccinated children in our study is around 2.5%, hay fever 2.5% and neurodermatitis 7%. According to the KIGGS study more than 40% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 years were sensitized against at least one allergen tested (20 common allergens were tested) and 22.9% had an allergic disease.
ADS and Hyperaktivity is between 1 and 2 % in our survey, the prevalence of ADHD in Germany is 7,9% and another 5,9% which were not yet diagnosed, but were borderline cases.
There are also autism cases in unvaccinated children. Among all participants there were 4 severe autism cases.
Of these 4 children one tested very high for metals (mercury, aluminum, arsenic), in another case the mother was tested very high for mercury.
Otitis media, Sinusitis, Herpes, Warts, Polyps and fungal infections
KIGGS showed that 12.8% of the children in Germany had herpes and 11% suffer from otitis media (an inflammation of the middle ear). If you compare this to unvaccinated childen you can see that herpes among unvaccinated children is very rare (less than 0.5%).
The prevalence of sinusitis in young children has gone up as high as 32% (Albegger KW. Banale Entzüngen der Nase und der Nasennebenhöhlen. In: Berendes J, Link JR, Zöllner F, eds. Hals, Nasen-,OhrenHeilkunde in Praxis und Klinik. Band I. Obere und untere Luftwege. Stuttgart: G Thieme Verlag, 1979: 11.1–11.32.)
In our survey less than 1% of the children have problems with sinusitis, in around 2% it happened only once or rarely.
In young kids under the age of 3 warts are very rare. After the 3 years of age, however, the prevalence is rising. In the ages between 4 and 6 years, 5-10% of the kids have warts, in the age group 16-18, 15-20% have warts.(
Only 3% of unvaccinated children in our survey have warts.
According to a statement by the Company’s head, “Merck & Co has huge operations in Pakistan. According to the statement of the company, it is present in Pakistan since 40 years and has three companies. From 1983 till 2002, Merck and Co., appointed Dr. David Nalin at the prestigious positions in Vaccination department while Pakistan has been recipient of vaccination campaigns in association with USAID, WHO and many other American health organizations. Importation and distribution of dengue carriers is not a problem at all.
Raymond Davis, Biological warfare and Lahore
On February 11, 2010, The European Union Times (The European Uninion Times, 2011) and on February 20, Yahoo News (Yahoo News , 2011) released the information about Raymond Davis spreading “biological warfare agents” in Lahore. The combat skills exhibited by Davis, along with documentation taken from him after his arrest, prove that he is a member of US' TF373 black operations unit currently operating in the Afghan War Theatre and Pakistan's tribal areas. On February 21, 2011, CIA has confirmed that Raymond Davis is working for it in Lahore, Pakistan (Los Angeles Times, 2011) and he was part of a covert CIA operation, from a safe house in eastern Lahore (Mark Mazzetti, 2011). Pakistani security agencies have played the impressive role in cornering the US pressure and officials by revealing the information to the media (Walsh, 2011). The information, leaked contained the details of the activities and the documents, retrieved from Davis. He was carrying “an unlicensed pistol, a long-range radio, a GPS device, an infrared torch and a camera with pictures of buildings around Lahore”. Investigation revealed his links with the most notorious anti-Pakistan elements, including TTP (Butt, 2011).
Raymond Davis’s information leads Pakistani security agencies to capture another CIA operative in Peshawar, named Aaron DeHaven on February 24, 2011 (Walsh, 2011). Most recently on October 06, four US spies were arrested by Pakistani agencies in Punjab province for the charges of spying (Press TV).
These operatives were not spying; rather they were waging biological warfare against Pakistan by recruiting local agents and spreading “biological agents” into Pakistan, causing the catastrophic tragedy of Dengue. In March 2010, CIA operatives has experimented a fake vaccination campaign in northern areas of Pakistan, by recruiting a Pakistani health officer, Dr. Shakil Afridi (Shah, 2011). The case of Dr. Afridi’s fake vaccination program vindicates the CIA’s interest and ability to conduct biological terrorism in any part of Pakistan. The nature of the vaccines is unknown to the public so far and in many circles is suspected of lethal effects on the citizens of Pakistan.
There are many areas to look into for fact finding about this biological attack on Pakistan for our security agencies, researchers and investigative journalists. I hope a thorough investigation can lead us to the culprits of the catastrophe on the Nation.
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a WordPress rating system
15. Oct, 2011
One of the OM pannalists,Adeela had done an article on possibility of Bio War in Pakistan and Afro asia,which received a lot of flak from some worthy readers and commentators.I want to commend Opinion Maker team and author of this article for a job well done.This piece is well researched and can be described as a continnum of Adeela's initiative, thought and article.I wish the worthy readers could probe it and come up with their comments.Our people need to be educated on these important issues.
Syed Haroon Haider Gilani
16. Oct, 2011
Thanks a lot Mr. Waqar.
16. Oct, 2011
a well researched article . and Raymond Davis involvement was not surprising .U.S messianic cum diabolical scheme is now exposed.Congratulations to the author for the job well done.
Can the West Reply? | Opinion Maker
16. Oct, 2011
[...] level the country has been facing many other problems like flood, dengue disease again a gift from the US to her frontline ally, Pakistan. The whole nation has been put tthrough an anarchy just [...]
Azhar Zaidi
16. Oct, 2011
Dengue Virus – A Way Forward
"A scientific idea must live dangerously or die of inanition. Science thrives on daring generalizations. There is nothing particularly scientific about excessive caution. Cautious explorers do not cross the Atlantic of truth."
Dengue Virus-whether it is a CIA conspiracy or nature’s, the fact is that we are dangerously engulfed in this predicament. We have to find a way to embark upon this dilemma and the way we are approaching this problem is itself a precarious quandary.
Imagine the plight; there are not enough beds in our hospitals to cater to such a huge inflow of patient. Doctors are working day and night meanwhile our government continues to hatch funny programs from importing fishes that eat larva of the mosquitoes, spraying the entire Punjab province to emptying all containers in the household of clean water etc. Are we thinking of the 14,000 patients admitted in the Hospitals??
There are a number of protocols in alternate remedy that may have a vibrant answer to the problem. In Orthomolecular Oxidative Therapy there is a protocol used against all strains of Malaria viral diseases called Panacea. This protocol has been extensively used in parts of Africa and South America with miraculous results. Malaria accounts for nearly 1 million deaths in Africa yearly. With these credentials of this protocol, I personally consider that we must bequeath an attempt, as I feel “the cautious explorers do not cross the Atlantic of truth”.
Here is how panacea penetrates and destroys the bacteria, fungus and virus. Once you consume the Panacea solution, your red blood cells pick up Panacea through the stomach walls and continue on their appointed journey of carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells. The Panacea, now in the form of Stable Oxygen Oxide, is only attracted to low PH {acid}, positively charged pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, virus or diseased cells. Panacea is like a guided missile that will only seek out that which is unhealthy, based on its PH value and positive charge which then attaches to and takes the positive ionic charge, rendering those harmful or foreign cells powerless. At the same time it would not harm the Alkaline negatively charged healthy cell and tissues.
Panacea is not a cure; it only eliminates all the pathogens and aids the body to heal naturally. The patients taking the panacea can rid themselves of the Dengue virus within 24 to 48 hours. It is safe and potent mineral.
17. Oct, 2011
Dear Opinion MK'r. I find that your Articles are too overlaid with intrusive popups and invasive ads…
Therefore I will boycott your articles from now on…. I did not read this one although I was interested…. but someone got too greedy for marketing opportunity.
good luck and good bye
19. Oct, 2011
What an irony of fate for Pakistan to endure. The Pakistani leaders are incompetent fixed on America, Isreal, Hindustan and Europe generating such stories through such quacks to blind fold common people to find their way to rob Pakistan.
The dengue, floods are caused by Chinese sitting on the head of Himalayas mountain range. China is equally competent as Americans and have ability to melt snow down on Himalayas to flood Pakistan and breed dengue mosquetoes to depopulate Pakistan through malaria, those who furvive will speak Chinese and mix with locals to create highbreed like Phillipins (Spanish with local oriental one).
Balochistan is important to China who needs it more than Pakistan. It is a Chinese gateway to Pershian gulf .
20. Oct, 2011
I had dengue, along with my wife and sons. I gave all IV Vitamin C 50 grams mixed in 500 ml of NS given over 1 hour. The next day, all of our Thrombocytes increased, symptoms gone and a few days later, all thrombocytes back to normal. Antioxidant therapy has been known as a good antiviral. See Klenner's article on Vitamin C,
Other World News-October 19, 2011 « Best Disaster Prep | Other World News
20. Oct, 2011
[...] New Guinea Rattled By Second Major Earthquake In 4 Days Dengue, Pakistan and CIA Chemtrails: Barium In The Blood Drug-Resistant Staph Infections In Europe Could Mark Beginning Of A [...]