Archive for October, 2011

Amnesty International and Syria

Posted on31. Oct, 2011 by .


Amnesty International's flawed Syrian Hospitals “Investigation” By Franklin Lamb NIAMEY, Niger This observer counts himself among Amnesty International’s more than 3 million supporters and members in more than 150 countries and territories who also strongly endorse AI’s campaigns to end grave abuses of human rights. I share AI’s vision for every person to enjoy all [...]

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Pakistan: The Frankenstein of the 2011 Petroleum Policy and Energy Security

Posted on31. Oct, 2011 by .

Oil Rig1

This observation of the author is in line with a word of caution to be thrown at the much-awaited Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline that will spell a change in our current regional security complex structures and our current interdependencies. By Barrister Aemen Zulfikar Maluka The year is 2011 and we are at the crossroads of driving [...]

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US must not blame Pakistan for failure

Posted on30. Oct, 2011 by .

ScreenHunter_05 Oct. 30 19.55

Press TV – Interview with Dr. Shahid Qureshi, Political Analyst The United States has blamed Pakistan that it has sheltered and supported militant groups like the Haqqani network, a charge that Pakistan denies. Press TV has interviewed with Dr. Shahid Qureshi, Political Analyst, to share his opinion on this issue. Press TV:  Given that in [...]

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OBL’s Death: The Mystery Of Helicopter Crash

Posted on30. Oct, 2011 by .

The tail of US helicopter at Osama compound

The helicopter crash at Abbottabad is akin to the fall of building 7 at New York. By Dr Ghayur Ayub The death of OBL added another scepticism about the man whose whole life spiraled around skeptic stories. Someone rightly said 'all information about bin Laden should be treated with a healthy dose of scepticism'. Even [...]

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Afghanistan Jigsaw

Posted on29. Oct, 2011 by .

Bad puppet Karzai

"Puppets do not have a brain of their own but tapes installed with a recorded message that comes on every time one touches it; Karzai is a living puppet." Raja Mujtaba By Air Commodore ® Khalid Iqbal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Afghan President presented the best facet of his statesmanship when he said in a recent TV interview, [...]

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The Cost Of Killing Gaddafi

Posted on28. Oct, 2011 by .

ScreenHunter_01 Oct. 28 23.00

TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE WESTERN AGENDA………….. By Shenali Waduge In 2009 Libya was a friend to the US so much so that Libya allowed several US corporate giants to enter and approval was given for training of Libyan security personnel and civilians. These were the civilians that eventually became “rebels” given arms by the West [...]

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Pakistan: How a Youth Sees

Posted on27. Oct, 2011 by .

MinarePak From Baadshai Masjid

Pakistan? What is Pakistan? It is a question I asked and I still ask. By Abdul Qadir Memon Pakistan is a phenomenon which only a person who is Pakistani at heart can understand! A few years back I was also confused about what will happen and why is everything bad happening in Pakistan? There was [...]

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Quantum Note: Under the Shadow of a Deadly State

Posted on27. Oct, 2011 by .

Anwar Al Awlaki

There is now only one conclusion which can be drawn: the United States of America is the epic center of global terror; its “democracy” is an illusion, a sham. Most of its citizens are not even concerned about what their government does elsewhere in the world, By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal When the United States of [...]

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Honor for Dishonor

Posted on26. Oct, 2011 by .

Khalil Gibran

By Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui Khalil Gibran says: Satan is the Salvation of Humanity from Vice & Sin.  Satan creates temptation and temptation is a measurement a scale of God to adjudge the value of human soul and weigh the spirit. Satan must live, for if it dies and the people know It, their fear of hell [...]

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United States of Africa: A dream that shook the West

Posted on26. Oct, 2011 by .


One can only salute the dead but history is very ruthless, does not forgive anyone. History is a silent witness that records without speaking. After a couple of generations, the truth starts to unfold. Therefore somewhere down the road, the people would know the real worth of Gaddafi. By Ghazala Awan Advocate Human race is [...]

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