US: Ron Paul and Fein

Posted on 01. Sep, 2011 by in US

Countdown Day 2: Ron Paul Camp Must Remove this New ‘Fein’ Occupant

By Sibel Edmonds

This is where Ron Paul stands admirably on Israel and its war propaganda against Iran: Cut Foreign Aid, Unshackle Israel and Leave Iran Alone!

This where John Bolton supported Fein(s) stand on Israel and war propaganda against Iran:

In 2010, Fein’s wife, Mattie Fein, began expressing the couple’s views on Israel and Israel’s interests openly. Some attribute that to Mattie Fein’s

 desperate need and her fierce competition with Harman over Israel lobby dollars. Here is Mattie’s response to the test question by the Zionist community:

7. Would you support Israel taking military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? Under what circumstances?

The United States should support whatever Israel believes is justified by national security worries over Iran.

Bruce Fein has many homes, including the Neocon Nest AEI. The Ron Paul Camp does not need Mr. Fein as an occupant. It certainly doesn’t.

This is ‘Day Two’ in our countdown to remove this occupant, Mr. Fein, a Ron Paul Camp new occupant and the greatest ‘insiderthreat to his campaign to date, and we are counting down.

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Tags: Bruce Fein, , Ron Paul, Sibel Edmonds

2 Responses to “US: Ron Paul and Fein”

  1. Steve

    01. Sep, 2011

    This bothers me. I've been praising Ron Paul.
    Now I must reconsider.

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  2. Rehmat

    02. Sep, 2011

    Ron Paul is no anti-Israel. He has declared on several occasions that Israel has every right to exist. What makes Ron different from the other Presidential candidates – is that Ron is a nationalist. He is not in favor of wasting taxpayers' hard-earned money on wars for greed and Israel – and foreign aid to friends and foes.
    Ron is against war with Iran because he honestly believe that Iran poses no threat to the security of the US…..


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