U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads

Posted on 12. Sep, 2011 by in Hot Topics

By Wayne Madsen

Robert Ford, US Ambassador to Syria

WMR has been informed by reliable sources that the U.S. ambassador to Syria, Robert S. Ford, is the key State Department official who has been responsible for recruiting Arab "death squads" from Al Qaeda-affiliated units in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Chechnya to fight against Syrian military and police forces in embattled Syria. Ford served as the Political Officer at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad from 2004 to 2006 under Ambassador John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985. Negroponte was a key figure in the covert U.S. program to arm the Nicaraguan contras and his support for vicious paramilitary units in El Salvador and Honduras earned him the nickname of "Mr. Death Squad."

Negroponte tasked Ford with implementing the "El Salvador option" in Iraq, the use of Iraqi Shi'a irregulars and Kurdish Pesh Merga paramilitary forces to target for assassination and kidnapping/torture Iraqi insurgency leaders in Iraq and across the border in Syria. The operation was named for Negroponte's death squad operation in Central America in the 1980s.

Ford has become the point man in the recruitment of Arabs and Muslims from the Middle East and beyond to battle against the security forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad. The U.S.-backed terrorists have not only carried out attacks on Syrian security forces but have also massacred civilians in "false flag" operations later blamed on Syrian government forces. WMR has been informed that Ford's operations in Syria are being carried out with the assistance of Israel's Mossad.

The "El Salvador" option has also been used in Libya, where Al Qaeda irregulars, drawn from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen, have been carrying out murders of Libyan civilians, especially black Libyans and African guest workers, on behalf of the Libyan rebel government. Some of the murders of civilians have been blamed on pro-Muammar Qaddafi forces but they have, in fact, been carried out by Al Qaeda units fighting with the rebels and which are being directed by CIA and MI-6 advisers. Ford has been providing advice to the Libyan rebels on how to carry out their death squad attacks.

From 2006 to 2008, Ford served as U.S. ambassador to Algeria, a nation that opposes the Libyan rebel government and a nation that has begun to see a re-surgence of "Al Qaeda" terrorist attacks against Algerian government targets. In fact, Algeria is viewed as the next domino to fall as the U.S. seeks to establish total military and political hegemony over North Africa.

WMR has learned from a source who was recently in Libya that the Libyan rebel transitional government has agreed to allow the U.S. to establish permanent military bases in Libya, including on the Algerian border. The rebels have also agreed to permit an American to serve as the chief political officer for the planned Libyan transitional advisory body due to be organized by NATO and the United Nations. The body will be modeled on the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq.

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26 Responses to “U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads”

  1. Blue

    13. Sep, 2011

    El-Salvador option is apparently also being used in Pakistan, initially to kill patriotic tribal leaders in Waziristan and in Karachi and Baluchistan until recently. The  champion in Pakistan was found to be RD for hiring death squads, the responsibility seems to have been handed over further after he was about to be fully exposed and was taken back.
    God help Libya, Algeria and God help Pakistan !

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  2. [...] U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads [...]

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  3. [...] Madsen Opinion Maker September 14, [...]

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  5. Sher Afghan

    15. Sep, 2011

    I am pure gang leader in Karachi. I have 56 brave men to do my orders. We carry out abduction, katal and various other activities for modest sums only. We have connexions with highest up police officer and minister, so no fear.  We can also do abroad operations in Hindustan and Bangali. Our rates modest; pl contact me at  (0)21 111736736 and ask for rates for "desi halal camel meat supply"

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  6. [...] By Wayne Madsen Opinion-Maker.org [...]

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  7. [...] Madsen har uppgifter om vilka som ligger bakom våldet i Syrien – U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads WMR (Wayne Madsen Report) has been informed by reliable sources that the U.S. ambassador to Syria, [...]

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  8. [...] de Amerikaanse onderzoeksjournalist, Wayne Watson, in Opinion Maker van 12 september 2011 zou ambassadeur Ford verantwoordelijk zijn voor de recrutering van Arabische doodseskaders. Deze [...]

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  9. [...] MadsenOpinion Maker September 14, [...]

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  10. [...] de la mort pour aller affronter les forces de Bachar El Assad en Syrie. Ces mercenaires seraient, selon le site Opinion Maker, affiliés aux branches Afghannes, Tchétchènes, Iraquiennes et Yemenites d’Al Quaeda. [...]

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  11. [...] Bron: Opinion Maker. [...]

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  12. [...] MadsenOpinion Maker September 14, [...]

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  13. [...] Some of the stuff that people send me by him are just outrageously ridiculous.  Look at this one: he is claiming that US ambassador in Syria, Robert Ford, is recruiting young people to join [...]

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  14. [...] original en anglais (12.09.2011) : https://opinion-maker.org/2011/09/u-s-ambassador-to-syria-in-charge-of-recruiting-arabmuslim-deat… Catégorie : Nouvelles décembre 9th, 2011 No comments yet Ginette Hess Skandrani [...]

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  15. [...] Wayne Madsen, “US Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads”, 12th September 2011 https://opinion-maker.org/2011/09/u-s-ambassador-to-syria-in-charge-of-recruiting-arabmuslim-deat… [...]

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  16. mohammed

    20. Dec, 2011

    we love Bashar ,,, go done USA

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  17. Shadi

    20. Dec, 2011

    USA is supporting terrorist all around the world

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  18. [...] Wayne Madsen, “US Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads”, 12th September 2011 https://opinion-maker.org/2011/09/u-s-ambassador-to-syria-in-charge-of-recruiting-arabmuslim-deat… [...]

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  19. [...] Wayne Madsen, “US Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads”, 12th September 2011 https://opinion-maker.org/2011/09/u-s-ambassador-to-syria-in-charge-of-recruiting-arabmuslim-deat… [...]

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  20. [...] Wayne Madsen, “US Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads”, 12th September 2011 https://opinion-maker.org/2011/09/u-s-ambassador-to-syria-in-charge-of-recruiting-arabmuslim-deat… [...]

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  21. Daniel Casalaro

    08. May, 2012

     Robert Ford was the Keynote speaker at the annual meeting of Amnesty International-USA in Denver at the end of March. 
      At a panel on the Arab Spring aka "regime change" Ford distanced himself from his colleague Radwan Ziadeh, a member of the Syrian National Council, also featured for the conference,  who wanted direct NATO intervention in Syria.
      Ford said that the atrocities in Syrai were NOT being committed by the Syrian Army per se but mostly by the so-called "pro-Assad" Shabiha militias who are dressed in civilian clothes.
     Ford said it would be difficult for NATO to distinguish them from other civilians from the air.
     Of couse the British were caught red handed in Basra in September of 2005 when the Iraqi police captured two SAS members disguised as Madhi militia trying to bomb civilians and its my guess many of these Shabiha militia Ford referred to are actually false flag CIA/Mosaad/MI6 death squades of the same ilk.
     BTW Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow! was also a main speaker at the Amnesty conference and her bio appeared just below Ford's on page 27 of the Program booklet.
      DemocracyNow! has been a major propagandist medium in support of the NATO backed Arab Spring and she fit well with her "regime change" colleagues at the conference.

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  22. [...] U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads | Opinion Maker. News:Pakistan death squads go after informants to U.S. drone program – latimes.com Pakistan [...]

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  23. 09. May, 2012

    [...] U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads [...]

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  24. NK0

    09. May, 2012

    Feltman started the phase in 2005 with Israel mossad

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  25. Bo Modén

    19. May, 2012

    Type your comment here…The world has to bring Negroponte and his hitman Robert Ford to justice. They thold be wanted by Interpool and taken to the world court in Brussels to stand trail. Their hideous crimes has to be punished.

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  26. 24 maj « Syrien

    25. May, 2012

    [...] Madsen i september 2011 – U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads Wayne Madsen Report has been informed by reliable sources that the U.S. ambassador to Syria, Robert [...]

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