Posted on 29. Sep, 2011 by Adeela Naureen in Hot Topics
Wepons of mass destruction be atomic, biological or chemical, if the west holds them its moral but with the non-white countries or Muslim world its inhuman. Raja Mujtaba
By Adeela Naureen

So called civilized nations have no scruples!
Before the readers label me as conspiracy theorist, I would recommend them to go through or scan two important books, Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War by Jaffrey A Lockwood and Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World by Ken Alibek and Stephan Handlemen. If you don’t have time to do that, do it the easiest way and search Wikipedia. You may be surprised to know that Dengue was part of US secret Biological warfare program right from after the 2nd World War.
As per Wikipedia, “When the U.S. biological warfare program ended in 1969 it had developed seven mass-produced, battle-ready biological weapons in the form of agents that cause: anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, Q-fever, VEE, and botulism. In addition Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B was produced as an incapacitating agent. In addition to the agents that were ready to be used the U.S. program conducted research into the weaponization of more than 20 other agents. They included: smallpox, EEE and WEE, AHF, Hantavirus, BHF, Lassa fever, glanders, melioidosis, plague, yellow fever, psittacosis, typhus, dengue fever, Rift Valley fever (RVF), CHIKV, late blight of potato, rinderpest, Newcastle disease, bird flu, and the toxin ricin.Besides the numerous pathogens that afflict human beings, the U.S. had developed an arsenal of anti-agriculture biological agents. These included rye stem rust spores (stored at Edgewood Arsenal, 1951–1957), wheat stem rust spores (stored at the same facility 1962 – 1969), and the causative agent of rice blast (stored at Fort Detrick 1965 – 1966).A U.S. facility at Fort Terry primarily focused on anti-animal biological agents. The first agent that was a candidate for development was foot and mouth disease (FMD). Besides FMD, five other top secret biological weapons projects were commissioned on Plum Island.The other four programs researched included RVF, rinderpest, African swine fever, plus eleven miscellaneous exotic animal diseases. The eleven miscellaneous pathogens were: Blue tongue virus, bovine influenza, bovine virus diarrhea (BVD), fowl plague, goat pneumonitis, mycobacteria, "N" virus, Newcastle disease, sheep pox, Teschers disease, and vesicular stomatitis. Work on delivery systems for the U.S. bio-weapons arsenal led to the first mass-produced biological weapon in 1952, the M33 cluster bomb. The M33's sub-munition, the pipe bomb like, cylindrical M114 bomb, was also completed and battle-ready by 1952. Other delivery systems researched and at least partially developed during the 1950s included the E77 balloon bomb and the E86 cluster bomb. The peak of U.S. biological weapons delivery system development came during the 1960s. Production of cluster bomb sub-muntions began to shift from the cylindrical bomblets to spherical bomblets, which had a larger coverage area.
Welcome to the world of Bio-War in Afro- Asia and where the spread of sudden and hitherto fore unknown diseases and biological catastrophe is becoming the order of the day. If you look at the sequence of events in last decades or so, you will find a set pattern where Asia and Africa is constantly engaged in fighting one catastrophe after the other. Can you recall names like the SAARS virus, Bird Flu, Ebola Virus, HIV, Hepatitis C, and even Swine Flu. With the entry of US led coalition into West Asia and Middle East, the remote test labs of Continental US like Lawrence Livermore and Plum Island are no more required to do the testing and storage, these weapon systems can be conveniently hidden and used in the vast spaces of Afghanistan, Balochistan, Siestan o Balochistan and the Libyan Sahara and rest of Africa. The NGOs and organization like Backwater who claim to be on humanitarian and security missions can conveniently befool the general public as well as naïve governments and unleash the new war in Afro Asian region.
Why has outbreak of these biological diseases become so rampant in the regions where the West has special interests? And why has the developing world become vulnerable to these outbreaks despite advances in science and technology? Why does the developing world depend upon vaccines and antidotes which are produced very late after the outbreak has taken its due toll? And who produces these vaccines and antidotes at exuberant costs to the developing world? These are some of the important questions requiring attention of peoples at the helm of affairs in the developing world. Africa, Asia and Latin American countries like Maxico are the future of the world, where demographic strength is likely to make these as power hubs in the next decades or so. With the western world losing the demographic battle all over, as well as finding its hold slipping in the economic and political affairs, Bio-War may be a better approach in the new realm of use of Non Kinetic means against current and potential adversaries.
A track of Dengue outbreak in Pakistan may be interesting as it has originated from the port of Karachi and two strategic junction points, Pakistan-Iran-Afghanistan junction near Nimroz province of Afghanistan and Pakistan-China-Afghanistan junction from Badakhshan province. If we think that the US led Coalition was only supporting terrorism in Pakistan through her bogey of TTP then we are too naïve to underestimate their capability and reach. All kind of Kinetic and Non Kinetic means at the disposal of US led Coalition may have been tested, employed as well as kept ready for use in Afghanistan; drones and TTP are just the Kinetic Part. This should lead us to soul searching as well as taking effective security measures for good health of Pakistan and her people. Probably the second phase of Bio-War has been unleashed against Afro-Asian region.
I would conclude by referring to Ed Regis’ famous book, The Biology of Doom, it talks of US ,Russian, German and Japanese Biological Warfare programmes between 1930 and 1980,when the so called civilized nations were busy in testing and mass production of Biological Weapons to destroy humanity in a Non Kinetic War, a war which would cripple generations and unleash such diseases and viruses against humans, animals and crops that even Hitler’s scorched Earth policy would look like a child’s play. Thirty years have passed since The Biology of Doom appeared in the book stores, the evil in humans have progressed a lot after 1980; today, Biological Weapons combined with Economic Wars and Media Wars can devastate Nations and Continent without the detection of the aggressor. It is high time for the developing world to call this bluff of the west and join in a global jihad to get rid of Non Kinetic Warriors hidden behind the façade of humanity and democracy.
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Ali Akbar Khan
30. Sep, 2011
Adeela is absolutely correct in her opinions. The dengus now ravaging our fair country has been planted there by the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis, which has also been responsible for the recent (and ongoing) floods, the breaking away of Bangladesh, the bombings in FATA, the situation in SWAT, the defeat of our Army in every single war with India, and even the earthquake in Kashmir. If my taxi-driver arrives late, it is the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis to blame. The dengue has nothing to do with lazy and incompetent officials, its just the RAW-CIA-MOSAD axis.
Momphali Badam
30. Sep, 2011
The Jew-Christian-Hindu axis was also responsible for the attacke at Mehran, where the attackers were shouting "Wahe Guru Ki Fateh" even as our brave Air Force men cut them down. Every single bomber has turned out to be uncircumcised, proving that these are non-Muslims sent to bomb innocent victims. The only way to get out of the clutches of this axis is to attack Israel and USA with our nukes: we have the fastest-growing nuclear arsenal in the world.
30. Sep, 2011
Earth – War Free Zone
Anyone engaged in manufacturing weapons, promoting war, engaging in war is a war criminal who must be expunged from humanity..
30. Sep, 2011
Exterminate all cops, politicians, and pharmecutical people.
Mansoor Malik
30. Sep, 2011
Peace, peace good fellows. Dont just throw dust elsewhere and avoid one's own responsibility. Perhaps, the whole world is responsible for our sad affairs instead of ourselves. This will not stick anymore. We have to identify our enemies within instead of blaming others for everything under our sun.
Hasan Ali
30. Sep, 2011
Dengue is bio-logical warfare? come on now stop this lunacy. Dengue is here because we are a nation that keeps our localities absolutely filthy, there is standing water whenever it rains, there is no proper sewerage system, sewerage water is mixed with drinking water. Show me one big city in Pakistan where there is a effective system of trash collection, no where. The insecticide spray that was used in Lahore was of inferior quality, probably helped the mosquitos breed faster. The healthcare system also helps spread the diseases, if you don't believe me just go visit your nearest hospital and see the un-hygienic conditions. We are a very stupid unclutured nation, always blaming others for our failures. I read somewhere that the rains were caused by HAARP system in USA. Yeah right as if USA has become god, God-Forbid. The stupidity and their spreaders knows no bound here.
30. Sep, 2011
I do not what kind of education you have had but stupidity is not going to save you idiot.
Ask why the west asks their nationals to have umpteen vaccines before coming to Asia/Middle East.
why do the EU countries pay their GP to inject the people registered with vaccines
Be a troll/house negero if you want but do not yak about your stupid ignorance
Do you thin raymond davises from the west are just in Pakistan for helping Pakistanis
Get real
30. Sep, 2011
I am not surprised at all if USA/Israel/Nato the real axis of evil are behind this as they have been trying to destablise Pakistan and weaken it by all means at their disposal. History proves that they have been using terror, wars, and engineered chaos to shape the world for their evil designs. No doubt there are internal weaknesses within Pakistan and sewerge system is non-existent but same is TRUE of many other developing nations including India. Remains to be seen how far this spreads especially in view of latest USA threats against Pakistan based on flase flag ops and lies similar to those against Iraq (recall WOMD and Al-qaida links)
Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui
30. Sep, 2011
Hasan Ali
30. Sep, 2011
There have been plagues all over the world before too, but no one accused anyone of waging a war. Thats not to say countries do not have biological warfare capabilities,but what you have in Lahore is the result of absolute incompetence and carelessness. Lahore had monsoon just like other parts of the country, there are dengue cases all over the country also, does not mean USA or some other country sent in a trained army of mosquitos to Lahore. Next year tell the people to stay clean and keep their neighborhoods clean, I am sure you can overcome this problem. Please lets be a logical.
Maulvi Farooq
01. Oct, 2011
There is one great difference: When a Muslim dies, he/she attains heaven with all its comforts. A dead Jew / Christian / Sikh / Hindu / Qadiani / Shia burns in everlasting Hell.
01. Oct, 2011
So let see if I got this straight:
Even as of this week the so-called mainstream media provided proof that the US military and who knows what other military are trying to create 'invisible tanks', (which basically means there is an absolute level of sneaky-ass, win by any means approach to so-called war). Yet people have the nerve to assume there aren't all kinds of other sneaky-ass, devious as hell things going on. Come on WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Bashir Syed
01. Oct, 2011
William Blum, a former State Department Official authored, "ROGUE STATE: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, " Common Courage Press, 3rd Edition, Monroe, Maine 2005. ISBN 1-56751-374-3. Chapter 14: United States Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons Abroad, pages 136 – 146, andChapter 15. (pages147-156.. United States use of Chemical and Biological Weapons at Home. And, Chapter 16. pages 157-160. "U.S. Encouraging the Use of CBW by other nations," will reveal to the reader things that are considered a Taboo to be discuused by the Printed or Broacast Media.
Prof. Malcolm Dando of University of Bradford wrote an article in Scientific American Magazine about how bird feahers impreganted withCBW Pathogens were dropped in a Field to contaminate the Crops in an unfriendly country to create famine. (check the Arives of Scientific American Magazine).
Naveed Tajammal
01. Oct, 2011
A well researched paper.
02. Oct, 2011
Let us not miss the forest for a tree,despite Pakistan’s poor governance and bla bla bla as mentioned by many commentators here,the west has enormous capability to wage a dirty bio war,where ever they feel like.We should remain mindful and take preventive measures.The author has educated us on the subject AND THIOSE CRITICAL OF HER EFFORT MAY PLEASE CARRY OUT SOME RESEARCH BEFORE UTTERING NONE SENSE.
Basharat Khan
03. Oct, 2011
There is evidence that the floods were caused by the HAARP weapon being tested by the USA. Also, All overflights coming from India should be banned. There is increasing evidence that every flight originating from India that overflies Pakistani territory is programmed to spew dangerous chemicals and viruses from the jet exhausts. These jet exhausts drift to the ground in Pakistan and also mix with the air, causing anyone to breathe the air to become afficted with the dengue virus and other dangerous diseases. We are under attack from all sides by the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis.
Ali Akbar Khan
03. Oct, 2011
In fact non-Muslims have been apprehended sabotaging our power stations, which is causing massive power cuts all over Pakistan. Why is the Army still silent?
waqar khan
03. Oct, 2011
Some of the comments by worthy commentators are not worth even commenting. What the author has written has more informative value than a mere blame game.The references given in the article on Bio war are from western sources,these books were written quite a long time ago and give you an insight into capabilities available with different countries.Pakistan has its own set of problems,governance and mismanagement etc.However,creation of TTP and support to dissident sub nationalists in Balochistan by the coalition(including India) across the Durand Line is no Topsecret. Possibility of Bio war cannot be ruled out…you may disagree.
Momphali Badam and some of his cohorts(disguised as innocent commentators) are quite jumpy whenever there is a slight or subtle reference to Indian involvement(you can see his comments on other pts as well).Although I don’t consider them to be hostile,it appears that they are cyber warriors from Bangaloro.Keep the good work Mr Momphali Badam and company.
Momphali Badam
05. Oct, 2011
I run an innocuous paan-masala shop in front of the White House. My world-famous paan has left the Clintons, the Bushes, the Fords, and even Elizabeth Taylor gobsmacked and speechless in amazement. For a small fee I could eavesdrop on all the conversations going on in the White House, which will give the ISI leverage, power and glory. I could also supply you with an endless series of wacky conspiracy theories that could be used to shift all blame onto the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis. For instance, did you know that the real Kayani died long ago and that the one we see on TV and the news is a planted CIA operative whose primary purpose is to sit tight while the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD hijacks everything in our country? Please contact ma at Momphali USA 202-243-6500 Code word Momphali Badam
Md Husain
05. Oct, 2011
Judging by the dogged support of conspiracy theories by many of the authors (e.g. Waqar) on this site, it may be safely assumed that this is run by the ISI / Army. Constructive criticism is not equal to anti-nationalism. The true anti-nationalists are those who have lost every single war with India and yet have no qualms bombing our Bangali / Swati / Baloch brothers. The true 5th-columnists are those who have subverted the democratic process at every stage of this benighted country's existence.
waqar khan
06. Oct, 2011
Mr Muhammad Hussain,every one has the right to his opinion,and I respect your right for any thing that you say or express.I belong to a new genearation and appreciate your views on role of our predecessors(not only the people in Uniform but also people in civies).We have to move forward,despite our limitations and shortcommings.Neither i can claim to be more patriotic nor negatively contest your views;I may be having idiosyncracies and biases,but that is a human limitation,and am sorry for anything that has negatively affected your opinion.I may disagree with you but will defend your right of expression,happy reading and best wishes.