Archive for September, 2011
Libya: David Cameron’s 2 Billion Pound Nightmare
Posted on30. Sep, 2011 by Susan Lindauer.

By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey What do you get when a wannabe imperialist invents a war to get out of trouble at home, straying into deep waters that he neither controls nor understands, getting embroiled in an internecine tribal conflict that spins out of control? The answer to this question is the place where the UK’s David [...]
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The ‘Ajam’ Spring
Posted on30. Sep, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg After the ‘Arab Spring’ now it is the Ajam Spring, sweeping Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran (The Non-Arabs). The Arabs revolted against their despotic rulers, while the Ajamis have revolted against the global hegemons. The resistance against the Soviet hegemony started early ’80, [...]
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Quantum Note: The Roots of Muslim Rage-II
Posted on30. Sep, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal On September 27, 2011, the US State Department announced that Iraq has made the first payment in a deal to buy 18 F-16 warplanes worth a total of approximately $3 billion. They are a “symbol of the commitment that we’ve made to the Iraqi government to have a long-term strategic partnership [...]
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Posted on29. Sep, 2011 by Adeela Naureen.

Wepons of mass destruction be atomic, biological or chemical, if the west holds them its moral but with the non-white countries or Muslim world its inhuman. Raja Mujtaba By Adeela Naureen Before the readers label me as conspiracy theorist, I would recommend them to go through or scan two important books, Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects [...]
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Ahmedinejad and Obama at the UN
Posted on28. Sep, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

Of statesmanship and political pandering…. By Dr Franklin Lamb Beirut, Lebanon: For westerners, and particularly Americans who have watched Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad up fairly close as he delivers speeches in the US and elsewhere including during last year’s visit to Lebanon, his charisma and populist connection with the public are evident and often powerful. [...]
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Rosh Hashanah: Will God Forgive?
Posted on28. Sep, 2011 by Alan Hart.

(Jewish New Year) By Alan Hart At the start of the Jewish New Year I have some questions for Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks. They are for him in particular because of what he said in a recorded message of preparation for the New Year, but they are also questions that could and should be [...]
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We Must Stop America Now!
Posted on28. Sep, 2011 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

By Dr. Haider Mehdi On November 18, 1999, immediately after General Pervez Musharraf took over the helm of affairs in Pakistan, this columnist (Dr. Haider Mehdi) wrote a personal letter to him. The following is an extract from that letter. Consider the enormous accuracy of the predication of the political-military fallouts made over a decade [...]
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Pakistan: Losing Sight
Posted on28. Sep, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

Musharaf complied with the demands of the Master. Corruption and treachery is part of the Pakistani current governance. Zardari-PPP gang and the Generals must face legal – political accountability or both law and firing squads for their treachery and wickedness to the interests of the people of Pakistan. By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. The US [...]
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The US Served Pakistan Miranda
Posted on28. Sep, 2011 by S M Hali.

The US, however should take cognizance that attacking Pakistan is not going to be a cakewalk. It is a nuclear weapons equipped battle hardened country which will defend itself or go down fighting. It is hoped and prayed that good sense prevails in the US administration! By S. M. Hali The US government has virtually [...]
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Seeing is Believing
Posted on27. Sep, 2011 by Hamid Waheed.

In the wake of the prevailing security situation and tension in relations with the US (after statements issued by Mullen, Panetta and Gen Mettis) General Kiyani and the top military and political leadership unanimously rejected the allegations leveled against Pakistani security institutions by the US. By Hamid Waheed In the wake of the prevailing security situation and [...]