Syria Under Fire Part-2
Posted on 20. Aug, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah in Hot Topics
The ‘Syrian Revolution’ In Faces: Puppets Galore
By Jonathan Azaziah
With international efforts mounting to topple Bashar al-Assad and replace his government with one more subservient to the iron fist of the Zionist Power Configuration, the mainstream media has bombarded its viewers with a plethora of figures spouting propagandist venom and bolstering the Zionist narrative to increase unrest and ultimately bring about an invasion. Each figure, in their own way, plays a part in the global media spectacle shaping public opinion on all matters pertaining to Syria.
The individual with the most influence and therefore, the most destructive potential, is a ‘religious’ figure named Sheikh Adnan al-Ar’ur. Sheikh Adnan is based in Saudi Arabia and is receiving an obscene amount of press from the House of Saud’s propaganda giant, Al-Arabiya, which is touting him as a ‘symbol of the Syrian Revolution.’ He is known for his promotion of sectarianism and tragically, he commands a significant amount of influence in Syria (39); because of the sectarianism embedded in his verdicts, he is playing a major role in the Saudi Defense Ministry’s ‘civil war’ agenda.
Al-Ar’ur’s bloody fingerprints can already be found on the streets of Homs, a city 165 kilometers north of Damascus. On July 26th, three Alawi families were brutally butchered by agents of the Saudi-funded Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in an attempt to plunge the city of Homs into sectarian civil conflict. Throughout the unrest, MB agents, influenced by al-Ar’ur, have attacked Alawi mosques in Homs, Adlab, Latakia and Hama; all points of conflict between the MB and the Syrian army (40). While the Syrian people themselves have righteously rejected such sectarianism, this outrageous violence is taking a toll on the nation and their communities.
One of the more familiar faces of the ‘Syrian Revolution’ is globalist and hasbaranik Rime Allaf, who has been quoted by just about every Zionist-run news outlet from the UK to America and everything in between regarding ‘what is happening’ in Syria. Channeling typical, uncorroborated, scandalous propaganda via her Twitter account, Allaf is simply doing the bidding of her masters at the Chatham House, the UK mega-think tank and sister of arguably the most powerful Zionist think in America, the Council On Foreign Relations. Allaf is involved in multiple projects aiming to increase relations between Syria and the West and to prostitute Syria’s sovereignty by replacing it with neoliberal economics and multinational corporations (41). Mask of Zion’s social networking sources have also found that Allaf maintains a close relationship with the Economist magazine, the Rothschild-owned Zionist mouthpiece which has been churning out anti-Syria, pro-intervention propaganda from the onset of the unrest.
Other notable assets of the hasbara war against Syria are Hamdi M. Rifai and Radwan Ziadeh. Rifai is a Syrian exile and News Jersey-based attorney who has recently had his legal license revoked for ethics violations. He has openly declared his friendship with the usurping Zionist entity and has strongly advocated for the Zionist-occupied United States government to militarily intervene in Syria. Rifai also spends significant amounts of his time spreading the works of neoconservative fanatics to justify his murderous positions and works with fellow exiles to generate sectarianism in not only Syria but Lebanon as well (42).
Ziadeh is no different. He is a frequenter of US State Department events sponsored by Zionist think tanks. He has appeared before the Zionist lobby’s foreign policy arm, the American Jewish Committee and has shared the stage with Zionist war criminal Elliot Abrams. He’s been commissioned by the US government to lobby Russia for support for the Zionist-engineered plot to militarily demolish Syria and if that wasn’t enough, Ziadeh is the recipient of an award from one of Zionism’s most deadly agencies, the National Endowment for Democracy (43). Another figure uncovered by Mask of Zion’s social networking sources is a man by the name of Mohammad al-Abdallah, a self-styled Syrian ‘human rights activist’ that has most recently held meetings with Hillary Clinton and Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird, a Zionist who has issued condemnations of activists who participate in Israeli Apartheid Week and parroted hasbara against the Freedom Flotilla II (44). Al-Abdallah is pro-intervention and glowing with delight over the economic warfare launched against Syria by the US and EU. Simply unnerving.
While Allaf, Ar’ur, Ziadeh, al-Abdallah, Rifai and other House Arabs cut from the same cloth claim to represent Syria and the demands of the Syrian people, the evidence shows that they are no more than shrill propagandists of the Zionist-Saudi axis and its agenda to drive Bashar al-Assad’s government into the ground. The truth is clear, overwhelmingly clear: the Syrian people support al-Assad and the multiple million man marches that they’ve conducted to show support for the President and his stance of Resistance and to counteract the Zionist-Saudi-backed insurrection are the proof (45).
To be continued.
(39) “Symbol” Of The Syrian Revolution? by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service
(40) Syria In The Throes Of Religious War by Hassan Hanizadeh, Press TV
(41) USCENTCOM Buys Software To Impersonate Social Networkers And Bloggers; Blogosphere Shows Tell-Tale Signs Amid War On Libya by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(42) Suspension Order – Hamdi M. Rifai by Ikhras
(43) Ikhras Shoe Of The Month Award – July 2011 by Ikhras
(44) MPs Decry Israeli Apartheid Week by Hillary Lutes, The Charlatan; Canadians To Baird: “Israel’s Gaza Blockade Is Illegal. We Will Sail To Gaza” by Reuters
(45) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II; Section – Media Manipulation: Zionism and Al-Jazeera Unite by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(46) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II; Section – Turkey: The Beast of Two Faces Emerges by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(47) NATO Plans Campaign In Syria, Tightens Noose Around Iran – Rogozin by RIA Novosti
(48) The Destabilization Of Syria And The Broader Middle East War by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
21. Aug, 2011
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The average person just does not know what or who to believe. There is so much mis-information out there one just does not know. But I do know that a lot of innocent people are suffering.
Khalid Rahim
21. Aug, 2011
Ionman you are quite right about the ordinary person being bombarded with tons of misinformation. I as a youngster in the mid sixties learnt to read between the lines and interpret the real message. Except today with the power and influence of internet you can convince the other person that the Kidneys can be placed next to the Heart and function more efficiently. In Syria it's the blanket of Linus the inmate of Charlie Brown and Snoopy that poor guy would not mind losing his head but will not part with his blanket. Imagine Bashar in the same situation as dear Linus.
Syria Under Fire Part-3 | Opinion Maker
21. Aug, 2011
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#Syria Under Fire - Part 2 | From Tahrir Square |
22. Aug, 2011
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