Libya: What lies ahead for the NTC
Posted on 31. Aug, 2011 by Sobia Hanif in Hot Topics
Gloating about their resplendent achievement in Libya, an anonymous British official stated in an interview with the ‘Economist’ that ‘NATO’s involvement in the Libyan uprising means that ‘now we own it”.

Stop genocide in Libya
By Sobia Hanif
The Libyan Revolution is undoubtedly the most significant event in contemporary world politics. The collapse of Col. Gaddafi’s 42 year old despotic regime presents a new dawn for the Libyan people who may cherish the boons of democracy after decades of tyrannical rule. On the contrary, there is a note of grave concern amongst all the optimism. If things were to go terribly wrong, the oil-rich African state could be plunged into turmoil with the out break of civil war amongst various power hungry factions, with foreign involvement further exasperating the dire situation. For now all eyes are on the performance of the National Transitional Council (NTC) which is the leading body responsible for coordinating efforts to dismantle Gaddafi’s forces and consequently, his control over Libya.
The NTC was established in February this year and comprises of people across the Libyan society. While the NTC has been widely acclaimed for the constructive role it has played in the Libyan uprising, it has also been subjected to criticism on two major accounts. Firstly, the NTC comprises of individuals who are mostly dissidents of the Gaddafi regime but have not been elected by the popular vote and therefore, do not reflect the desires and aspirations of the Libyan people. Secondly, in order to defeat Col. Gaddafi and his forces the NTC resorted to ask for western assistance. In a country which has been breeding on hatred against the United States and the west for so long, the NTC’s initiative has been viewed with much skepticism. It is no longer a secret now that the NATO forces initial mission to launch airstrikes in order to protect Libyan civilians soon transformed into a comprehensive strategy, integrating undercover ground troops along with massive jet power to defeat Col. Gaddafi’s forces.
The NTC now faces a number of renewed challenges. While the hunt for Gaddafi continues amid a huge bounty of $1.5m placed on his head, the war-torn country faces the

Different faces of revolution
perils of civil unrest. After the initial united efforts to overthrow Gaddafi succeed, there is a potential risk that the various factions may develop differences and engage in a tug of war for control over Tripoli. This, in turn could lead to further loss of human life and an embittered state of affairs for the rebel factions as well as the Libyan society. With extensive arms having been distributed by Col. Gaddafi’s forces to his civilian supporters on one hand and the western supply of arms to anti Gaddafi elements, the entire Libyan society seems to be in possession of weapons by now. The NTC will have to devise policies to disarm the population or else the dangers of a mishandled isolated incident could trigger the outbreak of bitter fighting between various armed elements.
With much of the Libyan territory now under the rebel’s control, there is a fear that a culture of vengeance might overpower the desire for a peaceful transition to democracy. A number of incidents have been reported in which Gaddafi loyalists were shot in the hand by rebel fighters to signify their loyalty to the tyrannical despot. The recent discovery of mass executions of 52 Libyans on August, 23rd 2011 has created a sense of urgency among the NTC to restore peace in Libya. Although the rebels have disowned this inhuman act and held Gaddafi and his forces responsible for it, the facts need to be winnowed from fiction as yet. It has called upon all Libyans to show restraint and tolerance towards one another. Mustafa Abdul Jalil has threatened a number of times to resign as chairman of the NTC if the rebel commanders did not respect the law indicating that atrocities were also being committed against Gaddafi loyalists.
Another issue that lies dormant for now is the uncanny murder of the NTC military chief, Abdul Fattah Younis. He served as interior minister in Gaddafi’s regime but revolted against him soon after the Libyan uprising gained momentum. His tribesmen are demanding a thorough interrogation and retribution from the NTC. This, in turn could lead to splits in the rebel ranks and precipitate further unrest.
The United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon in a recent statement has asserted that ‘there is a need to put an end to the conflict and restore order and stability’. The African Union, Arab League and European Union have also called for halting human suffering and restoring peace in Libya. The NTC has responded to these calls by inviting police forces from Arab and Muslim states to help in restoring the peace in Libya.
While NATO has played a pivotal role in bringing down Gaddafi’s forces in coordination with the NTC, the assistance does not come without a price. Countries which have played the most significant role in the NATO’s mission in Libya feel they are entitled to a lion’s share in its oil reserves once the dust begins to settle. The UK, Italy and France along with The United States are expected to be the biggest beneficiaries, whereas China and Russia may be left licking their wounds as both states have not yet formally recognized the NTC despite meeting their representatives.
Germany also shocked its European allies with its refusal to back a UN Security Council resolution authorizing NATO intervention in Libya on humanitarian grounds. Later on, Germany extended recognition to the NTC as the sole representative of the Libyan people this June. The Arab League and the European Union have also accepted the NTC as the primary political force in Libya. However the African Union has voiced its concerns over the legitimacy of the NTC and has criticized it for lack of transparency in its decision making process.
NATO’s presence in Libya signifies a renewed challenge for the NTC. While the western forces may have intervened in Libya on humanitarian grounds, an early departure does not seem imminent. Having attained a strong foothold in the African heartland, Libya presents a golden opportunity to the West for securing its oil interests in the region. The country produced 1.6 million barrels of oil prior to the war and has oil reserves worth 46 billion, the largest in Africa.

British involvement in every Muslim land
Some analysts have referred to this as the “second colonization of Africa”. This can be best understood as coming straight from the horse’s mouth. Gloating about their resplendent achievement in Libya, an anonymous British official stated in an interview with the ‘Economist’ that ‘NATO’s involvement in the Libyan uprising means that ‘now we own it”. Therefore, another daunting task for the NTC would be to rid itself of western influence. A failure to do so would greatly undermine the sacrifices made for emancipation by the Libyan people thus replacing an authoritarian rule with western domination.
31. Aug, 2011
Wherever the United States ventured, it led to considerable damage and suffering. Historically speaking, the west has always eyed the oil of Africa, Middle East and Gulf ravenously and will keep on exploiting foibles of Muslim Countries unless they decide to unite and wok collectively for their mutual benefit.
Cahmpa Kali
01. Sep, 2011
Similar revolutions took place in Egypt n Tunisa, but just after six months, life in those countries came back to where it were before. In Tunisa and Egypt, common man's life is back to zero. Don't you think that Ghadfi's only sin is that he disobay West, particularly USA?
02. Sep, 2011
Invasion of Libya, like Iraq in 2003 – is an 'Israel Project'.
This truth was spilled out by Ahmad Shabani, the founder of Libya’s Democratic Party allied with NTC, in an interview he gave to Israeli journalist Yossi Melman - published by Israeli daily Ha’aretz on August 24, 2011.
“We are asking Israel to use its influence in the international communities (the ZOGs in the US, Canada and Europe) to end the tyranical regime of Qaddafi and his family,” said Shabani.
When Shabani was asked if NTC government will recognize Israel, he replied: “That is a very sensitive question. The question is whether Israel will recognize us”…..
28. Sep, 2011
Ms Hanif you should really study the subject you write about.
If you are a student than the best you can do is to research. you have just copy & pasted al jazbbcnndefghi……. bullshit
You want facts, news, information about LIBYA go to the source – one of the best , most reputed, well knowledge, transparent and unbiased Mathaba News Net.
this awful piece is a shameful tirade ranting of a wanabee house mozlem alla qatari collaborators
28. Sep, 2011
according to Qathafi was a despot. Really that is why million came out in support of Col Qathafi.
I suggest you look at the facts not bbcnnjaz presstitudes
Gaddafi's Forces are Beating Back the Rebels
NATO Troops On Ground In Libya: Intercepted Phone Call
- Ahmed Bani, The NTC’s Spokesman, answers him about the psychological operation and aims justifying his use of the word “New National Army”: he says that the whole world is fearing a guerrilla situation in Libya, fearing Al Qaeda and fratricide fights between the different factions. The international community must not see the Libyan rebels as a bunch of different factions, militias and brigades, so he uses the word “Libyan Army” to pretend that Libya is OK, that the situation is under control, and that there are only small pockets of pro-Gaddafi fighters to defeat. So they try to convince the US, Britain "UK" and France that a Libyan army is under construction, blablabla…
- The Misurata commander stops him, telling him that the US and French are very well informed about the situation on the ground, since they are with them on the ground. They were in Tripoli during the assault, and they are still there. He says in his own brigade only, there is a foreign intel. group of 12 US special ops, and 6 French (spies?), they are giving all the info, through internet and press(?). So the situation is quite clear for them, no need to pretend there is a new Libyan army.
- A dispute over the weapons and “troops” or “mercenaries” from Qatar. “Where are the weapons from Qatar, where are the troops when we need them?”, says the Misurata rebel. The deficiency of backing troops and weapons from Benghazi, while they have given them 150 millions (?) for it- The Misurata commander says that they didn’t get the weapons they were promised while they know they are in Benghazi. He swears that each of those in Benghazi who betrayed the Misurata brigade will pay the hard price and that the ‘revolution’ will succeed with or without them. He says that even if colonel Bani pretends he didn’t betray, he needs to fix the situation, and give what they promised to the Misurata brigade, as he’s in power.
- The Misurata commander says that Benghazi owes them money and respect for the Misurata ‘martyrs’, the wounded and amputations(?), for all what they have done, including destroying the Gaddafi army in Misurata and areas “Think about the armies we destroyed, Man, we destroyed 16 battalions in Misurata, there are MASS GRAVES of Gaddafi soldiers, but we are not supposed to talk about it. Who destroyed them? And you are talking about a National army?! Where is your National army of Benghazi? We are taking major casualties right now. Ambulances and planes are full of our casualties; hospitals are full of Misuratan rebels! Where is the help coming from Qatar? Where are the weapons coming from Qatar? You guys are excluding us from Libya like if we were Bangladesh. You are doing worse than Gaddafi, forgetting us and putting us apart”
A Libyan Girl's Message