Dateline Jakarta
Posted on 29. Aug, 2011 by Wayne Madsen in Opinion

Obama in Indonesia - see the circle
What was the meaning of Obama's last name "Soebarkah" in mother's passport application?
By Wayne Madsen
In 1968, one year after moving to Jakarta, Indonesia, President Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro listed her son's last name as Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) with "Soebarkah bracketed by parentheses, vice Soetoro. Obama's mother later used the spelling of "Sutoro" as her own last name.
Files released by the State Department on Dunham's name-change passport application lists two dates and places of marriage to her Indonesian Army Lieutenant Colonel husband, Lolo Soetoro: March 5, 1964, in Maui and March 15, 1965, in Molokai — almost a year's difference. In her 1968 passport renewal application, Barack Obama's name is listed as Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah). In passport renewal and amendment applications filed from Jakarta, Dunham uses two different names: Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro and Stanley Ann Soetoro.
The name "Soebarkah" may be Obama's given Indonesian name upon his formal adoption by Lolo Soetoro. The adoption of an Indonesian name also indicates strongly that Obama became an Indonesian citizen. In Janny Scott's book, "A Singular Woman," a young Obama is quoted as telling Lolo that he wanted to one day become "Prime Minister of Indonesia," something that only an Indonesian citizen could strive to attain. Indonesian law explicitly states that dual citizenship is not permitted and, according to a 1958 Indonesian law, only Indonesian citizens could be enrolled in the two schools Obama attended in Jakarta: St. Fransiskus Assisi Catholic school and Menteng Elementary. By becoming an Indonesian and possibly by travelling on an Indonesian passport to Pakistan and India in 1980, Obama ceased being a "natural born" citizen and became a "native born" citizen. Although it is an Indonesian custom for family, friends, and even employers of domestic help to informally "adopt" the children of relatives, friends, and employees, Obama's adoption was much more formal and carried out pursuant to Indonesian law.
Obama's mother's listing of her son's name as "Soebarkah" was in all likelihood an attempt by her to avoid breaking U.S. law, which states, "False statements made knowingly and willfully in passport applications are punishable by fine and/or imprisonment under U.S. law."
Soebarkah may be Obama's given Indonesian name: a legal requirement in his formal adoption process and his becoming an Indonesian citizen.
Article II, clause 5, is very specific about Obama's ineligibility to serve as President as a "native born" American who held Indonesian citizenship as a child and may have continued holding dual citizenship two years after turning 18: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."
Obama's eligibility to serve as President has never been about his Hawaiian birth certificate. Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, which made him an American citizen until he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, became a sole Indonesian citizen as a result of Indonesia's prohibition of dual citizens, was given the Indonesian name of Soebarkah, and may have continued to swear allegiance to a foreign power until after he turned 18. There is a controversy over Obama's attendance at Occidental College in 1979, with unverified reports that he had been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship only available to foreign students. Obama's Occidental records, as well as those from Columbia University, where he transferred, remain largely sealed.
With most of Obama's immediate family members dead and those who he knew in Jakarta who are still alive afraid to talk to the press, Obama has managed to continue to perpetuate a fraudulent presidency on the American people. The "birther" extremists, most of whom are unfamiliar with the history of Indonesia in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, have managed to muddy the waters by insisting that Obama was born in Kenya, a meme that is intended to paint Obama as an African, thus catering to racist elements in the Republican Party. There is a significant issue with Obama's eligibility to serve as President but the roads to Mombasa and Honolulu are truly dead ends: the only road pointing to the answers about Obama's citizenship status leads to Jakarta.
30. Aug, 2011
I'd say you are a marked man because your sources are impeccable
30. Aug, 2011
The author admits there are controversies surrounding details of Obama's life yet states he was born in Hawaii in 1961 without any verification. The birth certificate released by the White House is an obvious fraud, so I would like to know how he can state this as fact.
His premise may be correct or it could be more mud. At any rate, it is highly unlikely Obama will be removed from the presidency as a result of not meeting eligibility requirements.
30. Aug, 2011
I wonder if Obama's real birth certificate would have been taken from Hawaii or perhaps it was updated to reflect the adoption by Indonesian citizen Soetoro. He is hiding it for some reason–along with his college records.
As far as natural born citizen goes, Obama does not live up to the standard–even if he hadn't been adopted by Soetoro. Obama, Sr. was not a US citizen, therefore, Obama, Jr. is not a natural born citizen, a requirement that is met by being native born and having 2 American citizen parents.
It is a sad state of affairs that so many Americans are too confused and /or too uneducated to understand the eligibility requirements for their President.
30. Aug, 2011
This whole debate is a waste of time.
Legitimate or not, he's held office for two and a half years, during which time he's presided over the transfer of 16 trillion dollars to the elite, enlarged one war, extended the Iraqi occupation for several more years, aided NATO in it's seizure of Libyan oil, threatened Syria and Iran with more of the same, bombed the crap out of Yemen and Somalia, lied about killing Bin Laden and is about to sign off on the Keystone tar oil pipeline.
So, he's impeached and thrown out of office. That'll bring the victims of his warmongering back to life, I suppose.
30. Aug, 2011
It is not about ignorance or lack of education. The problem is where do you go to get this situation corrected? How can ordinary citizens do a damn thing about it? It is not just America, how can ordinary Brits get any action about the injustices in therir country. The same goes for Canada and almost all the coutries in Europe. The little guy has gotten to be microscopic in size. All these people throwing the stupid sheeple crap around are guilty of the very thing they parrot.
Frank Costa
30. Aug, 2011
Jimmy…as Richard Bach said:
"Argue for your limitations and they are yours."
Change comes from brave people taking a stand and acting, not whining. Go out and do *SOMETHING* for crying out loud…make leaflets and flyers, talk to your friends and get ideas and go do *SOMETHING.*
30. Aug, 2011
I agree with Bryan. There is NO PROOF that Obama was born in Hawaii and, even with a court order to examine the real Hawaii birth certificate IN Hawaii, attorney Orly Taitz has been denied the ability to do so.
Although I respect Madsen's work, I think it's very disrespectful to claim the "birthers" have no basis to claim Obama WAS NOT born in Hawaii. WHERE IS THE PROOF that he WAS? Anybody could have sent an announcement to the newspapers in 1961 and, in fact, there is a discrepancy with the Hawaii address of the grandparents at the time because someone else lived at the address listed then.
The MOST telling thing about Obama's eligibility is the 2008 state certifications for the Democratic party, where Pelosi deliberately OMITTED the REQUIRED phrase that Obama & Biden "are qualified under the constitution". The state of Hawaii REFUSED to sign until the proper phrase had been added. Pelosi added the missing phrase for Hawaii's signature, knowingly committing FRAUD by herself and Obama on 311 million Americans.
Obama was working in Pakistan with the CIA during the years he was "supposed" to be attending Columbia. The CIA bought his degree. He has numerous passports from different countries and numerous social security numbers. WHOEVER OBAMA CLAIMS TO BE, HE IS A BLATANT FRAUD.
I find it impossible to believe that not ONE blatant exposure of his documents has been revealed. It's out there!
30. Aug, 2011
The basic issue of Obama's ineligibility lies in the fact that he was a dual citizen at birth. He had British citizenship through his father. The fact that he was born in Hawaii in no way nullified his foreign-citizen status. As a result, he could never be POTUS under article 2, section 1 of the US constitution.
30. Aug, 2011
Here's a link to the Standard LTD, Nairobi, Kenya, which wrote, matter-of-factly
June 27,2004 ; " Kenyan born Barak Obama…"
With all contact data listed it should be easy to pursue.
01. Sep, 2011