Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear-Part 2
Posted on 20. Jul, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah in Mid East
By Jonathan Azaziah
To read part I click here.
Below is the document in its entirety, which fully corroborates the evidence revealed in the ‘Kiss of Democratic Death’ series:
The Juppé – Erdogan Agreement:
France, through its Foreign Minister Alain Juppé, attentively views that Turkey joining the European Union will greatly serve an important role in the Middle East. Only France has decided to provide the necessary support to the entry of Turkey into the European Union. This support was to be provided after a documented promise was made via the implementation of this agreement which serves the regional and international interests of Turkey, France and the European Union.
1. France provides the necessary support to Turkey to facilitate its entry into the EU before the end of 2012.
2. Turkey is to provide support to France on its strategic position in the Middle East, particularly Lebanon, Syria and Israel.
3. Leaving Turkey and Israel to continue military activities in Turkey as per the 1993 MOU while France provides support to both of the military units.
4. France will in turn provide the necessary support to Erdogan's upcoming parliamentary elections, to change the Turkish Constitution to serve the process of joining the European Union.
5. Turkey to facilitate the work of the Syrian opposition by organizing meetings of the Syrian opposition in Turkey and France, under the supervision of the representative of the European Union.
6. Turkey is ready to impose pressure on the Syrian regime to control the Middle East and bring down the Assad regime’s rejection of what it views as corrupt international policy in the Middle East.
7. Turkey to facilitate the entry of the Syrians displaced and allow the French media, or any other media allies, access to Syria.
8. Enable Turkey to control the regions of Aleppo and Idlib, northern Syria in exchange for France and Britain to control the rest of the occupied Syrian territorties.
9. Despite reluctance, Turkey is to help establish a U.S. military base in the east of Deir Al-Zour, Syria and France will provide the necessary support for this.
10. France is enjoying its status within the European Union to adopt a UN resolution on the Kurds of Turkey and to propose the creation of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq as a solution for them under the direct supervision of Turkey and France.
11. France is committed to using the veto on the costs of rights of Turkey as it deems appropriate boundaries between themselves and the alleged Kurdish state established in northern Iraq.
12. Facilitate business operations through Turkish territory to Syria and Lebanon, and not check the contents of the French tanks’ transit from Turkey to Syria and Lebanon.
13. The ongoing commitment of Turkey to the Convention on the Turkish-French business in Lebanon.
14. France provides the necessary support to Turkey and unconditional support on the outstanding issues between Turkey and Cyprus.
15. France to give Turkey $45 billion in the accounts of the European Union to support development operations in Turkey after Turkey's commitment to the provisions of this Agreement and such amounts will be disbursed in tranches based on Turkey's obligations to the provisions of this Agreement.
The document clearly (and disturbingly) speaks for itself. It is interesting to note, that like Turkish-Israeli trade, French-Israeli trade is just as lucrative, with annual profits skyrocketing to over 2 billion Euros ($2.8 billion) last year (30). The money funding the operations of the Tel Aviv-Ankara-Paris axis in Syria is awash in innocent blood, as every cent of it has passed through Zionist hands. Undoubtedly paid for by this blood money and as per number 5 in the Juppé-Erdogan Agreement, Turkey recently hosted yet another Syrian opposition conference in Istanbul on July 13th, 2011. While spouting usual, malicious rhetoric against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Lebanese Resistance movement of Hezbollah, this meeting soared to new heights and is arguably the most dangerous to date, as attendees flamboyantly called on the Syrian armed forces to turn on Bashar al-Assad and help ‘the people’ overthrow the regime (31). As the Juppé-Erdogan Agreement and all of the evidence provided here display, it is not ‘the people’ doing anything, but a murderous nexus with the illegitimate Israeli regime sitting at its head.
Conclusion: A Tale Of Two Children
Over the course of the last several months, one story that has permeated nearly all of the Zionist media’s coverage on Syria is that of 13-year old Hamza Ali al-Khatib, the first boy in this ‘tale of two children.’ He has become the ‘face of the Syrian Revolution,’ as many news outlets, including Zionist-created Al-Jazeera, have declared. The story goes something like this: seeking freedom and dignity like every other Syrian participating in the ‘peaceful, pro-democracy’ protests in the Dara’a Governorate, little 13-year old Hamza Ali al-Khatib hit the streets of Saida Village on April 29th, or the streets of Jiza Village, as ‘eyewitnesses’ can’t seem to be able to make up their minds. He was picked up by Syrian security forces in a routine ‘crackdown’ operation and tortured in custody for almost a month before being delivered back to his family with lacerations, bruises and burns to his elbows, face, knees, chest and feet, bullet wounds and castrated (32). Another sensational, shocking tragedy brought to the world by the Syrian Revolution.
The information, extracted from a Youtube video, is said to be congruent with reports from Human Rights Watch (HRW) about the types of torture used by Syrian security forces. HRW, all of its media glory and hype aside, has been exposed as nothing more than a tool of Zionist-globalist hegemony, fabricating reports whenever the Zionist entity and its allies need justification to prepare an ‘enemy’ country for regime change (as aforementioned), so how can any claim made by such an organization be taken seriously?
How can this Soros-funded band of propagandists and liars possess an almost infallible credibility when the foundation of its ‘legitimacy’ rests on pure illusion? In simpler terms, reports from HRW can’t be congruent with anything because HRW doesn’t tell the truth. The nail in HRW’s coffin comes with placing its senior researcher on Syrian Affairs, Nadim Houry, under a microscope: he’s also done work for the Rothschild-founded mega think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, and he previously worked for the law firm Sherman and Sterling LLP, a group admittedly dedicated to furthering the interests of international bankers through privatization and globalization (33). What kind of human rights advocate also works for organizations solely dedicated to wiping out human rights worldwide through criminal wars and occupations? That is yet another rhetorical question.
Beyond that, a closer look at the reveals that there is no evidence of torture at all, and most certainly not at the hands of Syrian security forces. The body is so discolored and disfigured from the discoloration, that one cannot be sure that it is even the body of 13-year old Hamza. It certainly looks to be someone else entirely. The video is definitely graphic, but at no point does the video show that the body has been castrated. Most bizarrely, the Arabic-speaking narrators of the video continue repeating ridiculous slogans about freedom and dignity. Where is the emotion and outrage of what has supposedly been done to the child? Where is the indignation? And casting further doubt on the entire matter, at the end of the video, the narrators call on the UN and Amnesty International to take action against Syria. Suspicious does not begin to describe this footage.
There is an alternative view of what happened to Hamza Ali al-Khatib, a view that has not even been given a fraction of the coverage that the mainstream (i.e. Zionist) view has. The alternative view is: Hamza indeed did take part in 'pro-reform' protests in the Dara’a Governorate and was indeed killed. However, the boy was not ‘murdered’ by Syrian security forces. He was caught in the crossfire of Saudi-Zionist-trained armed fighters and Syrian security officials at the Saida military housing compound. The armed brigade captured several children, including Hamza, and led them to the compound at gunpoint. They then opened fire on army, police, security forces and civilians. In the April 29th battle, a Syrian security chief was gunned down along with several others. Hamza’s body was taken to the hospital and once he was identified, he was transferred back to his family. Bashar al-Assad himself traveled to the family’s home to offer his condolences. The body in the now-infamous Youtube video belonged to that of a still unidentified man in his 20s, which was photographed and taped by Syrian opposition members (34).
This information is quite congruent with previous documentation regarding opposition attacks on Syrian government targets. This information would also mean that the opposition lied about Hamza Ali al-Khatib, which is also congruent with previous documentation. Zionist-backed Syrian opposition forces have already played this game before by faking the death of a 10-year boy named “Ayham al-Ahmad.” The video quality was so poor however that the international media did not pay it any mind (35). A week and a half after the Ayham story failed, the news of Hamza, much more brutal, sensational and heart-wrenching, emerged on the international scene. Psychological warfare is the name of the game and it must not be forgotten that Mossad’s psychological warfare unit, LAP, maintains a cozy working relationship with the Zionist media (36).
The second boy in this ‘tale of two children,’ is one that the greater majority of those who follow mainstream news and even those who claim to be activists have never heard of. This boy isn’t marketable, nor is he profitable and unlike Hamza, his story cannot be manipulated, mutated and transformed into a media fiasco. This boy’s name is . He was only 14 years old. Young Malik was from the city of Homs, a major battleground between the Zionist-Saudi axis’ destablization operatives and supporters of President Bashar al-Assad. He was the son of Syrian Army Colonel Ahmed Suleiman, a supporter of President Assad and a staunch Syrian nationalist. On May 29th, while the world was incessantly clamoring about the false stories regarding Hamza al-Khatib, Malik Ahmed Suleiman was strangled to death with a belt in front of his home for holding up a picture of Bashar al-Assad during an anti-government protest.
was targeted because his family had rejected the ‘Syrian Revolution’ and stood in solidarity with the majority of the Syrian people in their support for Bashar al-Assad. Why hasn’t this heinous murder been spoken about by mainstream media? Firstly, because the Suleiman family stands with the Resistance. And secondly, because Malik Ahmed Suleiman’s tragic story would invalidate the Zionist narrative regarding Syria’s ‘peaceful revolution.’
What about Al-Jazeera? Why hasn’t Al-Jazeera reported on this horrific crime? Because Al-Jazeera is nothing more than the Arab wing of the Zionist media and since 2004 alone, it has suppressed hundreds of stories of Zionist atrocities in occupied Palestine and it deliberately ignored the Zionist regime’s admission of dropping millions of cluster bombs on Lebanon during the genocidal July War (37). Ghassan Bin Jeddo, who stepped down from his post as Al-Jazeera’s Beirut Bureau Chief because the network launched a ‘smear campaign against Syria,’ said, “Al-Jazeera has resorted to gutter journalism. It is now an operations room for incitement and mobilization (38).” Malik Ahmed Suleiman doesn’t help Al-Jazeera ‘incite and mobilize’ against Syria, he blocks it.
What unites Malik Ahmed Suleiman and Hamza Ali al-Khatib is that they are both victims of a deadly, ominous destabilization campaign launched against Syria by the Zionist entity and the House of Saud. It is a campaign that has claimed the lives of police, civilians and soldiers alike and like a shark that smells blood in the water, it will not stop until it reaches its prey: Bashar al-Assad.
??The Zionist end game is to fracture Syria into multiple states of ethnic-sectarian distinction (39), ripping apart the unified fabric of the society that has prospered under the leadership of the Assad family for decades. The means of achieving this end lies within the savage opposition, a creature of Zionist-Saudi cooperation. This creature must be exposed for the Israeli-engineered beast that it is and the plot that it represents now more than ever as Zionist mobilization continues its climb towards all-out invasion. It must be exposed for Malik. It must be exposed for Hamza. And it must be exposed for the millions of other Syrians and their children whose lives are very much at stake. It is up to the people of conscience to reject the status quo, break free from the mainstream shackles and do so.
~ The End ~
(30) France Seeks To Boost Trade With Israel by Brett Kline, Globes
(31) Syrian Exiles Call For Army To Side With People by Simon Cameron-Moore, Reuters
(32) Tortured And Killed: Hamza Al-Khateeb, Age 13 by Hugh Macleod and Annasofie Flamand, Al-Jazeera English; Torture Of The Child Martyr: ‘Rebel,’ 13, Shot, Kneecapped And Had Genitals Removed Before Being Killed By Syria’s Sadistic Regime by Liz Hazelton, The UK Daily Mail
(33) Globalist Infiltration Of International Rights Groups: Nadim Houry’s Syrian Propaganda by Scott Creighton, American Everyman
(34) The True Story Of Hamza Al-Khateeb’s Death Belies Media Fabrications by Syrian Arab News Agency
(35) NEDA Revisited: Another Staged CIA Martyr This Time In Syria by Scott Creighton, American Everyman
(36) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(37) Pro-Israeli Editors Seek To Influence Al-Jazeera International English Satellite TV by Khalid Amayreh, The Electronic Intifada
(38) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II; Section – Media Manipulation: Zionism and Al-Jazeera Unite by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(39) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I; Section – History On The Fly II: Oded Yinon, A Clean Break and Direct Israeli Aggression by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
a WordPress rating system
21. Jul, 2011
What is your source for the MOU between Turkey and France?…
21. Jul, 2011
We know too well the cursed house of al saud and their vile ideology to destroy our Ummah
and we know how to deal with anyone who interferes with our desire of peace and non-violence
A Libyan Girl's Message
Lebanese women travel to Syria to support Assad
and as the young Libyan said we haven't forgotten that you killed a million of our people and we STILL REJECT YOUR PRESENCE
damned (no not a spelling mistake) catherine ashton go play queen of horrors in britshit
it is our Ummah and we decide- For all your bullshit of mordenism/technolgy/education … etc you are still living in barbaric age
go to hell and play lyndie england with sarky, camerummy the beer lout, merky the murderous anfd the rest of sick perverted slaughterers
21. Jul, 2011
Al Jewzira is playing a big role in the so called “Arab spring” scam. It’s time people in the Arab/Muslim world wake up and understand that we do need a revolution of some sort to change things. But this revolution must be from the people for the people and not a Face Book, Al Khabisa, NWO-NATO powered one.
08. Aug, 2011
It's hard to believe that this is the same Turkey who broke diplomatic relations with Israel after the Gaza seige. I also think, that if this is true, that the Turkish government is playing a dangerous game with such widespread hatred for Israel – I'm sure the majority of Turks won't be to happy with this…
08. Aug, 2011
I wonder how much of a role Turkey's Kurdish 'problem' has in it's dealings with Israel. I know the Turks have treated the Kurds horribly, killing thousands – reading about creating a Kurdish state in Northern Iraq sounds so much like Zionist aspirations to move the Palestinians to Jordan…
9-11 CORRUPT FBI REPORTS AMBER ALERT- Celina Cass 11 years old missing in NEW HAMPSHIRE on 9 pm, 07 25 2011= 7-9-11= 11-5-11= 9 ( Celia or Selena) « serenitystreetnews
08. Sep, 2011
[...] Syria Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear-Part 1 : Part 2 [...]
08. Sep, 2011
[...] Syria Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear-Part 1 : Part 2 [...]