Israel And The American Jewish Voter

Posted on 30. Jul, 2011 by in Opinion

This situation is potentially more dangerous then most American Jews realize. The Zionist hold over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has already cost the country dearly. It was at least part of the reason we were attacked on 9/11 and why we subsequently invaded Iraq.

An Analysis

By Prof Lawrence Davidson 

Part I
The 27 July 2011 New York Times has a front page article about the upcoming September 13 special election for New York City’s Ninth Congressional District seat. The article opens a window on the political use of Israel as a campaign touchstone. The Ninth District, the most heavily Jewish District in the nation, is the one recently vacated by Democratic Representative Anthony Weiner who was, of course, a loyal supporter of Israel. Alas, he was also a man with a strong libido and no discretion. He was forced to step down after electronically sharing obscene pictures of himself with at least six women. The Democratic and Republican candidates who seek to fill this seat are not known for gross indiscretion in their private lives (though who knows what skeletons lurk in which closets), yet in their public pursuit of this Congressional seat they seem to be drawn, as by an irresistible political force, to follow Weiner’s lead and do obeisance at the alter of Zionism. Is this yet another form of folly?
Both candidates, Democratic Assemblyman David I. Weprin and his Republican opponent, Bob Turner (a retired cable television executive) are involved in a process of "one-upmanship on who is more pro-Israel." One would think that Turner would have no chance in such a competition seeing as how Weprin is an "Orthodox Jew who keeps a kosher home, observes the Sabbath, and has been to Israel at least eight times." Nonetheless, he is playing this game with some serious support. "On Monday [July 25], former Mayor Edward Koch, [a Jew and] a Democrat, endorsed the Republican candidate"on the basis that a Democrat, even one who is a strong supporter of Israel, can not be strong enough as long as President Obama holds the White House. Koch argues that only the election of a strong Republican supporter of Israel will "rebuke" the president for saying "that Israel’s pre-1967 border should be the basis for a peace agreement." Former Mayor Koch, apparently not just physically but also mentally 87 years old, seems not to care that a Republican candidate may end up supporting domestic positions that can ruin the United States. He is obsessed with a single issue, Israel.
You would think that this obsession with Israel and its 1967 borders is pretty crazy in an election for someone to represent the interests of parts New York City that have names like Queens, Kew Gardens, Flatbush and Sheepshead Bay. And aren’t there numerous other issues, vital to the health of the nation, such as the federal budget and deficit, the fate of Medicare and Social Security, etc. that ought to hold voters’ attention? So who cares about some foreign country approximately 6,000 miles away? Well, according to Cynthia Zalisky, the executive director of the Queens Jewish Community Council, it is not only Ed Koch who is obsessed. She tells us that "how the candidates feel about Israel and the president’s concept of the pre-1967 borders is going to resonate in this district." Donald Schwartz, an Orthodox Jewish activist from Kew Gardens agrees. He says that the Democratic candidate is not a sufficiently "fierce advocate" for Israel and his election would allow the President Obama to "take the Jewish vote for granted."
All of this should raise eyebrows. Just how many Jewish voters are we talking about? And, how do we know that most care about what the Zionist activists care about? Why should it always be assumed that the Jewish vote turns on the question of Israel? The New York Times article answers the first of the these questions. The Jewish voters in the ninth district are numerous. Almost half of the population is Jewish, many of them observant, and a significant number of them, 30 to 35%, regularly turn out to vote. Thus, as political consultant Jerry Skurnik puts it, "you can’t get wiped out in the Jewish vote and expect to win a district like this." Ok. But why assume most of those 30 to 35% of Jewish voters prioritize Israel when they vote, or are dissatisfied with President Obama on the issue of Israeli borders? You know, Mr. Weprin did endorse same sex marriage and that has upset some of the Orthodox community. Yet the New York Times really has its focus on the question of loyalty to Israel and takes it for granted that those Zionist activists who shout loudest know what the silent majority is thinking. On the other hand, maybe the Ninth is somehow special. Maybe Israeli settlements do top social security. It is depressing to think so, but it is possible.
Part II
Just for argument sake, let’s go with the notion that the Ninth District is indeed special. So lets say that the candidates do have to cater to specifically Jewish opinion to win this district, and that enough Jewish votes turn on the issue of Israel’s 1967 borders that candidates have to play the Zionist card to win. What should those who oppose kowtowing to Zionist influence (and there are organizations of anti-Zionist Jews out there) do about this? Here are three possible approaches:
1. Find a way to increase the non-Jewish voter turnout. The political party that can do this can probably destroy the formula set forth above by Jerry Skurnik.
2. Find a way to get as many of the Jewish voters as possible to shed the single issue picture painted of them by the Zionists. There is probably an undercurrent of resentment about this one dimensional representation. Someone should tap into it. To this end, we proceed to #3.
3. Find a way to form a Jewish, but non-Zionist, political cadre to compete for Jewish voter support within the Democratic Party in the Ninth District and others like it. Give the Democratic Jewish voters a democratic choice.
Number one is the least volatile of these efforts. The consequences of pushing numbers 2 and 3 really depend on just how deep the Zionist "Jewish activists" are entrenched. Depending on that question, one of two things could happen. If the Israeli obsession is in fact only skin deep, that is only an issue for a relatively small, albeit vocal, minority of Jewish voters, it should be overcome pretty easily by insisting on the greater importance of domestic concerns. Those issues, closer to home, will then come to the fore as candidate touchstones and Israel will recede to the lower end of the list of important factors. If, however, a notable percentage of the Ninth District’s Jewish voters are obsessed with Israel, then concerted efforts as described in 2 and 3 could result in blood in the streets.
Part III
Either way, something really should be done to challenge the prevailing assumption that Israel is the touchstone political issue for American Jewish voters. Whatever might be the case in the Ninth District, this level of concern for Israel is probably not true of Jews nationally. On a national level most U.S. Jews vote Democratic and probably do so regardless of the candidates position on Israel. In fact, my bet is that both political parties don’t really scramble for Jewish votes which, except for rare places like the Ninth District, are minuscule. What they scramble for is Jewish lobby money. And the Jewish lobby is not only obsessed with Israel, for all intents and purposes it functions as unregistered agent of that country. So to get the money you have to do your obeisance at the alter of Zionism.
This situation is potentially more dangerous then most American Jews realize. The Zionist hold over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has already cost the country dearly. It was at least part of the reason we were attacked on 9/11 and why we subsequently invaded Iraq. The Israel connection has alienated America from the entire Muslim world and helped encourage domestic racism in the form of Islamophobia. What happens if this orientation continues and results in more wars, more terrorist attacks and greater debilitation of the domestic budget? At some point the American public, looking for reasons for these disasters, may well focus on lobby influence and the prioritizing of the interests of a foreign land 6000 miles away. At that point it will not be just AIPAC that will pay the price. The Zionist insistence that all Jews support Israel, as untrue as it is, will have stereotyped American Jewry and anti-Semitism will quickly become a serious issue.
Therefore, it is in the best interests of the American Jewish community to shed the image of the single issue voter, to consciously begin to hold those Zionist activists at arms length, and to join with those groups, such as Jewish Voices for Peace, that reject any demand that they do obeisance at the alter of Zionism. Quite frankly, the leaders of Israel are fanatics, the true believers of the American Zionist lobbies are fanatics, and Ed Koch is a fanatic. Most American Jews are not fanatics and it is time they let the rest of the country know it.

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9 Responses to “Israel And The American Jewish Voter”

  1. DachsieLady

    31. Jul, 2011

    "It was at least part of the reason we were attacked on 9/11 and why we subsequently invaded Iraq."
    We were NOT ATTACKED on 9-11.  9-11 was an inside job.
    Professor Davidson, you are no "opinion maker" and I do not see how you can expect readers to take you seriously.

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  2. telena hulotova

    31. Jul, 2011

    I think you are an idiot.why we were attacked  on 9/11 ytells me you are uncognizant of just what is going on and unqualified to be writing any thing or anywhere.the jews comprise they say lesss than 2% of pop. so who cares (theoretically,but look at the supreme court,state dept.prez cabinet both past and present,newspaper ownership,banking influence,groups and organizations,political lickspittles of amelikan politocos (politician=blood sucking parasite in latin)and you will find amelika has been well and finely jew screwed and ignorant fools like you are the reason.

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  3. RabbitNexus

    31. Jul, 2011

    This is so true.  I have also been warning Zionists and Jews generally if they refuse to listen to moderate voices of criticism like mine and yours, and instead call us and treat us like the most obscene anti-Semites for opposing what is a monumenetally racist and bigoted cult, then you will simply give fuel to the seriously dangerous anti-semites and there are some, who would gladly make the Holocaust a reality instead of a much exaggerated and abused, self created and largely self inflicted myth.
    You might think my saying that is the height of hatred and bigotry, but it is not, it is a scholalry belief, one I have arrived at after open minded study and I express no feelings about it except shock and disgust that such a libelous story was made and especially how it has been used to commit worse evil by Jews since.  The difference is I do not advocate that we make it a reality.  Silence me and refuse to mend your ways and you will eventually meet my brothers who will have an entirely different view and you will not be given another chance.
    Jews are not popular in the USA today, beneath the hysterical defense of all things jewish, more Americans resent and displiek them not only for Israel but for the media and banking lock holds they have also.  You have no idea how fast a national anti-semitism could arise and swamp out the very noisy minority, and using those laws and abusive security appratus put in place under Zionist tutelage to deal with the Jews and their supporters instead.
    We warn you of this but call us anti-Semites for doing so and silence us and continue on your ways and others will come and do this to you.

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    31. Jul, 2011

    As soon as the US stops supporting Israel we will be better off in many, many ways.  The JEW KIKE SCUM who care for Israel more than they care for the USA need to pack up and leave for Israel immediately or take a hike to the ovens.  

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  5. wallt235

    31. Jul, 2011

    The holohoax is the biggest lie of the 20th century, but jooz deserve to be exterminated once and for all!

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  6. richard

    01. Aug, 2011

    proxy wars, manipulation, getting their enemies to slaughter each other are right out of   "The Art Of War" and there is no better practitioner than our Jewish friends… in the end it comes down to huge dose of karma visited on the generations of our jewish friends

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  7. Zionistan

    01. Aug, 2011

    On 9/11/11….the Comet ELEnin shall make a very close call with earth……a prophecy on ISRAEL…….that WHORE of Babylon ( for which other peoples did sit by the Rivers of Babylon & did sell themselves to their babylonian whoremasters  to learn banking, stargazing, architecture and the arts of prostitution ….) drunk with demonic possession, riding the Islamic beast that shall hate her, shall strip her naked, shall burn her with fire & eat her flesh……in her cup of iniquities & lies you find murder, war, greed , graft, pornography, hypocrites, organ harvester , human traffickers & after what just happened in "kosher" brooklyn …..cannibalism……..let him who has wisdom understand the number of the beast for it is a number of a man……..ZIONISTAN.

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  8. Khalif

    01. Aug, 2011

    american have made themselves unwanted and unliked. their mickey mouse kosherwood courts are a joke worldwide.
    their goons cia/fbi are running like sewage rats back to the luciferous house and their are warrants court cases against them
    How dumb are the amerikans? the world hates you, you are ugly brutal barbarians and all this for gang of scumbag thugs. NOW THATT IS REALLY DUMB.
    Keep your crass kosherwood BS we do not want or need it.  

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  9. SonAmericanRevolution

    02. Aug, 2011

    Weiner was merely exercising his right to be exceptional as one of the chosen ones. Everyone knows that jews can do no wrong, plus, as ariel sharon said: "we the jewish people control America and they know it".
    Under jewish control the story of Henry Ford has been hidden becuase jews don't like him! I just wish these jewish geniuses (with all their "smarts") could do what Henry Ford did. Despite 100% inflation from 1908 to 1927, he reduced the price of his continually improved Model-T from $850 to $275.
    Being a dumb gentile with only minor jewish ancestry I am unable to clearly recall any jew who has claim to such a clear cut remarkable feat as Henry Ford. Even Timmy Geekner has admitted he never had a real job but presumably excellent "education".
    The jewish edited "History Fabrication Channel" always summarizes Henry's story by mentioning that Henry was "uneducated" and only knew about dirty things like making cars unlike Madoff who always had clean finger nails.
    As near as I can tell, Henry Ford was the greatest economist in the history of the USA, not any member of the Holy Tribe!

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