An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Posted on 16. Jul, 2011 by in World News

Another side of the picture in US.

Editor's Note: For those who may not be familiar, Pat Buchanan was on Ronald Reagan's staff and later a Republican presidential candidate. He is looking at the world events, as they have been unfolding in 2011, with a wide zoom lens. A good read – whether you are a Muslim or not. It was floating on the net, due to its great importance its been published without giving the credentials to where it was originally published.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

In 1938, the year of Anschluss and Munich, a perceptive British Catholic looked beyond the continent over which war clouds hung and saw another cloud forming.

"It has always seemed to me … probable," wrote Hilaire Belloc, "that there would be a resurrection of Islam and that our sons or our grandsons would see the renewal of that tremendous struggle between the Christian culture and what has been for more than a thousand years its greatest opponent."

Belloc was prophetic. Even as Christianity seems to be dying in Europe, Islam is rising to shake the 21st century as it did so many previous centuries.

Indeed, as one watches U.S. armed forces struggle against Sunni insurgents, Shia militias, and jihadists in Iraq, and a resurgent Taliban, all invoking Allah, Victor Hugo's words return to mind: No army is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

The idea for which our many of our adversaries fight is a compelling one. They believe there is but one God, Allah; that Muhammad is his prophet; that Islam, or submission to the Koran, is the only path to paradise; and that a Godly society should be governed according to the Shariah, the law of Islam. Having tried other ways and failed, they are coming home to Islam.

What idea do we have to offer? Americans believe that freedom comports with human dignity, that only a democratic and free-market system can ensure the good life for all, as it has done in the West and is doing in Asia.

From Ataturk on, millions of Islamic peoples have embraced this Western alternative. But today, tens of millions of Muslims appear to be rejecting it, returning to their roots in a more pure Islam.

Indeed, the endurance of the Islamic faith is astonishing.

Islam survived two centuries of defeats and humiliations of the Ottoman Empire and Ataturk's abolition of the caliphate. It endured generations of Western rule. It outlasted the pro-Western monarchs in Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Ethiopia and Iran. Islam easily fended off communism, survived the rout of Nasserism in 1967, and has proven more enduring than the nationalism of Arafat or Saddam. Now, it is resisting the world's last superpower.

What occasioned this column was a jolting report in the June 20Washington Times, by James Brandon, alerting us to a new front.

"Arrests Spark Fear of Armed Islamist Takeover" headlined the story about the arrest, since May, of 500 militants who had allegedly plotted the overthrow of the king of Morocco and establishment of an Islamic state that would sever all ties to the infidel West – to end the poverty and corruption they blame on the West.

The arrests raised fears that al-Adl wa al-Ihsane, or Justice and Charity, was preparing to take up arms to fulfill the predictions of the group's mystics that the monarchy would fall in 2006. Though illegal, al-Adl wa al-Ihsane is Morocco's largest Islamic movement, which boycotts elections, but has hundreds of thousands of followers and has taken over the universities and is radicalizing the young.

Its founder is Sheik Abdessalam Yassine, who has declared its purpose is to reunite mosque and state: "Politics and spirituality have been kept apart by the Arab elites. And we have been able to reconnect these two aspects of Islam – and that is why people fear us."

And, one might add, why people embrace them.

If Morocco is now in play in the struggle between militant Islam and the West, how looks the correlation of forces in June 2006?

Islamists are taking over in Somalia. They are in power in Sudan. The Muslim Brotherhood won 60 percent of the races it contested in Egypt. Hezbollah swept the board in southern Lebanon. Hamas seized power from Fatah on the West Bank and Gaza. The Shia parties who hearken to Ayatollah Sistani brushed aside our favorites, Chalabi and Iyad Allawi, in the Iraqi elections. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the most admired Iranian leader since Khomeini. In Afghanistan, the Taliban is staging a comeback.

This has all happened in the last year. And where are we winning?

What is the appeal of militant Islam? It is, first, its message: As all else has failed us, why not live the faith and law God gave us?

Second, it is the Muslim rage at the present condition where pro-Western regimes are seen as corruptly enriching themselves, while the poor suffer.

Third, it is a vast U.S. presence that Islamic peoples are taught is designed to steal their God-given resources and assist the Israelis in humiliating them and persecuting the Palestinians.

Lastly, Islamic militants are gaining credibility because they show a willingness to share the poverty of the poor and fight the Americans.

What America needs to understand is something unusual for us: From Morocco to Pakistan, we are no longer seen by the majority as the good guys.

If Islamic rule is an idea taking hold among the Islamic masses, how does even the best army on earth stop it? Do we not need a new policy?

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33 Responses to “An Idea Whose Time Has Come?”

  1. Jeff Prager

    16. Jul, 2011

    Yes, we need new policies.

    First we need to stop recruiting civilians to kill one another across the globe but to do that we need to eliminate fractional reserve banking, interest and the global elite.

    Easier said than done.

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  2. Anthony Clifton

    16. Jul, 2011

    Before the Ashkenazim Proselytes to Talmudic Judaism had a Zionist Entity "THEY" called Israel in the ME, America had no enemies. Since the talmudic terrorists conflate "JEW" with Israel, all zionazi psychozoids WHO DO NOT SUDY HISTORY accept the lies of the deviant stool sculpture deity cult members as Fact. The idea that someone actually KNOW THE TRUTH in order to be FREE {of Bondage] is hated by the proselytes to the talmudic terrorist cult, that not only Hates Jesus, but Truth & Justice. Knowing that Israel {GEN.49 & Deut. 32} is a Company of Nations and not merely the ashkenazim proselytes to the Talmudic PHARISEE cult of the Synagogue of satan would help "Israeli" occupied Amen corner AIPAC/CUFI "ZOG" change it's SATANIC/Talmudic so-called "POLICIES" that only seem to benefit Lying Mass Murderers…Personally I believe Jesus spoke the truth, and not in Yiddish.

    Reply to this comment
    • Eudoxia

      17. Jul, 2011

      There are profound truths to be found in the esoteric meanings and teachings of all world religions.  The exoteric teachings miss the mark entirely and have created nothing other than a form of spiritual neurosis. From the Satgurus in India through Jesus higher teachings to his disciples – they taught the same thing – Gnosis.

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    • Alewar

      17. Jul, 2011

      The term Zionazi is a contradiction.   Germany stood agaisnt the Edomites financial powers that destroyed the Russian empire, they were the only power standing against them that could make an impact and for that reason were taken down by Britian and America. Ironic, isn't it? Jewry and you're quote and others today, demands that the West thoroughly repudiate Hitler and his evil attitudes — something Western civilization had already done when it sacrificed millions in fighting WWII against Nazism and Fascism — yet the Jewish Left (and most Marxists) refuse to repudiate the evil Judeofascist mass murderer Trotsky and other Judeofascist mass murders like Kaganovich, Yagoda and Yezhov, whose acts and ideology were largely responsible for the rise of Fascism and its murderous anti-Semitism to begin with. Pure hypocrisy.
      Not surprisingly, then, the Judeofascist Zionist movement demands Islamic civilization repudiate terrorism against Israel, but refuses to repudiate Jewish terror against Palestinians, and in fact ignores or denies it altogether, just as it denies the "critical" Zionist role in instigating and engineering the mass-murderous Iraq war. If I were you, friend, I would look into  Dr. Tony Martin, Dr. Bertand Comparet Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zundell, Dr. William Pierce, Michael Collins Piper, Carolyn Yeager, Juri Lina,  and dispell yourself, your terminology, and mindset from the hardwiring of the Talmudic Canaanite influence.

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  3. Sword23

    17. Jul, 2011

    A few quick corrections! 1.Muslims submit to God,not the Quran! 2.Sharia Law(The Law) was presented to Moses(as) and (as it should be)continued on with Islam! Indeed, These laws are not to be tampered with! But man has done so and look at the results! 3.Aside from the Europian countries,I don't think America was ever in good standing with the world!  You slaughtered the Indians,built the country on slavery,banned reading and learning,brought in jim crow,the kkk,segregation,assasinated four modern day hero's! The list goes on!  And It is still this way today.. It's institutionallized! No one calls you, a nigger or a spic,or chink ,to your face,they just don't hire you. Or pay you less for the same job that others do., or they ride your back in hopes that you will quit!
    America has'nt changed much. They just got slicker.

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  4. defrag

    17. Jul, 2011

    What you are missing is that mainstream Christianity is further away from real connection with spirit than is Islam. People go to what feeds their souls. Include that reality in your views.

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  5. Cosmic Pulse

    17. Jul, 2011

    Zionism is the Real world threat, not muslims.  Come on Buchanan you know what';s really up.

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  6. MJB

    17. Jul, 2011

    When in the hell were we ever the good guys?  Please keep your misrepresentations and outright lies to yourself and be happy with the crumbs from your corporate masters.. 

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  7. rrrr

    17. Jul, 2011

    The problem of Islam will not be solved by talking.

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  8. jim

    17. Jul, 2011

    Muslims castrate women, openly engage in sex with little boys, do not bath, and their religion is just another slave philosophy bastard of Judaism.  They are dishonest, lazy, ignorant and parasitic to the extreme.  Where do you think the adverb niggardly came from?
    There is no way in Hell these camel f#*kers are taking over the Human Race.  In fact, after the US fully invades Libya this Fall, we are going to nuke all of those Arabs until there are none left.  After that, the civil wars in Europe will involve exterminating whatever amount of them is left.

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    • Watch ur lip

      17. Jul, 2011

      From which slimy gutter did you crawl out you ignorant creep.

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    • Salah u deen

      17. Jul, 2011

      Ha ha ha bla bla bla ok! Now it’s time to take your medication jimbo.

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  9. Draconius Horribilis

    17. Jul, 2011

    The answer is simple: The US needs to stop being Politically Correct, stop fighting with one hand tied behind it's back, and show these barbarians the true meaning of power. Destroy their cities and mosques. Slaughter them by the millions, and evict every last Muslim from US soil. Islam is a relic of the 7th century, it's a horridly evil cult that denigrates women and treats them like chattel. Wipe them all out for the greater good. I spit on Muslims every chance I get, and will gladly execute every single one of them if ever given the chance. Wipe them out, ALL OF THEM!

    Reply to this comment
    • Octol

      17. Jul, 2011

      Who is going to give your bigoted moronic ass a chance?  In fact, with as dumb as you are, nobody is going to give you chance at anything.  Ahh that horrible American diet is turning out imbeciles by the tons.

      Reply to this comment
    • Salah u deen

      17. Jul, 2011

      Every chance you get? A coward like you can only brag online because you don’t have any b##s to do it in real.

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  10. Draconius Horribilis

    17. Jul, 2011

    One last point: Mohammad was a pedophile madman who had sexual intercourse with camels in the desert. This is a fact.

    Reply to this comment
    • Watch ur lips

      17. Jul, 2011

      People who have no arguments to contribute to a debate come up with self-made stories and call it facts. The only fact is that these people are IGNORANT.

      Reply to this comment
    • Salah u deen

      17. Jul, 2011

      The fact is that you don’t know anything about Islam and you also don’t have any real arguments to contribute.

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  11. Meatwad

    17. Jul, 2011

    Islam is the third of the lies the zionist has created to make their own appear as some special gang in the eyes of some creator. It was developed to corral those dumb enough not to see the glaring contradictions in the supposed words of an "almighty",,, oblivious to the crimes they say are perfectly acceptable within those words like slavery. Thew trifecta of the one gangster mind of the jew, of course judaism, christianity and islam,,, are all equally bunk in reality with the self appointed superiority complex built into them. Imagine, islam is supposed to be thee faith, yet within their book they hold to a seperate group of jews as having their own ways, never to be brought into islam??? Do you see the problem there, YET!

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  12. Yossef

    17. Jul, 2011

    You, Amerikkkans, are hopelessly and infinitely stupid. 10% of you are aware what is going on around you, but 90% is sleepwalking with burgers stuffed in your mouths!

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  13. Jerome

    17. Jul, 2011

    The Anglo-sphere is in trouble for lacking a couple of rules:
    1. An effective 10-years term (real-estate) betterment tax,
        which is proven to avert real-estate bubbles, which in turn account for 3/4
        of all bubbles volumes combined.
    2. Tobin tax, i.e. a comission on inter-bank trading.
        This is now mandated by EU law.
    It is all Maths, not religion, not Mahadi(Messiah), not Zionism.

    Reply to this comment
  14. abubaqar

    17. Jul, 2011

    to those jewish or kaffir turds denigrating the prophet or islam let me tell you its future!
    today in the world this prophecy is being fulfilled clearly,evidently,factually to those who doubt. christian scholars themselves say that within 20 years islam will be the no 1 faith in the world!
    if you take into context that christianity  being the largest religion came 600 years before us presently, where will we be in 50,100, 300 or 600 years time???
    the reality is staring you bastards in the face if you care to acknowledge it!
    and the main thing you all should be clear about is that is it god almighty who has sent his messenger with the truth, whoever causes and besmirches his character is condemning himself and is wrong in presumptions. the prophet mohammed pbuh was not like that at all!

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  15. mike

    17. Jul, 2011

    What a ridiculous piece of non journa;lism..It appears that the author has deliberately left out the part where Geroge Bush claimed that God told him to attack Iraq.
    It's these ignorant bibletards that use religion to justify killing innocent people for their resources. The way to fight terror and "religious extremeist" (christians have a horrible history of extremist slaughter of millions) STOP BOMBING AND KILLING PEOPLE UNDER THE COVER OF RELIGION TO STEAL  RESOURCES!!'s our pirate nation that creates these enemies that we fight..Its hard to understand how governement and people can be so ignorant

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  16. Mustafa

    17. Jul, 2011

    All religions are based on mushrooms.  Jesus was a mushroom. When you convince people that people in the past were magical and all powerful like harry potter–you can convince them of anything.  Religions, including Islam, is a tool of mental slavery. Eat Jesus know peace.Type your comment here.All..

    Reply to this comment
    • Salah u deen

      17. Jul, 2011

      and your name is not Mustafa mushroom.

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  17. 17. Jul, 2011

    How about “Fall of Capitalism”, “Rise of Multi-Faith-ism” and “Multi-Governance Paradigmism”, than “Islam” alone?

    I’m sure the likes of the WH lobby types, hegemonists, fifth columnists and such want to live a ‘Mad Max’ reality, so take one of the drier states and assign them the space of a microstate like Singapore to play act BDSM, hellhole, Zion-Vader culture. The rest of the world though will remain multi-polar and multi-faith, multi-governance paradigm rather than mono-anything. Diversity is sustainable, but a single anything, Capitalism, Communism, Islam or Hinduism WORLDWIDE will totally fail.

    So how about “Fall of Capitalism” and “Rise of Multi-Faith-ism” and “Multi-Governance Paradigmism”.

    Reply to this comment
  18. Bonnie

    17. Jul, 2011

    Yeah, struggling against islam.  Prophetic, eh?
    Especially, if the ptb DELIBERATELY allow  UNCONTROLLED immigration from islamic countries.
    And wasn't Belzoc a jew?  The VERY people that are in control of the Western govs – esp. the U.S. 
    Oh, the U.S., you ask?
    Yeah, the U.S. Congress bought and paid for israeli lobbiests.
    EVERYTHING is connected. According to the jewis, from their rabbris teaching the TALMUD, they want to CONTROL the world. 
    A text of virulent hatred AGAINST the non-jew! BEFORE christianity. Considering non-jews as "goyim" -(beasts in the field. Soulless animals on two legs)
    The Talmud compiled in the 1 c. A.D.and written down in the 5th. A.D.
    Why do the jews HATE us, NON-JEWS, so  much?

    Reply to this comment
  19. Moser

    17. Jul, 2011

    As Alwar properly points out, right now it's not the muslims/arabs or christians – it is the ashkenazi/kazarian zionist false jews who are murdering, raping and fucking up this planet!

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  20. Anaughty Mouser

    17. Jul, 2011

    Not Moser or Mouiser, sorry…

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  21. Anaughty Mouser

    17. Jul, 2011

    Where's my comment 'Idea whose time has come' guy?

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  22. islam is hatred

    17. Jul, 2011

    Islam is wrong, their most sacred books teach to hate all those that are non-muslims, their God supports klling, we must to stop islam

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  23. neal

    17. Jul, 2011

    If you read the Bible, the Koran, and all the written works of Man, there is a common thread of the teachings of Nature leading to certain truths.  It seems the attempt to share this kind of information through the written word collectively, without the prerequisite indivual experience and invitation, leads to much confusion and corruption.  Maybe that's why in some cultures, one is not privy to collected wisdom, until one has demonstrated a certain understanding of the basics from individual effort. 
    Handing someone a set of car keys, when they don't know how to drive, or even know what keys are for, doesn't seem prudent.

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  24. really

    18. Jul, 2011

    The problem [with Humanity] is religiosity and not religion. Should Divinity exists, no man needs fear Religion but all should fear man-made religions if only because that fear is about religiosity’s greed. That of Ownership Issues, the MO of Humanity. Man-made religions are about the knowledge which lacks realisation/attainment/empowerment – or the common excuse offered by religious conmen, “Eet take lifetimes to meet/realise Divinity”. When a truth/principle/reality/a-knowledge is unrealisable, the next step the famous, the fortunate and the immortal do is to own/re-present it. Jest like “Amerika” but it could be any culture, race or nationality, Scholarship, Might and Belief being of behaviour and not of The Blooming Obvious, oka Materialism.
    Those born blind has no concept, let alone the realisation of the principle of colours and there is no way anyone can relay the principle of simple arithmetic to a chimp. Reality is one’s experience whereas others’ reality is merely one’s knowledge. When Abraham, Christ, Mohammed, Krishna or Buddha relayed a fact, they were not talking about others, they were talking about A Truth. Relaying what happened through some scripture does not mean that it is realisable, the knowedge which lacks realisation being a religion. Like insisting that a book/truth should own everything – should one lacks immunity to Stupidity-cum-Dumbness, Dumbness being Stupidity suppressed and Stupidity being Dumbness expressed, the different faces of the same coin. Truth is never, ever, about “others”, truth is about one self.
    As such, should Divinity exists and He-She is not stupid-cum-dumb like the typical blind-cum-blinded human faithful, He-She would have devised a method for Divinity’s realisation. And what happens if that method of Divinity’s realisation is not based on Fame, Fortune & Immortality, the favourite past time of mere humans, what then? Yes, the Scholarly, The Mighty and The Believing will rise up in arms. Complexity being Simplicity otherwise It will have little meaning, when it comes to Truth/Reality, the innocent and wise are not only the first to “get it”, they are it. When you are a part of Truth, Truth is then no longer of ownership issues/concepts, ownership issues being of “over”-cum-“under”. When there is too-much it is because too-little is patiently waiting for its turn, The Zero-Sum Game.
    For humans to tango to The Bookie’s tune, The Bookie being the One who profits through Disagreement, the Ownership Issues of Vested Interest, oka Fame, Fortune & Immortality, are offered as Reality/Divinity when they are merely Relativity/Humanity. The Bookie has many Octopi Arms, the firm favourite being The Chosen Few. Others are Quackery & Handler, that ragtag organised but mostly disorganised cabal called The Mass Media, Disrganised but mostly organised Religion, and many more.
    The human brain is seemingly mostly unused/under-utilised but that is not true. This is because there are 5 dimensionalitites to humans namely subjectivity, objectivity, projectivity, spirituality and [real] humanity. Of these 5 dimensions, only one is physical. To afford the other realms tangibility, The Material Cosmos was created/Big-Banged such that the physical realm is The Final Port of Call for the Intangibles. No human got to being [partially] human by lifting a single finger and Evolution, The Return Journey of Dust back towards The Big Bang, oka “Resurrection”, will not require our input, justified as “progress” and “achievement”. If the above is true, and it is true [but how will anyone realise?], the first duty of every real human [there being those who only looked human but are not and once again, how will anyone realise?] is to become one and to realise this state of becoming a fuller/full human, we must realise the spiritual dimension. But how? By believing? Reading? Head banging or chanting? By being Famous, Fortunate or acting Immortal? Are humans that stupid or are we merely dumb. Both, of course, because one is the latency of the other, timing being the reality and not time, Humanity being of Transience/Repetition and not of Permanence/Reference.
    Spirituality is not of effort but of reality. It is who you are and not who you were, who you are going to be or who/what you know. Reality is about the Purity within Desire and not the Desire for Purity, oka Relativity. If only through reading, one becomes a part of Divinity, all the scholars will get “there” first. Similarly, if by visiting to every “Holy Place” in the universe one then gets to become a part of Divinity, the Mighty will get “there” first. Finally, cowering for what is to arrive, if becoming a part of Divinity means just believing because,”Eet sounds soo lovey-dovey, goody-2-s1hoes and right”, then the blind believers will get “there” first. And where is this “there”? At The Final Photoshoot no less. If these sorts of insanities are true, who then is The Divine? Yes, you won’t want to be seen with Divinity then would you – unless you are truly insane.
    When a religion is not Religion but merely the attempt at owning Divinity through man-made schemes befitting the admiration of The Bookie, Truth is then being owned by Viewpoint, an impossibility but tell that to the mad men who are driving all towards the precipice and shouting, “Been there, Done that” in addition to those asking, “Psst, wanna buy an insurance policy”. Yes, from you when you are “down there”. Just give us a shout will ya. Byeee …. Are humans that stupid or are we just the blind-cum-blinded dummy. Not really. It is because we are part vegetation, part animal and part human waiting for our moment of reality, when we become real humans, the ones who do not justify through Fame, Fortune & Immortality. Just like innocence, oka “children” and wisdom, oka “adults” and not mere juveniles ranging from 9 to 90 year old because we happened to define “maturity” as being able to copulate, rationalise and corrupt. My, what a big boy you are. When thre is no real solution, what are we changing for? For the sake of Insincerity, Hypocrisy and Posturing.

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